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Secure Data Storage and Sharing Techniques For Data Protection in Cloud Environments: A Systematic Review, Analysis, and Future Directions

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Received 17 May 2022, accepted 13 June 2022, date of publication 4 July 2022, date of current version 11 July 2022.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3188110

Secure Data Storage and Sharing Techniques for

Data Protection in Cloud Environments:
A Systematic Review, Analysis, and
Future Directions
ISHU GUPTA 1 , (Member, IEEE), ASHUTOSH KUMAR SINGH 2, (Senior Member, IEEE),
1 Cloud Computing Research Center, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung 80424, Taiwan
2 Departmentof Computer Applications, National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra, Kurukshetra 136119, India
3 Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems (CLOUDS) Laboratory, School of Computing and Information Systems, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne,

VIC 3010, Australia

Corresponding author: Ishu Gupta (ishugupta23@gmail.com)
This work was supported in part by the National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan; and in part by the National Institute of
Technology, Kurukshetra, India.

ABSTRACT A large number of researchers, academia, government sectors, and business enterprises are
adopting the cloud environment due to the least upfront capital investment, maximum scalability, and
several other features of it. Despite the multiple features supported by the cloud environment, it also
suffers several challenges. Data protection is the primary concern in the area of information security and
cloud computing. Numerous solutions have been developed to address this challenge. However, there is a
lack of comprehensive analysis among the existing solutions and a necessity emerges to explore, classify,
and analyze the significant existing work for investigating the applicability of these solutions to meet the
requirements. This article presents a comparative and systematic study, and in-depth analysis of leading
techniques for secure sharing and protecting the data in the cloud environment. The discussion about each
dedicated technique includes: functioning for protecting the data, potential and revolutionary solutions in the
domain, the core and adequate information including workflow, achievements, scope, gaps, future directions,
etc. about each solution. Furthermore, a comprehensive and comparative analysis of the discussed techniques
is presented. Afterward, the applicability of the techniques is discussed as per the requirements and the
research gaps along with future directions are reported in the field. The authors believe that this article’s
contribution will operate as a catalyst for the potential researchers to carry out the research work in the area.

INDEX TERMS Cloud computing, data privacy and security, data protection, data storage, data sharing, IoT,
machine learning, cryptography, watermarking, access control, differential privacy, probabilistic approaches.

I. INTRODUCTION revenue, make a building more efficient or be responsible

Data is acknowledged as the most vital asset of an orga- for achieving the targets, and improving the performance [1].
nization because it defines the uniqueness of every enter- Furthermore, storage, analysis, and sharing of data are the
prise. It is the main foundation of information, knowledge, essential services required by any organization to upgrade
and ultimately the wisdom for correct decisions and actions. its performance [2]. However, with the explosive evolution
It might be helping to cure a disease, boost a company’s of data, enormous pressure emerges on the enterprises for
storing the voluminous data locally [3]. Also, it has become
The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and
difficult to explore the data due to limited resources [4].
approving it for publication was Mansoor Ahmed .
Most businesses have shifted to the cloud for these services

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
VOLUME 10, 2022 71247
I. Gupta et al.: Secure Data Storage and Sharing Techniques for Data Protection in Cloud Environments

due to its several advantages such as on-demand service,

scalability, reliability, elasticity, measured services, disaster
recovery, accessibility, and many others [5]. Cloud computing
is a paradigm that enables huge memory space and massive
computation capacity at a low cost. It allows users to obtain
the intended services across multiple platforms irrespective
of location and time and consequently conveys an exten-
sive convenience to the cloud users [6]. By migrating the
local data management system into cloud storage and using
cloud-based services, users can accomplish cost savings and
productivity enhancements to manage projects and establish
collaborations [7]. Therefore, individuals and organizations
are shifting increasingly to the cloud for their multiple ser-
vices [8]. With the growing expansion of cloud computing
technologies, it is not difficult to imagine that almost all the FIGURE 1. Block diagram of sharing environment.
businesses will be switched to the cloud in the foreseeable
future [9].
Despite the multiple features offered by cloud comput-
ing, it encounters several impediments that may obstruct its
fast growth, if not tackled appropriately [10]. Consider a
real implementation, where an enterprise permits its staff or
departments to store and share the data through the cloud.
By exploiting the cloud, the enterprise can be completely
released from the burden of maintaining and storing the
data locally [11], [12]. Nevertheless, it also endures various
security threats, which are the leading concerns of cloud FIGURE 2. Major classification of data protection techniques.

users [13]. Firstly, outsourcing the data to the cloud servers

signifies that the data is out of the users’ control resulting
in discomfort to the users because the outsourced data may solutions that can protect the data efficiently in the sharing
comprehend sensitive and valuable information. Secondly, environment.
data sharing is frequently put into operation in a hostile and A number of models for data protection in the cloud envi-
open environment, and the cloud server turned out to be a ronment have been explored and developed for many applica-
target of attacks. In the worst condition, users’ data may tions. Typically, data protection is achieved through leakage
be revealed by the cloud server itself for illegal profit [14], prevention and leaker detection and this article concentrates
[15]. Furthermore, the data need to be shared among dis- on achieving efficient protection by preventing leakage and
tinct relevant stakeholders, for instance, business partners, detecting the malicious entity responsible for leakage as
employees, customers, etc., interior or exterior of the organi- depicted in Fig. 2. The major approaches for preventing data
zation’s premises for upgrading the performance of the busi- leakage are tailored by utilizing cryptography, access control
ness. However, the recipient party can maltreat this data and mechanisms, and differential privacy with machine learning
disclose it purposefully or inattentively to some unauthorized techniques while leaker detection is mainly achieved through
third party [16], [17]. watermarking and probabilistic techniques.
Fig. 1 represents a sharing environment where the data
owners need to share the organization’s valuable data to A. MOTIVATION
the cloud platform due to the limited storage and compu- It was reported that 83% of the organizational workloads
tational capacity of the enterprises and the multiple bene- has shifted to the cloud platform by 2020 which raised to
fits of clouds. Furthermore, the cloud data is shared with 90% within a year by 2021 [9], [19]. The cloud comput-
multiple users as per different requirements for its utility ing industry is forecast to rise with a 14.6% compound
purpose. However, the recipient party may leak the data annual rate of growth to become a $300 billion industry
after obtaining it. The data can be leaked by the involved by 2022 as of $188 billion in 2018 [20], [21]. Addition-
parties or may steal by the unauthorized party through illegal ally, the connected IoT devices will reach 75 billion by
access. Data leakage or loss may induce a severe threat to 2025 which is 3 times the increment from 2019. IoT is
the organization’s confidentiality. It can diminish the value of the future and everything will continue to become more
shareholders, decline the firm’s rank and status, and destruct connected through technology that uses cloud services [22].
the enterprise’s goodwill and reputation [18]. As the data The data sharing and on-demand cloud access features of
is an important asset of an organization, thus it is essen- cloud computing have significantly reduced the data man-
tial to keep this asset secure. There arises a necessity for agement cost while increasing the storage flexibility as

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I. Gupta et al.: Secure Data Storage and Sharing Techniques for Data Protection in Cloud Environments

well as capacity [23], [24]. Despite that, it also sustains B. OUR CONTRIBUTION
a crucial security threat to data confidentiality [25]. Pre- The main contributions of the article are summarized as
cisely, the cloud users can not fully trust the Cloud Service follows:
Providers (CSPs) since the stored data files in the cloud may 1) This work reviews the major and significant existing
be confidential and sensitive [26]. Moreover, the data owners techniques for data protection through secure sharing
have serious concerns after sharing the data with the cloud in the cloud environment.
due to the unavoidable loss of control over the data which 2) We provide the following-mentioned details about each
clears the way for unauthorized data access [27]. Therefore, of the technique (a) how it works for data protection and
the security and privacy of sensitive data have become a major (b) the qualitative, outstanding, and primary solutions
preoccupation for cloud users while using cloud computing in the area. Furthermore, we present the potential and
services. valuable information like the working, implementation
Also, the number of data leakage events together with environment, achievement, scope of the given model,
the cost endured as a consequence of these leakages con- etc., about each discussed solution in the tabular format
tinuing to escalate is a serious matter of concern [28], [29]. to easily grab the core of the method along with its
According to Risk Based Security’s (RBS) report, almost applications.
22 billion data records have been disclosed within a single 3) A comparative and comprehensive analysis of the dis-
year 2021 surprisingly that is further expected to increase by cussed techniques are performed and exposed in a
5% in 2022 [28]. The global average total cost of a data breach concise form. Furthermore, it is investigated which
has reached $4.24 million in the year 2021 as per the IBM technique is best suited as per the requirements.
annual security report conducted by the Poneman institute
which is the highest in the past 17 years [29]. Because of C. ORGANIZATION OF THE PAPER
COVID-19, the average cost of a data breach is increased by Sections II to VI analyze the cryptography, access control,
$1.07 million due to remote work [22]. As a consequence, differential privacy with machine learning, watermarking,
the data leakage problem is increasing day by day and it and probability techniques individually. Each section elabo-
needs to be addressed. Thus, data protection has become rates the following descriptions of the designated technique
a challenging task in the area of information security and (A) the functioning of the technique with the help of a block
cloud computing. There is a need for robust mechanisms that diagram for protecting the data in the cloud environment
can address the existing problem effectively. The emerged (B) the remarkable contribution which is relevant and jus-
challenge can be significantly overcome by preventing data tifiable to identify the work done and the research gaps in
leakage and recognizing the malicious entity that provokes the domain (C) the core information about every described
data leakage. Several approaches have been discovered to solution is summarized and presented in a tabulated form for
protect the data in a cloud environment. Although a num- the ease of grabbing the necessary and sufficient details to
ber of substantial solutions have been presented to mitigate carry out the further work. Section VII accomplishes a com-
the existing challenges in the domain, there arises a need parative analysis among the discussed technique and exposes
to perform a systematic study of the existing solutions in the optimality of techniques as per the circumstances. Finally,
order to find the applicability of these solutions as per the the conclusion of the analysis performed and future remarks
applications. Motivated by the significance and requirement are reported in section VIII.
for a better understanding of the current trends for sharing the
data securely in the area of cloud computing, we present this II. CRYPTOGRAPHY BASED MODELS
analysis. For this purpose, a global level study is conducted Let Eτ is the set of entities to be encrypted, SK , PB K ,
and exhibited in this manuscript with the descriptions of the and PV K are the sets of secret, public, and private keys for
foremost techniques of data protection for the wide spectrum, encryption and decryption then the symmetric cryptography
easiness in obtaining related and eminent state-of-art existing technique maps 8e : Eτ ×SK → Eτ∗ and 9d : Eτ∗ ×SK → Eτ
solutions, their research gaps, future directions along with such that 9d 8e (Eτ , Sk ) = Eτ and the asymmetric cryptogra-
subsequent feasible solutions. The authors have first defined phy technique maps 8e : Eτ × PB K → Eτ∗ and 9d : Eτ∗ ×
the general mechanism followed by provisioning in-depth PV K → Eτ such that 9d 8e (Eτ , PBk ) = Eτ ∀ Eτ ∈ Eτ ,
detail and analysis of a particular technique with the aim Sk ∈ SK , PBk ∈ PB K , PVk ∈ PV K where Eτ∗ ∈ Eτ∗ is the
of better understanding the concept and furnishing all the set of encrypted documents.
essential information conjointly for acquiring knowledge in The symmetric cryptography technique (Eτ , Eτ∗ , SK ,
the area. The relevant solutions of every individual technique, 8e , 9d ) consists of three functions is defined as-
their merits, and scope are reported and further, analysis is
 The key generator function Kgen (CG) as shown in
performed to explore the relevancy of each technique as per
Eq. (1) generates a key Sk for the given security
the scenario. It is reckoned this article will contribute as
a foundation for the emerging applications demanding data factor S F .
protection. Sk = Kgen (CG) ∀ Sk ∈ SK (1)

VOLUME 10, 2022 71249

I. Gupta et al.: Secure Data Storage and Sharing Techniques for Data Protection in Cloud Environments

 The encryption function 8e : Eτ × Sk → Eτ∗ takes

the original entity Eτ and the key Sk as an input and
generates an encrypted entity Eτ∗ as given in Eq. (2).

Eτ∗ = 8e (Eτ , Sk ) ∀ Eτ ∈ Eτ ∧ Sk ∈ SK ∧ Eτ∗ ∈ Eτ∗


 The decryption function 9d : Eτ∗ × Sk → Eτ generates

the original entity Eτ as output by considering the con-
ceivably encrypted entity Eτ∗ and the key Sk as an input FIGURE 3. Birds-eye view of cryptography based models.
as depicted in Eq. (3).

Eτ = 9d (Eτ∗ , Sk ) ∀ Eτ∗ ∈ Eτ∗ ∧ Sk ∈ SK ∧ Eτ ∈ Eτ

data. Al-Haj et al. [31] provided the two crypto-based algo-
(3) rithms to provide confidentiality, integrity, and authentic-
ity to the data. They introduced a cryptographic function
The asymmetric cryptography technique (Eτ , Eτ∗ , PB K ,
by using the hash code and symmetric keys to protect the
PV K , 8e , 9d ) consists of three functions is defined as-
data. The integrity and authenticity are provisioned by apply-
 The key generator function Kgen (CG) given in Eq. (4)
ing the elliptic curve digital signature algorithm. Addition-
generates the keys PBk and PVk for the given security ally, the advanced encryption standard-Galois counter mode
factor S F . is used with the whirlpool hash function to support authentic-
PBk , PVk = Kgen (CG) ∀ PBk ∈ PB K ∧ PVk ∈ PV K ity and confidentiality.
Liang et al. suggested a Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based
(4) Proxy Re-Encryption Scheme for the secure sharing of
 The encryption function 8e : Eτ × PBk → Eτ∗ takes cloud data [32]. An enhancement of re-encryption and
the original entity Eτ and the key PBk as an input and re-encryption key generation phases is introduced which min-
generates an encrypted entity Eτ∗ as depicted in Eq. (5). imized the communication and computational cost. A data
owner is authorized in the scheme to assign the access rights
Eτ∗ = 8e (Eτ , PBk ) ∀ Eτ ∈ Eτ ∧ PBk ∈ PB K ∧ Eτ∗ ∈ Eτ∗ of the encrypted data stored on a cloud system to others.
(5) A file hierarchy attribute-based encryption scheme is pro-
posed by Wang et al. in [15] for securing the data in the cloud
 The decryption function 9d : Eτ∗ × PVk → Eτ generates environment. This scheme used an access structure layered
the original entity Eτ as output by considering the con- model to unravel the issue of sharing various hierarchical files
ceivably encrypted entity Eτ∗ and the key PVk as an input and also demonstrated the protection of the file hierarchy-
as shown in Eq. (6). ciphertext policy-attribute based encryption (FH-CP-ABE)
scheme which can effectively hinder the chosen plaintext
Eτ = 9d (Eτ∗ , PVk ) ∀ Eτ∗ ∈ Eτ∗ ∧ PVk ∈ PV K ∧ Eτ ∈ Eτ attacks (CPA) under the assumption of Decisional Bilinear
(6) Diffie-Hellman (DBDH). The results showed that the cost
of storage and complexity of computation is less in terms
The building block of the cryptography technique is of encryption and decryption as compared to CP-ABE. The
demonstrated in Fig. 3. Documents D = {D1 , D2 , . . . , Dn } disadvantage of this scheme is that the computation cost is
are secured by encrypting it with the help of individual keys increased dynamically when the common attributes and an
K = {K1 , K2 , . . . , Kn } relatively and generated encrypted integrated ciphertext are desirable to be computed only once
documents DE = {DE1 , DE2 , . . . , DEn } are passed to multi- by the data owner.
ple stakeholders. The receiving party decrypts the acquired Liu et al. [33] proposed a fair data access control scheme
encrypted documents DE = {DE1 , DE2 , . . . , DEn } by using the for cloud storage. In the scheme, a fair key reconstruction is
shared keys K = {K1 , K2 , . . . , Kn } and obtains the plain performed to resist the access of shared data and none of the
documents D = {D1 , D2 , . . . , Dn }. These documents are users exchanged their shares. A large number of fake keys
used by the receiving party after decrypting it. are generated in the proposed scheme for obfuscating the
Kao et al. [30] presented a user-centric key management decryption key of the shared data. Theoretical analysis of this
scheme named uCloud to protect the cloud. In uCloud, scheme showed that all the shares are always contributed by
the data of users is indirectly encrypted through RSA by their corresponding users which enables them to reconstruct
utilizing users’ public keys. The users’ private keys are the fair decryption key each time. Moreover, the perfor-
stored on the users’ mobile devices instead of users’ PCs mance evaluation demonstrated that the computation delay
or servers. Furthermore, the two-dimensional (2D) barcode and communication costs are reduced, but the authentication
images are exploited to express the users’ private keys which scheme was not efficient in the scheme. A CP-ABE scheme
are further employed for the decryption of users’ sensitive is proposed by Liu et al. in [34] to reduce the computation

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cost of heavy decryption at the user end which increases III. ACCESS CONTROL BASED MODELS
with respect to the complexity of access policy. This system The Access Control Mechanism ACM allows controlled
facilitated decryption outsourcing, revocation attributes, and exposure of the confidential data to the authorized entity
policy updating while attributes of the user are changed. The based on data type, user type, user’s privileges, and permis-
rigorous tests are implemented to analyze the performance of sions. An Access Control Policy (ACP) is defined for data
the proposed scheme which is measured in terms of storage distribution among users. ACP consists of a tuple (D, U, G)
overhead and processing power, however, it lacks in terms of where D refers to a set of data objects D1 , D2 , . . . , Dn to be
privacy protection. distributed, U denotes a set of users U1 , U2 , . . . , Um , and G
For mobile cloud computing, a lightweight data shar- is an expression or a set of expression that decide which Di
ing scheme (LDSS) is proposed by Li et al. [6]. LDSS can be accessed by which Uj or which Di can be allocated to
enhanced the structure of the access control tree by adopt- which Uj or Uj is allowed to access which Di . ACP can vary
ing the CP-ABE scheme to stimulate the mechanism appli- depending upon the situations and applications.
cable for mobile cloud environments. A large portion of ACM provides the information flow control and is suitable
the computation is displaced to external proxy servers from for any organization if access rights and data classification are
mobile devices in this scheme. The overhead on the side properly established. Without a proper definition of access
of the mobile device is reduced in LDSS when the data rights, it cannot be decided whether or not the data D is
is shared by the users in the mobile cloud environments. being accessed by a legitimate Uj . It is important to be
Zaghloul et al. proposed a Privilege-based Multilevel Orga- able to distinguish between U1 , U2 , . . . , Um based on their
nizational Data-sharing (P-MOD) scheme in [2]. In P-MOD, type, privileges, and permissions for an effective ACM . There
the attribute-based encryption mechanism is strengthened must be predefined user privileges and data secrecy levels to
by incorporating a privilege-based access structure into it work properly. Access is normally granted to Uj with cre-
to operate the sharing and management of big data sets dentials that meet the organization’s policy. Fig. 4 represents
effectively. It is demonstrated by the experimental analysis a conventional model for access control mechanism. Three
that the P-MOD is more efficient in comparison to both users U1 , U2 , U3 send the request through the internet for
CP-ABE [35] and FH-CP-ABE [15] schemes for a hierarchi- the six documents D1 , D2 , . . . , D6 . An access control policy
cal organization with many levels to perform the encryption is applied based on the users attributes, data attributes, and
and decryption and generate the keys. Also, the cumula- other essential factors; and a subset of data for which the
tive total of operations is minimized in the P-MOD scheme users Uj qualify is transferred among U1 , U2 , U3 through the
compared to the hierarchical schemes HABE [36], [37] and internet. Where U1 , U2 , U3 receives the dataset {D1 , D2 , D6 },
FH-CP-ABE [15]. {D1 , D4 , D5 }, and {D3 , D4 , D5 } respectively.
Li et al. [8] presented a Linear Secret Sharing Scheme Nabeel and Bertino proposed a privacy-preserving policy-
(LSSS) matrix access structure based an effectual CP-ABE based content sharing scheme in public clouds [54]. The
scheme to update the file dynamically and improve the effi- approach utilized a privacy-preserving attribute-based key
ciency of the policy in the cloud environment. The objec- management scheme that protects the privacy of users while
tive of the scheme is to resist the selected plaintext attacks enforcing attribute-based ACPs. The data owner performs
(CPA), and reduce the storage consumption of the proxy coarse-grained encryption, whereas the cloud performs fine-
cloud service provider (PCSP), the communication expense, grained encryption on top of the owner encrypted data to
and the computing cost of the data owner. The theoretical minimize the overhead at the data owners while assuring data
analysis and experimental simulation of the proposed scheme confidentiality from the cloud. For the dynamic members in
showed that it has outperformed Policy Update CP-ABE [38] the cloud, a secure data sharing scheme is presented in [27].
in terms of effective handling of the policy changes and The users can securely obtain their private keys due to the
file updates. To ensure the data confidentiality and pro- verification of their public keys. Revoked users cannot get the
tect the personal privacy of the user, a privacy-preserving original data even if they conspire with the untrusted cloud to
scheme of the hidden access policy CP-ABE (HP-CP-ABE) secure the scheme against collusion attacks. Previous users
schemes with an efficient authority verification is proposed have no need to update their private keys when a new user
by Zhang et al. [13]. In this approach, an authority detec- joins or a user is revoked from the group to support dynamic
tion mechanism to verify the authorized user and complete groups.
the decryption process is designed. This scheme obtained A threshold multi-authority CP-ABE access control
a private key of the constant size which is independent of scheme TMACS is provided in [23] for public cloud
the number of user’s attributes. Though transmission and storage in which multiple authorities jointly manage a
storage costs are decreased by this approach, it is realized as uniform attribute set. A combination of the traditional
a weak security model because it supports the AND policy multi-authority scheme and TMACS scheme is employed
only. A thumbnail of relevant models based on the cryp- to handle the attributes set as well as achieve security
tography technique comprising potential details is portrayed and system-level robustness in which attributes coming
in Table 1. from different authority sets and multiple authorities in

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I. Gupta et al.: Secure Data Storage and Sharing Techniques for Data Protection in Cloud Environments

TABLE 1. A capsulization of cryptography based models.

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TABLE 1. (Continued.) A capsulization of cryptography based models.

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I. Gupta et al.: Secure Data Storage and Sharing Techniques for Data Protection in Cloud Environments

TABLE 1. (Continued.) A capsulization of cryptography based models.

an authority-set jointly maintain a subset of the whole groups and on-demand services by 1) defining and enforcing
attribute set. access policies based on the data attributes; 2) permitting
A hierarchical access control system is designed in [17] the key generation center to update user credentials, and
that provides inheritance of authorization to reduce the bur- 3) allowing computation tasks to be performed by untrusted
den and risk in the case of a single authority. The scheme CSPs without requiring any delegation key.
adopts CP-ABE with the constant-size ciphertext to solve A time and attribute factors combined access control
the linear dependency of ciphertext size on the number of on time-sensitive data for public cloud storage (TAFC)
attributes and maintains the size of ciphertext and the com- method is proposed in [57] by embedding Timed-Release
putation of encryption and decryption at a constant value Encryption (TRE) into Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-based
which reduces the extra overhead of space storage, data Encryption (CP-ABE). This scheme provides data owners
transmission, and computation. Ali et al. [55] proposed a with the capability to flexibly release the access privilege to
security scheme for outsourced data to the cloud (DaSCE) different users at different times according to a well-defined
that provides (a) key management (b) access control, and access policy over attributes and release time. Table 2 outlines
(c) file assured deletion. The scheme utilizes Shamir’s thresh- the considerable models relying on access control involving
old scheme to manage the keys. Access control is enforced the vital descriptions.
to both data and key through the validity of policies and
mutual authentication between the client and key managers, IV. DIFFERENTIAL PRIVACY WITH MACHINE LEARNING
and client and cloud. Assured deletion is based on policies BASED MODELS
associated with the data file uploaded to the cloud. A mechanism MN : D → Range (MN ) satisfies
Almutairi et al. [56] presented virtual resource manage- -differential privacy if for any possible output OP ∈
ment methodologies for a cloud environment by designing Range (MN ) and every pair Di , D0i ∈ D distinct in only one
Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) policy that minimizes record as depicted in Eq. (7) where Pb denotes the probability
the threat of data exposure. The concept of sensitivity is and ê signifies the exponent.
utilized in multi-tenant data centers in terms of the degree of
Pb [MN (Di ) = OP ] ≤ ê · Pb [MN (D0i ) = OP ] (7)
data sharing among tenants. Limited sharing implies a high
sensitivity data center and high sharing of data means a low Differential privacy with machine learning aims to pro-
sensitivity data center. Xu et al. [26] proposed a fine-grained tect sensitive information by making the outputs of different
access control and data sharing scheme for dynamic user queries differing in at most one record indistinguishable.

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FIGURE 4. Schematic representation of access control based models.

-differential privacy is a popular approach to privacy protec- in Eq. (9).

tion for machine learning algorithms on data sets where  > 0
Eτ∗ = 8∗e (Eτ , NG ) ∀ Eτ ∈ Eτ ∧ NG ∈ NG ∧ Eτ∗ ∈ Eτ∗
is a real number and predefined privacy parameter. It controls
how much information is disclosed about an individual’s data (9)
through statistical analysis and computation. The lesser the  The noise extraction function 9d∗ : Eτ∗ → NG extracts
value of , the more powerful is privacy protection. The the embedded noise NG as an outcome by explor-
main idea of -Differential privacy in machine learning is ing the conceivably noised entity Eτ∗ as an input given
to learn a simple rule automatically from the distributional in Eq. (10).
information of the data set at hand without revealing too much
about any single individual in the data set. Fig. 5 depicts a NG = 9d∗ (Eτ∗ ) ∀ Eτ∗ ∈ Eτ∗ ∧ NG ∈ NG (10)
conventional example of privacy-preserving machine learn- Yonetani et al. developed a Doubly Permuted Homo-
ing. The documents D1 , D2 , . . . , Dn of various types are morphic Encryption (DPHE) based privacy-preserving
protected through -differential privacy and made private mechanism [65] that enabled the multi-party protected scalar
followed by the machine learning to classify D1 , D2 , . . . , Dn . product and reduced the high computational cost. The exper-
The -differential privacy is applied over D1 , D2 , . . . , Dn imental evaluation proved that the envisioned method is
where the statistical noises are embedded with the documents capable of achieving better performance in comparison with
for preserving their privacy. Afterward, computation is per- the state-of-the-art visual recognition approaches. The major
formed over D1 , D2 , . . . , Dn through machine learning that disadvantage of DPHE is that at an instant, it supported
classify these documents in their appropriate categories one operation only i.e. either multiplication or addition.
{A, B, C, D}. Hesamifard et al. [66] proposed a framework named Cryp-
Let Eτ is the set of entities to be applied differential privacy, toDL in which remedies are provided for employing deep
NG ∈ R is the set of generated noise that has to be embedded neural network algorithms over encrypted data. They devel-
within the documents then the differential privacy technique oped a theoretical basis for the implementation of deep neural
maps 8∗e : Eτ × NG → Eτ∗ and 9d∗ : Eτ∗ → NG such that network algorithms in the encrypted domain. Additionally,
9d∗ 8∗e (Eτ , NG ) = NG ∀ Eτ ∈ Eτ and ∀ NG ∈ NG . The a neural network technique is established within the practical
differential privacy technique can be represented as a tuple limitations of current homomorphic encryption schemes.
(Eτ , Eτ∗ , NG ) comprises of three functions that are delineated Although the scheme operates adequately for securing pri-
as- vate data, the attention is not drawn to the requirement of
 The noise generator function Ngen (DP) generates noise protecting private data through multiple keys from individual
NG for the given security factor S F as shown in Eq. (8). data owners.
Li et al. [67] introduced a privacy-conserving outsourced
NG = Ngen (DP) ∀ NG ∈ NG (8)
classification in cloud computing (POCC) framework under
 The noise embedding function 8∗e : Eτ × NG → Eτ∗ various public keys. To assure the confidentiality of sensi-
takes the original entity Eτ and the generated noise NG tive data without leakage, they applied a fully homomor-
as an input and generates a noised entity Eτ∗ as depicted phic encryption proxy technique. But the data owner and

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I. Gupta et al.: Secure Data Storage and Sharing Techniques for Data Protection in Cloud Environments

TABLE 2. A Capsulization of access control based models.

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I. Gupta et al.: Secure Data Storage and Sharing Techniques for Data Protection in Cloud Environments

TABLE 2. (Continued.) A Capsulization of access control based models.

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I. Gupta et al.: Secure Data Storage and Sharing Techniques for Data Protection in Cloud Environments

the storage servers are considered to lie in the equivalent V. WATERMARKING BASED MODELS
trustworthy area despite the fact that the storage servers Let Eτ is the set of entities that have to be watermarked, WK
are completely trusted. However, in cloud computing, this is the set of keys used for watermarking, and WM is the set
assumption is no longer applicable because both the data of all feasible watermarks comprises the information that the
owner and database servers are very likely to be within differ- owner wants to embed such that WM ⊆ {0, 1}+ then the
ent domains. Li et al. [68] proposed a scheme for a classifier watermarking technique maps φ̆e : Eτ × WM → Eτ and
owner to delegate a remote server to provide the privacy- δ̆d : Eτ → WM such that δ̆d φ̆e (Eτ , Wm ) = Wm ∀ Eτ ∈ Eτ
preserving classification service for users. They designed and ∀ Wm ∈ WM .
efficient classification protocols for two concrete classifiers The symmetric watermarking technique (Eτ , Eτ∗ , WK ,
i.e. Naive Bayes and hyperplane decision-based. The exper- WM , W∗M , φ̆e , δ̆d ) composed of three functions that are out-
iments were conducted on the LAN server over testing lined as-
datasets from the UCI Machine Learning Repository. A draw-  The key generator function Kgen (WM ) generates a key
back of this scheme is that it involves frequent interactions of Wk for the given security factor S F as shown in Eq. (11).
the users while launching a classification query. Li et al. [69]
proposed a Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning with Mul- Wk = Kgen (WM ) ∀ Wk ∈ WK (11)
tiple Data Providers (PMLM) scheme to defend the privacy
 The watermark embedding function φ̆e : Eτ × Wk ×
of the data sets. They used public-key encryption with a
Wm → Eτ∗ takes the original entity Eτ , the key Wk , and
double decryption algorithm (DD-PKE) and -differential
the watermark Wm as an input and generates a water-
privacy to encrypt the data sets of different data providers
marked entity Eτ∗ as depicted in Eq. (12).
and the cloud respectively. The experiments are conducted
under diverse classical machine learning algorithms to show Eτ∗ = φ̆e (Eτ , Wk , Wm )
the performance of the protocol. However, the computational ∀ Eτ ∈ Eτ ∧ Wk ∈ WK ∧ Wm ∈ WM ∧ Eτ∗ ∈ Eτ∗
cost is high in the proposed solution as a consequence of its
dependency upon integer factorization.
A scheme is developed by Gao et al. in [70] to pre-  The watermark detection function δ̆d : Eτ∗ × Wk × Eτ →
vent information disclosure against the substitution-then- W∗m extracts the watermark W∗m as output by taking into
comparison (STC) attack. They adopted a double-blinding account the conceivably watermarked entity Eτ∗ , the key
strategy and designed a functional privacy-preserving clas- Wk , and the original entity Eτ as an input given in
sification mechanism for the Naive Bayes classifier to pro- Eq. (13).
tect data privacy. Most of the computations were performed
offline phase in the server to reduce the overhead of online W∗m = δ̆d (Eτ∗ , Wk , Eτ )
computation and communication. However, their approach ∀ Eτ∗ ∈ Eτ∗ ∧ Wk ∈ WK ∧ Eτ ∈ Eτ ∧ W∗m ∈ W∗M
has failed to achieve the discovery of truth that protects pri- (13)
vacy. A data protection scheme for privacy-preserving Naive
Bayes learning over data, contributed by multiple providers is Then we require a similarity function ξ depicted in Eq. (14)
proposed by Li et al. [71] which enabled the training of Naive that takes the two objects Wm and W∗m to be compared and
Bayes classifier over the dataset, which is provided jointly by returns h if the two objects are identified as similar and i
different data owners. The result of the training was achieved otherwise.
-differential privacy while the training will not break each
h, Wm , W∗m are similar
owner’s privacy. In this approach, collusions are allowed and ξ (Wm , Wm ) =

i, otherwise
adversaries had the ability to forge and manipulate the data.
Ma et al. [24] provided a Privacy-Preserving Deep Learn- A robust watermarking should satisfy the following
ing (PDLM) method for addressing the issue of train- properties-
ing the model over the encrypted data under multiple  Imperceptibility: Eτ
∗ ← φ̆e (Eτ , Wk , Wm ) ⇒
keys. The proposed mechanism trains the model based on ξ (Eτ , Eτ ) = h ∀ Eτ ∈ Eτ , ∀ Wk ∈ WK and ∀ Wm ∈

stochastic gradient descent (SGD) and performs the feed- WM which means the original entity Eτ and the water-
forward and back-propagation procedure based on an effi- marked entity Eτ∗ are similar.
cient privacy-preserving calculation toolkit. This scheme  Effectiveness: Eτ
∗ ← φ̆ (E , W , W ) ⇒ δ̆ (E ∗ ,
e τ k m d τ
reduced the overhead of the storage and computational Wk , Eτ ) = Wm such that ξ (Wm , W∗m ) = h ∀ Eτ ∈

complexity. The experimental evaluation showed that the Eτ , ∀ Wk ∈ WK and ∀ Wm ∈ WM . It specifies that
classification model offered very little accuracy and high if the watermark Wm is embedded by applying the key
computation cost. A discussion incorporating the signifi- Wk then an identical watermark should be detected by
cant information about the expressive models referring to exploiting the same key Wk . In other words, we can say,
differential privacy with machine learning is presented in embedded watermark Wm and extracted watermark W∗m
Table 3. should be similar.

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I. Gupta et al.: Secure Data Storage and Sharing Techniques for Data Protection in Cloud Environments

FIGURE 5. Standard model for differential privacy with machine learning.

 Robustness: For a watermark entity Eτ∗ = φ̆e (Eτ , Wk , mark securely in the relational data via framing the water-
Wm ) where Eτ ∈ Eτ , Wk ∈ WK and Wm ∈ WM , marking in the form of a confined optimization case [75]. For
there does not exist any polynomial time antago- this purpose, pattern search (PS) techniques in conjunction
nist that can compute an Eτ∗∗ ∈ Eτ given Eτ∗ with genetic algorithms (GAs) are employed as well as data
and Wm such that ξ (Eτ∗ , Eτ∗∗ ) = h and W∗∗ m = partitioning and threshold-based techniques are presented.
δ̆d (Eτ∗∗ , Wk , Eτ ) but ξ (Wm , W∗∗
m ) = i which means it The watermarks are embedded repeatedly and to enhance the
should not be possible to change or remove the water- watermark resilience, multiple attributes along with majority
mark Wm by any antagonist effectively without crack- voting techniques were utilized for the watermark decoding
ing the similarity i.e without interpreting the entity phase. The performance evaluation showed that the technique
inoperable. is resilient to tuple insertion, alteration as well as deletion
attacks, and watermark synchronization errors due to the
Fig. 6 depicts the basic components involved in the process of employment of a partitioning approach where marker tuples
watermarking technique. Data D = {D1 , D2 , . . . , Dn } can be are not demanded.
classified into various forms such as text, image, audio, video, A mobile agent-based approach is developed in [76] for the
relational, etc. A watermark Wm is implanted in Di using the identification of potential information leakage by automating
watermark embedding process depending upon the category the process of coloring and detecting the file systems of
of Di and the watermark W∗m is extracted using the watermark receptive hosts as well as monitoring the colored file sys-
extraction process as per the category of Di . tems. The detection capabilities are modularised and con-
A technique is developed in [73] for fingerprinting ditionally employed at the authority of a central control
relational data by extending the watermarking scheme mechanism. The distributed reporting potential of mobile
given in [74]. A multi-bit watermark is combined with a agent networks can perform future analyses of information
collusion-resistant code. The arbitrary bit-string marks can leakage. Kumar et al. [77] introduced an approach based on
be embedded in the relations as well as detected by the watermarking that utilized the Bell-La Padula model for
scheme. For the robustness properties of the scheme, the ensuring security via providing access control in the cloud
quantitative models are presented which demonstrated that environment. The approach embedded the client ID in the
the scheme is capable of detecting the embedded fingerprints document whenever the cloud data is shared among the users.
against extensive kinds of attacks including collusion attacks. The guilty party is detected by extracting the embedded
A scheme is provided for embedding the intangible water- client ID from the discovered document. The model provides

VOLUME 10, 2022 71259

I. Gupta et al.: Secure Data Storage and Sharing Techniques for Data Protection in Cloud Environments

TABLE 3. A capsulization of differential privacy with machine learning based models.

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I. Gupta et al.: Secure Data Storage and Sharing Techniques for Data Protection in Cloud Environments

TABLE 3. (Continued.) A capsulization of differential privacy with machine learning based models.

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I. Gupta et al.: Secure Data Storage and Sharing Techniques for Data Protection in Cloud Environments

TABLE 3. (Continued.) A capsulization of differential privacy with machine learning based models.

security against the data leakage problem and is cost-effective A generic framework called Lineage In Malicious Envi-
in the context of space and time. However, the scheme is ronment (LIME) based on data lineage is proposed by
unproductive in an environment where the data objects are Backes et al. in [79] to protect the data in the vicious envi-
frequently accessed by multiple users. A technique that uses ronment through the identification of the culprit entity. In this
curvelet transforms is presented in [78] to hide patient infor- scheme, data is shared among multiple entities that can be
mation into their ECG signal. Curvelet transform decomposes either owners or consumers. To preserve the data in the
the ECG signal into frequency sub-bands. A quantization malicious environment, a liable data transfer protocol is
approach is used to embed patient data into the coefficients developed between the involved party via utilizing a robust
whose values are around zero, in the high-frequency sub- combination of watermarking, signature primitives, and
bands. The experimental analysis proved that compared with oblivious transfer techniques. This method considers the
the method which chooses random locations for the water- probable data leakage and the associated impediments at the
mark, the proposed method performs better. design stage. The execution times are measured for distinct

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I. Gupta et al.: Secure Data Storage and Sharing Techniques for Data Protection in Cloud Environments

both the remote data integrity auditing and the files stored
in the cloud are able to be shared and used by others on
the condition that sensitive information is hidden in cloud
A Genetic Algorithm and Histogram Shifting Water-
marking (GAHSW) based reversible database watermarking
technique is proposed in [87] to maximize the robustness
and minimize distortion of the numerical relational database.
In this approach watermarking is embedded by applying
GA to select the best secret key for grouping the database.
GAHSW causes less distortion and improves the robustness
of watermarking as compared to state-of-the-art approaches
in terms of robustness against malicious attacks and preserva-
tion of data quality. However, this approach is only applicable
to a numerical database. A secure and robust digital text
watermarking technique is proposed in [88] to provide copy-
right protection for text documents on local and cloud com-
puting paradigms with the help of data mining techniques.
FIGURE 6. Key components of watermarking based models. This technique is applied to find suitable properties from the
document for embedding the watermark. The proposed tech-
phases named watermarking, detection, oblivious transfer, nique has attained a high level of imperceptibility where Peak
encryption, and signature creation of the protocol. The frame- Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) values are between 64.67%
work is applied to the data leakage scenarios of social net- and 71.03%, and similarity (SIM) percentage is between
works and data outsourcing. However, the proposed model 99.92% and 99.99%.
cannot prevent the data from unauthorized access. The model For the protection of medical images, Haddad et al. [89]
can be extended to design the data leakage detection mech- presented a joint watermarking-encryption-compression
anisms for divergent scenarios and types of documents. The (JWEC) scheme which has the ability to give access to
work provides future guidance in designing a verifiable lin- watermarking-based security services from both encrypted
eage protocol for derived data. and compressed image bit-streams. This scheme combines
A solution that uses role- and attribute-based access control the bit-substitution watermarking with JPEG-LS and the AES
for data exchange among services, including services hosted block cipher algorithm in its cipher block chaining (CBC)
by untrusted environments is presented in [80] for privacy- mode, in a single operation performed on the entire image.
preserving data exchange, data leakage detection, and pre- The result demonstrates that watermark capacities are capable
vention. The methodology employs Active Bundles (AB) that enough to support watermarking-based security services at
contain key-value pairs with values in encrypted form; meta- the same time. A separable robust reversible watermarking in
data; access control policies and a policy enforcement engine. encrypted 2D vector graphics is proposed by Peng et al. [90]
The active bundle mechanism provides data integrity and proposed to accomplish robust watermark extraction in plain-
confidentiality and protects the data from malicious/curious text as well as encrypted domain. In this scheme, a watermark
cloud administrators. Implementation demonstrated that the mapping based on the polar coordinate system, hash-based
data leakage detection mechanism imposes a 60.8% per- message authentication code (HMAC), and erasure coding
formance overhead. Amini et al. [81] proposed a statistical is built, which, achieves better invisibility and robustness
watermark detector for color images based on the Hid- against normal operations and malicious attacks compared
den Markov Model (HMM) to legitimate and secure online with the existing methods. It is the first work reported on
image transactions with a high detection rate. The HMM reversible watermarking in encrypted 2D vector graphics that
is used to trace the inter-channel dependencies among the can extract watermark in both domains but the attack to the
contourlet coefficients of the color images. The superiority of reference vertex may fail the data extraction. Table 4 ana-
the method against state-of-the-art methods [82]–[86] includ- lyzes the remarkable models adapted from the watermarking
ing Power-exponential [83], Cauchy [84], and Generalized technique coupled with imperative details.
Gaussian distributions [82] is confirmed by the experimental
An identity-based remote data integrity auditing approach VI. PROBABILITY BASED MODELS
is given by Shen et al. in [4] to conserve the integrity and The probability technique assesses the likelihood that an
protect the storage of sensitive information in the cloud. For agent Uj ∈ U is accountable for exposing the given leaked
this purpose, the integrity of files is verified through the use of data set L based on the overlap of his data with the leaked
signatures, and the cloud data is shared among multiple par- data and the data of other agents and based on the probability
ties while hiding sensitive information. This method realized that objects can be guessed by other means.

VOLUME 10, 2022 71263

I. Gupta et al.: Secure Data Storage and Sharing Techniques for Data Protection in Cloud Environments

Since the agents U1 , U2 , . . . , Um have some of the data, sitivity. The scheme evaluated the sensitivity level of data
it is reasonable to suspect them leaking the data. However, which is revealed among the insiders, for diminishing the data
the agents can argue that they are innocent, and leaked data misuse as well as data leakage incidents in the database sys-
are obtained by the target through other means. For example, tem. Furthermore, the scheme estimated the insider’s ability
say that one of the objects in L represents a customer Z . to exploit the sensitive data maliciously and also predicted
Perhaps Z is also a customer of some other company, and the possibility of damage that could be resulting from the
that company provided the data to the target. Or perhaps Z data leakage. A method is presented by Kumar et al. [105]
can be reconstructed from various publicly available sources to secure the data from unauthorized use. The allocation
on the web. The more data in L, the harder it is for the agents strategies are introduced that operate on account of no wait
to argue they did not leak anything. Similarly, the rarer the prototype and increase the chances of identifying the guilty
objects, the harder it is to argue that the target obtained them party. The likelihood is assessed whether an individual agent
through other means. For instance, if one of the L objects was culpable for leaking a dataset or not.
was only given to agent U1 , while the other objects were For preventing the data leakage, a file distribution model
given to all agents, we may suspect U1 more. To compute is proposed by Fan et al. [106] which plans file allocation
the probability, an estimate for the probability that values in L so as to minimize the overlapping between the received file
can be guessed by the target is required. For instance, say that sets of agents. Consequently, the model is proficient in dis-
some of the objects in L are e-mails of individuals. We can covering the origin of leakage with a large probability. The
conduct an experiment and ask a person with approximately performance analysis revealed that the model is capable of
the expertise and resources of the target to find the e-mail detecting the sources of leakage as well as distinguishing the
of, say, 100 individuals. If this person can find, say, 90 e- vicious agents efficiently. However, the achieved parameters
mails, then we can reasonably guess that the probability of are not compared with its baseline state-of-the-art distribution
finding one e-mail is 0.9. On the other hand, if the objects model [103]. For the textual data, a misuseability evaluator
in question are bank account numbers, the person may only named TM-Score is defined in [107] which is an extension
discover, say, 20, leading to an estimate of 0.2. Data distribu- of the misuseability weight concept [104]. By utilizing the
tion strategies help in improving the probability of identifying presented evaluator, the enterprises become capable of esti-
a guilty user MU . To identify a MU with high confidence, mating the quantum of the detriment that is resulted from
|W∗j ∩W∗k | gradual and continuous exposure of textual content such as
it is needed to minimize |W∗j | ∀j, k ∈ {1, 2, . . . , m} ∧
emails and documents caused by an insider. The degree of
j 6 = k. Therefore, the distribution strategies should distribute destruction is assessed by employing the quality, type, and
the data set W∗1 , W∗2 , . . . , W∗m with the objective given in amount of the revealed information. Sodagudi and Kurra
Eqs. (15) and (16) to satisfy either one or both. provided a method in [108] to identify the malicious attackers
T ∗
Wk | in the mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) by considering the
minimize max ∗ (15) integration of routing protocol and cryptography technique.
(over W∗1 ,W∗2 ,...,W∗m ) j,k=1,2,...,m |Wj | Allocation strategies are followed by the data distributor
Xm 1 Xm \ which results in less scope for data leakage to happen.

minimize ∗ k=1 |Wj W∗k | (16) Guevara et al. presented an algorithm in [109] for data
(over W∗1 ,W∗2 ,...,W∗m ) j=1 |Wj | k6=j
leakage detection by exploiting the property of anomalous
Figs. 7a to 7c depict the three distribution strategies where user behavior. To accomplish the same, the user’s operations
four documents D1 , D2 , D3 , D4 are distributed among four are codified in a computer system by employing a dynamic
users U1 , U2 , U3 , U4 , each with a request R1 , R2 , R3 , R4 of structure, which permitted the extraction of a user’s profile
two documents. The third one avoids the full overlapping and by following the sequences of actions from the historical
is optimal among all three. database. The efficiency of the work is proved with reference
Papadimitriou and Garcia-Molina [103] proposed an agent to the low false-positive rate and high detection accuracy.
guilt model based on a probabilistic approach to evaluate the However, its dependency on the historical data of the users
likelihood of whether the data is revealed by one or more for generating their behavioral patterns makes it a time-
agents or it has been individually assembled by an unautho- consuming process. Ezhilchelvan and Mitrani [110] have
rized party through alternative means. This model assessed examined a system where several virtual machines shared
the maliciousness of various agents when the leaked data is a common physical machine and evaluated the probability
found by the allocator at an illegal place. It is demonstrated of malicious co-residency in public clouds. The allocation
that the judicious distribution of objects can assist in distin- of VMs to the physical machine is carried out by apply-
guishing the malicious entities with a remarkable distinction, ing random and priority block policies while considering
especially, when the overlapping among the data acquired by multiple security breaches simultaneously. The simulation
the users is large. results indicated the acceptable accuracy however, real-life
Harel et al. [104] introduced a misuseability weight con- experiments are required for confirming the accuracy of the
cept by delegating a score to the data sets as per their sen- reported method. An interpretation composing the essential

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I. Gupta et al.: Secure Data Storage and Sharing Techniques for Data Protection in Cloud Environments

TABLE 4. A capuslization of watermarking based models.

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I. Gupta et al.: Secure Data Storage and Sharing Techniques for Data Protection in Cloud Environments

TABLE 4. (Continued.) A capuslization of watermarking based models.

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I. Gupta et al.: Secure Data Storage and Sharing Techniques for Data Protection in Cloud Environments

TABLE 4. (Continued.) A capuslization of watermarking based models.

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I. Gupta et al.: Secure Data Storage and Sharing Techniques for Data Protection in Cloud Environments

TABLE 4. (Continued.) A capuslization of watermarking based models.

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I. Gupta et al.: Secure Data Storage and Sharing Techniques for Data Protection in Cloud Environments

TABLE 4. (Continued.) A capuslization of watermarking based models.

FIGURE 7. Distribution Strategy (a) W∗j = W∗k (b) minimize

|W∗j ∩ W∗k | (c) minimize
P 1 P
|W∗j ∩ W∗k |.
|W∗ |
j 6=k j j k6 =j

description regarding the influential models founded on the  Data leakage prevention (L) is procured by CG, AC, and
probability technique is demonstrated in Table 5. DP while Data leaker detection (D) is affirmed by the
WM and PB techniques. It is signified that no technique
among all the five techniques provides both prevention
and detection simultaneously.
Table 6 depicts the in-depth analysis of each significant
 Out of the three parameters confidentiality (C), integrity
reviewed technique along with its strength and weakness and
(I ), and accessibility (A), all the three are achieved by
reflects a comparison among these techniques by accounting
CG, AC, and DP while WM and PB are capable of
for multiple criteria (CR). The following are the observations
obtaining integrity only.
from this table:
 For the data protection (DR) criteria, CG, and DP outper-
 Out of the five techniques Cryptography (CG), Access form the other three techniques AC, WM , and PB since
Control (AC), Differential Privacy with machine learn- the maximum security parameters are fulfilled by these
ing (DP), Watermarking (WM ), and Probability (PB), two techniques, but these two techniques do not enable
privacy (P) is assured by CG and DP only while the the leakage detection which is equivalently essential to
security (S) is ensured by all the five techniques. It is the other security parameters.
implied that only CG and DP preserve both privacy and  Out of the two parameters utility (U ) and sharing (X ) of
security among all the five techniques. data usability (DU ), it is investigated that U is low in the

VOLUME 10, 2022 71269

I. Gupta et al.: Secure Data Storage and Sharing Techniques for Data Protection in Cloud Environments

TABLE 5. A capsulization of probability based models.

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I. Gupta et al.: Secure Data Storage and Sharing Techniques for Data Protection in Cloud Environments

TABLE 5. (Continued.) A capsulization of probability based models.

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I. Gupta et al.: Secure Data Storage and Sharing Techniques for Data Protection in Cloud Environments

TABLE 6. A comprehensive analysis and comparison among discussed techniques.

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I. Gupta et al.: Secure Data Storage and Sharing Techniques for Data Protection in Cloud Environments

TABLE 6. (Continued.) A comprehensive analysis and comparison among discussed techniques.

case of CG and AC, moderate in the case of DP, and high the culprit entity and consists of a considerable amount
for WM and PB techniques while the X is assured by all of overheads.
the five techniques. Hence, the performance of WM and  The benefit of the AC technique is that it enables moni-
PB is high for the criteria DU compares to the other three tored disclosure of the sensitive data and minimizes the
techniques. risk of data leakage without the involvement of transfor-
 Out of the three parameters private (V ), public (B), and mation cost but the technique is incapable of identifying
hybrid (H ) of the cloud environment (CE), the models the vicious party in case of the data leakage occurrence
based on CG and AC techniques exist for private cloud, and does not ensure data privacy.
the model based on all the five techniques persist for  DP technique has the advantage that it controls the
public cloud and the model based on CG, AC and PB information exposure, preserves privacy, security as well
techniques exist for hybrid cloud. It is indicated that as the utility, and prevents the data from leakage, but this
out of the five techniques, CG and AC techniques are technique is ineffective for malicious entity identifica-
utilized for all three types of the cloud. tion. It involves a substantial amount of overhead. Also,
 In the case of other (OT ) criteria, CG, DP, and WM this technique is not fit for applications where absolute
comprise data transformation. Data is transformed into data is required without any modifications.
ciphertext, noised data, and watermarked data in the  WM is a sturdy leaker detection technique that preserves
CG, DP, and WM techniques respectively while AC and high utility along with security to the data. The strength
PB techniques do not engage any data transformation of the technique is its effectiveness in detecting the
which results in less computation complexity compared absolute entity that revealed the confidential informa-
to CG, DP, and WM techniques. Furthermore, all the tion. However, the technique has a crucial limitation of
five techniques involve overhead for protecting the data becoming incapable of identifying the malignant entity
due to the transformation of data before communicating when the embedded information is completely removed
in the case of CG, DP, and WM techniques, requisition or altered by the vicious agent. This technique cannot
for the formulation of access control policies (ACPs) in prevent data leakage, comprises of overhead, and does
the case of AC technique while PB implies the overhead not assure privacy. Also, the technique may not be appli-
in the form of probability computation for malicious cable to every data type.
entity identification. It is reported that AC and PB tech-  The effectiveness of the PB technique is that the iden-
niques outperform the other three techniques for the tification of the malignant entity is not impacted by the
parameter OT . amendments in the shared data, unlike the watermarking
 Although CG is a powerful technique for preserving technique. Also, data security is not key-dependent in
the data privacy, security, confidentiality, and leakage the PB technique, unlike the cryptography technique
prevention, this technique has a crucial drawback that where the key can be compromised. It is a powerful
once the key applied is revealed, then the data can be leaker detection technique that is applicable to every data
compromised. Also, the technique is unable to identify type and ensures high utility in addition to the security

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I. Gupta et al.: Secure Data Storage and Sharing Techniques for Data Protection in Cloud Environments

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vol. 6, no. 12, pp. 1673–1687, Dec. 1995. received the Gold Medal for her M.C.A. degree.

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I. Gupta et al.: Secure Data Storage and Sharing Techniques for Data Protection in Cloud Environments

ASHUTOSH KUMAR SINGH (Senior Member, RAJKUMAR BUYYA (Fellow, IEEE) received the
IEEE) received the Ph.D. degree in electronics Ph.D. degree in computer science and software
engineering from the Indian Institute of Technol- engineering from Monash University, Melbourne,
ogy (IIT), BHU, Varanasi, India, in 2000. He did VIC, Australia, in 2002. He is currently a
his postdoctoral research at the Department of Redmond Barry Distinguished Professor and the
Computer Science, University of Bristol, U.K. Director of the Cloud Computing and Distributed
He is currently working as a Professor and the Systems (CLOUDS) Laboratory, The University
Head with the Department of Computer Appli- of Melbourne, Melbourne. He is also serving as the
cations, National Institute of Technology, Kuruk- Founding CEO at Manjrasoft, a spin-off company
shetra, India. He has more than 20 years of of the university, commercializing its innovations
research and teaching experience in various universities in India, U.K., and in cloud computing. He has authored/coauthored more than 1050 publica-
Malaysia. He has authored/coauthored more than 320 research articles and tions and seven textbooks including Mastering Cloud Computing published
12 books. His research interests include data science, cloud computing, the by McGraw Hill, China Machine Press, and Morgan Kaufmann for Indian,
Internet of Things (IoT), machine learning, big data, information security Chinese, and international markets, respectively. He is one of the highly
and privacy, and quantum computing. cited authors in computer science and software engineering worldwide
(H-index=155, G-index=336, and more than 125,954 citations).

CHUNG-NAN LEE (Member, IEEE) received the

B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering
from the National Cheng Kung University, Tainan,
Taiwan, in 1980 and 1982, respectively, and the
Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the
University of Washington, Seattle, USA, in 1992.
Since 1992, he has been with the National Sun Yat-
sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, where he was
the Chairperson of the Department of Computer
Science and Engineering, from August 1999 to
July 2001, and currently he is a Distinguished Professor and the Director of
the Cloud Computing Research Center. His current research interests include
multimedia over wireless networks, cloud computing, and the Internet of
Things (IoT). He was the President of the Taiwan Association of Cloud
Computing, from 2015 to 2017. He was the Vice President for TA of APSIPA,
from 2019 to 2020. In 2016, he received an Outstanding Engineering Profes-
sor from the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Taiwan.

VOLUME 10, 2022 71277

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