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Tech Thesis Synopsis

Design and Implementation of Rank Based ACO

approach for Multipath Routing Mechanism with
Load Balancing in Ad hoc Network

University Roll Number 2022035701

Miss Sapna Aggarwal
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Jind
Institute of Engineering and Technology,

Dec 2023
Kurukshetra university Kurukshetra
Table of Contents

1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................

2. Brief Literature Survey .............................................................................................................


3. Problem Formulation ..............................................................................................................


4. Objectives..................................................................................................................................

5. Research Methodology ............................................................................................................


6. Facilities required for the proposed work .............................................................................


7. Proposed place of work ...........................................................................................................


8. References .................................................................................................................................

1. Introduction

1.1 Mobile Ad Hoc Network

A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a continuously self-configuring, infrastructure less
network of mobile devices connected without wires. Ad hoc is Latin and means "for this
purpose".[1] Each device in a MANET is free to move independently in any direction, and will
therefore change its links to other devices frequently. Each must forward traffic unrelated to
its own use, and therefore be a router. The primary challenge in building a MANET is
equipping each device to continuously maintain the information required to properly route
traffic. Such networks may operate by themselves or may be connected to the larger Internet.
They may contain one or multiple and different transceivers between nodes. This results in a
highly dynamic, autonomous topology [1].

MANETs are a kind of Wireless ad hoc network that usually has a routable networking
environment on top of a Link Layer ad hoc network. MANETs consist of a peer-to-peer, self-
forming, self-healing network in contrast to a mesh network has a central controller.

The growth of laptops and 802.11/Wi-Fi wireless networking has made MANETs a popular
research topic since the mid-1990s. Different protocols are then evaluated based on measures
such as the packet drop rate, the, end-to-end packet delays, network throughput, ability to
scale, etc.

Figure 1: Mobile Ad Hoc Network (*)

1.2 Types

a) Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANETs) [2] are used for communication between
vehicles and roadside equipment. Intelligent vehicular ad hoc networks (Invents) are a
kind of artificial intelligence that helps vehicles to behave in intelligent manners
during vehicle-to-vehicle collisions, accidents.
b) Smart Phone Ad hoc Networks (SPANs) leverage the existing hardware (primarily
Bluetooth and Wi-Fi) in commercially available smart phones to create peer-to-peer
networks without relying on cellular carrier networks, wireless access points, or
traditional network infrastructure. SPANs differ from traditional hub and spoke
networks, such as Wi-Fi Direct, in that they support multi-hop relays and there is no
notion of a group leader so peers can join and leave at will without destroying the
c) Internet based mobile ad hoc networks (I MANETs) [3] are ad hoc networks that link
mobile nodes and fixed Internet-gateway nodes. For example, multiple sub-MANETs
may be connected in a classic Hub-Spoke VPN to create a geographically distributed
d) Military/Tactical MANETs are used by military units with emphasis on security. In
such type of networks normal ad hoc routing algorithms don't apply directly. One
implementation of this is Persistent System's Cloud Relay.
e) A mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) is an ad-hoc network but an ad-hoc network is
not necessarily a MANET.
More prone to attacks due to limited physical security.
High latency i.e. There is a huge delay in the transfer of data between two sleeping nodes.
Improvement in MANET:

Quality of Service (QoS): Researchers are working to improve the quality of service of
MANET by developing efficient routing protocols that provide better bandwidth, throughput,
and latency.
Security: To ensure the security of the MANET, researchers are developing efficient security
mechanisms that provide encryption, authentication, and authorization facilities.
Power management: To enhance the lifetime of MANET nodes, researchers are working on
developing efficient power management techniques that reduce the energy consumption of
Multimedia support: Researchers are working to provide multimedia support to MANET by
developing efficient routing protocols that can handle multimedia traffic efficiently.
Standardization: To ensure the interoperability

Differences between Wireless Adhoc Network and Wireless Sensor Network
1. Wireless Adhoc Network: A wireless ad-hoc network is a wireless network deployed
without any framework or infrastructure. This incorporates wireless mesh networks, mobile
ad-hoc networks, and vehicular ad-hoc networks. Its history could be traced back to the
Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) and Packet Radio Networks (PRNET)
which evolved into the Survival Adaptive Radio Networks (SARNET) program. Wireless ad-
hoc networks, in particular mobile ad-hoc networks (MANET), are growing very fast as they
make communication simpler and progressively accessible. In any case, their conventions or
protocols will in general be hard to structure due to topology dependent behavior of wireless
communication, and their distribution and adaptive operations to topology dynamism. They
are allowed to move self-assertively at any time. So, the network topology of MANET may
change randomly and rapidly at unpredictable times. This makes routing difficult because the
topology is continually changing and nodes cannot be expected to have steady data storage.


Data Mining
Military battlefield
Commercial Sector
Personal area network or Bluetooth
2. Wireless Sensor Network: A wireless sensor network can be characterized as a system of
devices, indicated as nodes that can detect the environment and impart the data accumulated
from the monitored field (e.g., a zone or volume) through remote or wireless connections. It can
be depicted as a system of nodes that agreeably sense and may control the environment enabling
association between people or computers and the surrounding environment. The information is
sent, possibly through different jumps, to a sink (indicated as a controller or monitor) that can
utilize it locally or is associated with different systems (e.g., The Internet) through a portal. The
nodes can be fixed or moved.


Environmental Monitoring
Health Care
Positioning and Monitoring
Differences between Wireless Adhoc Networks and Wireless Sensor Networks are as follows:

Wireless Adhoc Network Wireless Sensor Network
The medium used in wireless ad-hoc networks is radio waves. The medium used in
wireless sensor networks is radio waves, infrared, and optical media.
Application independent network is used. The application-dependent network is used.
Hop-to-Hop routing takes place. Query-based (data-centric routing) or location-based
routing takes place.
It is heterogeneous in type. It is homogeneous in type.
The traffic pattern is point-to-point. The traffic pattern is any-to-any, many-to-one, many-
to-few, and one-to-many.
Wireless router is used as an inter-connecting device. Application level gateway is used as an
interconnecting device.
The data rate is high. The data rate is low.
Supports common services. Supports specific applications.
Traffic triggering depends on application needs. Triggered by sensing events.
IP address is used for addressing. Local unique MAC address or spatial IP is used for
Network Type Peer-to-Peer Network type Hierarchical or Mesh
Nodes Can be any wireless device Nodes Limited to sensor nodes
Communication Range Variable depends on node placement Communication Range Limited
by the sensor node’s transmission power
Communication Range Standard network protocols (TCP/IP) Communication Range
Customized protocols for efficient data transfer and low energy consumption
Data Type General data (voice, video, files, etc.) Data Type Sensor data (temperature,
humidity, light, etc.)
Power Consumption Can be high due to constant communication Power Consumption
Designed to minimize energy consumption to extend network lifetime
Security Security protocols can be implemented Security Security protocols are critical
as sensor data can be sensitive
Applications General wireless communication
Applications Environmental monitoring, industrial automation, home automation, etc.
Deployment Can be deployed in any environment Deployment Typically deployed in
remote or hard-to-reach locations, such as forests, oceans

MANET Routing Protocols
In Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET), nodes do not know the topology of their network,
instead they have to discover it by their own as the topology in the ad-hoc network is dynamic
topology. The basic rules is that a new node whenever enters into an ad-hoc network, must
announce its arrival and presence and should also listen to similar announcement broadcasts
made by other mobile nodes.

stores information of its previous and next node. It also operates in two phases: Route
discovery and Route maintenance.

3. Hybrid Routing protocol: It basically combines the advantages of both, reactive and pro-
active routing protocols. These protocols are adaptive in nature and adapts according to the
zone and position of the source and destination mobile nodes. One of the most popular hybrid
routing protocol is Zone Routing Protocol (ZRP).

The whole network is divided into different zones and then the position of source and
destination mobile node is observed. If the source and destination mobile nodes are present in
the same zone, then proactive routing is used for the transmission of the data packets between
them. And if the source and destination mobile nodes are present in different zones, then
reactive routing is used for the transmission of the data packets between them.

1.2a. Issues with ad hoc routing protocols

Due to the highly dynamic nature of mobile ad hoc network, it results in frequent and
unpredictable changes in network topology and hence makes routing among the mobile nodes
as a complex and difficult task. The challenges and complexities together with the importance
of routing protocols make the routing process, as the most active and innovative research area
in the MANET domain. The issues in routing techniques includes the large area of flooding,
greedy forwarding, flat addressing and widely distributed information, large power
consumption, interference and load balancing [1] (Table 1).

Issues Protocol Approach

Large area of flooding—flooding is a routing technique used to forward packets from the
source to destination during the route discovery phase or in a recovery phase. 1. Distance
routing effect algorithm for mobility (DREAM) [2] Flooding area is reduced by limiting
number of neighbours that can forward a route request message.

2. Location aided routing (LAR) [3] Nodes location information is used for routing the
packets. Limiting the flooding area into “request zone”.

3. Location based multicast (LBM) [4] Similar to LAR, limiting the flooding area into
“forwarding zone”

4. Geographical distance routing (GEDIR) [5] Greedy forwarding approach is used.

5. Temporally-ordered routing algorithm (TORA) [6] DAG is constructed rooted at

destination and ordered routing scheme is used

6. Geographical GRID (GeoGRID) [7] The process of portioning the geographical area of
the network into smaller areas called grids.

7. Geographical TORA (GeoTORA) [8] Uses any-cast any group-cast forwarding


8. Zone routing protocol (ZRP) [9] Overlapped zone are created based on the separation
distance between the mobile nodes. Peripheral nodes are selected to forward the control
packets within the zone.

9. Mobile just-in-time multicasting (MOBICAST) [10] Routing area is divided into two
parts namely: a delivery zone and forwarding zone.

Greedy forwarding—greedy forwarding (GF) is one the routing technique that relies on only
single path from the source to its destination which is discovered. By using GF, the major
challenges encounter is defined as ‘GF empty neighbour set problem’. The forwarding process
reaches a dead end, when a node cannot find any neighbour which is closer to the destination
then itself. 1. FACE routing protocol [11] Unit graph approach is utilized: two nodes
communicated with each other if the Euclidean distance between them is less than some fixed

2. Geographical routing without location information (GRLI) [12] Extended ring search: this
search process continues until a node closes to destination is identified else if not found, the
search is extended until a predetermined a TTL

3. Bounded Voronoi greedy forwarding (BVGF) [13] Greedy routing decision is based
on the location of the direct neighbours of each node.

4. Greedy distributed spanning tree routing (GDSTR) [14] Hull tree approach is used

5. Greedy perimeter stateless routing (GPSR) [15] Greedy forwarding and perimeter
forwarding approach are used

Flat addressing and widely-distributed information—In a MANET, due to the distribution of

mobile nodes over the network and the restriction in transmission range of each node’s may
cause some nodes to have poor knowledge about the network. 1. Grid location service
(GLS) [16] Based on distributed location servers (DLS) avoids the congestion in the node.

2. Dynamic address routing (DART) [17] Utilizes dynamic address scheme that ensures the

3. GPS ant-like routing algorithm (GPSAL) [18] Based on ant colony optimization.

A specifically defined node namely ant node is responsible for collecting and forwarding the
location information around the network.

4. Augmented tree-based routing (ATR) [19] Based on the structured address space.

Large power consumption—in a MANET, routing techniques depends upon the battery power
of the node. Thus more power consumption will increase the overhead in the transmission.
1. Infra-structure AODV for infrastructure ad-hoc networks (ISAIAH) [20] 1.
Modified forwarding approach: selecting the routes that passthrough power base stations
(PBSs) instead of through mobile nodes. Thus the amount of power utilized by each node can
be reduced.

2. Nodes are allowed to enter the power-saving mode for a fixed time period that will decrease
the power consumed by the node.

2. Power-aware routing optimization protocol (PARO) [21] New forwarding node–redirectors
are added on the routing path to reduce the transmission power of the intermediate nodes along
the original path. The objective of PARO to increase the path length to reduce the total
transmission power.

3. Dynamic source routing power-aware (DSRPA) [22] The routing metric battery
freshness is considered in routing to achieve connectivity for the longest period of time.

4. Power-aware multi-access protocol with signaling ad hoc networks (PAMAS) [23] The
battery usage is controlled based on the frequency of a node’s activities.

Inference and load balancing—Interference is a major problem factor that affects the
performance of wireless networks. Routing in a wireless network is challenging due to the
unpredictable nature of the wireless medium and due to the effect of interference on wireless
link properties. 1. Source Routing for Roofnet (SrcRR) [24] Expected transmission
counts (ETX): is an interference-aware link-based routing metric that continuously measures
the link loss rate in both directions between each node about its neighbours using periodic
broadcasts. Link cost is estimated considering the number of retransmission attempts.

2. Link quality source routing (LQSR) [25] Weighted cumulative expected transmission time

WCETT is the sum all links costs (ETT) along the path and bottleneck channel which has the
maximum sum of ETT.

3. Load-balancing routing for mesh networks (LBRMN) [26, 27] Metric of interference and
channel-switching (MIC) and isotonic property.

4. Interference-aware load-balancing routing (IALBR) [28] Routing metric load value: defined
as the load at node itself and its next hop node load.

5. Load-balancing curveball routing (LBCR) [29] Modified route metric based on greedy
routing scheme.

1.3 Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) Routing

Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV)[5] Routing is a routing protocol for mobile ad
hoc networks (MANETs) and other wireless ad hoc networks. It is jointly developed in Nokia
Research Center, University of California, Santa Barbara and University of Cincinnati by C.
Perkins, E. Belding-Royer and S. Das.[1]AODV is the routing protocol used in ZigBee. [6]

1.3.1 Working of AODV

The AODV (Ad-Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector) routing protocol is a reactive routing
protocol that uses some characteristics of proactive routing protocols. Routes are established
on-demand, as they are needed. However, once established a route is maintained as long as it
is needed. Reactive (or on-demand) routing protocols find a path between the source and the
destination only when the path is needed (i.e., if there are data to be exchanged between the
source and the destination). An advantage of this approach is that the routing overhead is
greatly reduced. A disadvantage is a possible large delay from the moment the route is needed
(a packet is ready to be sent) until the time the route is actually acquired. In AODV, the
network is silent until a connection is needed. At that point the network node that needs a
connection broadcasts a request for connection. Other AODV nodes forward this message,
and record the node that they heard it from, creating an explosion of temporary routes back to
the needy node. When a node receives such a message and already has a route to the desired
node, it sends a message backwards through a temporary route to the requesting node. The
needy node then begins using the route that has the least number of hops through other nodes.
Unused entries in the routing tables are recycled after a time. [7]

When a link fails, a routing error is passed back to a transmitting node, and the process
repeats. Much of the complexity of the protocol is to lower the number of messages to
conserve the capacity of the network. For example, each request for a route has a sequence
number. Nodes use this sequence number so that they do not repeat route requests that they
have already passed on. Another such feature is that the route requests have a "time to live"

number that limits how many times they can be retransmitted. Another such feature is that if a
route request fails, another route request may not be sent until twice as much time has passed
as the timeout of the previous route request.

The advantage of AODV is that it creates no extra traffic for communication along existing
links. Also, distance vector routing is simple, and doesn't require much memory or
calculation. However AODV requires more time to establish a connection, and the initial
communication to establish a route is heavier than some other approaches. [9]

The AODV Routing Protocol uses an on-demand approach for finding routes, that is, a route
is established only when it is required by a source node for transmitting data packets. It
employs destination sequence numbers to identify the most recent path. The major difference
between AODV and Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) stems from the fact that DSR uses
source routing in which a data packet carries the complete path to be traversed. However, in
AODV, the source node and the intermediate nodes store the next-hop information
corresponding to each flow for data packet transmission. In an on-demand routing protocol,
the source node floods the Route Request packet in the network when a route is not available
for the desired destination. It may obtain multiple routes to different destinations from a
single Route Request. The major difference between AODV and other on-demand routing
protocols is that it uses a destination sequence number (DestSeqNum) to determine an up-
todate path to the destination. A node updates its path information only if the DestSeqNum of
the current packet received is greater than or equal to the last DestSeqNum stored at the node
with smaller hop count. [10]

A Route Request carries the source identifier (SrcID), the destination identifier (DestID), the
source sequence number (SrcSeqNum), the destination sequence number (DestSeqNum), the
broadcast identifier (BcastID), and the time to live (TTL) field. DestSeqNum indicates the
freshness of the route that is accepted by the source. When an intermediate node receives a
Route Request, it either forwards it or prepares a Route Reply if it has a valid route to the
destination. The validity of a route at the intermediate node is determined by comparing the
sequence number at the intermediate node with the destination sequence number in the Route
Request packet. If a Route Request is received multiple times, which is indicated by the
BcastID-SrcID pair, the duplicate copies are discarded. All intermediate nodes having valid
routes to the destination, or the destination node itself, are allowed to send Route Reply

packets to the source. Every intermediate node, while forwarding a Route Request, enters the
previous node address and it’s BcastID. A timer is used to delete this entry in case a Route
Reply is not received before the timer expires. This helps in storing an active path at the
intermediate node as AODV does not employ source routing of data packets. When a node
receives a Route Reply packet, information about the previous node from which the packet
was received is also stored in order to forward the data packet to this next node as the next
hop toward the destination.

1.3.2 Advantages and Disadvantages

The main advantage of this protocol is having routes established on demand and that
destination sequence numbers are applied to find the latest route to the destination. The
connection setup delay is lower. One disadvantage of this protocol is that intermediate nodes
can lead to inconsistent routes if the source sequence number is very old and the intermediate
nodes have a higher but not the latest destination sequence number, thereby having stale
entries. Also, multiple Route Reply packets in response to a single Route Request packet can
lead to heavy control overhead. Another disadvantage of AODV is unnecessary bandwidth
consumption due to periodic beaconing. [12]

1.4 Ant colony optimization

Ant colony optimization (ACO) is a population-based met heuristic that can be used to find
approximate solutions to difficult optimization problems. In ACO, a set of software agents
called artificial ants search for good solutions to a given optimization problem. To apply
ACO, the optimization problem is transformed into the problem of finding the best path on a
weighted graph. The artificial ants (hereafter ants) incrementally build solutions by moving
on the graph. The solution construction process is stochastic and is biased by a pheromone
model, that is, a set of parameters associated with graph components (either nodes or edges)
whose values are modified at runtime by the ants.

Ant colony optimization algorithm (ACO) is a probabilistic technique for solving
computational problems which can be reduced to finding good paths through graphs [15].
This algorithm is a member of the ant colony algorithms family, in swarm intelligence
methods, and it constitutes some met heuristic optimizations. Initially proposed by Marco
Dorigo in 1992 in his PhD thesis, the first algorithm was aiming to search for an optimal path
in a graph, based on the behavior of ants seeking a path between their colony and a source of
food. The original idea has since diversified to solve a wider class of numerical problems,
and as a result, several problems have emerged, drawing on various aspects of the behavior of

In the natural world, ants (initially) wander randomly, and upon finding food return to their
colony while laying down pheromone trails. If other ants find such a path, they are likely not
to keep travelling at random, but to instead follow the trail, returning and reinforcing it if they
eventually find food (see Ant communication).[18]

Over time, however, the pheromone trail starts to evaporate, thus reducing its attractive
strength. The more time it takes for an ant to travel down the path and back again, the more
time the pheromones have to evaporate. Pheromone evaporation also has the advantage of
avoiding the convergence to a locally optimal solution. If there were no evaporation at all, the
paths chosen by the first ants would tend to be excessively attractive to the following ones.

Thus, when one ant finds a good (i.e., short) path from the colony to a food source, other ants
are more likely to follow that path, and positive feedback eventually leads to all the ants'
following a single path. The idea of the ant colony algorithm is mimic this behavior with
"simulated ants" walking around the graph representing the problem to solve.

Ant colony optimization algorithms have been applied to many combinatorial optimization
problems. It has also been used to produce near-optimal solutions to the travelling salesman
problem. They have an advantage over simulated annealing and genetic algorithm approaches
of similar problems when the graph may change dynamically; the ant colony algorithm can

be run continuously and adapt to changes in real time. This is of interest in network routing
and urban transportation systems.

The first ACO algorithm was called the Ant system and it was aimed to solve the
travelling salesman problem, in which the goal is to find the shortest round-trip to link a
series of cities. The general algorithm is relatively simple and based on a set of ants. At each
stage, the ant chooses to move from one city to another according to some rules:

1. It must visit each city exactly once;

2. A distant city has less chance of being chosen (the visibility);
3. The more intense the pheromone trail laid out on an edge between two cities, the
greater the probability that that edge will be chosen;
4. Having completed its journey, the ant deposits more pheromones on all edges it
traversed, if the journey is short;
5. After each iteration, trails of pheromones evaporate.

Figure 2: Ant colony optimization (*) www.beaconpartners.com1200

× 1123Search by image

With an ACO algorithm, the shortest path in a graph, between two points A and B, is built
from a combination of several paths. It is not easy to give a precise definition of what
algorithm is or is not an ant colony, because the definition may vary according to the authors
and uses. Broadly speaking, ant colony algorithms are regarded as populated met heuristics
with each solution represented by an ant moving in the search space. Ants mark the best
solutions and take account of previous markings to optimize their search. They can be seen as
probabilistic multi-agent algorithms using probability distribution to make the transition

between each iteration. In their versions for combinatorial problems, they use an iterative
construction of solutions. According to some authors, the thing which distinguishes ACO
algorithms from other relatives is precisely their constructive aspect. In combinatorial
problems, it is possible that the best solution eventually be found, even though no ant would
prove effective. However, this definition can be problematic in the case of problems in real
variables, where no structure of 'neighbours’ exists. The collective behavior of social insects
remains a source of inspiration for researchers.

The easiest way to understand how ant colony optimization works is by means of an example.
We consider its application to the traveling salesman problem (TSP)[16].

1.5 Data monitoring and mining

MANETS can be used for facilitating the collection of sensor data for data mining for a
variety of applications such as air pollution monitoring and different types of architectures
can be used for such applications. It should be noted that a key characteristic of such
applications is that nearby sensor nodes monitoring an environmental feature typically
register similar values. This kind of data redundancy due to the spatial correlation between
sensor observations inspires the techniques for in-network data aggregation and mining. By
measuring the spatial correlation between data sampled by different sensors, a wide class of
specialized algorithms can be developed to develop more efficient spatial data mining
algorithms as well as more efficient routing strategies. Also, researchers have developed
performance models for MANET by applying queuing theory. [17]

A lot of research has been done in the past but the most significant contributions have been
the PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) and trust based security. None of the protocols have made a
decent tradeoff between security and performance. In an attempt to enhance security in
MANETs many researchers have suggested and implemented new improvements to the
protocols and some of them have suggested new protocols.

Since any node may communicate with any other, many, and/or all nodes asymmetrical
encryption (aka 1:1 tunneling) cannot work in a MANET. Rather, symmetrical encryption
(where all nodes share the same en/decryption key) is far more efficient. The security

challenge therefore becomes 1) enforcing hardware-to-logical presentation of identity and 2)
preventing exhilaration of keys.

2. Brief Literature Survey

Literature Survey was conducted to ensure that this work has not been done earlier. Brief
Abstracts of the papers referred are as given below:

1. Mohamed Tekaya, Nabil Tabbane, Sami 2Tabbane (2010): This paper discusses
the approach to the simulation’s result shows the significant performance
improvement of the network for the multipath routing protocol with load balancing.
The proposed solution LB-AOMDV works better than other protocols in terms of\
average delay, capacity and load balance. [10]

2. Mehdi EffatParvar, MohammadReza, EffatParvar, Amir Darehshoorzadeh,

Mehdi Zarei, Nasser Yazdani Computer (2010):- .In this paper, authors propose
two methods for improve the AODV protocol. A new multipath routing protocol that
uses all discovered path simultaneously for transmitting data, by using this approach
data packets are balanced over discovered paths and energy consumption is
distributed across many nodes through network. Author proposed a stability
estimation method and applied that in an optimized version of ad hoc on demand
distance vector (AODV) routing algorithm by doing some modification at RAODV
algorithm. [7]

3. Amita Rani, Mayank Dave (2008):-This paper analyzes AODV is a prominent

routing protocol for MANET that uses hop count as a path selection metric. However,
AODV has no means to convey traffic load on current route. In this paper author
propose a weight-based load balanced routing (WLBR) protocol for MANETs. The
routing strategy projected in this paper focuses on distributing the traffic on the routes
consisting of nodes with comparatively longer life and have less traffic to pass
through. In this paper author also introduce a new metric, Aggregate Interface Queue
Length (AIQL), to deal with traffic issue. The weight of a route is decided by three
factors: the aggregate interface queue length, the route energy and the hop count. The

route with highest weight value is selected for further data transmission. Performance
evaluation through simulation shows that the proposed protocol (WLBR) performs
better than AODV protocol [8].

4. Chintan Kanani, Amit Sinhal (2013):- This paper, modified ad-hoc on-demand
multipath distance vector (AOMDV) for multipath routing using ant colony for
mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) is presented. For this purpose, Ant-AODV is used
for comparison with Ant-AOMDV. The idea behind the working of Ant-AODV and
Ant-AOMDV is that the RREQ message packets are sent to single path in case of Ant-
AODV based routing and to multiple paths in case of Ant-AOMDV based routing.
RREQ message packets can be termed as pheromone in terms of standard algorithm
of ACO used by the ants. Selecting the transmission path dynamically through regular
updating of pheromone of transmission path expects to improve routing performance.

5. Gabriel Ioan Ivascu, Samuel Pierre, Alejandro Quintero (2009):-This paper

presents a Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) follows unique organizational and
behavioural logic. MANETs’ characteristics such as their dynamic topology coupled
with the characteristics of the wireless communication medium make Quality of
Service provisioning a difficult challenge. This paper presents a new approach based
on mobile routing backbone for supporting Quality of Service (QoS) in MANETs. In
real-life MANETs, nodes will possess different communication capabilities and
processing characteristics. Hence, they aimed to identify those nodes whose
capabilities and characteristics will enable them to take part in the mobile routing
backbone and efficiently participate in the routing process. [9]

6. Aws Kanan, Taisir Eldos, Mohammed Al-Kahtani (2013):- Ad-Hoc wireless

networks are self-organizing multi-hop wireless networks, where all the nodes take
part in the process of forwarding packets. In this paper, authors apply the Ant Colony
evolutionary optimization technique to the routing problem, where more of those
desirable characteristics can be implied in the guided probabilistic choice of paths.
Simulations of a routing based on the biological system referred to as Ant Colony

Optimization (ACO) are conducted, taking into account several factors to analyze its
adaptive nature. [3]

7. Lei Wang, Lianfang Zhang , Yantai Shu , Miao Dong(2000):- This paper presents
author propose a new multipath routing protocol for ad hoc wireless
networksmultipath source routing (MSR), which is based on DSR (dynamic source
routing). MSR extends DSR's route discovery and route maintenance mechanism to
deal with multipath routing. Based on the measurement of RTT, authors propose a
scheme to distribute load between multiple paths. The simulation results show that
their approach improves the throughput of TCP and UDP and the packet delivery
ratio, and reduces the end-to-end delay and the queue size, while adding little
overhead. As a result, MSR decreases the network congestion quite well. [1]

8. Marina, M.K, Das, S.R.(2001):- This paper author develop an on-demand multipath
distance vector protocol for mobile ad hoc networks. Specifically, author propose
multipath extensions to a well-studied single path routing protocol known as ad hoc
on-demand distance vector (AODV). The resulting protocol is referred to as ad hoc
on-demand multipath distance vector (AOMDV). The protocol computes multiple
loop-free and link-disjoint paths. Loop-freedom is guaranteed by using a notion of
"advertised hop count". Link-disjointness of multiple paths is achieved by using a
particular property of flooding. [6]

9. Mahamed Abdelmadjid Allalili, Zoulikha Mekkakia Maaza, AliKies, Redouane

Belbachir(2012):- This paper presents a new approach to load balancing based on
residual energy of nodes for distribute the traffic evenly among the network nodes.
We are exploiting the multipath routing protocol AOMDV, which defines linkdisjoint
paths between the source and the destination in every route discovery. We add the
energy metric for load balancing (ELB-AOMDV). The performance is compared
between ELB-AOMDV and LBAOMDV.[10]

10. Mohamed Tekaya, Nabil Tabbane, Sami Tabbane (2010):- Author present a new
protocol called QLB-AOMDV (QoS and Load Balancing- AOMDV), a solution to
achieve better load balancing with respect to the end-to-end QoS requirement. The
simulation’s result shows the significant performance improvement of the network for

the multipath routing protocol with load balancing and QoS. The proposed solution
QLB-AOMDV works better than other protocols in terms of delay, capacity and load
balance. [2]

11. Aws Kanan, Taisir Eldos, Mohammed Al-Kahtani (2013):- In this paper, author
apply the Ant Colony evolutionary optimization technique to the routing problem,
where more of those desirable characteristics can be implied in the guided
probabilistic choice of paths. Simulations of a routing based on the biological system
referred to as Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) are conducted, taking into account
several factors to analyze its adaptive nature. [3]

12. YuHua Yuan, HuiMin Chen, and Min Jia(2005):- To avoid frequent route
discovery, various multipath routing protocol has been proposed based on the existing
single path routing protocol in ad hoc networks. Ad hoc On-demand Multipath
Distance Vector (AOMDV) is one of extensions to the well-studied Ad hoc On
Distance Vector (AODV). In this paper an Optimized AOMDV (OAOMDV) is
presented to solve the “route cutoff” problem in AOMDV. The proposed protocol adds
a new scheme into AOMDV and simulation results show the performance
improvement. [5].

13. Ahmed M. Abdel-Moniem, Marghny H. Mohamed, Abdel-Rahman Hedar

(2010):- In this paper, author present a modified on-demand routing algorithm for
mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs). The proposed algorithm is based on both the
standard Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV) protocol and ant colony based
optimization. The modified routing protocol is highly adaptive, efficient and scalable.
The main goal in the design of the protocol was to reduce the routing overhead,
response time, end-to-end delay and increase the performance. [4]

3. Problem formulation

A major challenge facing all law enforcement is in such protocols a link failure in the primary
path, through which data transmission is actually taking place, causes the source to switch to
an alternate path instead of initiating another route discovery. A new route discovery occurs
only when all precompiled paths break. The problem with these Multipath protocols is that
although during the route discovery process multiple paths are discovered, only some best
path based on some metric is chosen and is used for data transmission. The other paths are
used only when the primary path fails. We propose an extension to AOMDV protocol in order
to support certain mechanism and technique to improve its performance. The proposed
algorithm is based on AOMDV protocol and ant as an agent carrying data packets. The
proposed algorithm includes AOMDV protocol, LB-AOMDV & Rank Based Ant Sys. Load
is balance using the load balancing technique using different parameters. After that the ACO
and the extension of ACO, the Rank Based Ant System Apply. These ant agents are small
control packets, which have the task to find a path towards their destination and gather
information about it. Often, the tasks of following and updating pheromone are split between
a forward and backward ant, whereby the forward ant finds a path towards the destination
and the backward ant travels back over the path to update pheromone tables. The result of the
constant ant sampling process is the routing information in the pheromone tables.

4. Objectives

4.1 To modify the route discovery mechanism of AOMDV for load balancing in Mobile Ad
hoc Network by estimating Signal Strength and Active Path Count of node to provide
stable energy aware routing.
4.2 To design and implement Rank Based Ant System (ASrank) optimization technique to
find the best path out of the multiple paths obtained from route discovery.
4.3 To compare and analyze the proposed approach with the existing different routing
protocols on the basis of following parameters:
(i) End to end delay
(ii) Traffic Overhead

(iii) Packet Delivery ratio
(iv) Throughput

5. Research Methodology

We propose an extension to AOMDV protocol in order to support certain mechanism and

technique to improve its performance. The proposed algorithm is based on AOMDV protocol
and ant as an agent carrying data packets. These ant agents are small control packets, which
have the task to find a path towards their destination and gather information about it. Like
ants in nature, artificial ants follow and drop pheromone. They indicate the relative quality of
different routes from the current node towards possible destination nodes. Often, the tasks of
following and updating pheromone are split between a forward and backward ant, whereby
the forward ant finds a path towards the destination and the backward ant travels back over
the path to update pheromone tables.

(i) A new proposed metric

In the new proposed metric, the methodology targets the route stability and current load on
the node. The stability of the paths can be assured by the use of received signal strength and
the queue length in the node. The weighted formula is used to calculate the load of the node,
which will be carried by the ants

Load = alpha * signal strength + beta * queue length + gamma*active path count

Here "alpha", "beta" and “gamma” are constants and alpha + beta + gamma =1.
They are the weight coefficients.
Load formula is used to distribute load over network. Path with minimum load are selected
for data transmission. In normal AOMDV path with minimum hop count is taken primary.
But the propose approach will concentrate on paths with least load. So the selected path by
the proposed approach will be most stable and least loaded path. Strength will be used to
decide the weight of pheromones on the link (pheromone is nothing but the routing
information or data about links) once the route discovery phase is over AOMDV picks three
paths. One is used as primary and other two are used as backup routs. To meet the quality of

service requirements of mobile users, several metrics can be considered for selecting a source
destination routing path.
a) Signal strength: - To meet the requirements of mobile users, strength of the signal have
to find at each node. Signal strength must be high at each node.
b) Stable routes:- To maximize throughput and reduce traffic latency, it is essential to
ensure reliable source-destination connections over time [29]. A route should therefore be
selected based on some knowledge of the nodes motion and on a probability model of the
path future availability.
c) Efficient route repair:-If an estimate of the path duration is available, service disruption
due to route failure can be avoided by creating an alternative path before the current one
breaks [3]. Note that having some information on the path duration avoids waste of radio
resources due to pre-allocation of backup paths.
d) Network connectivity:- Connectivity and topology characteristics of a MANET are
determined by the link dynamics. These are fundamental issues to network design, since
they determine the system capability to support user communications and their reliability
e) Queue Length:-The sum of interface queue length of all intermediate node from source
to current node. The interface queue length gives us the idea about how busy our route is.
Its higher value depicts high load on the route. It determine heavily loaded route.
f) Active Path Count: - In the active path count we use the path with minimum load out of
three or four paths.

5.1 Rank Based Ant System

After the load technique we used Rank Based Ant System. All solution are ranked according
to their length. The amount of pheromone deposited is then weighted for each solution, such
that solutions with shorter paths deposit more pheromone than the solutions with longer
• Step 1: forward ants are broadcasted with route request for a destination
• step2: the ants collect the load information of the node while they travel towards the
• step3: When route request reaches the destination multiple disjoint paths are formed
and reply is sent to the source.

• step4: The ants travel back to the source through the paths with load information
• step5: the source selects the path according to the rank.
• step 6: start data transmission

Flow Chart

Figure 3: Flowchart of ACO

6. Facilities Required for the Proposed Work

For above said Research Work, I require access to various e-journals and research papers. For
data collection and analysis I need various software, Internet access and as I’ll be working on
network simulator ns2.

The hardware and Software requirement of my Thesis are:

6.1 Hardware Requirements

• Disk space- 10MB of free disk storage space on hard disk.

• Processor- any Intel or AMD x86 processor supporting networking simulator.
• RAM- at least 1024MB (2048 recommended) for agroUML, 2 GB for Net Beans.

6.2 Software Requirements

• Operating System- Any Operating System that supports Java.

• Linux:-Linux is used to run the networking simulator
• Software Packages- ns2 simulator, MS-Office for work analysis, Acrobat Reader.

6.3 Ns (Network Simulator)

NS is a name for series of discrete event network simulators, specifically ns-1, ns-2 and ns-3.
All of them are discrete-event network simulators, primarily used in research and teaching.
Ns-3 is free software, publicly available under the GNU GPLv2 license for research,
development, and use.

The goal of the ns-3 project is to create an open simulation environment for networking
research that will be preferred inside the research community

• It should be aligned with the simulation needs of modern networking research.

• It should encourage community contribution, peer review, and validation of the

Since the process of creation of a network simulator that contains a sufficient number of high-
quality validated, tested and actively maintained models requires a lot of work, ns-3 project
spreads this workload over a large community of users and developers.


In 1996-97, ns version 2 (ns-2) was initiated based on a refactoring by Steve McCanne. Use
of Tcl was replaced by MIT's Object Tcl (OTcl), an object-oriented dialect Tcl. The core of
ns-2 is also written in C++, but the C++ simulation objects are linked to shadow objects in
OTcl and variables can be linked between both language realms. Simulation scripts are
written in the OTcl language, an extension of the Tcl scripting language.

7. Proposed Place of Work

Most of the work would be carried out at jiet , Jind.

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