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ed CTL 
Nicolas Markey 
LSV { ENS Cachan 
(joint work with Francois Laroussinie) 
Nord-Pas-de-Calais { Belgium congress of mathematics 
Valenciennes, 28 October 2013
cation of computerised systems 
Computers are everywhere
cation of computerised systems 
Computers are everywhere 
Bugs are everywhere...
cation of computerised systems 
Computers are everywhere 
Bugs are everywhere... 
cation should be everywhere!
Model checking and synthesis 
8 8 
AG( : B.overfull 
^ : B.dried up) 
Model checking and synthesis 
8 8 
b! ? AG( : B.overfull 
^ : B.dried up) 
Outline of the presentation 
1 Basics about CTL 
expressing properties of reactive systems 
ecient veri
cation algorithms 
2 Quanti
ed CTL 
CTL with quanti
cation over atomic propositions 
model checking and satis
ability are mostly decidable 
3 Temporal logics for games: ATL and extensions 
expressing properties of complex interacting systems 
QCTL-based decision procedures for ATLsc
Computation-Tree Logic (CTL) 
atomic propositions: , , ...
Computation-Tree Logic (CTL) 
atomic propositions: , , ... 
boolean combinators: :', ' _  , ' ^  , ...
Computation-Tree Logic (CTL) 
atomic propositions: , , ... 
boolean combinators: :', ' _  , ' ^  , ... 
path quanti
' ' ' ' ' '
Computation-Tree Logic (CTL) 
atomic propositions: , , ... 
boolean combinators: :', ' _  , ' ^  , ... 
path quanti
' ' ' ' ' ' 
temporal modalities: 
X ' ' next ' 
' U   ' '   ' until
Computation-Tree Logic (CTL) 
atomic propositions: , , ... 
boolean combinators: :', ' _  , ' ^  , ... 
path quanti
' ' ' ' ' ' 
temporal modalities: 
X ' ' next ' 
' U   ' '   ' until   
true U '  F ' ' eventually ' 
: F :'  G ' ' ' ' ' ' always '
Examples of CTL formulas 
In CTL, each temporal modality is in the immediate scope of a 
path quanti
Examples of CTL formulas 
In CTL, each temporal modality is in the immediate scope of a 
path quanti
E F is reachable
Examples of CTL formulas 
In CTL, each temporal modality is in the immediate scope of a 
path quanti
E F is reachable 
Examples of CTL formulas 
In CTL, each temporal modality is in the immediate scope of a 
path quanti
EG(E F ) there is a path along which is always reachable
Examples of CTL formulas 
In CTL, each temporal modality is in the immediate scope of a 
path quanti
EG(|E F{z } 
) there is a path along which is always reachable 
p p 
Examples of CTL formulas 
In CTL, each temporal modality is in the immediate scope of a 
path quanti
EG(|E F{z } 
) there is a path along which is always reachable 
Examples of CTL formulas 
In CTL, each temporal modality is in the immediate scope of a 
path quanti
Theorem ([CE81,QS82]) 
CTL model checking is PTIME-complete. 
[CE81] Clarke, Emerson. Design and Synthesis of Synchronization Skeletons using Branching-Time 
Temporal Logic. LOP'81. 
[QS82] Queille, Sifakis. Speci
cation and veri
cation of concurrent systems in CESAR. SOP'82.
Examples of CTL formulas 
In CTL, we have no restriction on modalities and quanti
Examples of CTL formulas 
In CTL, we have no restriction on modalities and quanti
EG F there is a path visiting in
nitely many times 
Examples of CTL formulas 
In CTL, we have no restriction on modalities and quanti
A(G F ) G F ) any path that visits in
nitely many times, 
also visits in
nitely many times
Examples of CTL formulas 
In CTL, we have no restriction on modalities and quanti
Theorem ([EH86]) 
CTL model checking is PSPACE-complete. 
[EH86] Emerson, Halpern. Sometimes and Not Never Revisited: On Branching versus Linear 
Time Temporal Logic. J.ACM, 1986.
Outline of the presentation 
1 Basics about CTL 
expressing properties of reactive systems 
ecient veri
cation algorithms 
2 Quanti
ed CTL 
CTL with quanti
cation over atomic propositions 
model checking and satis
ability are mostly decidable 
3 Temporal logics for games: ATL and extensions 
expressing properties of complex interacting systems 
QCTL-based decision procedures for ATLsc
ed CTL [Kup95,Fre01] 
QCTL extends CTL with propositional quanti
9p: ' means that there exists a labelling of the model 
with p under which ' holds. 
[Kup95] Kupferman. Augmenting Branching Temporal Logics with Existential Quanti
cation over 
Atomic Propositions. CAV, 1995. 
[Fre01] French. Decidability of Quantifed Propositional Branching Time Logics. AJCAI, 2001.
ed CTL [Kup95,Fre01] 
QCTL extends CTL with propositional quanti
9p: ' means that there exists a labelling of the model 
with p under which ' holds. 
E F ^ 8p: 
E F(p ^ ) ) AG( ) p) 
[Kup95] Kupferman. Augmenting Branching Temporal Logics with Existential Quanti
cation over 
Atomic Propositions. CAV, 1995. 
[Fre01] French. Decidability of Quantifed Propositional Branching Time Logics. AJCAI, 2001.
ed CTL [Kup95,Fre01] 
QCTL extends CTL with propositional quanti
9p: ' means that there exists a labelling of the model 
with p under which ' holds. 
E F ^ 8p: 
E F(p ^ ) ) AG( ) p) 
 uniq( ) 
[Kup95] Kupferman. Augmenting Branching Temporal Logics with Existential Quanti
cation over 
Atomic Propositions. CAV, 1995. 
[Fre01] French. Decidability of Quantifed Propositional Branching Time Logics. AJCAI, 2001.
ed CTL [Kup95,Fre01] 
QCTL extends CTL with propositional quanti
9p: ' means that there exists a labelling of the model 
with p under which ' holds. 
E F ^ 8p: 
E F(p ^ ) ) AG( ) p) 
 uniq( ) 
; true if we label the Kripke structure; 
; false if we label the computation tree; 
[Kup95] Kupferman. Augmenting Branching Temporal Logics with Existential Quanti
cation over 
Atomic Propositions. CAV, 1995. 
[Fre01] French. Decidability of Quantifed Propositional Branching Time Logics. AJCAI, 2001.
Semantics of QCTL 
structure semantics: 
j=s 9p:' , 
j= '
Semantics of QCTL 
structure semantics: 
j=s 9p:' , 
j= ' 
tree semantics: 
j=t 9p:' , p 
p p 
j= '
Expressiveness of QCTL 
QCTL can count: 
EX1 '  EX ' ^ 8p: [EX(p ^ ') ) AX(' ) p)] 
EX2 '  9q: [EX1(' ^ q) ^ EX1(' ^ : q)] 
[DLM12] Da Costa, Laroussinie, M. Quanti
ed CTL: expressiveness and model checking. 
CONCUR, 2012.
Expressiveness of QCTL 
QCTL can count: 
EX1 '  EX ' ^ 8p: [EX(p ^ ') ) AX(' ) p)] 
EX2 '  9q: [EX1(' ^ q) ^ EX1(' ^ : q)] 
QCTL can express (least or greatest)
T:'(T)  9t: [AG(t () '(t))^ 
(8t:0(AG(t0 () '(t0)) ) AG(t ) t0)))] 
[DLM12] Da Costa, Laroussinie, M. Quanti
ed CTL: expressiveness and model checking. 
CONCUR, 2012.
Expressiveness of QCTL 
QCTL can count: 
EX1 '  EX ' ^ 8p: [EX(p ^ ') ) AX(' ) p)] 
EX2 '  9q: [EX1(' ^ q) ^ EX1(' ^ : q)] 
QCTL can express (least or greatest)
T:'(T)  9t: [AG(t () '(t))^ 
(8t:0(AG(t0 () '(t0)) ) AG(t ) t0)))] 
QCTL, QCTL and MSO are equally expressive (under both 
[DLM12] Da Costa, Laroussinie, M. Quanti
ed CTL: expressiveness and model checking. 
CONCUR, 2012.
QCTL with structure semantics 
Model checking QCTL for the structure semantics is 
[DLM12] Da Costa, Laroussinie, M. Quanti
ed CTL: expressiveness and model checking. 
CONCUR, 2012.
QCTL with structure semantics 
Model checking QCTL for the structure semantics is 
(nondeterministically) pick a labelling, 
check the subformula. 
QBF is a special case (without even using temporal modalities). 
[DLM12] Da Costa, Laroussinie, M. Quanti
ed CTL: expressiveness and model checking. 
CONCUR, 2012.
QCTL with structure semantics 
QCTL satis
ability for the structure semantics is undecidable.
QCTL with structure semantics 
QCTL satis
ability for the structure semantics is undecidable. 
Encode the problem of tiling
nite square grids.
QCTL with structure semantics 
QCTL satis
ability for the structure semantics is undecidable. 
Encode the problem of tiling
nite square grids.
QCTL with structure semantics 
QCTL satis
ability for the structure semantics is undecidable. 
Encode the problem of tiling
nite square grids.
QCTL with structure semantics 
QCTL satis

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  • 2. ed CTL Nicolas Markey LSV { ENS Cachan (joint work with Francois Laroussinie) Nord-Pas-de-Calais { Belgium congress of mathematics Valenciennes, 28 October 2013
  • 4. cation of computerised systems Computers are everywhere
  • 6. cation of computerised systems Computers are everywhere Bugs are everywhere...
  • 8. cation of computerised systems Computers are everywhere Bugs are everywhere... Veri
  • 9. cation should be everywhere!
  • 10. Model checking and synthesis system: [http://www.embedded.com] property: 8 8 a! b? a? b! AG( : B.overfull ^ : B.dried up) model-checking algorithm yes/no
  • 11. Model checking and synthesis system: [http://www.embedded.com] property: 8 8 a! b! ? AG( : B.overfull b? a? ^ : B.dried up) synthesis algorithm a? b!
  • 12. Outline of the presentation 1 Basics about CTL expressing properties of reactive systems ecient veri
  • 14. ed CTL CTL with quanti
  • 15. cation over atomic propositions model checking and satis
  • 16. ability are mostly decidable 3 Temporal logics for games: ATL and extensions expressing properties of complex interacting systems QCTL-based decision procedures for ATLsc
  • 17. Computation-Tree Logic (CTL) atomic propositions: , , ...
  • 18. Computation-Tree Logic (CTL) atomic propositions: , , ... boolean combinators: :', ' _ , ' ^ , ...
  • 19. Computation-Tree Logic (CTL) atomic propositions: , , ... boolean combinators: :', ' _ , ' ^ , ... path quanti
  • 20. ers: E' ' A' ' ' ' ' ' '
  • 21. Computation-Tree Logic (CTL) atomic propositions: , , ... boolean combinators: :', ' _ , ' ^ , ... path quanti
  • 22. ers: E' ' A' ' ' ' ' ' ' temporal modalities: X ' ' next ' ' U ' ' ' until
  • 23. Computation-Tree Logic (CTL) atomic propositions: , , ... boolean combinators: :', ' _ , ' ^ , ... path quanti
  • 24. ers: E' ' A' ' ' ' ' ' ' temporal modalities: X ' ' next ' ' U ' ' ' until true U ' F ' ' eventually ' : F :' G ' ' ' ' ' ' always '
  • 25. Examples of CTL formulas In CTL, each temporal modality is in the immediate scope of a path quanti
  • 26. er.
  • 27. Examples of CTL formulas In CTL, each temporal modality is in the immediate scope of a path quanti
  • 28. er. E F is reachable
  • 29. Examples of CTL formulas In CTL, each temporal modality is in the immediate scope of a path quanti
  • 30. er. E F is reachable 3 3 3
  • 31. Examples of CTL formulas In CTL, each temporal modality is in the immediate scope of a path quanti
  • 32. er. EG(E F ) there is a path along which is always reachable
  • 33. Examples of CTL formulas In CTL, each temporal modality is in the immediate scope of a path quanti
  • 34. er. EG(|E F{z } p ) there is a path along which is always reachable p p p
  • 35. Examples of CTL formulas In CTL, each temporal modality is in the immediate scope of a path quanti
  • 36. er. EG(|E F{z } p ) there is a path along which is always reachable 3 p 3 p p
  • 37. Examples of CTL formulas In CTL, each temporal modality is in the immediate scope of a path quanti
  • 38. er. Theorem ([CE81,QS82]) CTL model checking is PTIME-complete. [CE81] Clarke, Emerson. Design and Synthesis of Synchronization Skeletons using Branching-Time Temporal Logic. LOP'81. [QS82] Queille, Sifakis. Speci
  • 40. cation of concurrent systems in CESAR. SOP'82.
  • 41. Examples of CTL formulas In CTL, we have no restriction on modalities and quanti
  • 42. ers.
  • 43. Examples of CTL formulas In CTL, we have no restriction on modalities and quanti
  • 44. ers. EG F there is a path visiting in
  • 46. Examples of CTL formulas In CTL, we have no restriction on modalities and quanti
  • 47. ers. A(G F ) G F ) any path that visits in
  • 48. nitely many times, also visits in
  • 50. Examples of CTL formulas In CTL, we have no restriction on modalities and quanti
  • 51. ers. Theorem ([EH86]) CTL model checking is PSPACE-complete. [EH86] Emerson, Halpern. Sometimes and Not Never Revisited: On Branching versus Linear Time Temporal Logic. J.ACM, 1986.
  • 52. Outline of the presentation 1 Basics about CTL expressing properties of reactive systems ecient veri
  • 54. ed CTL CTL with quanti
  • 55. cation over atomic propositions model checking and satis
  • 56. ability are mostly decidable 3 Temporal logics for games: ATL and extensions expressing properties of complex interacting systems QCTL-based decision procedures for ATLsc
  • 58. ed CTL [Kup95,Fre01] QCTL extends CTL with propositional quanti
  • 59. ers 9p: ' means that there exists a labelling of the model with p under which ' holds. [Kup95] Kupferman. Augmenting Branching Temporal Logics with Existential Quanti
  • 60. cation over Atomic Propositions. CAV, 1995. [Fre01] French. Decidability of Quantifed Propositional Branching Time Logics. AJCAI, 2001.
  • 62. ed CTL [Kup95,Fre01] QCTL extends CTL with propositional quanti
  • 63. ers 9p: ' means that there exists a labelling of the model with p under which ' holds. E F ^ 8p: E F(p ^ ) ) AG( ) p) [Kup95] Kupferman. Augmenting Branching Temporal Logics with Existential Quanti
  • 64. cation over Atomic Propositions. CAV, 1995. [Fre01] French. Decidability of Quantifed Propositional Branching Time Logics. AJCAI, 2001.
  • 66. ed CTL [Kup95,Fre01] QCTL extends CTL with propositional quanti
  • 67. ers 9p: ' means that there exists a labelling of the model with p under which ' holds. E F ^ 8p: E F(p ^ ) ) AG( ) p) uniq( ) [Kup95] Kupferman. Augmenting Branching Temporal Logics with Existential Quanti
  • 68. cation over Atomic Propositions. CAV, 1995. [Fre01] French. Decidability of Quantifed Propositional Branching Time Logics. AJCAI, 2001.
  • 70. ed CTL [Kup95,Fre01] QCTL extends CTL with propositional quanti
  • 71. ers 9p: ' means that there exists a labelling of the model with p under which ' holds. E F ^ 8p: E F(p ^ ) ) AG( ) p) uniq( ) ; true if we label the Kripke structure; ; false if we label the computation tree; [Kup95] Kupferman. Augmenting Branching Temporal Logics with Existential Quanti
  • 72. cation over Atomic Propositions. CAV, 1995. [Fre01] French. Decidability of Quantifed Propositional Branching Time Logics. AJCAI, 2001.
  • 73. Semantics of QCTL structure semantics: j=s 9p:' , p j= '
  • 74. Semantics of QCTL structure semantics: j=s 9p:' , p j= ' tree semantics: j=t 9p:' , p p p p j= '
  • 75. Expressiveness of QCTL QCTL can count: EX1 ' EX ' ^ 8p: [EX(p ^ ') ) AX(' ) p)] EX2 ' 9q: [EX1(' ^ q) ^ EX1(' ^ : q)] [DLM12] Da Costa, Laroussinie, M. Quanti
  • 76. ed CTL: expressiveness and model checking. CONCUR, 2012.
  • 77. Expressiveness of QCTL QCTL can count: EX1 ' EX ' ^ 8p: [EX(p ^ ') ) AX(' ) p)] EX2 ' 9q: [EX1(' ^ q) ^ EX1(' ^ : q)] QCTL can express (least or greatest)
  • 78. xpoints: T:'(T) 9t: [AG(t () '(t))^ (8t:0(AG(t0 () '(t0)) ) AG(t ) t0)))] [DLM12] Da Costa, Laroussinie, M. Quanti
  • 79. ed CTL: expressiveness and model checking. CONCUR, 2012.
  • 80. Expressiveness of QCTL QCTL can count: EX1 ' EX ' ^ 8p: [EX(p ^ ') ) AX(' ) p)] EX2 ' 9q: [EX1(' ^ q) ^ EX1(' ^ : q)] QCTL can express (least or greatest)
  • 81. xpoints: T:'(T) 9t: [AG(t () '(t))^ (8t:0(AG(t0 () '(t0)) ) AG(t ) t0)))] Theorem QCTL, QCTL and MSO are equally expressive (under both semantics). [DLM12] Da Costa, Laroussinie, M. Quanti
  • 82. ed CTL: expressiveness and model checking. CONCUR, 2012.
  • 83. QCTL with structure semantics Theorem Model checking QCTL for the structure semantics is PSPACE-complete. [DLM12] Da Costa, Laroussinie, M. Quanti
  • 84. ed CTL: expressiveness and model checking. CONCUR, 2012.
  • 85. QCTL with structure semantics Theorem Model checking QCTL for the structure semantics is PSPACE-complete. Proof Membership: Iteratively (nondeterministically) pick a labelling, check the subformula. Hardness: QBF is a special case (without even using temporal modalities). [DLM12] Da Costa, Laroussinie, M. Quanti
  • 86. ed CTL: expressiveness and model checking. CONCUR, 2012.
  • 87. QCTL with structure semantics Theorem QCTL satis
  • 88. ability for the structure semantics is undecidable.
  • 89. QCTL with structure semantics Theorem QCTL satis
  • 90. ability for the structure semantics is undecidable. Proof Encode the problem of tiling
  • 92. QCTL with structure semantics Theorem QCTL satis
  • 93. ability for the structure semantics is undecidable. Proof Encode the problem of tiling
  • 95. QCTL with structure semantics Theorem QCTL satis
  • 96. ability for the structure semantics is undecidable. Proof Encode the problem of tiling
  • 98. QCTL with structure semantics Theorem QCTL satis
  • 99. ability for the structure semantics is undecidable. Proof Encode the problem of tiling
  • 101. QCTL with structure semantics Theorem QCTL satis
  • 102. ability for the structure semantics is undecidable. Proof Encode the problem of tiling
  • 104. QCTL with structure semantics Theorem QCTL satis
  • 105. ability for the structure semantics is undecidable. Proof Encode the problem of tiling
  • 107. QCTL with structure semantics Theorem QCTL satis
  • 108. ability for the structure semantics is undecidable. Proof Encode the problem of tiling
  • 110. QCTL with structure semantics Theorem QCTL satis
  • 111. ability for the structure semantics is undecidable. Proof Encode the problem of tiling
  • 112. nite square grids. ? Given a set of tiles, whether all
  • 113. nite square grids can be tiled is undecidable.
  • 114. QCTL with structure semantics Theorem QCTL satis
  • 115. ability for the structure semantics is undecidable. Proof Reduction: is there a
  • 116. nite Kripke structure such that
  • 117. QCTL with structure semantics Theorem QCTL satis
  • 118. ability for the structure semantics is undecidable. Proof Reduction: is there a
  • 119. nite Kripke structure such that
  • 120. QCTL with structure semantics Theorem QCTL satis
  • 121. ability for the structure semantics is undecidable. Proof Reduction: is there a
  • 122. nite Kripke structure such that each state has one or two successors AG(EX1 true _ EX2 true)
  • 123. QCTL with structure semantics Theorem QCTL satis
  • 124. ability for the structure semantics is undecidable. Proof Reduction: is there a
  • 125. nite Kripke structure such that two successors of the same state have a common successor: AG(8z:(EX EX z ) AX EX z))
  • 126. QCTL with structure semantics Theorem QCTL satis
  • 127. ability for the structure semantics is undecidable. Proof Reduction: is there a
  • 128. nite Kripke structure such that h h h h h h [... many more conditions ...]
  • 129. QCTL with structure semantics Theorem QCTL satis
  • 130. ability for the structure semantics is undecidable. Proof Reduction: is there a
  • 131. nite Kripke structure such that h h h h h h for any tiling, there is a position where the neighbouring tiles do not match
  • 132. QCTL with tree semantics Theorem Model checking QCTL with k quanti
  • 133. ers in the tree semantics is k-EXPTIME-complete. Satis
  • 134. ability of QCTL with k quanti
  • 135. ers in the tree semantics is (k+1)-EXPTIME-complete. [DLM12] Da Costa, Laroussinie, M. Quanti
  • 136. ed CTL: expressiveness and model checking. CONCUR, 2012. [LM13a] Laroussinie, M. Quanti
  • 137. ed CTL: expressiveness and complexity. Submitted, 2013.
  • 138. QCTL with tree semantics Theorem Model checking QCTL with k quanti
  • 139. ers in the tree semantics is k-EXPTIME-complete. Satis
  • 140. ability of QCTL with k quanti
  • 141. ers in the tree semantics is (k+1)-EXPTIME-complete. Proof Using alternating tree automata:
  • 142. QCTL with tree semantics Theorem Model checking QCTL with k quanti
  • 143. ers in the tree semantics is k-EXPTIME-complete. Satis
  • 144. ability of QCTL with k quanti
  • 145. ers in the tree semantics is (k+1)-EXPTIME-complete. Proof Using alternating tree automata:
  • 146. QCTL with tree semantics Theorem Model checking QCTL with k quanti
  • 147. ers in the tree semantics is k-EXPTIME-complete. Satis
  • 148. ability of QCTL with k quanti
  • 149. ers in the tree semantics is (k+1)-EXPTIME-complete. Proof Using alternating tree automata: (q0; ) = (q0; q1) _ (q1; q0) (q0; ) = (q1; q1) (q0; ) = (q2; q2) (q1; ? ) = (q1; q1) (q2; ? ) = (q2; q2)
  • 150. QCTL with tree semantics Theorem Model checking QCTL with k quanti
  • 151. ers in the tree semantics is k-EXPTIME-complete. Satis
  • 152. ability of QCTL with k quanti
  • 153. ers in the tree semantics is (k+1)-EXPTIME-complete. Proof Using alternating tree automata: q0 (q0; ) = (q0; q1) _ (q1; q0) (q0; ) = (q1; q1) (q0; ) = (q2; q2) (q1; ? ) = (q1; q1) (q2; ? ) = (q2; q2)
  • 154. QCTL with tree semantics Theorem Model checking QCTL with k quanti
  • 155. ers in the tree semantics is k-EXPTIME-complete. Satis
  • 156. ability of QCTL with k quanti
  • 157. ers in the tree semantics is (k+1)-EXPTIME-complete. Proof Using alternating tree automata: q0 q0 q1 (q0; ) = (q0; q1) _ (q1; q0) (q0; ) = (q1; q1) (q0; ) = (q2; q2) (q1; ? ) = (q1; q1) (q2; ? ) = (q2; q2)
  • 158. QCTL with tree semantics Theorem Model checking QCTL with k quanti
  • 159. ers in the tree semantics is k-EXPTIME-complete. Satis
  • 160. ability of QCTL with k quanti
  • 161. ers in the tree semantics is (k+1)-EXPTIME-complete. Proof Using alternating tree automata: q0 q0 q1 q1 q0 (q0; ) = (q0; q1) _ (q1; q0) (q0; ) = (q1; q1) (q0; ) = (q2; q2) (q1; ? ) = (q1; q1) (q2; ? ) = (q2; q2)
  • 162. QCTL with tree semantics Theorem Model checking QCTL with k quanti
  • 163. ers in the tree semantics is k-EXPTIME-complete. Satis
  • 164. ability of QCTL with k quanti
  • 165. ers in the tree semantics is (k+1)-EXPTIME-complete. Proof Using alternating tree automata: q0 q0 q1 q1 q0 q1 q1 (q0; ) = (q0; q1) _ (q1; q0) (q0; ) = (q1; q1) (q0; ) = (q2; q2) (q1; ? ) = (q1; q1) (q2; ? ) = (q2; q2)
  • 166. QCTL with tree semantics Theorem Model checking QCTL with k quanti
  • 167. ers in the tree semantics is k-EXPTIME-complete. Satis
  • 168. ability of QCTL with k quanti
  • 169. ers in the tree semantics is (k+1)-EXPTIME-complete. Proof Using alternating tree automata: q0 q0 q1 q1 q0 q1 q1 q1 q1 q1 q1 (q0; ) = (q0; q1) _ (q1; q0) (q0; ) = (q1; q1) (q0; ) = (q2; q2) (q1; ? ) = (q1; q1) (q2; ? ) = (q2; q2)
  • 170. QCTL with tree semantics Theorem Model checking QCTL with k quanti
  • 171. ers in the tree semantics is k-EXPTIME-complete. Satis
  • 172. ability of QCTL with k quanti
  • 173. ers in the tree semantics is (k+1)-EXPTIME-complete. Proof Using alternating tree automata: q0 q0 q1 q1 q0 q1 q1 q1 q1 q1 q1 q1 q1 (q0; ) = (q0; q1) _ (q1; q0) (q0; ) = (q1; q1) (q0; ) = (q2; q2) (q1; ? ) = (q1; q1) (q2; ? ) = (q2; q2)
  • 174. QCTL with tree semantics Theorem Model checking QCTL with k quanti
  • 175. ers in the tree semantics is k-EXPTIME-complete. Satis
  • 176. ability of QCTL with k quanti
  • 177. ers in the tree semantics is (k+1)-EXPTIME-complete. Proof Using alternating tree automata: q0 q0 q1 q1 q0 q1 q1 q1 q1 q1 q1 q1 q1 q1 q1 (q0; ) = (q0; q1) _ (q1; q0) (q0; ) = (q1; q1) (q0; ) = (q2; q2) (q1; ? ) = (q1; q1) (q2; ? ) = (q2; q2)
  • 178. QCTL with tree semantics Theorem Model checking QCTL with k quanti
  • 179. ers in the tree semantics is k-EXPTIME-complete. Satis
  • 180. ability of QCTL with k quanti
  • 181. ers in the tree semantics is (k+1)-EXPTIME-complete. Proof Using alternating tree automata: q0 q0 q1 q1 q0 q1 q1 q1 q1 q1 q1 q1 q1 q1 q1 (q0; ) = (q0; q1) _ (q1; q0) (q0; ) = (q1; q1) (q0; ) = (q2; q2) (q1; ? ) = (q1; q1) (q2; ? ) = (q2; q2) This automaton corresponds to E U
  • 182. QCTL with tree semantics Theorem Model checking QCTL with k quanti
  • 183. ers in the tree semantics is k-EXPTIME-complete. Satis
  • 184. ability of QCTL with k quanti
  • 185. ers in the tree semantics is (k+1)-EXPTIME-complete. Proof polynomial-size automata for CTL; quanti
  • 186. cation is handled by projection, which
  • 187. rst requires removing alternation (exponential blowup); an automaton equivalent to a QCTL formula can be built inductively; emptiness of an alternating parity tree automaton can be decided in exponential time.
  • 188. Outline of the presentation 1 Basics about CTL expressing properties of reactive systems ecient veri
  • 190. ed CTL CTL with quanti
  • 191. cation over atomic propositions model checking and satis
  • 192. ability are mostly decidable 3 Temporal logics for games: ATL and extensions expressing properties of complex interacting systems QCTL-based decision procedures for ATLsc
  • 193. Reasoning about multi-agent systems Concurrent games A concurrent game is made of a transition system; q0 q1 q2
  • 194. Reasoning about multi-agent systems Concurrent games A concurrent game is made of a transition system; a set of agents (or players); q0 q1 q2
  • 195. Reasoning about multi-agent systems Concurrent games A concurrent game is made of a transition system; a set of agents (or players); a table indicating the transition to be taken given the actions of the players. q0 q1 q2 player 1 q0 q2 q1 q1 q0 q2 q2 q1 q0 player 2
  • 196. Reasoning about multi-agent systems Concurrent games A concurrent game is made of a transition system; a set of agents (or players); a table indicating the transition to be taken given the actions of the players. Turn-based games A turn-based game is a game where only one agent plays at a time.
  • 197. Reasoning about open systems Strategies A strategy for a given player is a function telling what to play depending on what has happened previously.
  • 198. Reasoning about open systems Strategies A strategy for a given player is a function telling what to play depending on what has happened previously. Strategy for player : alternately go to and .
  • 199. Reasoning about open systems Strategies A strategy for a given player is a function telling what to play depending on what has happened previously. Strategy for player : alternately go to and . ... ... ... ...
  • 200. Temporal logics for games: ATL ATL extends CTL with strategy quanti
  • 201. ers hhAii ' expresses that A has a strategy to enforce '. [AHK02] Alur, Henzinger, Kupferman. Alternating-time Temporal Logic. J. ACM, 2002.
  • 202. Temporal logics for games: ATL ATL extends CTL with strategy quanti
  • 203. ers hhAii ' expresses that A has a strategy to enforce '. hh ii F [AHK02] Alur, Henzinger, Kupferman. Alternating-time Temporal Logic. J. ACM, 2002.
  • 204. Temporal logics for games: ATL ATL extends CTL with strategy quanti
  • 205. ers hhAii ' expresses that A has a strategy to enforce '. 3 3 3 3 hh ii F [AHK02] Alur, Henzinger, Kupferman. Alternating-time Temporal Logic. J. ACM, 2002.
  • 206. Temporal logics for games: ATL ATL extends CTL with strategy quanti
  • 207. ers hhAii ' expresses that A has a strategy to enforce '. hh ii F hh ii F [AHK02] Alur, Henzinger, Kupferman. Alternating-time Temporal Logic. J. ACM, 2002.
  • 208. Temporal logics for games: ATL ATL extends CTL with strategy quanti
  • 209. ers hhAii ' expresses that A has a strategy to enforce '. 3 3 hh ii F hh ii F [AHK02] Alur, Henzinger, Kupferman. Alternating-time Temporal Logic. J. ACM, 2002.
  • 210. Temporal logics for games: ATL ATL extends CTL with strategy quanti
  • 211. ers hhAii ' expresses that A has a strategy to enforce '. hh ii F hh ii F hh ii G( hh ii F ) [AHK02] Alur, Henzinger, Kupferman. Alternating-time Temporal Logic. J. ACM, 2002.
  • 212. Temporal logics for games: ATL ATL extends CTL with strategy quanti
  • 213. ers hhAii ' expresses that A has a strategy to enforce '. p p hh ii F hh ii F hh ii G( hh ii F ) hh ii G p p [AHK02] Alur, Henzinger, Kupferman. Alternating-time Temporal Logic. J. ACM, 2002.
  • 214. Temporal logics for games: ATL ATL extends CTL with strategy quanti
  • 215. ers hhAii ' expresses that A has a strategy to enforce '. p p hh ii F hh ii F hh ii G( hh ii F ) hh ii G p p Theorem Model checking ATL is PTIME-complete. [AHK02] Alur, Henzinger, Kupferman. Alternating-time Temporal Logic. J. ACM, 2002.
  • 216. ATL with strategy contexts [BDLM09] hh ii G( hh ii F ) [BDLM09] Brihaye, Da Costa, Laroussinie, M. ATL with strategy contexts. LFCS, 2009.
  • 217. ATL with strategy contexts [BDLM09] hh ii G( hh ii F ) consider the following strategy of Player : always go to ; [BDLM09] Brihaye, Da Costa, Laroussinie, M. ATL with strategy contexts. LFCS, 2009.
  • 218. ATL with strategy contexts [BDLM09] hh ii G( hh ii F ) consider the following strategy of Player : always go to ; [BDLM09] Brihaye, Da Costa, Laroussinie, M. ATL with strategy contexts. LFCS, 2009.
  • 219. ATL with strategy contexts [BDLM09] hh ii G( hh ii F ) consider the following strategy of Player : always go to ; in the remaining tree, Player can always enforce a visit to . [BDLM09] Brihaye, Da Costa, Laroussinie, M. ATL with strategy contexts. LFCS, 2009.
  • 220. What ATLsc can express Client-server interactions for accessing a shared resource: hServeri G 2 66664 ^ c2Clients hci F accessc ^ : ^ c6=c0 accessc ^ accessc0 3 77775
  • 221. What ATLsc can express Client-server interactions for accessing a shared resource: hServeri G 2 66664 ^ c2Clients hci F accessc ^ : ^ c6=c0 accessc ^ accessc0 3 77775 Existence of Nash equilibria: hA1; :::;Ani ^ i ( hAi i 'Ai ) 'Ai )
  • 222. What ATLsc can express Client-server interactions for accessing a shared resource: hServeri G 2 66664 ^ c2Clients hci F accessc ^ : ^ c6=c0 accessc ^ accessc0 3 77775 Existence of Nash equilibria: hA1; :::;Ani ^ i ( hAi i 'Ai ) 'Ai ) Existence of dominating strategy: hAi [B] (:' ) [A] :')
  • 223. Translating ATLsc into QCTL player A has moves mA 1 , ..., mA n ; from the transition table, we can compute the set Next( );A;mA i ) of states that can be reached from when player A plays mA i . [DLM12] Da Costa, Laroussinie, M. Quanti
  • 224. ed CTL: expressiveness and model checking. CONCUR, 2012.
  • 225. Translating ATLsc into QCTL player A has moves mA 1 , ..., mA n ; from the transition table, we can compute the set Next( );A;mA i ) of states that can be reached from when player A plays mA i . hAi ' can be encoded as follows: 9mA 1 : 9mA 2 : : : 9mA n : this corresponds to a strategy: AG(mA i , V :mA j ); the outcomes all satisfy ': A G(q ^ mA . i ) X Next(q; A;mA i )) ) ' [DLM12] Da Costa, Laroussinie, M. Quanti
  • 226. ed CTL: expressiveness and model checking. CONCUR, 2012.
  • 227. Translating ATLsc into QCTL player A has moves mA 1 , ..., mA n ; from the transition table, we can compute the set Next( );A;mA i ) of states that can be reached from when player A plays mA i . Corollary ATLsc model checking is decidable. Corollary ATL0 sc (memoryless quanti
  • 228. cation) model checking is decidable. [DLM12] Da Costa, Laroussinie, M. Quanti
  • 229. ed CTL: expressiveness and model checking. CONCUR, 2012.
  • 235. ability is decidable. But Theorem (TW12) ATLsc satis
  • 236. ability is undecidable. [TW12] Troquard, Walther. On Satis
  • 237. ability in ATL with Strategy Contexts. JELIA, 2012.
  • 240. ability is decidable. But Theorem (TW12) ATLsc satis
  • 241. ability is undecidable. Why? The translation from ATLsc to QCTL assumes that the game structure is
  • 242. xed! [TW12] Troquard, Walther. On Satis
  • 243. ability in ATL with Strategy Contexts. JELIA, 2012.
  • 244. Satis
  • 245. ability for turn-based games Theorem (LM13b) When restricted to turn-based games, ATLsc satis
  • 246. ability is decidable. [LM13b] Laroussinie, M. Satis
  • 247. ability of ATL with strategy contexts. Gandalf, 2013.
  • 248. Satis
  • 249. ability for turn-based games Theorem (LM13b) When restricted to turn-based games, ATLsc satis
  • 250. ability is decidable. player has moves , and . a strategy can be encoded by marking some of the nodes of the tree with proposition movA. hAi ' can be encoded as follows: 9movA: it corresponds to a strategy: AG(turnA ) EX1 movA); the outcomes all satisfy ': A G(turnA ^ X movA) ) ' . [LM13b] Laroussinie, M. Satis
  • 251. ability of ATL with strategy contexts. Gandalf, 2013.
  • 252. Satis
  • 253. ability for turn-based games Theorem (LM13b) When restricted to turn-based games, ATLsc satis
  • 254. ability is decidable. Theorem Model checking ATLsc with only memoryless quanti
  • 255. cation is PSPACE-complete. [LM13b] Laroussinie, M. Satis
  • 256. ability of ATL with strategy contexts. Gandalf, 2013.
  • 257. What about Strategy Logic? [CHP07,MMV10] Strategy logic Explicit quanti
  • 258. cation over strategies + strategy assignement Example hAi ' 91:assign(1; A):' Strategy logic can also be translated into QCTL. Theorem Strategy-logic satis
  • 259. ability is decidable when restricted to turn-based games. Memoryless strategy-logic satis
  • 260. ability is undecidable. [CHP07] Chatterjee, Henzinger, Piterman. Strategy Logic. CONCUR, 2007. [MMV10] Mogavero, Murano, Vardi. Reasoning about strategies. FSTTCS, 2010.
  • 261. Conclusions and future works Conclusions QCTL is a powerful extension of CTL; it is equivalent to MSO over
  • 262. nite graphs and regular trees; it is a nice tool to understand temporal logics for games (ATL with strategy contexts, Strategy Logic, ...);
  • 263. Conclusions and future works Conclusions QCTL is a powerful extension of CTL; it is equivalent to MSO over
  • 264. nite graphs and regular trees; it is a nice tool to understand temporal logics for games (ATL with strategy contexts, Strategy Logic, ...); Future directions De
  • 265. ning interesting (expressive yet tractable) fragments of those logics; Obtaining practicable algorithms. Considering randomised strategies.