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Chapter 2
Optimal State Feedback Control
for Discrete-Time Systems

2.1 Introduction

The optimal control problem of nonlinear systems has always been the key fo-
cus of control fields in the past several decades. Traditional optimal control ap-
proaches are mostly based on linearization methods or numerical computation meth-
ods. However, closed-loop optimal feedback control is desired for most researchers
in practice. Therefore, in this chapter, several near-optimal control scheme will be
developed for different nonlinear discrete-time systems by introducing the different
iterative ADP algorithms.
    First, an infinite-horizon optimal state feedback controller is developed for a
class of discrete-time systems based on DHP. Then, due to the special advantages
of GDHP algorithm, a new optimal control scheme is developed with discounted
cost functional. Moreover, based on GHJB algorithm, an infinite-horizon optimal
state feedback stabilizing controller is designed. Further, most existing controllers
are implemented in infinite time horizon. However, many real-world systems need
to be effectively controlled within a finite time horizon. Therefore, we further pro-
pose a finite-horizon optimal controllers with ε-error bound, where the number of
optimal control steps can be determined definitely.

2.2 Infinite-Horizon Optimal State Feedback Control Based
    on DHP

Saturation, dead-zone, backlash, and hysteresis are the most common actuator non-
linearities in practical control system applications. Due to the nonanalytic nature
of the actuator nonlinear dynamics and the fact that the exact actuator nonlinear
functions are unknown, the systems with saturation present a challenge to control
engineers. In this section, we study this problem in the framework of the HJB equa-
tion from optimal control theory. First, based on nonquadratic functionals, the HJB
equation is formulated, whose solution results in a smooth saturated controller. Then

H. Zhang et al., Adaptive Dynamic Programming for Control,                        27
Communications and Control Engineering, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4471-4757-2_2,
© Springer-Verlag London 2013
28                               2   Optimal State Feedback Control for Discrete-Time Systems

a new iterative ADP algorithm is presented with convergence proof to solve the HJB
equation derived.

2.2.1 Problem Formulation

Consider a class of discrete-time affine nonlinear systems as follows:

                           x(k + 1) = f (x(k)) + g(x(k))u(k),                             (2.1)

where x(k) ∈ Rn is the state vector, and f : Rn → Rn and g : Rn → Rn×m are
differentiable in their arguments with f (0) = 0. Assume that f + gu is Lips-
chitz continuous on a set Ω in Rn containing the origin, and that the system
(2.1) is controllable in the sense that there exists at least a continuous control law
on Ω that asymptotically stabilizes the system. We denote Ωu = {u(k) | u(k) =
[u1 (k), u2 (k), . . . , um (k)]T ∈ Rm , |ui (k)| ≤ ui , i = 1, . . . , m}, where ui is the sat-
                                                    ¯                             ¯
urating bound for the ith actuator. Let U ∈ Rm×m be the constant diagonal matrix
given by U = diag{u1 , u2 , . . . , um }.
                          ¯ ¯        ¯
   In this subsection, we mainly discuss how to design an optimal state feedback
controller for this class of constrained discrete-time systems. It is desired to find the
optimal control law v(x) so that the control sequence u(·) = (u(i), u(i + 1), . . . )
with each u(i) ∈ Ωu minimizes the generalized cost functional as follows:
                     J (x(k), u(·)) =         x T (i)Qx(i) + W (u(i)) ,                   (2.2)

where u(i) = v(x(i)), W (u(i)) ∈ R is positive definite, and the weight matrix Q is
also positive definite.
    For optimal control problems, the state feedback control law v(x) must not only
stabilize the system on Ω but also guarantee that (2.2) is finite. Such a control law
is said to be admissible.

Definition 2.1 A control law v(x) is said to be admissible with respect to (2.2) on
Ω if v(x) is continuous with v(x(k)) ∈ Ωu for ∀x(k) ∈ Ω and stabilizes (2.1) on Ω,
v(0) = 0, and for ∀x(0) ∈ Ω, J (x(0), u(·)) is finite, where u(·) = (u(0), u(1), . . . )
and u(k) = v(x(k)), k = 0, 1, . . . .

    Based on the above definition, we are ready to explain the admissible control
law sequence. A control law sequence {ηi } = (η0 , η1 , . . . , η∞ ) is called admissible
if the resultant control sequence (u(0), u(1), . . . , u(∞)) stabilizes the system (2.1)
with any initial state x(0) and guarantees that J (x(0), u(·)) is finite. It should be
mentioned that, in this case, each control action obeys a different control law, i.e.,
u(i) is produced by a control law ηi for i = 0, 1, . . . . The control law sequence
{ηi } = (η0 , η1 , . . . , η∞ ) is also called a nonstationary policy in the literature [2].
2.2 Infinite-Horizon Optimal State Feedback Control Based on DHP                                      29

   For convenience, in the sequel J ∗ (x(k)) is used to denote the optimal value func-
tion which is defined as J ∗ (x(k)) = minu(·) J (x(k), u(·)), and u∗ (x) is used to de-
note the corresponding optimal control law.
   For the unconstrained control problem, W (u(i)) in the performance functional
(2.2) is commonly chosen as the quadratic form of the control input u(i). How-
ever, in this subsection, to confront the bounded control problem, we employ a non-
quadratic functional as follows:

                        W (u(i)) = 2                          ¯      ¯
                                                        ϕ −T (U −1 s)U Rds,                        (2.3)

             ϕ −1 (u(i)) = [ϕ −1 (u1 (i)), ϕ −1 (u2 (i)), . . . , ϕ −1 (um (i))]T ,

where R is positive definite and assumed to be diagonal for simplicity of analysis,
s ∈ Rm , ϕ ∈ Rm , ϕ(·) is a bounded one-to-one function satisfying |ϕ(·)| ≤ 1 and
belonging to C p (p ≥ 1) and L2 (Ω). Moreover, it is a monotonic increasing odd
function with its first derivative bounded by a constant M. Such a function is easy
to find, and one example is the hyperbolic tangent function ϕ(·) = tanh(·). It should
be noticed that, by the definition above, W (u(i)) is ensured to be positive definite
because ϕ −1 (·) is a monotonic odd function and R is positive definite.
   According to Bellman’s principle of optimality, the optimal value function J ∗ (x)
should satisfy the following HJB equation:

                                ∞                                     u(i)
          J ∗ (x(k)) = min            x T (i)Qx(i) + 2                             ¯      ¯
                                                                             ϕ −T (U −1 s)U Rds
                        u(·)                                      0
                     = min x T (k)Qx(k) + 2                                  ¯      ¯
                                                                       ϕ −T (U −1 s)U Rds
                        u(k)                                0

                                 + J ∗ (x(k + 1)) .                                                (2.4)

The optimal control law u∗ (x) should satisfy

          u∗ (x(k)) = arg min x T (k)Qx(k) + 2                                      ¯      ¯
                                                                              ϕ −T (U −1 s)U Rds
                               u(k)                                0
                                      + J (x(k + 1)) .                                             (2.5)

   The optimal control problem can be solved if the optimal value function J ∗ (x)
can be obtained from (2.4). However, there is currently no method for solving this
value function of the constrained optimal control problem. Therefore, in the next
subsection we will discuss how to utilize the iterative ADP algorithm to seek the
near-optimal control solution.
30                                2   Optimal State Feedback Control for Discrete-Time Systems

2.2.2 Infinite-Horizon Optimal State Feedback Control via DHP

Since direct solution of the HJB equation is computationally intensive, we develop
in this subsection an iterative ADP algorithm, based on Bellman’s principle of opti-
mality and the greedy iteration principle.
    First, we start with initial value function V0 (·) = 0 which is not necessarily the
optimal value function. Then, we find the law of single control vector v0 (x) as fol-
           v0 (x(k)) = arg min x T (k)Qx(k) + 2                                   ¯      ¯
                                                                            ϕ −T (U −1 s)U Rds
                           u(k)                                  0

                                      + V0 (x(k + 1)) ,                                           (2.6)

and we update the value function by
                                                          v0 (x(k))
              V1 (x(k)) = x T (k)Qx(k) + 2                                  ¯      ¯
                                                                      ϕ −T (U −1 s)U Rds.         (2.7)

Therefore, for i = 1, 2, . . . , the iterative ADP algorithm iterates between
           vi (x(k)) = arg min x T (k)Qx(k) + 2                                   ¯      ¯
                                                                            ϕ −T (U −1 s)U Rds
                           u(k)                                 0

                                  + Vi (x(k + 1))                                                 (2.8)

            Vi+1 (x(k)) = min x T (k)Qx(k) + 2                                    ¯      ¯
                                                                            ϕ −T (U −1 s)U Rds
                          u(k)                                  0

                                  + Vi (x(k + 1)) .                                               (2.9)

It can be seen that, based on (2.8), (2.9) can further be written as
                                              vi (x(k))
     Vi+1 (x(k)) = x T (k)Qx(k) + 2                             ¯      ¯
                                                          ϕ −T (U −1 s)U Rds + Vi (x(k + 1)) ,

where x(k + 1) = f (x(k)) + g(x(k))vi (x(k)).
   In summary, in this iterative algorithm, the value function sequence {Vi } and con-
trol law sequence {vi } are updated by implementing the recurrent iteration between
(2.8) and (2.10) with the iteration number i increasing from 0 to ∞.
   To further explain the iteration process, next we are ready to analyze this iterative
algorithm. First, based on (2.10) we obtain
2.2 Infinite-Horizon Optimal State Feedback Control Based on DHP                                           31

                                                                vi−1 (x(k+1))
  Vi (x(k + 1)) = x T (k + 1)Qx(k + 1) + 2                                            ¯      ¯
                                                                                ϕ −T (U −1 s)U Rds

                   + Vi−1 (x(k + 2)) ,                                                                (2.11)

where x(k + 2) = f (x(k + 1)) + g(x(k + 1))vi−1 (x(k + 1)). Then, by further ex-
panding (2.10), we have
                                                vi (x(k))
   Vi+1 (x(k)) = x T (k)Qx(k) + 2                                 ¯      ¯
                                                            ϕ −T (U −1 s)U Rds
                                                                     vi−1 (x(k+1))
                   + x T (k + 1)Qx(k + 1) + 2                                              ¯      ¯
                                                                                     ϕ −T (U −1 s)U Rds

                   + · · · + x T (k + i)Qx(k + i)
                            v0 (x(k+i))
                   +2                           ¯      ¯
                                          ϕ −T (U −1 s)U Rds + V0 (x(k + i + 1)) ,                    (2.12)

where V0 (x(k + i + 1)) = 0.
   From (2.12), it can be seen that during the iteration process, the control actions
for different control steps obey different control laws. After the iteration number
i + 1, the obtained control law sequence is (vi , vi−1 , . . . , v0 ). With the iteration
number i increasing to ∞, the obtained control law sequence has a length of ∞. For
the infinite-horizon problem, both the optimal value function and the optimal control
law are unique. Therefore, it is desired that the control law sequence will converge
when the iteration number i → ∞. In the following, we will prove that both the
value function sequence {Vi } and the control law sequence {vi } are convergent.
   In this subsection, in order to prove the convergence characteristics of the itera-
tive ADP algorithm for the constrained nonlinear system, we first present two lem-
mas before presenting our theorems. For convenience, the nonquadratic functional
              ¯     ¯
2 0 ϕ −T (U −1 s)U Rds will be written as W (u(k)) in the sequel.

Lemma 2.2 Let {μi } be an arbitrary sequence of control laws, and {vi } be the
control law sequence as in (2.8). Let Vi be as in (2.9) and Λi be

         Λi+1 (x(k)) = x T (k)Qx(k) + W (μi (x(k))) + Λi (x(k + 1)).                                  (2.13)

If V0 (·) = Λ0 (·) = 0, then Vi (x) ≤ Λi (x), ∀i.

Proof It is clear from the fact that Vi+1 is the result of minimizing the right hand
side of (2.9) with respect to the control input u(k), while Λi+1 is a result of arbitrary
control input.

Lemma 2.3 Let the sequence {Vi } be defined as in (2.9). If the system is control-
lable, then there is an upper bound Y such that 0 ≤ Vi (x(k)) ≤ Y, ∀i.
32                                     2   Optimal State Feedback Control for Discrete-Time Systems

Proof Let {ηi (x)} be a sequence of stabilizing and admissible control laws, and let
V0 (·) = P0 (·) = 0, where Vi is updated by (2.9) and Pi is updated by

             Pi+1 (x(k)) = x T (k)Qx(k) + W (ηi (x(k))) + Pi (x(k + 1)).                    (2.14)

From (2.14), we further obtain

             Pi (x(k + 1)) = x T (k + 1)Qx(k + 1) + W (ηi−1 (x(k + 1)))
                                  + Pi−1 (x(k + 2)).                                        (2.15)

Thus, the following relation can be obtained:

            Pi+1 (x(k)) = x T (k)Qx(k) + W (ηi (x(k)))
                                + x T (k + 1)Qx(k + 1) + W (ηi−1 (x(k + 1)))
                                + Pi−1 (x(k + 2))
                              = x T (k)Qx(k) + W (ηi (x(k)))
                                + x T (k + 1)Qx(k + 1) + W (ηi−1 (x(k + 1)))
                                + x T (k + 2)Qx(k + 2) + W (ηi−2 (x(k + 2)))
                                + Pi−2 (x(k + 3))
                              = x T (k)Qx(k) + W (ηi (x(k)))
                                + x T (k + 1)Qx(k + 1) + W (ηi−1 (x(k + 1)))
                                + x T (k + 2)Qx(k + 2) + W (ηi−2 (x(k + 2)))
                                + ...
                                + x T (k + i)Qx(k + i) + W (η0 (x(k + i)))
                                + P0 (x(k + i + 1)),                                        (2.16)

where P0 (x(k + i + 1)) = 0.
   Let li (x(k)) = x T (k)Qx(k)+W (ηi (x(k))), and then (2.16) can further be written
     Pi+1 (x(k)) =          li−j (x(k + j ))
                     j =0

                =            x T (k + j )Qx(k + j ) + W (ηi−j (x(k + j )))
                     j =0
2.2 Infinite-Horizon Optimal State Feedback Control Based on DHP                    33

                ≤ lim          x T (k + j )Qx(k + j ) + W ηi−j (x(k + j )) .   (2.17)
                        j =0

  Note that {ηi (x)} is an admissible control law sequence, i.e., x(k) → 0 as k →
∞. Therefore there exists an upper bound Y such that
                  ∀i : Pi+1 (x(k)) ≤ lim            li−j (x(k + j )) ≤ Y.      (2.18)
                                             j =0

Combining with Lemma 2.2, we obtain

                          ∀i : Vi+1 (x(k)) ≤ Pi+1 (x(k)) ≤ Y.                  (2.19)

   This completes the proof.

   Next, Lemmas 2.2 and 2.3 will be used in the proof of our main theorems.

Theorem 2.4 (cf. [17]) Define the value function sequence {Vi } as in (2.10) with
V0 (·) = 0, and the control law sequence {vi } as in (2.8). Then, we can conclude that
{Vi } is a nondecreasing sequence satisfying Vi+1 (x(k)) ≥ Vi (x(k)), ∀i.

Proof For convenience of analysis, define a new sequence {Φi } as follows:

       Φi+1 (x(k)) = x T (k)Qx(k) + W (vi+1 (x(k))) + Φi (x(k + 1)),           (2.20)

where Φ0 (·) = V0 (·) = 0. The control law sequence {vi } is updated by (2.8) and the
value function sequence {Vi } is updated by (2.10).
   In the following, we prove that Φi (x(k)) ≤ Vi+1 (x(k)) by mathematical induc-
   First, we prove that it holds for i = 0. Noticing that

             V1 (x(k)) − Φ0 (x(k)) = x T (k)Qx(k) + W (v0 (x(k))) ≥ 0,         (2.21)

thus for i = 0, we have
                                 V1 (x(k)) ≥ Φ0 (x(k)).                        (2.22)
    Second, we assume that it holds for i − 1. That is to say, for any x(k), we have
Vi (x(k)) ≥ Φi−1 (x(k)). Then, for i, since

            Φi (x(k)) = x T (k)Qx(k) + W (vi (x(k))) + Φi−1 (x(k + 1))         (2.23)

             Vi+1 (x(k)) = x T (k)Qx(k) + W (vi (x(k))) + Vi (x(k + 1))        (2.24)
hold, we obtain

       Vi+1 (x(k)) − Φi (x(k)) = Vi (x(k + 1)) − Φi−1 (x(k + 1)) ≥ 0,          (2.25)
34                                2     Optimal State Feedback Control for Discrete-Time Systems

i.e., the following equation holds:

                                  Φi (x(k)) ≤ Vi+1 (x(k)).                               (2.26)

Therefore, (2.26) is proved for any i by mathematical induction.
   Furthermore, from Lemma 2.2 we know that Vi (x(k)) ≤ Φi (x(k)). Therefore we
                         Vi (x(k)) ≤ Φi (x(k)) ≤ Vi+1 (x(k)).                            (2.27)
     The proof is completed.

   Next, we are ready to exploit the limit of the value function sequence {Vi } when
i → ∞.
   Let {ηi } be the lth admissible control law sequence, similar to the proof of
Lemma 2.3, we can construct the associated sequence Pi(l) (x) as follows:

              (l)                                            (l)                (l)
         Pi+1 (x(k)) = x T (k)Qx(k) + W (ηi (x(k))) + Pi (x(k + 1)),                     (2.28)

with P0 (·) = 0.
        (l)                           (l)
   Let li (x(k)) = x T (k)Qx(k) + W (ηi (x(k))). Then, the following relation can
be obtained similarly:

                            (l)                                   (l)
                          Pi+1 (x(k)) =                       li−j (x(k + j )).          (2.29)
                                                    j =0

Let i → ∞; we have
                       P∞ (x(k)) = lim
                                                                    li−j (x(k + j )).    (2.30)
                                                             j =0

Combining (2.29) with (2.30), we obtain
                                  Pi+1 (x(k)) ≤ P∞ (x(k)).

Theorem 2.5 (cf. [17]) Define P∞ (x(k)) as in (2.30), and the value function se-
quence {Vi } as in (2.10) with V0 (·) = 0. For any state vector x(k), define J ∗ (x(k)) =
infl {P∞ (x(k))}, which can be considered as the “optimal” value function starting
from x(k) under all admissible control law sequences with length of ∞. Then, we
can conclude that J ∗ is the limit of the value function sequence {Vi }.

Proof According to the definition of P∞ (x(k)), the associated control law sequence
  (l)                                                             (l)
{ηi (x)} is admissible. Thus, it is guaranteed that limi→∞ i =0 li−j (x(k + j )) is
2.2 Infinite-Horizon Optimal State Feedback Control Based on DHP                     35

finite, i.e., P∞ (x(k)) is finite. Hence for any l, there exists an upper bound Yl such
                           Pi+1 (x(k)) ≤ P∞ (x(k)) ≤ Yl .
Combining with Lemma 2.2, we further obtain
                       ∀l, i : Vi+1 (x(k)) ≤ Pi+1 (x(k)) ≤ Yl .                 (2.33)

   Since J ∗ (x(k)) = infl {P∞ (x(k))}, for any > 0, there exists a sequence of
admissible control laws {ηi } such that the associated value function satisfies
P∞ (x(k)) ≤ J ∗ (x(k)) + . According to (2.33), we have Vi (x(k)) ≤ Pi (x(k))
  (K)                                                                  (l)

for any l and i. Thus, we obtain limi→∞ Vi (x(k)) ≤ P∞ (x(k)) ≤ J ∗ (x(k)) + .

Noting that is chosen arbitrarily, we have

                                lim Vi (x(k)) ≤ J ∗ (x(k)).                     (2.34)

    On the other hand, since Vi+1 (x(k)) ≤ Pi+1 (x(k)) ≤ Yl , ∀l, i, we have limi→∞
Vi (x(k)) ≤ infl {Yl }. According to the definition of admissible control law sequence,
the control law sequence associated with the value function limi→∞ Vi (x(k)) must
be an admissible control law sequence, i.e., there exists a sequence of admissible
                 (N )                                  (N )
control laws {ηi } such that limi→∞ Vi (x(k)) = P∞ (x(k)). Combining with the
definition J ∗ (x(k)) = infl {P∞ (x(k))}, we can obtain

                                lim Vi (x(k)) ≥ J ∗ (x(k)).                     (2.35)

  Therefore, combining (2.34) with (2.35), we can conclude that limi→∞ Vi (x(k))
= J ∗ (x(k)), i.e., J ∗ is the limit of the value function sequence {Vi }.
  The proof is completed.

   Next, let us consider what will happen when we make i → ∞ in (2.9). The left
hand side is simply V∞ (x). But for the right hand side, it is not obvious to see since
the minimum will reach at different u(k) for different i. However, the following
result can be proved.

Theorem 2.6 For any state vector x(k), the “optimal” value function J ∗ (x) satis-
fies the HJB equation

            J ∗ (x(k)) = inf x T (k)Qx(k) + W (u(k)) + J ∗ (x(k + 1)) .

Proof For any u(k) and i, according to (2.9), we have

               Vi (x(k)) ≤ x T (k)Qx(k) + W (u(k)) + Vi−1 (x(k + 1)).           (2.36)
36                             2   Optimal State Feedback Control for Discrete-Time Systems

According to Theorems 2.4 and 2.5, the value function sequence {Vi } is a non-
decreasing sequence satisfying limi→∞ Vi (x(k)) = J ∗ (x(k)), hence the relation
Vi−1 (x(k + 1)) ≤ J ∗ (x(k + 1)) holds for any i. Thus, we obtain

                 Vi (x(k)) ≤ x T (k)Qx(k) + W (u(k)) + J ∗ (x(k + 1)).              (2.37)

Let i → ∞; we have

                 J ∗ (x(k)) ≤ x T (k)Qx(k) + W (u(k)) + J ∗ (x(k + 1)).             (2.38)

Since u(k) in the above equation is chosen arbitrarily, the following equation holds:

          J ∗ (x(k)) ≤ inf x T (k)Qx(k) + W (u(k)) + J ∗ (x(k + 1)) .               (2.39)

     On the other hand, for any i the value function sequence satisfies

         Vi (x(k)) = min x T (k)Qx(k) + W (u(k)) + Vi−1 (x(k + 1)) .                (2.40)

     Combining with Vi (x(k)) ≤ J ∗ (x(k)), ∀i, we have

         J ∗ (x(k)) ≥ inf x T (k)Qx(k) + W (u(k)) + Vi−1 (x(k + 1)) .               (2.41)

Let i → ∞; then we obtain

          J ∗ (x(k)) ≥ inf x T (k)Qx(k) + W (u(k)) + J ∗ (x(k + 1)) .               (2.42)

Combining (2.39) and (2.42), we have

          J ∗ (x(k)) = inf x T (k)Qx(k) + W (u(k)) + J ∗ (x(k + 1)) .               (2.43)

     The proof is completed.

   According to Theorems 2.4 and 2.5, we can conclude that Vi (x(k)) ≤ Vi+1 (x(k)),
∀i and limi→∞ Vi (x(k)) = J ∗ (x(k)). Furthermore, according to Theorem 2.6, we
have J ∗ (x(k)) = infu(k) {x T (k)Qx(k) + W (u(k)) + J ∗ (x(k + 1))}. Therefore, we
can conclude that the value function sequence {Vi } converges to the optimal value
function of the discrete-time HJB equation, i.e., Vi → J ∗ as i → ∞. Since the value
function sequence is convergent, according to (2.5) and (2.8), we can conclude that
the corresponding control law sequence {vi } converges to the optimal control law
u∗ as i → ∞.
   It should be mentioned that the value function Vi (x) we constructed is a new
function that is different from ordinary cost function. Via Lemma 2.3 and Theo-
rem 2.4, we have showed that for any x(k) ∈ Ω, the function sequence {Vi (x(k))} is
a nondecreasing sequence, which will increase its value with an upper bound. This
2.2 Infinite-Horizon Optimal State Feedback Control Based on DHP                          37

is in contrast to other work in the literature, e.g., [5], where the value functions are
constructed as a nonincreasing sequence with lower bound. Moreover, it should be
noted that we do not require every control law in the sequence {vi } to be admissible.
What we need is a control law sequence to be admissible, i.e., the resultant sequence
of control vectors can stabilize the system.
    Next, we are ready to discuss the implementation of the iterative ADP algorithm.
    (1) Derivation of the iterative DHP algorithm. First, we assume that the value
function Vi (x) is smooth. In order to implement the iteration between (2.8) and
(2.10), for i = 0, 1, . . . , we further assume that the minimum of the right hand side
of (2.8) can be exactly solved by letting the gradient of the right hand side of (2.8)
with respect to u(k) equal to zero, i.e.,

      ∂ x T (k)Qx(k) + W (u(k))   ∂x(k + 1)            T
                                                           ∂Vi (x(k + 1))
                                +                                         = 0.       (2.44)
                ∂u(k)               ∂u(k)                    ∂x(k + 1)
Therefore, for i = 0, 1, . . . , the corresponding control law vi (x) can be obtained by
solving the above equation, i.e.,

                           ¯    1 ¯                 ∂Vi (x(k + 1))
               vi (x(k)) = U ϕ − (U R)−1 g T (x(k))                .                 (2.45)
                                2                     ∂x(k + 1)
    From (2.45), we find that the control law vi (x) at each step of iteration has to
be computed by ∂Vi (x(k + 1))/∂x(k + 1), which is not an easy task. Furthermore,
at each iteration step of value function Vi+1 (x(k)) in (2.10), there exists an integral
           v (x(k)) −T ¯ −1   ¯
term 2 0 i         ϕ (U s)U Rds to compute, which is a large computing burden.
Therefore, in the following we will present another method called iterative DHP
algorithm to implement the iterative ADP algorithm.
    Define the costate function λ(x) = ∂V (x)/∂x. Here, we assume that the value
function V (x) is smooth so that λ(x) exists. Then, the recurrent iteration between
(2.8) and (2.10) can be implemented as follows.
    First, we start with an initial costate function λ0 (·) = 0. Then, for i = 0, 1, . . . ,
by substituting λi (x) = ∂Vi (x)/∂x into (2.45), we obtain the corresponding control
law vi (x) as

                            ¯    1 ¯
                vi (x(k)) = U ϕ − (U R)−1 g T (x(k))λi (x(k + 1)) .                  (2.46)
                    ∂Vi+1 (x(k))
For λi+1 (x(k)) =                , according to (2.10) we can obtain
                         ∂ x T (k)Qx(k) + W (vi (x(k)))
         λi+1 (x(k)) =
                             ∂vi (x(k))   T
                                              ∂ x T (k)Qx(k) + W (vi (x(k)))
                               ∂x(k)                    ∂vi (x(k))
                             ∂x(k + 1)        ∂Vi (x(k + 1))
                               ∂x(k)            ∂x(k + 1)
38                            2   Optimal State Feedback Control for Discrete-Time Systems

                                        T                       T
                           ∂vi (x(k))         ∂x(k + 1)             ∂Vi (x(k + 1))
                            ∂x(k)             ∂vi (x(k))              ∂x(k + 1)
                        ∂ x T (k)Qx(k) + W (vi (x(k)))
                           ∂vi (x(k))   T
                                              ∂ x T (k)Qx(k) + W (vi (x(k)))
                             ∂x(k)                      ∂vi (x(k))
                              ∂x(k + 1)           ∂Vi (x(k + 1))
                              ∂vi (x(k))            ∂x(k + 1)
                           ∂x(k + 1)         ∂Vi (x(k + 1))
                      +                                     .                         (2.47)
                             ∂x(k)             ∂x(k + 1)
According to (2.44) and (2.45), we have

     ∂ x T (k)Qx(k) + W (vi (x(k)))   ∂x(k + 1)             T
                                                                ∂Vi (x(k + 1))
                                    +                                          = 0.   (2.48)
               ∂vi (x(k))             ∂vi (x(k))                  ∂x(k + 1)
Therefore (2.47) can further be written as
                                  ∂ x T (k)Qx(k) + W (vi (x(k)))
                 λi+1 (x(k)) =
                                      ∂x(k + 1)           ∂Vi (x(k + 1))
                                  +                                      ,            (2.49)
                                        ∂x(k)               ∂x(k + 1)
                                             ∂x(k + 1)
               λi+1 (x(k)) = 2Qx(k) +                            λi (x(k + 1)).       (2.50)
    Therefore, the iteration between (2.46) and (2.50) is an implementation of the
iteration between (2.8) and (2.10). From (2.46) the control law vi can directly be
obtained by the costate function. Hence the iteration of value function in (2.10)
can be omitted in the implementation of this iterative algorithm. Considering the
principle of DHP algorithm in Chap. 1, we call such iterative algorithm as iterative
DHP algorithm.
    Next, we present a convergence analysis of the iteration between (2.46) and

Theorem 2.7 Define the control law sequence {vi } as in (2.8), and update the value
function sequence {Vi } by (2.10) with V0 (·) = 0. Define the costate function se-
quence {λi } as in (2.50) with λ0 (·) = 0. Then, the costate function sequence {λi }
and the control law sequence {vi } are convergent as i → ∞. The optimal value λ∗
is defined as the limit of the costate function λi when vi approaches the optimal
value u∗ .
2.2 Infinite-Horizon Optimal State Feedback Control Based on DHP                    39

Proof According to Theorems 2.4–2.6, we have proved that limi→∞ Vi (x(k)) =
J ∗ (x(k)), and J ∗ (x(k)) satisfies the corresponding HJB equation, i.e.,

             J ∗ (x(k)) = inf {x T (k)Qx(k) + W (u(k)) + J ∗ (x(k + 1))}.

Therefore, we conclude that the value function sequence {Vi } converges to the
optimal value function of the DTHJB equation, i.e., Vi → J ∗ as i → ∞. With
λi (x(k)) = ∂Vi (x(k))/∂x(k), we conclude that the corresponding costate function
sequence {λi } is also convergent with λi → λ∗ as i → ∞. Since the costate func-
tion is convergent, we can conclude that the corresponding control law sequence
{vi } converges to the optimal control law u∗ as i → ∞.

Remark 2.8 In the iterative DHP algorithm, via the costate sequence (2.50), the cor-
responding control law sequence can be directly obtained by (2.46), which does not
require the computation of ∂Vi (x(k + 1))/∂x(k + 1). Furthermore, in (2.10) there
                       v (x(k)) −T ¯ −1    ¯
is an integral term 2 0 i      ϕ (U s)U Rds to compute at each iteration step,
which is not an easy task. However, in (2.50) the integral term has been removed,
which greatly reduces the computational burden. On the other hand, in order to com-
pute the costate function by (2.50), the internal dynamics f (x(k)) and g(x(k)) of
the system are needed. In the implementation part of the algorithm, a model network
is constructed to approximate the nonlinear dynamics of the system, which avoids
the requirement of known f (x(k)) and g(x(k)).

    (2) RBFNN implementation of the iterative DHP algorithm. In the iterative DHP
algorithm, the optimal control is difficult to solve analytically. For example, in
(2.46), the control at step k is a function of costate at step k + 1. A closed-form
explicit solution is difficult to solve, if not impossible. Therefore we need to use
parametric structures, such as fuzzy models [15] or neural networks, to approxi-
mate the costate function and the corresponding control law in the iterative DHP
algorithm. In this subsection, we choose radial basis function (RBF) NNs to ap-
proximate the nonlinear functions.
    An RBFNN consists of three-layers (input, hidden and output). Each input value
is assigned to a node in the input layer and passed directly to the hidden layer with-
out weights. Nodes at the hidden layer are called RBF units, determined by a vector
called center and a scalar called width. The Gaussian density function is used as an
activation function for the hidden neurons. Then, linear output weights connect the
hidden and output layers. The overall input–output equation of the RBFNN is given
                                y i = bi +          wj i φj (X),               (2.51)
                                             j =1

where X is the input vector, φj (X) = exp(− X − Cj 2 /σj 2 ) is the activation func-
tion of the j th RBF unit in the hidden layer, Cj ∈ Rn is the center of the j th RBF
40                            2   Optimal State Feedback Control for Discrete-Time Systems

unit, h is the number of RBF units, bi and wj i are the bias term and the weight be-
tween hidden and output layer, and yi is the ith output in the m-dimensional space.
Once the optimal RBF centers are established over a wide range of operating points
of the plant, the width of the ith center in the hidden layer is calculated by the
following formula:

                                        h    n
                          σi =                    ( cki − ckj ),                   (2.52)
                                       j =1 k=1

where cki and ckj are the kth value of the center of the ith and j th RBF units,
respectively. In (2.51) and (2.52), · represents the Euclidean norm. To avoid
the extensive computational complexity during training, the batch mode k-means
clustering algorithm is used to calculate the centers of the RBF units.
    In order to implement the iterative ADP algorithm, i.e., implement the iteration
between (2.46) and (2.50), we employ RBFNNs to approximate the costate func-
tion λi (x) and the corresponding control law vi (x) at each iteration step i. In the
implementation of the iterative DHP algorithm, there are three networks, which are
model network, critic network and action network, respectively. All the neural net-
works are chosen as RBF networks. The inputs of the model network are x(k) and
vi (x(k)) and the inputs of the critic network and action network are x(k + 1) and
x(k), respectively. The diagram of the whole structure is shown in Fig. 2.1.
    For unknown plants, before carrying out the iterative DHP algorithm, we first
train the model network. For any given x(k) and vi (x(k)), we obtain x(k + 1), and
                                                   ˆ                    ˆ
the output of the model network is denoted

                             x(k + 1) = wm φ(Im (k)),
                             ˆ           T

where Im (k) = [x T (k)viT (x(k))]T is the input vector of the model network.
  We define the error function of the model network as

                           em (k) = x(k + 1) − x(k + 1).
                                    ˆ                                              (2.54)

The weights in the model network are updated to minimize the following perfor-
mance measure:
                                            1 T
                              Em (k) =       e (k)em (k).                          (2.55)
                                            2 m
The weight updating rule for model network is chosen as a gradient-based adapta-
tion rule
                                                         ∂Em (k)
                      wm (k + 1) = wm (k) − αm                   ,                 (2.56)
                                                         ∂wm (k)
where αm is the learning rate of the model network.
  After the model network is trained, its weights are kept unchanged.
2.2 Infinite-Horizon Optimal State Feedback Control Based on DHP                  41

Fig. 2.1 The structure
diagram of the iterative DHP

   The critic network is used to approximate the costate function λi+1 (x). The out-
put of the critic network is denoted
                               λi+1 (x(k)) = wc(i+1) φ(x(k)).

The target costate function is given as in (2.50). Define the error function for the
critic network as
                         ec(i+1) (k) = λi+1 (x(k)) − λi+1 (x(k)).            (2.58)
The objective function to be minimized for the critic network is
                                        1 T
                           Ec(i+1) (k) = ec(i+1) (k)ec(i+1) (k).             (2.59)
The weight updating rule for the critic network is a gradient-based adaptation given
                                                        ∂Ec(i+1) (k)
                  wc(i+1) (j + 1) = wc(i+1) (j ) − αc                 ,      (2.60)
                                                        ∂wc(i+1) (j )
42                                2   Optimal State Feedback Control for Discrete-Time Systems

where αc > 0 is the learning rate of the critic network, and j is the inner-loop itera-
tion step for updating the weight parameters.
   In the action network, the state x(k) is used as the input of the network and the
output can be formulated as

                                  vi (x(k)) = wai φ(x(k)).

The target value of the control vi (x(k)) is obtained by (2.46). So we can define the
error function of the action network as

                               eai (k) = vi (x(k)) − vi (x(k)).
                                         ˆ                                                 (2.62)

The weights of the action network are updated to minimize the following perfor-
mance error measure:
                                      1 T
                             Eai (k) = eai (k)eai (k).                     (2.63)
The updating algorithm is then similar to the one for the critic network. By the
gradient descent rule, we obtain

                                                           ∂Eai (k)
                         wai (j + 1) = wai (j ) − αa                 ,                     (2.64)
                                                           ∂wai (j )

where αa > 0 is the learning rate of the action network, and j is the inner-loop
iteration step for updating the weight parameters.
    From the neural-network implementation, we can find that in this iterative DHP
algorithm, ∂Vi (x(k + 1))/∂x(k + 1) is replaced by λi (x(k + 1)), which is just the
output of the critic network. Therefore, it is more accurate than computing by back-
propagation through the critic network as in [1].
    (3) Design procedure of the approximate optimal controller. Based on the itera-
tive DHP algorithm, the design procedure of the optimal control scheme is summa-
rized as follows:
                      a      c                 ¯
 1. Choose imax , jmax , jmax , εm , ε0 , U , αm , αc , αa and the weight matrices Q
    and R.
 2. Construct the model network x(k + 1) = wm φ(Im (k)) with the initial weight
                                          ˆ                   T

    parameters wm0 chosen randomly from [−0.1, 0.1] and train the model network
    with a random input vector uniformly distributed in the interval [−1, 1] and
    arbitrary initial state vector in [−1, 1] till the given accuracy εm is reached.
 3. Set the iteration step i = 0. Set the initial weight parameters of critic network
    wc0 as zero so that the initial value of the costate function λ0 (·) = 0, and ini-
    tialize the action network with the weight parameters wa0 chosen randomly in
    [−0.1, 0.1].
 4. Choose an array of state vector x(k) = (x (1) (k), x (2) (k), . . . , x (p) (k)) ran-
    domly from the operation region and compute the corresponding output target
    vi (x(k)) = (vi (x (1) (k)), vi (x (2) (k)), . . . , vi (x (p) (k))) by (2.46), where the state
2.2 Infinite-Horizon Optimal State Feedback Control Based on DHP                             43

    vector at the next time instant

                  x(k + 1) = x (1) (k + 1), x (2) (k + 1), . . . , x (p) (k + 1)

    is computed by the model network (2.53). With the same state vector x(k) =
    (x (1) (k), x (2) (k), . . . , x (p) (k)) and

                 x(k + 1) = x (1) (k + 1), x (2) (k + 1), . . . , x (p) (k + 1) ,

    compute the resultant output target

             λi+1 (x(k)) = λi+1 (x (1) (k)), λi+1 (x (2) (k)), . . . , λi+1 (x (p) (k))

    by (2.50).
 5. Set wc(i+1) = wci . With the data set (x (j ) (k), λi+1 (x (j ) (k))), j = 1, 2, . . . , p,
    update the weight parameters of the critic network wc(i+1) by (2.60) for jmax           c

    steps to get the approximate costate function λi+1 .  ˆ
 6. With the data set (x (j ) (k), vi (x (j ) (k))), j = 1, 2, . . . , p, update the weight pa-
    rameters of the action network wai by (2.64) for jmax steps to get the approxi-
    mate control law vi .
 7. If

                                 λi+1 (x(k)) − λi (x(k))     2
                                                                 < ε0 ,

    go to Step 9; otherwise, go to Step 8.
 8. If i > imax , go to Step 9; otherwise, set i = i + 1 and go to Step 4.
 9. Set the final approximate optimal control law u∗ (x) = vi (x).
                                                      ˆ       ˆ
10. Stop.
    As stated in the last subsection, the iterative algorithm will be convergent with
λi (x) → λ∗ (x) and the control sequence vi (x) → u∗ (x) as i → ∞. However, in
practical applications, we cannot implement the iteration till i → ∞. Actually, we
iterate the algorithm for a max number imax or with a pre-specified accuracy ε0 to
test the convergence of the algorithm. In the above procedure, there are two levels
of loops. The outer loop starts from Step 3 and ends at Step 8. There are two inner
loops in Steps 5 and 6, respectively. The inner loop of Step 5 includes jmax iterative
steps, and the inner loop of Step 6 includes jmax iterative steps. The state vector
x(k) is chosen randomly at Step 4. Suppose that the associated random probability
density function is nonvanishing everywhere. Then we can assume that all the states
will be explored. So we know that the resulting networks tend to satisfy the formulas
                                                            ˆ       ˆ
(2.46) and (2.50) for all state vectors x(k). The limits of λi and vi will approximate
the optimal ones λ∗ and u∗ , respectively. The parameters ε0 and imax are chosen
by the designer. The smaller the value of ε0 is set, the more accurate the costate
function and the optimal control law will be. If the condition set in Step 7 is satisfied,
it implies that the costate function sequence is convergent with the pre-specified
44                              2   Optimal State Feedback Control for Discrete-Time Systems

accuracy. The larger the value of imax in Step 8 is set, the more accurate the obtained
control law v(x) will be at the price of increased computational burden.

2.2.3 Simulations

In this section, two examples are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the
control scheme developed in this subsection.

Example 2.9 (Nonlinear Discrete-Time System) Consider the following nonlinear
system [5]:
                          x(k + 1) = f (x(k)) + g(x(k))u(k),                              (2.65)
                              −0.8x                                    0
where f (x(k)) = sin(0.8x (k)−x 2 (k)              , g(x(k)) =       −x2 (k)   , and assume that
                            1     2 (k))+1.8x2 (k)
the control constraint is set to |u| ≤ 0.3.
   Define the cost functional as
                        ∞                            u(i)
     J (x(k), u(·)) =         x T (i)Qx(i) + 2                      ¯      ¯
                                                            tanh−T (U −1 s)U Rds ,        (2.66)
                        i=k                      0

where U = 0.3, and the weight matrices are chosen as Q = 1 0 and R = [0.5].
    First, we perform the simulation of iterative ADP algorithm. In this iterative
algorithm, we choose RBFNNs as the critic network, the action network and the
model network with the structure 2–9–2, 2–9–1 and 3–9–2, respectively. The train-
ing sets are selected as −1 ≤ x1 ≤ 1 and −1 ≤ x2 ≤ 1, which is the operation
region of the system. It should be mentioned that the model network should be
trained first. The initial state vectors are chosen randomly from [−1, 1]. Under the
learning rate of αm = 0.1, the model network is trained until the given accuracy
εm = 10−6 is reached. After the training of the model network is completed, the
weights are kept unchanged. Then, the critic network and the action network are
trained with the learning rates αa = αc = 0.1 and the inner-loop iteration number
jmax = jmax = 2000. Meanwhile the pre-specified accuracy ε0 is set to 10−20 . De-
  c        a

note the outer loop iteration number as L. After implementing the outer loop itera-
tion for L = imax = 100, the convergence curves of the costate function are shown in
Fig. 2.2. It can be seen that the costate function is basically convergent with the outer
loop iteration L > 15. In order to compare the different actions of the control laws
obtained under different outer loop iteration numbers, for the same initial state vec-
tor x1 (0) = 0.5 and x2 (0) = 0.5, we apply different control laws to the plant for 30
time steps and obtain the simulation results as follows. The state curves are shown
in Figs. 2.3 and 2.4, and the corresponding control inputs are shown in Fig. 2.5. It
can be seen that the system responses are improved when the outer loop iteration
number L is increased. When L > 80, the system responses only improve slightly
in performance.
2.2 Infinite-Horizon Optimal State Feedback Control Based on DHP                           45

Fig. 2.2 The convergence process of the costate function at x = (0.3, −0.5), x = (−0.2, 0.2),
x = (0.8, 0.6)

Fig. 2.3 The state trajectory x1 for L = 2, 30, 80, 100

   It should be mentioned that in order to show the convergence characteristics of
the iterative process more clearly, we set the required accuracy ε0 to a very small
number 10−20 and we set the max iteration number to twice of what is needed.
46                                2   Optimal State Feedback Control for Discrete-Time Systems

Fig. 2.4 The state trajectory x2 for L = 2, 30, 80, 100

Fig. 2.5 The control input u for L = 2, 30, 80, 100

In this way, the given accuracy ε0 did not take effect even when the max iteration
number is reached. Therefore, it seems that the max iteration number imax becomes
the stopping criterion in this case. If the designer wants to save the running time, the
2.2 Infinite-Horizon Optimal State Feedback Control Based on DHP                               47

Fig. 2.6 The state variables curves without considering the actuator saturation in the controller

pre-specified accuracy ε0 can be set to a normal value so that the iterative process
will be stopped once the accuracy ε0 is reached.
   Moreover, in order to make comparison with the controller designed without
considering the actuator saturation, we also present the system responses obtained
by the controller designed regardless of the actuator saturation. However, the ac-
tuator saturation is actually existing, therefore in the simulation if the control in-
put overrun the saturation bound, it is limited to the bound value. After simula-
tion, the state curves are as shown in Fig. 2.6, and the control curve is shown in
Fig. 2.7.
   From the simulation results, we can see that the iterative costate function se-
quences do converge to the optimal ones with very fast speed, which also indicates
the validity of the iterative ADP algorithm for dealing with constrained nonlinear
systems. Comparing Fig. 2.5 with Fig. 2.7, we can see that in Fig. 2.5 the restriction
of actuator saturation has been overcome successfully, but in Fig. 2.7 the control
input has overrun the saturation bound and therefore be limited to the bound value.
From this point, we can conclude that the present iterative ADP algorithm is effec-
tive in dealing with the constrained optimal control problem.

Example 2.10 (Mass–Spring System) Consider the following discrete-time nonlin-
ear mass–spring system:

       x1 (k + 1) = 0.05x2 (k) + x1 (k),
       x2 (k + 1) = −0.0005x1 (k) − 0.0335x1 (k) + 0.05u(k) + x2 (k),

where x(k) is the state vector, and u(k) is the control input.
48                                2   Optimal State Feedback Control for Discrete-Time Systems

Fig. 2.7 The control input curve without considering the actuator saturation in the controller de-

     Define the cost functional as

                         ∞                             u(i)
      J (x(k), u(·)) =         x T (i)Qx(i) + 2                       ¯      ¯
                                                              tanh−T (U −1 s)U Rds ,      (2.68)
                         i=k                       0

where the control constraint is set to U = 0.6, and the weight matrices are chosen
as Q = 0 0.5 and R = [1]. The training sets are −1 ≤ x1 ≤ 1 and −1 ≤ x2 ≤ 1.
          0.5 0

The critic network, the action network and the model network are chosen as RBF
neural networks with the structure of 2–16–2, 2–16–1 and 3–16–2, respectively.
In the training process, the learning rates are set to αa = αc = 0.1. The other pa-
rameters are set the same as those in Example 2.9. After implementing the outer
loop iteration for L = imax = 300, the convergence curves of the costate function
are shown in Fig. 2.8. It can be seen that the costate function is basically conver-
gent with the outer loop iteration L > 200. In order to compare the different actions
of the control laws obtained under different outer loop iteration numbers, for the
same initial state vector x1 (0) = −1 and x2 (0) = 1, we apply different control laws
to the plant for 300 time steps and obtain the simulation results as follows. The
state curves are shown in Figs. 2.9, 2.10, and the corresponding control inputs are
shown in Fig. 2.11. It can be seen that the closed-loop system is divergent when
using the control law obtained by L = 2, and the system’s responses are improved
when the outer loop iteration number L is increased. When L > 200, the system
2.2 Infinite-Horizon Optimal State Feedback Control Based on DHP                           49

Fig. 2.8 The convergence process of the costate function at x = (−0.5, 0.2), x = (0.4, −0.6),
x = (0, −0.3)

Fig. 2.9 The state trajectory x1 for L = 2, 10, 30, 200

responses basically remain unchanged with no significant improvement in perfor-
   In order to make comparison with the controller without considering the actua-
tor saturation, we also present the controller designed by iterative ADP algorithm
50                                2   Optimal State Feedback Control for Discrete-Time Systems

Fig. 2.10 The state trajectory x2 for L = 2, 10, 30, 200

Fig. 2.11 The control input u for L = 2, 10, 30, 200

regardless of the actuator saturation. The state curves are shown in Fig. 2.12 and the
control curve is shown in Fig. 2.13.
   From the simulation results, we can see that the iterative costate function se-
quence does converge to the optimal one very fast. Comparing Fig. 2.11 with
2.2 Infinite-Horizon Optimal State Feedback Control Based on DHP                                 51

Fig. 2.12 The state curves without considering the actuator saturation in controller design

Fig. 2.13 The control curves without considering the actuator saturation in controller design

Fig. 2.13, we can find that in Fig. 2.11 the restriction of actuator saturation has
been overcome successfully, which further verifies the effectiveness of the present
iterative ADP algorithm.
52                             2   Optimal State Feedback Control for Discrete-Time Systems

2.3 Infinite-Horizon Optimal State Feedback Control Based
    on GDHP

2.3.1 Problem Formulation

In this section, we will study the discrete-time nonlinear systems described by

                         x(k + 1) = f (x(k)) + g(x(k))u(k),                         (2.69)

where x(k) ∈ Rn is the state vector and u(k) ∈ Rm is the control vector, f (·) and
g(·) are differentiable in their arguments with f (0) = 0. Assume that f + gu is
Lipschitz continuous on a set Ω in Rn containing the origin, and that the system
(2.69) is controllable in the sense that there exists a continuous control law on Ω
that asymptotically stabilizes the system.
    Let x(0) be an initial state and define u0 −1 = (u(0), u(1), u(N − 1)) be a control

sequence with which the system (2.69) gives a trajectory starting from x(0): x(1) =
f (x(0)) + g(x(0))u(0), x(2) = f (x(1)) + g(x(1))u(1), . . . , x(N ) = f (x(N − 1)) +
g(x(N − 1))u(N − 1). We call the number of elements in the control sequence
uN −1 the length of u0 −1 and denote it as |uN −1 |. Then, |uN −1 | = N . The final
                                                 0               0
state under the control sequence u0 −1 can be denoted x (f ) (x(0), uN −1 ) = x(N ).
When the control sequence starting from u(0) has infinite length, we denote it as
u∞ = (u(0), u(1), . . .) and then the correspondingly final state can be written as
x (f ) (x(0), u∞ ) = limk→∞ x(k).

Definition 2.11 A nonlinear dynamical system is said to be stabilizable on a
compact set Ω ∈ Rn , if for all initial conditions x(0) ∈ Ω, there exists a con-
trol sequence u∞ = (u(0), u(1), . . .), u(i) ∈ Rm , i = 0, 1, . . . , such that the state
x (f ) (x(0), u∞ ) = 0.

   Let u∞ = (u(k), u(k + 1), . . .) be the control sequence starting at k. It is desired
to find the control sequence uk which minimizes the infinite-horizon cost functional
given by
                        J (x(k), u∞ ) =
                                  k             γ i−k l(x(i), u(i)),                (2.70)

where l is the utility function, l(0, 0) = 0, l(x(i), u(i)) ≥ 0 for ∀ x(i), u(i), and γ is
the discount factor with 0 < γ ≤ 1. Generally speaking, the utility function can be
chosen as the quadratic form as follows:

                      l(x(i), u(i)) = x T (i)Qx(i) + uT (i)Ru(i).

    For optimal control problems, the designed feedback control must not only sta-
bilize the system on Ω but also guarantee that (2.70) is finite, i.e., the control must
be admissible.
2.3 Infinite-Horizon Optimal State Feedback Control Based on GDHP                             53

   It is noted that a control law sequence {ηi } = (ηN , . . . , η1 , η0 ), N → ∞, is called
admissible if the resultant control sequence (u(0), u(1), . . . , u(N )) stabilizes sys-
tem (2.69) with any initial state x(0) and guarantees that J (x(0), uN ) is finite.
In this case, it should be mentioned that each control action obeys a different
control law, i.e., the control action u(i) is produced by the control law ηN −i or
u(i) = ηN −i (x(i)), for i = 0, 1, . . . , N , N → ∞.
                            Ax(k) = u∞ : x (f ) (x(k), u∞ ) = 0
                                     k                  k

be the set of all infinite-horizon admissible control sequences of x(k). Define the
optimal value function as

                     J ∗ (x(k)) = inf J (x(k), u∞ ) : u∞ ∈ Ax(k) .
                                   ∞            k      k                                (2.71)

Note that (2.70) can be written as
     J (x(k), u∞ ) = x T (k)Qx(k) + uT (k)Ru(k) + γ
               k                                                     γ i−k−1 l(x(i), u(i))
                   = x T (k)Qx(k) + uT (k)Ru(k) + γ J (x(k + 1), uk+1 ).                (2.72)

According to Bellman’s optimality principle, it is known that, for the case of infinite-
horizon optimization, the optimal value function J ∗ (x(k)) is time invariant and sat-
isfies the DTHJB equation

      J ∗ (x(k)) = min x T (k)Qx(k) + uT (k)Ru(k) + γ J ∗ (x(k + 1)) .                  (2.73)

   The optimal control u∗ satisfies the first-order necessary condition, which is
given by the gradient of the right hand side of (2.73) with respect to u(k) as

      ∂ x T (k)Qx(k) + uT (k)Ru(k)    ∂x(k + 1)                 T
                                                                    ∂J ∗ (x(k + 1))
                                   +γ                                               = 0.
                  ∂u(k)                 ∂u(k)                         ∂x(k + 1)

Then, we obtain

                                 γ                ∂J ∗ (x(k + 1))
                    u∗ (x(k)) = − R −1 g T (x(k))                 .                     (2.74)
                                 2                  ∂x(k + 1)

By substituting (2.74) into (2.73), the DTHJB equation becomes

                                              γ 2 ∂J ∗ (x(k + 1))     T
           J ∗ (x(k)) = x T (k)Qx(k) +                                    g(x(k))R −1
                                               4    ∂x(k + 1)
                                          ∂J ∗ (x(k + 1))
                           × g T (x(k))                   + γ J ∗ (x(k + 1))            (2.75)
                                            ∂x(k + 1)
54                               2   Optimal State Feedback Control for Discrete-Time Systems

where J ∗ (x(k)) is the optimal value function corresponding to the optimal control
law u∗ (x(k)). When dealing with the linear quadratic regulator (LQR) optimal con-
trol problems, this equation reduces to the Riccati equation which can be efficiently
solved. In the general nonlinear case, however, the HJB equation cannot be solved

2.3.2 Infinite-Horizon Optimal State Feedback Control Based
      on GDHP

Four parts are included in this subsection. In the first part, the unknown nonlinear
system is identified via an NN system identification scheme with stability proof.
The iterative ADP algorithm is introduced in the second part, while in the third
part, the corresponding convergence proof is developed. Then, in the fourth part,
the implementation of the iterative ADP algorithm based on NN is described in
detail. NN Identification of the Unknown Nonlinear System

For the design of the NN identifier, a three-layer NN is considered as the function
approximation structure. Let the number of hidden-layer neurons be denoted by l,
the ideal weight matrix between the input layer and hidden layer be denoted by νm ,
and the ideal weight matrix between the hidden layer and output layer be denoted
by ωm . According to the universal approximation property [8] of NN, the system
dynamics (2.69) has a NN representation on a compact set S, which can be written
                                       ∗T   ∗T
                           x(k + 1) = ωm σ νm z(k) + θ (k).                              (2.76)

In (2.76), z(k) = [x T (k) uT (k)]T is the NN input, θ (k) is the bounded NN func-
tional approximation error according to the universal approximation property, and
[σ (¯ )]i = (ezi − e−¯ i )/(ezi + e−¯ i ), i = 1, 2, . . . , l, are the activation functions se-
    z         ¯      z       ¯      z

                               ¯         ∗T
lected in this work, where z(k) = νm z(k), z(k) ∈ Rl . Additionally, the NN activa-
tion functions are bounded such that σ (¯ (k)) ≤ σM for a constant σM .
   In the system identification process, we keep the weight matrix between the input
layer and the hidden layer as constant while only tune the weight matrix between
the hidden layer and the output layer. So, we define the NN system identification
scheme as
                                x(k + 1) = ωm (k)σ (¯ (k)),
                                ˆ           T
                                                    z                                    (2.77)
where x(k) is the estimated system state vector, and ωm (k) is the estimation of the
constant ideal weight matrix ωm .
2.3 Infinite-Horizon Optimal State Feedback Control Based on GDHP                  55

   Denote x(k) = x(k) − x(k) as the system identification error. Combining (2.76)
            ˜      ˆ
and (2.77), we can obtain the identification error dynamics as

                         x(k + 1) = ωm (k)σ (¯ (k)) − θ (k),
                         ˜          ˜T       z                               (2.78)

       ˜                 ∗
where ωm (k) = ωm (k) − ωm . Let ψ(k) = ωm (k)σ (¯ (k)). Then, (2.78) can be rewrit-
                                        ˜T       z
ten as
                              x(k + 1) = ψ(k) − θ (k).
                              ˜                                              (2.79)
   The weights in the system identification process are updated to minimize the
following performance measure:
                          E(k + 1) = x T (k + 1)x(k + 1).
                                                ˜                            (2.80)
Using the gradient-based adaptation rule, the weights can be updated as

                                                 ∂E(k + 1)
                    ωm (k + 1) = ωm (k) − αm
                                                  ∂ωm (k)
                               = ωm (k) − αm σ (¯ (k))x T (k + 1),
                                                z     ˜                      (2.81)

where αm > 0 is the NN learning rate.
   We now give the following assumption before presenting the asymptotic stability
proof of the state estimation error x(k).

Assumption 2.12 The NN approximation error term θ (k) is assumed to be upper
bounded by a function of the state estimation error x(k) such that

                          θ T (k)θ (k) ≤ θMk = δ x T (k)x(k),
                                                 ˜      ˜                    (2.82)

where δ is the constant target value with δM as its upper bound, i.e., δ ≤ δM .

    Next, the stability analysis of the present NN-based system identification scheme
is presented by using the Lyapunov theory.

Theorem 2.13 (cf. [10]) Let the identification scheme (2.77) be used to identify
the nonlinear system (2.69), and let the parameter update law given in (2.81) be
used for tuning the NN weights. Then, the state estimation error dynamics x(k) is
asymptotically stable while the parameter estimation error ωm (k) is bounded.

Proof Consider the following positive definite Lyapunov function candidate:

                                  Lk = L1k + L2k ,                           (2.83)


                            L1k = x T (k)x(k),
                                  ˜      ˜
56                            2   Optimal State Feedback Control for Discrete-Time Systems

                             L2k =         ˜T    ˜
                                        tr ωm (k)ωm (k) .
Taking the first difference of the Lyapunov function (2.83) and substituting the iden-
tification error dynamics (2.79) and the NN weight update law (2.81) reveal that

       ΔL1k = x T (k + 1)x(k + 1) − x T (k)x(k)
              ˜          ˜          ˜      ˜
             = ψ T (k)ψ(k) − 2ψ T (k)θ (k) + θ T (k)θ (k) − x T (k)x(k)
                                                            ˜      ˜
       ΔL2k =       tr ωm (k + 1)ωm (k + 1) − ωm (k)ωm (k)
                       ˜T        ˜            ˜T    ˜
             =      tr − 2αm ψ(k)x T (k + 1)
               + αm x(k + 1)σ T (¯ (k))σ (¯ (k))x T (k + 1)
                    ˜            z        z     ˜
             = −2ψ T (k)x(k + 1) + αm σ T (¯ (k))σ (¯ (k))x T (k + 1)x(k + 1).
                        ˜                  z        z     ˜          ˜

After applying the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality ((a1 + a2 + · · · + an )T (a1 + a2 +
· · · + an ) ≤ n(a1 a1 + a2 a2 + · · · + an an )) to ΔL2k , we have
                  T       T               T

            ΔL2k ≤ −2ψ T (k)(ψ(k) − θ (k))
                    + 2αm σ T (¯ (k))σ (¯ (k)) ψ T (k)ψ(k) + θ T (k)θ (k) .
                               z        z

Therefore, we can find that

            ΔLk ≤ −ψ T (k)ψ(k) + θ T (k)θ (k) − x T (k)x(k)
                                                ˜      ˜
                    + 2αm σ T (¯ (k))σ (¯ (k)) ψ T (k)ψ(k) + θ T (k)θ (k) .
                               z        z

Considering σ (¯ (k)) ≤ σM and (2.82), we obtain

                     ΔLk ≤ − 1 − 2αm σM
                                                ψ(k)    2

                             − 1 − δM − 2αm δM σM
                                                            x(k) 2 .               (2.84)

Define αm ≤ ρ 2 /(2σM ); then (2.84) becomes

             ΔLk ≤ − 1 − ρ 2 ψ(k)        2
                                             − 1 − δM − δM ρ 2 x(k)        2

                   = − 1 − ρ 2 ωm (k)σ (¯ (k))
                     − 1 − δM − δM ρ 2 x(k) 2 .                                    (2.85)

From (2.85), we can conclude that ΔLk ≤ 0 provided 0 < δM < 1 and

                           1 − δM                            1 − δM
               max −              , −1 ≤ ρ ≤ min                    ,1 ,
                             δM                                δM
2.3 Infinite-Horizon Optimal State Feedback Control Based on GDHP                     57

where ρ = 0. As long as the parameters are selected as discussed above, ΔLk ≤ 0 in
                                                                    ˜        ˜
(2.85), which shows stability in the sense of Lyapunov. Therefore, x(k) and ωm (k)
                      ˜        ˜
are bounded, provided x0 and ωm (0) are bounded in the compact set S. Furthermore,
by summing both sides of (2.85) to infinity and taking account of ΔLk ≤ 0, we have
                                  ΔLk =       lim Lk − L0 < ∞.

This implies that
              1 − ρ 2 ωm (k)σ (¯ (k))
                               z                                ˜
                                              + 1 − δM − δM ρ 2 x(k)   2
                                                                           < ∞.

Hence, it can be concluded that the estimation error approaches zero, i.e.,
 x(k) → 0 as k → ∞.

Remark 2.14 According to Theorem 2.13, after a sufficient learning session, the NN
system identification error converges to zero, i.e., we have

                     f (x(k)) + g(x(k))u(k) = ωm (k)σ (¯ (k)),
                                ˆ              T
                                                       z                          (2.86)

where g(x(k)) denotes the estimated value of the control coefficient matrix g(x(k)).
Taking the partial derivative of both sides of (2.86) with respect to u(k) yields
                                     ∂ ωm (k)σ (¯ (k))
                        g(x(k)) =
                                              ∂σ (¯ (k)) ∗T ∂z(k)
                                   = ωm (k)
                                                        ν         ,               (2.87)
                                               ∂ z(k) m ∂u(k)
                                   ∂z(k)        0n×m
                                         =           ,
                                   ∂u(k)         Im
and Im is the m × m identity matrix.

  Next, this result will be used in the derivation and implementation of the iterative
ADP algorithm for the optimal control of unknown discrete-time nonlinear systems. Derivation of the Iterative ADP Algorithm

In this part, we mainly present the iterative ADP algorithm. First, we start with the
initial value function V0 (·) = 0, and then solve for the law of single control vector
v0 (x(k)) as follows:

    v0 (x(k)) = arg min x T (k)Qx(k) + uT (k)Ru(k) + γ V0 (x(k + 1)) .            (2.88)
58                                2   Optimal State Feedback Control for Discrete-Time Systems

Once the control law v0 (x(k)) is determined, we update the cost function as

          V1 (x(k)) = min x T (k)Qx(k) + uT (k)Ru(k) + γ V0 (x(k + 1))

                    = x T (k)Qx(k) + v0 (x(k))Rv0 (x(k)).

Therefore, for i = 1, 2, . . . , the iterative ADP algorithm can be used to implement
the iteration between the control law

         vi (x(k)) = arg min x T (k)Qx(k) + uT (k)Ru(k) + γ Vi (x(k + 1))

                     γ                ∂Vi (x(k + 1))
                  = − R −1 g T (x(k))
                           ˆ                                                           (2.90)
                     2                  ∂x(k + 1)

and the value function

     Vi+1 (x(k)) = min x T (k)Qx(k) + uT (k)Ru(k) + γ Vi (x(k + 1))

                 = x T (k)Qx(k) + viT (x(k))Rvi (x(k)) + γ Vi (x(k + 1)).              (2.91)

    In the above recurrent iteration, i is the iteration index of the control law and
value function, while k is the time index of the system’s control and state trajec-
tories. The value function and control law are updated until they converge to the
optimal ones. In the following part, we will present a proof of convergence of the
iteration between (2.90) and (2.91) with the value function Vi → J ∗ and the control
law vi → u∗ as i → ∞. Convergence Analysis of the Iterative ADP Algorithm

Lemma 2.15 Let {μi } be an arbitrary sequence of control laws and {vi } be the
control law sequence described in (2.90). Define Vi as in (2.91) and Λi as

     Λi+1 (x(k)) = x T (k)Qx(k) + μT (x(k))Rμi (x(k)) + γ Λi (x(k + 1)).
                                   i                                                   (2.92)

If V0 (x(k)) = Λ0 (x(k)) = 0, then Vi (x(k)) ≤ Λi (x(k)), ∀i.

Proof It can easily be derived noticing that Vi+1 is the result of minimizing the right
hand side of (2.91) with respect to the control input u(k), while Λi+1 is a result of
arbitrary control input.

Lemma 2.16 Let the value function sequence {Vi } be defined as in (2.91). If the
system is controllable, then there is an upper bound Y such that 0 ≤ Vi (x(k)) ≤ Y ,
2.3 Infinite-Horizon Optimal State Feedback Control Based on GDHP                               59

Proof Let {ηi (x)} be a sequence of admissible control laws, and let V0 (·) = Z0 (·) =
0, where Vi is updated as in (2.91) and Zi is updated by

     Zi+1 (x(k)) = x T (k)Qx(k) + ηi (x(k))Rηi (x(k)) + γ Zi (x(k + 1)).

It is clear that

      Zi (x(k + 1)) = x T (k + 1)Qx(k + 1) + ηi−1 (x(k + 1))Rηi−1 (x(k + 1))

                               + γ Zi−1 (x(k + 2)).                                       (2.94)

Noticing that l(x(k), ηi (x(k))) = x T (k)Qx(k) + ηi (x(k))Rηi (x(k)), we can further


         Zi+1 (x(k)) = l(x(k), ηi (x(k))) + γ l(x(k + 1), ηi−1 (x(k + 1)))
                               + γ 2 Zi−1 (x(k + 2))
                            = l(x(k), ηi (x(k))) + γ l(x(k + 1), ηi−1 (x(k + 1)))
                               + γ 2 l(x(k + 2), ηi−2 (x(k + 2))) + γ 3 Zi−2 (x(k + 3))
                            = l(x(k), ηi (x(k))) + γ l(x(k + 1), ηi−1 (x(k + 1)))
                               + γ 2 l(x(k + 2), ηi−2 (x(k + 2)))
                               + · · · + γ i l(x(k + i), η0 (x(k + i)))
                               + γ i+1 Z0 (x(k + i + 1)),                                 (2.95)

where Z0 (x(k + i + 1)) = 0. Then, (2.95) can be written as

  Zi+1 (x(k)) =               γ j l(x(k + j ), ηi−j (x(k + j )))
                       j =0

                   =          γ j x T (k + j )Qx(k + j ) + ηi−j (x(k + j ))Rηi−j (x(k + j ))

                       j =0

                   ≤ lim              γ j x T (k + j )Qx(k + j )
                               j =0

                       + ηi−j (x(k + j ))Rηi−j (x(k + j )) .
60                                2     Optimal State Feedback Control for Discrete-Time Systems

Since {ηi (x)} is an admissible control law sequence, we have x(k) → 0 as k → ∞,
and there exists an upper bound Y such that

         Zi+1 (x(k)) ≤ lim            γ j l(x(k + j ), ηi−j (x(k + j ))) ≤ Y, ∀i.        (2.97)
                             j =0

By using Lemma 2.15, we obtain

                          Vi+1 (x(k)) ≤ Zi+1 (x(k)) ≤ Y, ∀i.                             (2.98)

     Based on Lemmas 2.15 and 2.16, we now present our main theorems.

Theorem 2.17 Define the value function sequence {Vi } as in (2.91) with V0 (·) =
0, and the control law sequence {vi } as in (2.90). Then, {Vi } is a monotonically
nondecreasing sequence satisfying Vi+1 ≥ Vi , ∀i.

Proof Define a new sequence

     Φi+1 (x(k)) = x T (k)Qx(k) + vi+1 (x(k))Rvi+1 (x(k)) + γ Φi (x(k + 1))

with Φ0 (·) = V0 (·) = 0. Let the control law sequence {vi } and the value function
sequence {Vi } be updated as in (2.90) and (2.91), respectively.
   In the following part, we prove that Φi (x(k)) ≤ Vi+1 (x(k)) by mathematical
   First, we prove that it holds for i = 0. Considering

           V1 (x(k)) − Φ0 (x(k)) = x T (k)Qx(k) + v0 (x(k))Rv0 (x(k)) ≥ 0

then, for i = 0, we get
                                      V1 (x(k)) ≥ Φ0 (x(k)).                           (2.100)
Second, we assume that it holds for i − 1, i.e., Vi (x(k)) ≥ Φi−1 (x(k)), ∀x(k). Then,
for i, noticing that

          Vi+1 (x(k)) = x T (k)Qx(k) + viT (x(k))Rvi (x(k)) + γ Vi (x(k + 1))


         Φi (x(k)) = x T (k)Qx(k) + viT (x(k))Rvi (x(k)) + γ Φi−1 (x(k + 1)),

we get

          Vi+1 (x(k)) − Φi (x(k)) = γ (Vi (x(k + 1)) − Φi−1 (x(k + 1))) ≥ 0
2.3 Infinite-Horizon Optimal State Feedback Control Based on GDHP                   61

                                  Vi+1 (x(k)) ≥ Φi (x(k)).                     (2.101)
Thus, we complete the proof through mathematical induction.
  Furthermore, from Lemma 2.15 we know that Vi (x(k)) ≤ Φi (x(k)), therefore,
we have
                             Vi+1 (x(k)) ≥ Φi (x(k)) ≥ Vi (x(k)).              (2.102)

    We have reached the conclusion that the value function sequence {Vi } is a mono-
tonically nondecreasing sequence with an upper bound, and therefore, its limit ex-
ists. Now, we can derive the following theorem.

Theorem 2.18 For any state vector x(k), define

                                  lim Vi (x(k)) = V∞ (x(k))

as the limit of the value function sequence {Vi }. Then, the following equation holds:

           V∞ (x(k)) = min x T (k)Qx(k) + uT (k)Ru(k) + γ V∞ (x(k + 1)) .

Proof For any u(k) and i, according to (2.91), we can derive

              Vi (x(k)) ≤ x T (k)Qx(k) + uT (k)Ru(k) + γ Vi−1 (x(k + 1)).

Combining with
                                  Vi (x(k)) ≤ V∞ (x(k)), ∀i                    (2.103)
which is obtained from Theorem 2.17, we have

             Vi (x(k)) ≤ x T (k)Qx(k) + uT (k)Ru(k) + γ V∞ (x(k + 1)), ∀i.

Let i → ∞, we can acquire

              V∞ (x(k)) ≤ x T (k)Qx(k) + uT (k)Ru(k) + γ V∞ (x(k + 1)).

Note that in the above equation, u(k) is chosen arbitrarily; thus, we obtain

        V∞ (x(k)) ≤ min x T (k)Qx(k) + uT (k)Ru(k) + γ V∞ (x(k + 1)) .         (2.104)

    On the other hand, since the value function sequence satisfies

           Vi (x(k)) = min x T (k)Qx(k) + uT (k)Ru(k) + γ Vi−1 (x(k + 1))
62                                     2    Optimal State Feedback Control for Discrete-Time Systems

for any i, considering (2.103), we have

        V∞ (x(k)) ≥ min x T (k)Qx(k) + uT (k)Ru(k) + γ Vi−1 (x(k + 1)) , ∀i.

Let i → ∞; we get

       V∞ (x(k)) ≥ min x T (k)Qx(k) + uT (k)Ru(k) + γ V∞ (x(k + 1)) .                      (2.105)

Based on (2.104) and (2.105), we can acquire the conclusion that V∞ (x(k)) =
minu(k) {x T (k)Qx(k) + uT (k)Ru(k) + γ V∞ (x(k + 1))}.

  Next, we will prove that the value function sequence {Vi } converges to the opti-
mal value function J ∗ (x(k)) as i → ∞.

Theorem 2.19 (cf. [10]) Define the value function sequence {Vi } as in (2.91) with
V0 (·) = 0. If the system state x(k) is controllable, then J ∗ is the limit of the value
function sequence {Vi }, i.e.,

                                      lim Vi (x(k)) = J ∗ (x(k)).

Proof Let {ηi } be the lth admissible control law sequence. We construct the asso-
ciated sequence {Pi (x)} as follows:

      (l)                                       (l)T           (l)             (l)
     Pi+1 (x(k)) = x T (k)Qx(k) + ηi                   (x(k))Rηi (x(k)) + γ Pi (x(k + 1)) (2.106)

with P0 (·) = 0. Similar to the derivation of (2.95), we get

                          (l)                                       (l)
                        Pi+1 (x(k)) =             γ j l x(k + j ), ηi−j (x(k + j )) .      (2.107)
                                           j =0

Using Lemmas 2.15 and 2.16, we have

                                 Vi+1 (x(k)) ≤ Pi+1 (x(k)) ≤ Yl , ∀l, i                    (2.108)

where Yl is the upper bound associated with the sequence {Pi+1 (x(k))}. Denote

                                     lim Pi (x(k)) = P∞ (x(k));

then, we obtain

                                  V∞ (x(k)) ≤ P∞ (x(k)) ≤ Yl , ∀l.
2.3 Infinite-Horizon Optimal State Feedback Control Based on GDHP                           63

Let the corresponding control sequence associated with (2.107) be
             (l) k+i
                uk     =   (l)
                                 u(k),(l) u(k + 1), . . . ,(l) uk+i
                                 ˆ        ˆ                    ˆ
                          (l)        (l)                      (l)
                       = ηi (x(k)), ηi−1 (x(k + 1)), . . . , η0 (x(k + i)) ;

then we have
                                                     (l)               (l)
   J x(k),(l) uk+i =
              ˆk                  γ j l x(k + j ), ηi−j (x(k + j )) = Pi+1 (x(k)).    (2.110)
                           j =0

Letting i → ∞, and denoting the admissible control sequence related to P ∞ (x(k))
with length ∞ as (l) u∞ , we get
      J x(k),(l) u∞ =
                 ˆk                 γ j l x(k + j ),(l) u(k + j ) = P∞ (x(k)).
                                                        ˆ            (l)
                             j =0

Then, according to the definition of J ∗ (x(k)) in (2.71), for any ε > 0, there exists a
sequence of admissible control laws {ηi } such that the associated cost function
     J x(k),(M) u∞ =
                ˆk                  γ j l x(k + j ),(M) u(k + j ) = P∞ (x(k))
                                                        ˆ            (M)
                            j =0

satisfies J (x(k),(M) u∞ ) ≤ J ∗ (x(k)) + ε. Combining with (2.109), we have

                       V∞ (x(k)) ≤ P∞ (x(k)) ≤ J ∗ (x(k)) + ε.

Since ε is chosen arbitrarily, we get

                                      V∞ (x(k)) ≤ J ∗ (x(k)).                         (2.114)
   On the other hand, because Vi+1 (x(k)) ≤ Pi+1 (x(k)) ≤ Yl , ∀l, i, we can get
V∞ (x(k)) ≤ infl {Yl }. According to the definition of admissible control law se-
quence, the control law sequence associated with the cost function V∞ (x(k)) must
be an admissible control law sequence. We can see that there exists a sequence of
                           (N )                           (N )
admissible control laws {ηi } such that V∞ (x(k)) = P∞ (x(k)). Combining with
(2.111), we get V∞ (x(k)) = J (x(k), (N ) u∞ ). Sine J ∗ (x(k)) is the infimum of all
admissible control sequences starting at k with length ∞, we obtain

                                      V∞ (x(k)) ≥ J ∗ (x(k)).                         (2.115)

   Based on (2.114) and (2.115), we can conclude that J ∗ is the limit of the value
function sequence {Vi }, i.e., V∞ (x(k)) = J ∗ (x(k)).

   From Theorems 2.17 and 2.18, we can derive that the limit of the value function
sequence {Vi } satisfies the DTHJB equation, i.e., V∞ (x(k)) = minu(k) {x T (k)Qx(k)
64                              2   Optimal State Feedback Control for Discrete-Time Systems

+ uT (k)Ru(k) + γ V∞ (x(k + 1))}. Besides, from Theorem 2.19, we can get the
result that V∞ (x(k)) = J ∗ (x(k)). Therefore, we can find that the cost function se-
quence {Vi (x(k))} converges to the optimal value function J ∗ (x(k)) of the DTHJB
equation, i.e., Vi → J ∗ as i → ∞. Then, according to (2.74) and (2.90), we can con-
clude the convergence of the corresponding control law sequence. Now, we present
the following corollary.

Corollary 2.20 Define the value function sequence {Vi } as in (2.91) with V0 (·) = 0,
and the control law sequence {vi } as in (2.90). If the system state x(k) is control-
lable, then the sequence {vi } converges to the optimal control law u∗ as i → ∞,
                                lim vi (x(k)) = u∗ (x(k)).

Remark 2.21 Like (2.95), when we further expand (2.91), we obtain a control law
sequence (vi , vi−1 , . . . , v0 ) and the resultant control sequence (vi (x(0)), vi−1 (x(1)),
. . . , v0 (x(i))). With the iteration number increasing to ∞, the derived control law
sequence has the length of ∞. Then, using the corresponding control sequence, we
obtain a state trajectory. However, it is not derived from a single control law. For
infinite-horizon optimal control problem, what we should get is a unique optimal
control law under which we can obtain the optimal state trajectory. Therefore, we
only use the optimal control law u∗ obtained in Corollary 2.20 to produce a control
sequence when we apply the algorithm to practical systems. NN Implementation of the Iterative ADP Algorithm Using GDHP

When the controlled system is linear and the cost function is quadratic, we can
obtain a linear control law. In the nonlinear case, however, this is not necessarily
true. Therefore, we need to use function approximation structure, such as NN, to
approximate both vi (x(k)) and Vi (x(k)).
    Now, we implement the iterative GDHP algorithm in (2.90) and (2.91). In the
iterative GDHP algorithm, there are three networks, which are model network, critic
network and action network. All the networks are chosen as three-layer feedforward
NNs. The input of the critic network and action network is x(k), while the input
of the model network is x(k) and vi (x(k)). The diagram of the whole structure is
shown in Fig. 2.14, where
                               ∂ x(k + 1) ∂ x(k + 1) ∂ vi (x(k))
                                 ˆ           ˆ         ˆ
                   DER =                 +                                 .
                                  ∂x(k)      ˆ
                                           ∂ vi (x(k)) ∂x(k)
   The training of the model network is completed after the system identification
process and its weights are kept unchanged. Then, according to Theorem 2.13, when
given x(k) and vi (x(k)), we can compute x(k + 1) by (2.77), i.e.,
                     x(k + 1) = ωm (k)σ νm [x T (k) viT (x(k))]T .
                     ˆ           T
2.3 Infinite-Horizon Optimal State Feedback Control Based on GDHP                  65

Fig. 2.14 The structure diagram of the iterative GDHP algorithm

As a result, we avoid the requirement of knowing f (x(k)) and g(x(k)) during the
implementation of the iterative GDHP algorithm.
   Next, the learned NN system model will be used in the process of training critic
network and action network.
   The critic network is used to approximate both Vi (x(k)) and its derivative
∂Vi (x(k))/∂x(k), which is named the costate function and denoted λi (x(k)). The
output of the critic network is denoted

                    Vi (x(k))        1T
                                =          σ νci x(k) = ωci σ νci x(k) ,
                                              T          T     T
                    λi (x(k))        2T


                                     ωci = ωci ωci ,
                                            1   2

                                Vi (x(k)) = ωci σ νci x(k)
                                             1T    T

                                λi (x(k)) = ωci σ νci x(k) .
                                             2T    T

The target function can be written as

                                                              ˆ ˆ
        Vi+1 (x(k)) = x T (k)Qx(k) + viT (x(k))Rvi (x(k)) + γ Vi (x(k + 1))   (2.119)
66                              2    Optimal State Feedback Control for Discrete-Time Systems


                     ∂ x T (k)Qx(k) + viT (x(k))Rvi (x(k))      ˆ ˆ
                                                              ∂ Vi (x(k + 1))
     λi+1 (x(k)) =                                         +γ
                                    ∂x(k)                           ∂x(k)
                                    ∂vi (x(k))
                = 2Qx(k) + 2                         Rvi (x(k))
                          ∂ x(k + 1) ∂ x(k + 1) ∂ vi (x(k))
                            ˆ           ˆ         ˆ
                  +γ                +                                   ˆ ˆ
                                                                        λi (x(k + 1)).   (2.120)
                             ∂x(k)      ˆ
                                      ∂ vi (x(k)) ∂x(k)

Then, we define the error function for training the critic network as
                               1     ˆ
                              ecik = Vi (x(k)) − Vi+1 (x(k))                             (2.121)

                               2     ˆ
                              ecik = λi (x(k)) − λi+1 (x(k)).                            (2.122)
The objective function to be minimized in the critic network training is

                              Ecik = (1 − β)Ecik + βEcik ,
                                             1       2

                                            1 1T 1
                                      Ecik = ecik ecik
                                         1 2T 2
                                 Ecik = ecik ecik .
The weight updating rule for training the critic network is also gradient-based adap-
tation given by
                                                      ∂Ecik           2
           ωci (j + 1) = ωci (j ) − αc (1 − β)                 +β                        (2.126)
                                                     ∂ωci (j )    ∂ωci (j )

                                                      ∂Ecik           2
           νci (j + 1) = νci (j ) − αc (1 − β)                 +β                        (2.127)
                                                     ∂νci (j )    ∂νci (j )
where αc > 0 is the learning rate of the critic network, j is the inner-loop iteration
step for updating the weight parameters, and 0 ≤ β ≤ 1 is a parameter that adjusts
how HDP and DHP are combined in GDHP. For β = 0, the training of the critic
network reduces to a pure HDP, while β = 1 does the same for DHP.
   In the action network, the state x(k) is used as input to obtain the optimal control.
The output can be formulated as

                               vi (x(k)) = ωai σ νai x(k) .
                                            T     T
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Adaptive dynamic programming for control

  • 1. Chapter 2 Optimal State Feedback Control for Discrete-Time Systems 2.1 Introduction The optimal control problem of nonlinear systems has always been the key fo- cus of control fields in the past several decades. Traditional optimal control ap- proaches are mostly based on linearization methods or numerical computation meth- ods. However, closed-loop optimal feedback control is desired for most researchers in practice. Therefore, in this chapter, several near-optimal control scheme will be developed for different nonlinear discrete-time systems by introducing the different iterative ADP algorithms. First, an infinite-horizon optimal state feedback controller is developed for a class of discrete-time systems based on DHP. Then, due to the special advantages of GDHP algorithm, a new optimal control scheme is developed with discounted cost functional. Moreover, based on GHJB algorithm, an infinite-horizon optimal state feedback stabilizing controller is designed. Further, most existing controllers are implemented in infinite time horizon. However, many real-world systems need to be effectively controlled within a finite time horizon. Therefore, we further pro- pose a finite-horizon optimal controllers with ε-error bound, where the number of optimal control steps can be determined definitely. 2.2 Infinite-Horizon Optimal State Feedback Control Based on DHP Saturation, dead-zone, backlash, and hysteresis are the most common actuator non- linearities in practical control system applications. Due to the nonanalytic nature of the actuator nonlinear dynamics and the fact that the exact actuator nonlinear functions are unknown, the systems with saturation present a challenge to control engineers. In this section, we study this problem in the framework of the HJB equa- tion from optimal control theory. First, based on nonquadratic functionals, the HJB equation is formulated, whose solution results in a smooth saturated controller. Then H. Zhang et al., Adaptive Dynamic Programming for Control, 27 Communications and Control Engineering, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4471-4757-2_2, © Springer-Verlag London 2013
  • 2. 28 2 Optimal State Feedback Control for Discrete-Time Systems a new iterative ADP algorithm is presented with convergence proof to solve the HJB equation derived. 2.2.1 Problem Formulation Consider a class of discrete-time affine nonlinear systems as follows: x(k + 1) = f (x(k)) + g(x(k))u(k), (2.1) where x(k) ∈ Rn is the state vector, and f : Rn → Rn and g : Rn → Rn×m are differentiable in their arguments with f (0) = 0. Assume that f + gu is Lips- chitz continuous on a set Ω in Rn containing the origin, and that the system (2.1) is controllable in the sense that there exists at least a continuous control law on Ω that asymptotically stabilizes the system. We denote Ωu = {u(k) | u(k) = [u1 (k), u2 (k), . . . , um (k)]T ∈ Rm , |ui (k)| ≤ ui , i = 1, . . . , m}, where ui is the sat- ¯ ¯ ¯ urating bound for the ith actuator. Let U ∈ Rm×m be the constant diagonal matrix ¯ given by U = diag{u1 , u2 , . . . , um }. ¯ ¯ ¯ In this subsection, we mainly discuss how to design an optimal state feedback controller for this class of constrained discrete-time systems. It is desired to find the optimal control law v(x) so that the control sequence u(·) = (u(i), u(i + 1), . . . ) with each u(i) ∈ Ωu minimizes the generalized cost functional as follows: ∞ J (x(k), u(·)) = x T (i)Qx(i) + W (u(i)) , (2.2) i=k where u(i) = v(x(i)), W (u(i)) ∈ R is positive definite, and the weight matrix Q is also positive definite. For optimal control problems, the state feedback control law v(x) must not only stabilize the system on Ω but also guarantee that (2.2) is finite. Such a control law is said to be admissible. Definition 2.1 A control law v(x) is said to be admissible with respect to (2.2) on Ω if v(x) is continuous with v(x(k)) ∈ Ωu for ∀x(k) ∈ Ω and stabilizes (2.1) on Ω, v(0) = 0, and for ∀x(0) ∈ Ω, J (x(0), u(·)) is finite, where u(·) = (u(0), u(1), . . . ) and u(k) = v(x(k)), k = 0, 1, . . . . Based on the above definition, we are ready to explain the admissible control law sequence. A control law sequence {ηi } = (η0 , η1 , . . . , η∞ ) is called admissible if the resultant control sequence (u(0), u(1), . . . , u(∞)) stabilizes the system (2.1) with any initial state x(0) and guarantees that J (x(0), u(·)) is finite. It should be mentioned that, in this case, each control action obeys a different control law, i.e., u(i) is produced by a control law ηi for i = 0, 1, . . . . The control law sequence {ηi } = (η0 , η1 , . . . , η∞ ) is also called a nonstationary policy in the literature [2].
  • 3. 2.2 Infinite-Horizon Optimal State Feedback Control Based on DHP 29 For convenience, in the sequel J ∗ (x(k)) is used to denote the optimal value func- tion which is defined as J ∗ (x(k)) = minu(·) J (x(k), u(·)), and u∗ (x) is used to de- note the corresponding optimal control law. For the unconstrained control problem, W (u(i)) in the performance functional (2.2) is commonly chosen as the quadratic form of the control input u(i). How- ever, in this subsection, to confront the bounded control problem, we employ a non- quadratic functional as follows: u(i) W (u(i)) = 2 ¯ ¯ ϕ −T (U −1 s)U Rds, (2.3) 0 ϕ −1 (u(i)) = [ϕ −1 (u1 (i)), ϕ −1 (u2 (i)), . . . , ϕ −1 (um (i))]T , where R is positive definite and assumed to be diagonal for simplicity of analysis, s ∈ Rm , ϕ ∈ Rm , ϕ(·) is a bounded one-to-one function satisfying |ϕ(·)| ≤ 1 and belonging to C p (p ≥ 1) and L2 (Ω). Moreover, it is a monotonic increasing odd function with its first derivative bounded by a constant M. Such a function is easy to find, and one example is the hyperbolic tangent function ϕ(·) = tanh(·). It should be noticed that, by the definition above, W (u(i)) is ensured to be positive definite because ϕ −1 (·) is a monotonic odd function and R is positive definite. According to Bellman’s principle of optimality, the optimal value function J ∗ (x) should satisfy the following HJB equation: ∞ u(i) J ∗ (x(k)) = min x T (i)Qx(i) + 2 ¯ ¯ ϕ −T (U −1 s)U Rds u(·) 0 i=k u(k) = min x T (k)Qx(k) + 2 ¯ ¯ ϕ −T (U −1 s)U Rds u(k) 0 + J ∗ (x(k + 1)) . (2.4) The optimal control law u∗ (x) should satisfy u(k) u∗ (x(k)) = arg min x T (k)Qx(k) + 2 ¯ ¯ ϕ −T (U −1 s)U Rds u(k) 0 ∗ + J (x(k + 1)) . (2.5) The optimal control problem can be solved if the optimal value function J ∗ (x) can be obtained from (2.4). However, there is currently no method for solving this value function of the constrained optimal control problem. Therefore, in the next subsection we will discuss how to utilize the iterative ADP algorithm to seek the near-optimal control solution.
  • 4. 30 2 Optimal State Feedback Control for Discrete-Time Systems 2.2.2 Infinite-Horizon Optimal State Feedback Control via DHP Since direct solution of the HJB equation is computationally intensive, we develop in this subsection an iterative ADP algorithm, based on Bellman’s principle of opti- mality and the greedy iteration principle. First, we start with initial value function V0 (·) = 0 which is not necessarily the optimal value function. Then, we find the law of single control vector v0 (x) as fol- lows: u(k) v0 (x(k)) = arg min x T (k)Qx(k) + 2 ¯ ¯ ϕ −T (U −1 s)U Rds u(k) 0 + V0 (x(k + 1)) , (2.6) and we update the value function by v0 (x(k)) V1 (x(k)) = x T (k)Qx(k) + 2 ¯ ¯ ϕ −T (U −1 s)U Rds. (2.7) 0 Therefore, for i = 1, 2, . . . , the iterative ADP algorithm iterates between u(k) vi (x(k)) = arg min x T (k)Qx(k) + 2 ¯ ¯ ϕ −T (U −1 s)U Rds u(k) 0 + Vi (x(k + 1)) (2.8) and u(k) Vi+1 (x(k)) = min x T (k)Qx(k) + 2 ¯ ¯ ϕ −T (U −1 s)U Rds u(k) 0 + Vi (x(k + 1)) . (2.9) It can be seen that, based on (2.8), (2.9) can further be written as vi (x(k)) Vi+1 (x(k)) = x T (k)Qx(k) + 2 ¯ ¯ ϕ −T (U −1 s)U Rds + Vi (x(k + 1)) , 0 (2.10) where x(k + 1) = f (x(k)) + g(x(k))vi (x(k)). In summary, in this iterative algorithm, the value function sequence {Vi } and con- trol law sequence {vi } are updated by implementing the recurrent iteration between (2.8) and (2.10) with the iteration number i increasing from 0 to ∞. To further explain the iteration process, next we are ready to analyze this iterative algorithm. First, based on (2.10) we obtain
  • 5. 2.2 Infinite-Horizon Optimal State Feedback Control Based on DHP 31 vi−1 (x(k+1)) Vi (x(k + 1)) = x T (k + 1)Qx(k + 1) + 2 ¯ ¯ ϕ −T (U −1 s)U Rds 0 + Vi−1 (x(k + 2)) , (2.11) where x(k + 2) = f (x(k + 1)) + g(x(k + 1))vi−1 (x(k + 1)). Then, by further ex- panding (2.10), we have vi (x(k)) Vi+1 (x(k)) = x T (k)Qx(k) + 2 ¯ ¯ ϕ −T (U −1 s)U Rds 0 vi−1 (x(k+1)) + x T (k + 1)Qx(k + 1) + 2 ¯ ¯ ϕ −T (U −1 s)U Rds 0 + · · · + x T (k + i)Qx(k + i) v0 (x(k+i)) +2 ¯ ¯ ϕ −T (U −1 s)U Rds + V0 (x(k + i + 1)) , (2.12) 0 where V0 (x(k + i + 1)) = 0. From (2.12), it can be seen that during the iteration process, the control actions for different control steps obey different control laws. After the iteration number i + 1, the obtained control law sequence is (vi , vi−1 , . . . , v0 ). With the iteration number i increasing to ∞, the obtained control law sequence has a length of ∞. For the infinite-horizon problem, both the optimal value function and the optimal control law are unique. Therefore, it is desired that the control law sequence will converge when the iteration number i → ∞. In the following, we will prove that both the value function sequence {Vi } and the control law sequence {vi } are convergent. In this subsection, in order to prove the convergence characteristics of the itera- tive ADP algorithm for the constrained nonlinear system, we first present two lem- mas before presenting our theorems. For convenience, the nonquadratic functional ¯ ¯ 2 0 ϕ −T (U −1 s)U Rds will be written as W (u(k)) in the sequel. u(k) Lemma 2.2 Let {μi } be an arbitrary sequence of control laws, and {vi } be the control law sequence as in (2.8). Let Vi be as in (2.9) and Λi be Λi+1 (x(k)) = x T (k)Qx(k) + W (μi (x(k))) + Λi (x(k + 1)). (2.13) If V0 (·) = Λ0 (·) = 0, then Vi (x) ≤ Λi (x), ∀i. Proof It is clear from the fact that Vi+1 is the result of minimizing the right hand side of (2.9) with respect to the control input u(k), while Λi+1 is a result of arbitrary control input. Lemma 2.3 Let the sequence {Vi } be defined as in (2.9). If the system is control- lable, then there is an upper bound Y such that 0 ≤ Vi (x(k)) ≤ Y, ∀i.
  • 6. 32 2 Optimal State Feedback Control for Discrete-Time Systems Proof Let {ηi (x)} be a sequence of stabilizing and admissible control laws, and let V0 (·) = P0 (·) = 0, where Vi is updated by (2.9) and Pi is updated by Pi+1 (x(k)) = x T (k)Qx(k) + W (ηi (x(k))) + Pi (x(k + 1)). (2.14) From (2.14), we further obtain Pi (x(k + 1)) = x T (k + 1)Qx(k + 1) + W (ηi−1 (x(k + 1))) + Pi−1 (x(k + 2)). (2.15) Thus, the following relation can be obtained: Pi+1 (x(k)) = x T (k)Qx(k) + W (ηi (x(k))) + x T (k + 1)Qx(k + 1) + W (ηi−1 (x(k + 1))) + Pi−1 (x(k + 2)) = x T (k)Qx(k) + W (ηi (x(k))) + x T (k + 1)Qx(k + 1) + W (ηi−1 (x(k + 1))) + x T (k + 2)Qx(k + 2) + W (ηi−2 (x(k + 2))) + Pi−2 (x(k + 3)) . . . = x T (k)Qx(k) + W (ηi (x(k))) + x T (k + 1)Qx(k + 1) + W (ηi−1 (x(k + 1))) + x T (k + 2)Qx(k + 2) + W (ηi−2 (x(k + 2))) + ... + x T (k + i)Qx(k + i) + W (η0 (x(k + i))) + P0 (x(k + i + 1)), (2.16) where P0 (x(k + i + 1)) = 0. Let li (x(k)) = x T (k)Qx(k)+W (ηi (x(k))), and then (2.16) can further be written as i Pi+1 (x(k)) = li−j (x(k + j )) j =0 i = x T (k + j )Qx(k + j ) + W (ηi−j (x(k + j ))) j =0
  • 7. 2.2 Infinite-Horizon Optimal State Feedback Control Based on DHP 33 i ≤ lim x T (k + j )Qx(k + j ) + W ηi−j (x(k + j )) . (2.17) i→∞ j =0 Note that {ηi (x)} is an admissible control law sequence, i.e., x(k) → 0 as k → ∞. Therefore there exists an upper bound Y such that i ∀i : Pi+1 (x(k)) ≤ lim li−j (x(k + j )) ≤ Y. (2.18) i→∞ j =0 Combining with Lemma 2.2, we obtain ∀i : Vi+1 (x(k)) ≤ Pi+1 (x(k)) ≤ Y. (2.19) This completes the proof. Next, Lemmas 2.2 and 2.3 will be used in the proof of our main theorems. Theorem 2.4 (cf. [17]) Define the value function sequence {Vi } as in (2.10) with V0 (·) = 0, and the control law sequence {vi } as in (2.8). Then, we can conclude that {Vi } is a nondecreasing sequence satisfying Vi+1 (x(k)) ≥ Vi (x(k)), ∀i. Proof For convenience of analysis, define a new sequence {Φi } as follows: Φi+1 (x(k)) = x T (k)Qx(k) + W (vi+1 (x(k))) + Φi (x(k + 1)), (2.20) where Φ0 (·) = V0 (·) = 0. The control law sequence {vi } is updated by (2.8) and the value function sequence {Vi } is updated by (2.10). In the following, we prove that Φi (x(k)) ≤ Vi+1 (x(k)) by mathematical induc- tion. First, we prove that it holds for i = 0. Noticing that V1 (x(k)) − Φ0 (x(k)) = x T (k)Qx(k) + W (v0 (x(k))) ≥ 0, (2.21) thus for i = 0, we have V1 (x(k)) ≥ Φ0 (x(k)). (2.22) Second, we assume that it holds for i − 1. That is to say, for any x(k), we have Vi (x(k)) ≥ Φi−1 (x(k)). Then, for i, since Φi (x(k)) = x T (k)Qx(k) + W (vi (x(k))) + Φi−1 (x(k + 1)) (2.23) and Vi+1 (x(k)) = x T (k)Qx(k) + W (vi (x(k))) + Vi (x(k + 1)) (2.24) hold, we obtain Vi+1 (x(k)) − Φi (x(k)) = Vi (x(k + 1)) − Φi−1 (x(k + 1)) ≥ 0, (2.25)
  • 8. 34 2 Optimal State Feedback Control for Discrete-Time Systems i.e., the following equation holds: Φi (x(k)) ≤ Vi+1 (x(k)). (2.26) Therefore, (2.26) is proved for any i by mathematical induction. Furthermore, from Lemma 2.2 we know that Vi (x(k)) ≤ Φi (x(k)). Therefore we have Vi (x(k)) ≤ Φi (x(k)) ≤ Vi+1 (x(k)). (2.27) The proof is completed. Next, we are ready to exploit the limit of the value function sequence {Vi } when i → ∞. (l) Let {ηi } be the lth admissible control law sequence, similar to the proof of Lemma 2.3, we can construct the associated sequence Pi(l) (x) as follows: (l) (l) (l) Pi+1 (x(k)) = x T (k)Qx(k) + W (ηi (x(k))) + Pi (x(k + 1)), (2.28) (l) with P0 (·) = 0. (l) (l) Let li (x(k)) = x T (k)Qx(k) + W (ηi (x(k))). Then, the following relation can be obtained similarly: i (l) (l) Pi+1 (x(k)) = li−j (x(k + j )). (2.29) j =0 Let i → ∞; we have i (l) P∞ (x(k)) = lim (l) li−j (x(k + j )). (2.30) i→∞ j =0 Combining (2.29) with (2.30), we obtain (l) Pi+1 (x(k)) ≤ P∞ (x(k)). (l) (2.31) (l) Theorem 2.5 (cf. [17]) Define P∞ (x(k)) as in (2.30), and the value function se- quence {Vi } as in (2.10) with V0 (·) = 0. For any state vector x(k), define J ∗ (x(k)) = (l) infl {P∞ (x(k))}, which can be considered as the “optimal” value function starting from x(k) under all admissible control law sequences with length of ∞. Then, we can conclude that J ∗ is the limit of the value function sequence {Vi }. (l) Proof According to the definition of P∞ (x(k)), the associated control law sequence (l) (l) {ηi (x)} is admissible. Thus, it is guaranteed that limi→∞ i =0 li−j (x(k + j )) is j
  • 9. 2.2 Infinite-Horizon Optimal State Feedback Control Based on DHP 35 (l) finite, i.e., P∞ (x(k)) is finite. Hence for any l, there exists an upper bound Yl such that (l) Pi+1 (x(k)) ≤ P∞ (x(k)) ≤ Yl . (l) (2.32) Combining with Lemma 2.2, we further obtain (l) ∀l, i : Vi+1 (x(k)) ≤ Pi+1 (x(k)) ≤ Yl . (2.33) Since J ∗ (x(k)) = infl {P∞ (x(k))}, for any > 0, there exists a sequence of (l) (K) admissible control laws {ηi } such that the associated value function satisfies P∞ (x(k)) ≤ J ∗ (x(k)) + . According to (2.33), we have Vi (x(k)) ≤ Pi (x(k)) (K) (l) for any l and i. Thus, we obtain limi→∞ Vi (x(k)) ≤ P∞ (x(k)) ≤ J ∗ (x(k)) + . (K) Noting that is chosen arbitrarily, we have lim Vi (x(k)) ≤ J ∗ (x(k)). (2.34) i→∞ (l) On the other hand, since Vi+1 (x(k)) ≤ Pi+1 (x(k)) ≤ Yl , ∀l, i, we have limi→∞ Vi (x(k)) ≤ infl {Yl }. According to the definition of admissible control law sequence, the control law sequence associated with the value function limi→∞ Vi (x(k)) must be an admissible control law sequence, i.e., there exists a sequence of admissible (N ) (N ) control laws {ηi } such that limi→∞ Vi (x(k)) = P∞ (x(k)). Combining with the definition J ∗ (x(k)) = infl {P∞ (x(k))}, we can obtain (l) lim Vi (x(k)) ≥ J ∗ (x(k)). (2.35) i→∞ Therefore, combining (2.34) with (2.35), we can conclude that limi→∞ Vi (x(k)) = J ∗ (x(k)), i.e., J ∗ is the limit of the value function sequence {Vi }. The proof is completed. Next, let us consider what will happen when we make i → ∞ in (2.9). The left hand side is simply V∞ (x). But for the right hand side, it is not obvious to see since the minimum will reach at different u(k) for different i. However, the following result can be proved. Theorem 2.6 For any state vector x(k), the “optimal” value function J ∗ (x) satis- fies the HJB equation J ∗ (x(k)) = inf x T (k)Qx(k) + W (u(k)) + J ∗ (x(k + 1)) . u(k) Proof For any u(k) and i, according to (2.9), we have Vi (x(k)) ≤ x T (k)Qx(k) + W (u(k)) + Vi−1 (x(k + 1)). (2.36)
  • 10. 36 2 Optimal State Feedback Control for Discrete-Time Systems According to Theorems 2.4 and 2.5, the value function sequence {Vi } is a non- decreasing sequence satisfying limi→∞ Vi (x(k)) = J ∗ (x(k)), hence the relation Vi−1 (x(k + 1)) ≤ J ∗ (x(k + 1)) holds for any i. Thus, we obtain Vi (x(k)) ≤ x T (k)Qx(k) + W (u(k)) + J ∗ (x(k + 1)). (2.37) Let i → ∞; we have J ∗ (x(k)) ≤ x T (k)Qx(k) + W (u(k)) + J ∗ (x(k + 1)). (2.38) Since u(k) in the above equation is chosen arbitrarily, the following equation holds: J ∗ (x(k)) ≤ inf x T (k)Qx(k) + W (u(k)) + J ∗ (x(k + 1)) . (2.39) u(k) On the other hand, for any i the value function sequence satisfies Vi (x(k)) = min x T (k)Qx(k) + W (u(k)) + Vi−1 (x(k + 1)) . (2.40) u(k) Combining with Vi (x(k)) ≤ J ∗ (x(k)), ∀i, we have J ∗ (x(k)) ≥ inf x T (k)Qx(k) + W (u(k)) + Vi−1 (x(k + 1)) . (2.41) u(k) Let i → ∞; then we obtain J ∗ (x(k)) ≥ inf x T (k)Qx(k) + W (u(k)) + J ∗ (x(k + 1)) . (2.42) u(k) Combining (2.39) and (2.42), we have J ∗ (x(k)) = inf x T (k)Qx(k) + W (u(k)) + J ∗ (x(k + 1)) . (2.43) u(k) The proof is completed. According to Theorems 2.4 and 2.5, we can conclude that Vi (x(k)) ≤ Vi+1 (x(k)), ∀i and limi→∞ Vi (x(k)) = J ∗ (x(k)). Furthermore, according to Theorem 2.6, we have J ∗ (x(k)) = infu(k) {x T (k)Qx(k) + W (u(k)) + J ∗ (x(k + 1))}. Therefore, we can conclude that the value function sequence {Vi } converges to the optimal value function of the discrete-time HJB equation, i.e., Vi → J ∗ as i → ∞. Since the value function sequence is convergent, according to (2.5) and (2.8), we can conclude that the corresponding control law sequence {vi } converges to the optimal control law u∗ as i → ∞. It should be mentioned that the value function Vi (x) we constructed is a new function that is different from ordinary cost function. Via Lemma 2.3 and Theo- rem 2.4, we have showed that for any x(k) ∈ Ω, the function sequence {Vi (x(k))} is a nondecreasing sequence, which will increase its value with an upper bound. This
  • 11. 2.2 Infinite-Horizon Optimal State Feedback Control Based on DHP 37 is in contrast to other work in the literature, e.g., [5], where the value functions are constructed as a nonincreasing sequence with lower bound. Moreover, it should be noted that we do not require every control law in the sequence {vi } to be admissible. What we need is a control law sequence to be admissible, i.e., the resultant sequence of control vectors can stabilize the system. Next, we are ready to discuss the implementation of the iterative ADP algorithm. (1) Derivation of the iterative DHP algorithm. First, we assume that the value function Vi (x) is smooth. In order to implement the iteration between (2.8) and (2.10), for i = 0, 1, . . . , we further assume that the minimum of the right hand side of (2.8) can be exactly solved by letting the gradient of the right hand side of (2.8) with respect to u(k) equal to zero, i.e., ∂ x T (k)Qx(k) + W (u(k)) ∂x(k + 1) T ∂Vi (x(k + 1)) + = 0. (2.44) ∂u(k) ∂u(k) ∂x(k + 1) Therefore, for i = 0, 1, . . . , the corresponding control law vi (x) can be obtained by solving the above equation, i.e., ¯ 1 ¯ ∂Vi (x(k + 1)) vi (x(k)) = U ϕ − (U R)−1 g T (x(k)) . (2.45) 2 ∂x(k + 1) From (2.45), we find that the control law vi (x) at each step of iteration has to be computed by ∂Vi (x(k + 1))/∂x(k + 1), which is not an easy task. Furthermore, at each iteration step of value function Vi+1 (x(k)) in (2.10), there exists an integral v (x(k)) −T ¯ −1 ¯ term 2 0 i ϕ (U s)U Rds to compute, which is a large computing burden. Therefore, in the following we will present another method called iterative DHP algorithm to implement the iterative ADP algorithm. Define the costate function λ(x) = ∂V (x)/∂x. Here, we assume that the value function V (x) is smooth so that λ(x) exists. Then, the recurrent iteration between (2.8) and (2.10) can be implemented as follows. First, we start with an initial costate function λ0 (·) = 0. Then, for i = 0, 1, . . . , by substituting λi (x) = ∂Vi (x)/∂x into (2.45), we obtain the corresponding control law vi (x) as ¯ 1 ¯ vi (x(k)) = U ϕ − (U R)−1 g T (x(k))λi (x(k + 1)) . (2.46) 2 ∂Vi+1 (x(k)) For λi+1 (x(k)) = , according to (2.10) we can obtain ∂x(k) ∂ x T (k)Qx(k) + W (vi (x(k))) λi+1 (x(k)) = ∂x(k) ∂vi (x(k)) T ∂ x T (k)Qx(k) + W (vi (x(k))) + ∂x(k) ∂vi (x(k)) T ∂x(k + 1) ∂Vi (x(k + 1)) + ∂x(k) ∂x(k + 1)
  • 12. 38 2 Optimal State Feedback Control for Discrete-Time Systems T T ∂vi (x(k)) ∂x(k + 1) ∂Vi (x(k + 1)) + ∂x(k) ∂vi (x(k)) ∂x(k + 1) ∂ x T (k)Qx(k) + W (vi (x(k))) = ∂x(k) ∂vi (x(k)) T ∂ x T (k)Qx(k) + W (vi (x(k))) + ∂x(k) ∂vi (x(k)) T ∂x(k + 1) ∂Vi (x(k + 1)) + ∂vi (x(k)) ∂x(k + 1) T ∂x(k + 1) ∂Vi (x(k + 1)) + . (2.47) ∂x(k) ∂x(k + 1) According to (2.44) and (2.45), we have ∂ x T (k)Qx(k) + W (vi (x(k))) ∂x(k + 1) T ∂Vi (x(k + 1)) + = 0. (2.48) ∂vi (x(k)) ∂vi (x(k)) ∂x(k + 1) Therefore (2.47) can further be written as ∂ x T (k)Qx(k) + W (vi (x(k))) λi+1 (x(k)) = ∂x(k) T ∂x(k + 1) ∂Vi (x(k + 1)) + , (2.49) ∂x(k) ∂x(k + 1) i.e., T ∂x(k + 1) λi+1 (x(k)) = 2Qx(k) + λi (x(k + 1)). (2.50) ∂x(k) Therefore, the iteration between (2.46) and (2.50) is an implementation of the iteration between (2.8) and (2.10). From (2.46) the control law vi can directly be obtained by the costate function. Hence the iteration of value function in (2.10) can be omitted in the implementation of this iterative algorithm. Considering the principle of DHP algorithm in Chap. 1, we call such iterative algorithm as iterative DHP algorithm. Next, we present a convergence analysis of the iteration between (2.46) and (2.50). Theorem 2.7 Define the control law sequence {vi } as in (2.8), and update the value function sequence {Vi } by (2.10) with V0 (·) = 0. Define the costate function se- quence {λi } as in (2.50) with λ0 (·) = 0. Then, the costate function sequence {λi } and the control law sequence {vi } are convergent as i → ∞. The optimal value λ∗ is defined as the limit of the costate function λi when vi approaches the optimal value u∗ .
  • 13. 2.2 Infinite-Horizon Optimal State Feedback Control Based on DHP 39 Proof According to Theorems 2.4–2.6, we have proved that limi→∞ Vi (x(k)) = J ∗ (x(k)), and J ∗ (x(k)) satisfies the corresponding HJB equation, i.e., J ∗ (x(k)) = inf {x T (k)Qx(k) + W (u(k)) + J ∗ (x(k + 1))}. u(k) Therefore, we conclude that the value function sequence {Vi } converges to the optimal value function of the DTHJB equation, i.e., Vi → J ∗ as i → ∞. With λi (x(k)) = ∂Vi (x(k))/∂x(k), we conclude that the corresponding costate function sequence {λi } is also convergent with λi → λ∗ as i → ∞. Since the costate func- tion is convergent, we can conclude that the corresponding control law sequence {vi } converges to the optimal control law u∗ as i → ∞. Remark 2.8 In the iterative DHP algorithm, via the costate sequence (2.50), the cor- responding control law sequence can be directly obtained by (2.46), which does not require the computation of ∂Vi (x(k + 1))/∂x(k + 1). Furthermore, in (2.10) there v (x(k)) −T ¯ −1 ¯ is an integral term 2 0 i ϕ (U s)U Rds to compute at each iteration step, which is not an easy task. However, in (2.50) the integral term has been removed, which greatly reduces the computational burden. On the other hand, in order to com- pute the costate function by (2.50), the internal dynamics f (x(k)) and g(x(k)) of the system are needed. In the implementation part of the algorithm, a model network is constructed to approximate the nonlinear dynamics of the system, which avoids the requirement of known f (x(k)) and g(x(k)). (2) RBFNN implementation of the iterative DHP algorithm. In the iterative DHP algorithm, the optimal control is difficult to solve analytically. For example, in (2.46), the control at step k is a function of costate at step k + 1. A closed-form explicit solution is difficult to solve, if not impossible. Therefore we need to use parametric structures, such as fuzzy models [15] or neural networks, to approxi- mate the costate function and the corresponding control law in the iterative DHP algorithm. In this subsection, we choose radial basis function (RBF) NNs to ap- proximate the nonlinear functions. An RBFNN consists of three-layers (input, hidden and output). Each input value is assigned to a node in the input layer and passed directly to the hidden layer with- out weights. Nodes at the hidden layer are called RBF units, determined by a vector called center and a scalar called width. The Gaussian density function is used as an activation function for the hidden neurons. Then, linear output weights connect the hidden and output layers. The overall input–output equation of the RBFNN is given as h y i = bi + wj i φj (X), (2.51) j =1 where X is the input vector, φj (X) = exp(− X − Cj 2 /σj 2 ) is the activation func- tion of the j th RBF unit in the hidden layer, Cj ∈ Rn is the center of the j th RBF
  • 14. 40 2 Optimal State Feedback Control for Discrete-Time Systems unit, h is the number of RBF units, bi and wj i are the bias term and the weight be- tween hidden and output layer, and yi is the ith output in the m-dimensional space. Once the optimal RBF centers are established over a wide range of operating points of the plant, the width of the ith center in the hidden layer is calculated by the following formula: h n 1 σi = ( cki − ckj ), (2.52) h j =1 k=1 where cki and ckj are the kth value of the center of the ith and j th RBF units, respectively. In (2.51) and (2.52), · represents the Euclidean norm. To avoid the extensive computational complexity during training, the batch mode k-means clustering algorithm is used to calculate the centers of the RBF units. In order to implement the iterative ADP algorithm, i.e., implement the iteration between (2.46) and (2.50), we employ RBFNNs to approximate the costate func- tion λi (x) and the corresponding control law vi (x) at each iteration step i. In the implementation of the iterative DHP algorithm, there are three networks, which are model network, critic network and action network, respectively. All the neural net- works are chosen as RBF networks. The inputs of the model network are x(k) and vi (x(k)) and the inputs of the critic network and action network are x(k + 1) and x(k), respectively. The diagram of the whole structure is shown in Fig. 2.1. For unknown plants, before carrying out the iterative DHP algorithm, we first train the model network. For any given x(k) and vi (x(k)), we obtain x(k + 1), and ˆ ˆ the output of the model network is denoted x(k + 1) = wm φ(Im (k)), ˆ T (2.53) where Im (k) = [x T (k)viT (x(k))]T is the input vector of the model network. ˆ We define the error function of the model network as em (k) = x(k + 1) − x(k + 1). ˆ (2.54) The weights in the model network are updated to minimize the following perfor- mance measure: 1 T Em (k) = e (k)em (k). (2.55) 2 m The weight updating rule for model network is chosen as a gradient-based adapta- tion rule ∂Em (k) wm (k + 1) = wm (k) − αm , (2.56) ∂wm (k) where αm is the learning rate of the model network. After the model network is trained, its weights are kept unchanged.
  • 15. 2.2 Infinite-Horizon Optimal State Feedback Control Based on DHP 41 Fig. 2.1 The structure diagram of the iterative DHP algorithm The critic network is used to approximate the costate function λi+1 (x). The out- put of the critic network is denoted ˆ λi+1 (x(k)) = wc(i+1) φ(x(k)). T (2.57) The target costate function is given as in (2.50). Define the error function for the critic network as ˆ ec(i+1) (k) = λi+1 (x(k)) − λi+1 (x(k)). (2.58) The objective function to be minimized for the critic network is 1 T Ec(i+1) (k) = ec(i+1) (k)ec(i+1) (k). (2.59) 2 The weight updating rule for the critic network is a gradient-based adaptation given by ∂Ec(i+1) (k) wc(i+1) (j + 1) = wc(i+1) (j ) − αc , (2.60) ∂wc(i+1) (j )
  • 16. 42 2 Optimal State Feedback Control for Discrete-Time Systems where αc > 0 is the learning rate of the critic network, and j is the inner-loop itera- tion step for updating the weight parameters. In the action network, the state x(k) is used as the input of the network and the output can be formulated as ˆ vi (x(k)) = wai φ(x(k)). T (2.61) The target value of the control vi (x(k)) is obtained by (2.46). So we can define the error function of the action network as eai (k) = vi (x(k)) − vi (x(k)). ˆ (2.62) The weights of the action network are updated to minimize the following perfor- mance error measure: 1 T Eai (k) = eai (k)eai (k). (2.63) 2 The updating algorithm is then similar to the one for the critic network. By the gradient descent rule, we obtain ∂Eai (k) wai (j + 1) = wai (j ) − αa , (2.64) ∂wai (j ) where αa > 0 is the learning rate of the action network, and j is the inner-loop iteration step for updating the weight parameters. From the neural-network implementation, we can find that in this iterative DHP ˆ algorithm, ∂Vi (x(k + 1))/∂x(k + 1) is replaced by λi (x(k + 1)), which is just the output of the critic network. Therefore, it is more accurate than computing by back- propagation through the critic network as in [1]. (3) Design procedure of the approximate optimal controller. Based on the itera- tive DHP algorithm, the design procedure of the optimal control scheme is summa- rized as follows: a c ¯ 1. Choose imax , jmax , jmax , εm , ε0 , U , αm , αc , αa and the weight matrices Q and R. 2. Construct the model network x(k + 1) = wm φ(Im (k)) with the initial weight ˆ T parameters wm0 chosen randomly from [−0.1, 0.1] and train the model network with a random input vector uniformly distributed in the interval [−1, 1] and arbitrary initial state vector in [−1, 1] till the given accuracy εm is reached. 3. Set the iteration step i = 0. Set the initial weight parameters of critic network wc0 as zero so that the initial value of the costate function λ0 (·) = 0, and ini- tialize the action network with the weight parameters wa0 chosen randomly in [−0.1, 0.1]. 4. Choose an array of state vector x(k) = (x (1) (k), x (2) (k), . . . , x (p) (k)) ran- domly from the operation region and compute the corresponding output target vi (x(k)) = (vi (x (1) (k)), vi (x (2) (k)), . . . , vi (x (p) (k))) by (2.46), where the state
  • 17. 2.2 Infinite-Horizon Optimal State Feedback Control Based on DHP 43 vector at the next time instant x(k + 1) = x (1) (k + 1), x (2) (k + 1), . . . , x (p) (k + 1) is computed by the model network (2.53). With the same state vector x(k) = (x (1) (k), x (2) (k), . . . , x (p) (k)) and x(k + 1) = x (1) (k + 1), x (2) (k + 1), . . . , x (p) (k + 1) , compute the resultant output target λi+1 (x(k)) = λi+1 (x (1) (k)), λi+1 (x (2) (k)), . . . , λi+1 (x (p) (k)) by (2.50). 5. Set wc(i+1) = wci . With the data set (x (j ) (k), λi+1 (x (j ) (k))), j = 1, 2, . . . , p, update the weight parameters of the critic network wc(i+1) by (2.60) for jmax c steps to get the approximate costate function λi+1 . ˆ 6. With the data set (x (j ) (k), vi (x (j ) (k))), j = 1, 2, . . . , p, update the weight pa- a rameters of the action network wai by (2.64) for jmax steps to get the approxi- ˆ mate control law vi . 7. If λi+1 (x(k)) − λi (x(k)) 2 < ε0 , go to Step 9; otherwise, go to Step 8. 8. If i > imax , go to Step 9; otherwise, set i = i + 1 and go to Step 4. 9. Set the final approximate optimal control law u∗ (x) = vi (x). ˆ ˆ 10. Stop. As stated in the last subsection, the iterative algorithm will be convergent with λi (x) → λ∗ (x) and the control sequence vi (x) → u∗ (x) as i → ∞. However, in practical applications, we cannot implement the iteration till i → ∞. Actually, we iterate the algorithm for a max number imax or with a pre-specified accuracy ε0 to test the convergence of the algorithm. In the above procedure, there are two levels of loops. The outer loop starts from Step 3 and ends at Step 8. There are two inner c loops in Steps 5 and 6, respectively. The inner loop of Step 5 includes jmax iterative a steps, and the inner loop of Step 6 includes jmax iterative steps. The state vector x(k) is chosen randomly at Step 4. Suppose that the associated random probability density function is nonvanishing everywhere. Then we can assume that all the states will be explored. So we know that the resulting networks tend to satisfy the formulas ˆ ˆ (2.46) and (2.50) for all state vectors x(k). The limits of λi and vi will approximate the optimal ones λ∗ and u∗ , respectively. The parameters ε0 and imax are chosen by the designer. The smaller the value of ε0 is set, the more accurate the costate function and the optimal control law will be. If the condition set in Step 7 is satisfied, it implies that the costate function sequence is convergent with the pre-specified
  • 18. 44 2 Optimal State Feedback Control for Discrete-Time Systems accuracy. The larger the value of imax in Step 8 is set, the more accurate the obtained ˆ control law v(x) will be at the price of increased computational burden. 2.2.3 Simulations In this section, two examples are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the control scheme developed in this subsection. Example 2.9 (Nonlinear Discrete-Time System) Consider the following nonlinear system [5]: x(k + 1) = f (x(k)) + g(x(k))u(k), (2.65) −0.8x 0 where f (x(k)) = sin(0.8x (k)−x 2 (k) , g(x(k)) = −x2 (k) , and assume that 1 2 (k))+1.8x2 (k) the control constraint is set to |u| ≤ 0.3. Define the cost functional as ∞ u(i) J (x(k), u(·)) = x T (i)Qx(i) + 2 ¯ ¯ tanh−T (U −1 s)U Rds , (2.66) i=k 0 ¯ where U = 0.3, and the weight matrices are chosen as Q = 1 0 and R = [0.5]. 01 First, we perform the simulation of iterative ADP algorithm. In this iterative algorithm, we choose RBFNNs as the critic network, the action network and the model network with the structure 2–9–2, 2–9–1 and 3–9–2, respectively. The train- ing sets are selected as −1 ≤ x1 ≤ 1 and −1 ≤ x2 ≤ 1, which is the operation region of the system. It should be mentioned that the model network should be trained first. The initial state vectors are chosen randomly from [−1, 1]. Under the learning rate of αm = 0.1, the model network is trained until the given accuracy εm = 10−6 is reached. After the training of the model network is completed, the weights are kept unchanged. Then, the critic network and the action network are trained with the learning rates αa = αc = 0.1 and the inner-loop iteration number jmax = jmax = 2000. Meanwhile the pre-specified accuracy ε0 is set to 10−20 . De- c a note the outer loop iteration number as L. After implementing the outer loop itera- tion for L = imax = 100, the convergence curves of the costate function are shown in Fig. 2.2. It can be seen that the costate function is basically convergent with the outer loop iteration L > 15. In order to compare the different actions of the control laws obtained under different outer loop iteration numbers, for the same initial state vec- tor x1 (0) = 0.5 and x2 (0) = 0.5, we apply different control laws to the plant for 30 time steps and obtain the simulation results as follows. The state curves are shown in Figs. 2.3 and 2.4, and the corresponding control inputs are shown in Fig. 2.5. It can be seen that the system responses are improved when the outer loop iteration number L is increased. When L > 80, the system responses only improve slightly in performance.
  • 19. 2.2 Infinite-Horizon Optimal State Feedback Control Based on DHP 45 Fig. 2.2 The convergence process of the costate function at x = (0.3, −0.5), x = (−0.2, 0.2), x = (0.8, 0.6) Fig. 2.3 The state trajectory x1 for L = 2, 30, 80, 100 It should be mentioned that in order to show the convergence characteristics of the iterative process more clearly, we set the required accuracy ε0 to a very small number 10−20 and we set the max iteration number to twice of what is needed.
  • 20. 46 2 Optimal State Feedback Control for Discrete-Time Systems Fig. 2.4 The state trajectory x2 for L = 2, 30, 80, 100 Fig. 2.5 The control input u for L = 2, 30, 80, 100 In this way, the given accuracy ε0 did not take effect even when the max iteration number is reached. Therefore, it seems that the max iteration number imax becomes the stopping criterion in this case. If the designer wants to save the running time, the
  • 21. 2.2 Infinite-Horizon Optimal State Feedback Control Based on DHP 47 Fig. 2.6 The state variables curves without considering the actuator saturation in the controller design pre-specified accuracy ε0 can be set to a normal value so that the iterative process will be stopped once the accuracy ε0 is reached. Moreover, in order to make comparison with the controller designed without considering the actuator saturation, we also present the system responses obtained by the controller designed regardless of the actuator saturation. However, the ac- tuator saturation is actually existing, therefore in the simulation if the control in- put overrun the saturation bound, it is limited to the bound value. After simula- tion, the state curves are as shown in Fig. 2.6, and the control curve is shown in Fig. 2.7. From the simulation results, we can see that the iterative costate function se- quences do converge to the optimal ones with very fast speed, which also indicates the validity of the iterative ADP algorithm for dealing with constrained nonlinear systems. Comparing Fig. 2.5 with Fig. 2.7, we can see that in Fig. 2.5 the restriction of actuator saturation has been overcome successfully, but in Fig. 2.7 the control input has overrun the saturation bound and therefore be limited to the bound value. From this point, we can conclude that the present iterative ADP algorithm is effec- tive in dealing with the constrained optimal control problem. Example 2.10 (Mass–Spring System) Consider the following discrete-time nonlin- ear mass–spring system: x1 (k + 1) = 0.05x2 (k) + x1 (k), (2.67) x2 (k + 1) = −0.0005x1 (k) − 0.0335x1 (k) + 0.05u(k) + x2 (k), 3 where x(k) is the state vector, and u(k) is the control input.
  • 22. 48 2 Optimal State Feedback Control for Discrete-Time Systems Fig. 2.7 The control input curve without considering the actuator saturation in the controller de- sign Define the cost functional as ∞ u(i) J (x(k), u(·)) = x T (i)Qx(i) + 2 ¯ ¯ tanh−T (U −1 s)U Rds , (2.68) i=k 0 ¯ where the control constraint is set to U = 0.6, and the weight matrices are chosen as Q = 0 0.5 and R = [1]. The training sets are −1 ≤ x1 ≤ 1 and −1 ≤ x2 ≤ 1. 0.5 0 The critic network, the action network and the model network are chosen as RBF neural networks with the structure of 2–16–2, 2–16–1 and 3–16–2, respectively. In the training process, the learning rates are set to αa = αc = 0.1. The other pa- rameters are set the same as those in Example 2.9. After implementing the outer loop iteration for L = imax = 300, the convergence curves of the costate function are shown in Fig. 2.8. It can be seen that the costate function is basically conver- gent with the outer loop iteration L > 200. In order to compare the different actions of the control laws obtained under different outer loop iteration numbers, for the same initial state vector x1 (0) = −1 and x2 (0) = 1, we apply different control laws to the plant for 300 time steps and obtain the simulation results as follows. The state curves are shown in Figs. 2.9, 2.10, and the corresponding control inputs are shown in Fig. 2.11. It can be seen that the closed-loop system is divergent when using the control law obtained by L = 2, and the system’s responses are improved when the outer loop iteration number L is increased. When L > 200, the system
  • 23. 2.2 Infinite-Horizon Optimal State Feedback Control Based on DHP 49 Fig. 2.8 The convergence process of the costate function at x = (−0.5, 0.2), x = (0.4, −0.6), x = (0, −0.3) Fig. 2.9 The state trajectory x1 for L = 2, 10, 30, 200 responses basically remain unchanged with no significant improvement in perfor- mance. In order to make comparison with the controller without considering the actua- tor saturation, we also present the controller designed by iterative ADP algorithm
  • 24. 50 2 Optimal State Feedback Control for Discrete-Time Systems Fig. 2.10 The state trajectory x2 for L = 2, 10, 30, 200 Fig. 2.11 The control input u for L = 2, 10, 30, 200 regardless of the actuator saturation. The state curves are shown in Fig. 2.12 and the control curve is shown in Fig. 2.13. From the simulation results, we can see that the iterative costate function se- quence does converge to the optimal one very fast. Comparing Fig. 2.11 with
  • 25. 2.2 Infinite-Horizon Optimal State Feedback Control Based on DHP 51 Fig. 2.12 The state curves without considering the actuator saturation in controller design Fig. 2.13 The control curves without considering the actuator saturation in controller design Fig. 2.13, we can find that in Fig. 2.11 the restriction of actuator saturation has been overcome successfully, which further verifies the effectiveness of the present iterative ADP algorithm.
  • 26. 52 2 Optimal State Feedback Control for Discrete-Time Systems 2.3 Infinite-Horizon Optimal State Feedback Control Based on GDHP 2.3.1 Problem Formulation In this section, we will study the discrete-time nonlinear systems described by x(k + 1) = f (x(k)) + g(x(k))u(k), (2.69) where x(k) ∈ Rn is the state vector and u(k) ∈ Rm is the control vector, f (·) and g(·) are differentiable in their arguments with f (0) = 0. Assume that f + gu is Lipschitz continuous on a set Ω in Rn containing the origin, and that the system (2.69) is controllable in the sense that there exists a continuous control law on Ω that asymptotically stabilizes the system. Let x(0) be an initial state and define u0 −1 = (u(0), u(1), u(N − 1)) be a control N sequence with which the system (2.69) gives a trajectory starting from x(0): x(1) = f (x(0)) + g(x(0))u(0), x(2) = f (x(1)) + g(x(1))u(1), . . . , x(N ) = f (x(N − 1)) + g(x(N − 1))u(N − 1). We call the number of elements in the control sequence uN −1 the length of u0 −1 and denote it as |uN −1 |. Then, |uN −1 | = N . The final 0 N 0 0 state under the control sequence u0 −1 can be denoted x (f ) (x(0), uN −1 ) = x(N ). N 0 When the control sequence starting from u(0) has infinite length, we denote it as u∞ = (u(0), u(1), . . .) and then the correspondingly final state can be written as 0 x (f ) (x(0), u∞ ) = limk→∞ x(k). 0 Definition 2.11 A nonlinear dynamical system is said to be stabilizable on a compact set Ω ∈ Rn , if for all initial conditions x(0) ∈ Ω, there exists a con- trol sequence u∞ = (u(0), u(1), . . .), u(i) ∈ Rm , i = 0, 1, . . . , such that the state 0 x (f ) (x(0), u∞ ) = 0. 0 Let u∞ = (u(k), u(k + 1), . . .) be the control sequence starting at k. It is desired k ∞ to find the control sequence uk which minimizes the infinite-horizon cost functional given by ∞ J (x(k), u∞ ) = k γ i−k l(x(i), u(i)), (2.70) i=k where l is the utility function, l(0, 0) = 0, l(x(i), u(i)) ≥ 0 for ∀ x(i), u(i), and γ is the discount factor with 0 < γ ≤ 1. Generally speaking, the utility function can be chosen as the quadratic form as follows: l(x(i), u(i)) = x T (i)Qx(i) + uT (i)Ru(i). For optimal control problems, the designed feedback control must not only sta- bilize the system on Ω but also guarantee that (2.70) is finite, i.e., the control must be admissible.
  • 27. 2.3 Infinite-Horizon Optimal State Feedback Control Based on GDHP 53 It is noted that a control law sequence {ηi } = (ηN , . . . , η1 , η0 ), N → ∞, is called admissible if the resultant control sequence (u(0), u(1), . . . , u(N )) stabilizes sys- tem (2.69) with any initial state x(0) and guarantees that J (x(0), uN ) is finite. 0 In this case, it should be mentioned that each control action obeys a different control law, i.e., the control action u(i) is produced by the control law ηN −i or u(i) = ηN −i (x(i)), for i = 0, 1, . . . , N , N → ∞. Let Ax(k) = u∞ : x (f ) (x(k), u∞ ) = 0 k k be the set of all infinite-horizon admissible control sequences of x(k). Define the optimal value function as J ∗ (x(k)) = inf J (x(k), u∞ ) : u∞ ∈ Ax(k) . ∞ k k (2.71) uk Note that (2.70) can be written as ∞ J (x(k), u∞ ) = x T (k)Qx(k) + uT (k)Ru(k) + γ k γ i−k−1 l(x(i), u(i)) i=k+1 ∞ = x T (k)Qx(k) + uT (k)Ru(k) + γ J (x(k + 1), uk+1 ). (2.72) According to Bellman’s optimality principle, it is known that, for the case of infinite- horizon optimization, the optimal value function J ∗ (x(k)) is time invariant and sat- isfies the DTHJB equation J ∗ (x(k)) = min x T (k)Qx(k) + uT (k)Ru(k) + γ J ∗ (x(k + 1)) . (2.73) u(k) The optimal control u∗ satisfies the first-order necessary condition, which is given by the gradient of the right hand side of (2.73) with respect to u(k) as ∂ x T (k)Qx(k) + uT (k)Ru(k) ∂x(k + 1) T ∂J ∗ (x(k + 1)) +γ = 0. ∂u(k) ∂u(k) ∂x(k + 1) Then, we obtain γ ∂J ∗ (x(k + 1)) u∗ (x(k)) = − R −1 g T (x(k)) . (2.74) 2 ∂x(k + 1) By substituting (2.74) into (2.73), the DTHJB equation becomes γ 2 ∂J ∗ (x(k + 1)) T J ∗ (x(k)) = x T (k)Qx(k) + g(x(k))R −1 4 ∂x(k + 1) ∂J ∗ (x(k + 1)) × g T (x(k)) + γ J ∗ (x(k + 1)) (2.75) ∂x(k + 1)
  • 28. 54 2 Optimal State Feedback Control for Discrete-Time Systems where J ∗ (x(k)) is the optimal value function corresponding to the optimal control law u∗ (x(k)). When dealing with the linear quadratic regulator (LQR) optimal con- trol problems, this equation reduces to the Riccati equation which can be efficiently solved. In the general nonlinear case, however, the HJB equation cannot be solved exactly. 2.3.2 Infinite-Horizon Optimal State Feedback Control Based on GDHP Four parts are included in this subsection. In the first part, the unknown nonlinear system is identified via an NN system identification scheme with stability proof. The iterative ADP algorithm is introduced in the second part, while in the third part, the corresponding convergence proof is developed. Then, in the fourth part, the implementation of the iterative ADP algorithm based on NN is described in detail. NN Identification of the Unknown Nonlinear System For the design of the NN identifier, a three-layer NN is considered as the function approximation structure. Let the number of hidden-layer neurons be denoted by l, ∗ the ideal weight matrix between the input layer and hidden layer be denoted by νm , and the ideal weight matrix between the hidden layer and output layer be denoted ∗ by ωm . According to the universal approximation property [8] of NN, the system dynamics (2.69) has a NN representation on a compact set S, which can be written as ∗T ∗T x(k + 1) = ωm σ νm z(k) + θ (k). (2.76) In (2.76), z(k) = [x T (k) uT (k)]T is the NN input, θ (k) is the bounded NN func- tional approximation error according to the universal approximation property, and [σ (¯ )]i = (ezi − e−¯ i )/(ezi + e−¯ i ), i = 1, 2, . . . , l, are the activation functions se- z ¯ z ¯ z ¯ ∗T lected in this work, where z(k) = νm z(k), z(k) ∈ Rl . Additionally, the NN activa- ¯ tion functions are bounded such that σ (¯ (k)) ≤ σM for a constant σM . z In the system identification process, we keep the weight matrix between the input layer and the hidden layer as constant while only tune the weight matrix between the hidden layer and the output layer. So, we define the NN system identification scheme as x(k + 1) = ωm (k)σ (¯ (k)), ˆ T z (2.77) ˆ where x(k) is the estimated system state vector, and ωm (k) is the estimation of the ∗ constant ideal weight matrix ωm .
  • 29. 2.3 Infinite-Horizon Optimal State Feedback Control Based on GDHP 55 Denote x(k) = x(k) − x(k) as the system identification error. Combining (2.76) ˜ ˆ and (2.77), we can obtain the identification error dynamics as x(k + 1) = ωm (k)σ (¯ (k)) − θ (k), ˜ ˜T z (2.78) ˜ ∗ where ωm (k) = ωm (k) − ωm . Let ψ(k) = ωm (k)σ (¯ (k)). Then, (2.78) can be rewrit- ˜T z ten as x(k + 1) = ψ(k) − θ (k). ˜ (2.79) The weights in the system identification process are updated to minimize the following performance measure: 1 ˜ E(k + 1) = x T (k + 1)x(k + 1). ˜ (2.80) 2 Using the gradient-based adaptation rule, the weights can be updated as ∂E(k + 1) ωm (k + 1) = ωm (k) − αm ∂ωm (k) = ωm (k) − αm σ (¯ (k))x T (k + 1), z ˜ (2.81) where αm > 0 is the NN learning rate. We now give the following assumption before presenting the asymptotic stability ˜ proof of the state estimation error x(k). Assumption 2.12 The NN approximation error term θ (k) is assumed to be upper ˜ bounded by a function of the state estimation error x(k) such that θ T (k)θ (k) ≤ θMk = δ x T (k)x(k), ˜ ˜ (2.82) where δ is the constant target value with δM as its upper bound, i.e., δ ≤ δM . Next, the stability analysis of the present NN-based system identification scheme is presented by using the Lyapunov theory. Theorem 2.13 (cf. [10]) Let the identification scheme (2.77) be used to identify the nonlinear system (2.69), and let the parameter update law given in (2.81) be ˜ used for tuning the NN weights. Then, the state estimation error dynamics x(k) is ˜ asymptotically stable while the parameter estimation error ωm (k) is bounded. Proof Consider the following positive definite Lyapunov function candidate: Lk = L1k + L2k , (2.83) where L1k = x T (k)x(k), ˜ ˜
  • 30. 56 2 Optimal State Feedback Control for Discrete-Time Systems 1 L2k = ˜T ˜ tr ωm (k)ωm (k) . αm Taking the first difference of the Lyapunov function (2.83) and substituting the iden- tification error dynamics (2.79) and the NN weight update law (2.81) reveal that ΔL1k = x T (k + 1)x(k + 1) − x T (k)x(k) ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ = ψ T (k)ψ(k) − 2ψ T (k)θ (k) + θ T (k)θ (k) − x T (k)x(k) ˜ ˜ 1 ΔL2k = tr ωm (k + 1)ωm (k + 1) − ωm (k)ωm (k) ˜T ˜ ˜T ˜ αm 1 = tr − 2αm ψ(k)x T (k + 1) ˜ αm + αm x(k + 1)σ T (¯ (k))σ (¯ (k))x T (k + 1) 2 ˜ z z ˜ = −2ψ T (k)x(k + 1) + αm σ T (¯ (k))σ (¯ (k))x T (k + 1)x(k + 1). ˜ z z ˜ ˜ After applying the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality ((a1 + a2 + · · · + an )T (a1 + a2 + · · · + an ) ≤ n(a1 a1 + a2 a2 + · · · + an an )) to ΔL2k , we have T T T ΔL2k ≤ −2ψ T (k)(ψ(k) − θ (k)) + 2αm σ T (¯ (k))σ (¯ (k)) ψ T (k)ψ(k) + θ T (k)θ (k) . z z Therefore, we can find that ΔLk ≤ −ψ T (k)ψ(k) + θ T (k)θ (k) − x T (k)x(k) ˜ ˜ + 2αm σ T (¯ (k))σ (¯ (k)) ψ T (k)ψ(k) + θ T (k)θ (k) . z z Considering σ (¯ (k)) ≤ σM and (2.82), we obtain z ΔLk ≤ − 1 − 2αm σM 2 ψ(k) 2 − 1 − δM − 2αm δM σM 2 ˜ x(k) 2 . (2.84) Define αm ≤ ρ 2 /(2σM ); then (2.84) becomes 2 ΔLk ≤ − 1 − ρ 2 ψ(k) 2 ˜ − 1 − δM − δM ρ 2 x(k) 2 2 ˜T = − 1 − ρ 2 ωm (k)σ (¯ (k)) z ˜ − 1 − δM − δM ρ 2 x(k) 2 . (2.85) From (2.85), we can conclude that ΔLk ≤ 0 provided 0 < δM < 1 and 1 − δM 1 − δM max − , −1 ≤ ρ ≤ min ,1 , δM δM
  • 31. 2.3 Infinite-Horizon Optimal State Feedback Control Based on GDHP 57 where ρ = 0. As long as the parameters are selected as discussed above, ΔLk ≤ 0 in ˜ ˜ (2.85), which shows stability in the sense of Lyapunov. Therefore, x(k) and ωm (k) ˜ ˜ are bounded, provided x0 and ωm (0) are bounded in the compact set S. Furthermore, by summing both sides of (2.85) to infinity and taking account of ΔLk ≤ 0, we have ∞ ΔLk = lim Lk − L0 < ∞. k→∞ k=0 This implies that ∞ 2 ˜T 1 − ρ 2 ωm (k)σ (¯ (k)) z ˜ + 1 − δM − δM ρ 2 x(k) 2 < ∞. k=0 Hence, it can be concluded that the estimation error approaches zero, i.e., x(k) → 0 as k → ∞. ˜ Remark 2.14 According to Theorem 2.13, after a sufficient learning session, the NN system identification error converges to zero, i.e., we have f (x(k)) + g(x(k))u(k) = ωm (k)σ (¯ (k)), ˆ T z (2.86) ˆ where g(x(k)) denotes the estimated value of the control coefficient matrix g(x(k)). Taking the partial derivative of both sides of (2.86) with respect to u(k) yields T ∂ ωm (k)σ (¯ (k)) z g(x(k)) = ˆ ∂u(k) ∂σ (¯ (k)) ∗T ∂z(k) z = ωm (k) T ν , (2.87) ∂ z(k) m ∂u(k) ¯ where ∂z(k) 0n×m = , ∂u(k) Im and Im is the m × m identity matrix. Next, this result will be used in the derivation and implementation of the iterative ADP algorithm for the optimal control of unknown discrete-time nonlinear systems. Derivation of the Iterative ADP Algorithm In this part, we mainly present the iterative ADP algorithm. First, we start with the initial value function V0 (·) = 0, and then solve for the law of single control vector v0 (x(k)) as follows: v0 (x(k)) = arg min x T (k)Qx(k) + uT (k)Ru(k) + γ V0 (x(k + 1)) . (2.88) u(k)
  • 32. 58 2 Optimal State Feedback Control for Discrete-Time Systems Once the control law v0 (x(k)) is determined, we update the cost function as V1 (x(k)) = min x T (k)Qx(k) + uT (k)Ru(k) + γ V0 (x(k + 1)) u(k) = x T (k)Qx(k) + v0 (x(k))Rv0 (x(k)). T (2.89) Therefore, for i = 1, 2, . . . , the iterative ADP algorithm can be used to implement the iteration between the control law vi (x(k)) = arg min x T (k)Qx(k) + uT (k)Ru(k) + γ Vi (x(k + 1)) u(k) γ ∂Vi (x(k + 1)) = − R −1 g T (x(k)) ˆ (2.90) 2 ∂x(k + 1) and the value function Vi+1 (x(k)) = min x T (k)Qx(k) + uT (k)Ru(k) + γ Vi (x(k + 1)) u(k) = x T (k)Qx(k) + viT (x(k))Rvi (x(k)) + γ Vi (x(k + 1)). (2.91) In the above recurrent iteration, i is the iteration index of the control law and value function, while k is the time index of the system’s control and state trajec- tories. The value function and control law are updated until they converge to the optimal ones. In the following part, we will present a proof of convergence of the iteration between (2.90) and (2.91) with the value function Vi → J ∗ and the control law vi → u∗ as i → ∞. Convergence Analysis of the Iterative ADP Algorithm Lemma 2.15 Let {μi } be an arbitrary sequence of control laws and {vi } be the control law sequence described in (2.90). Define Vi as in (2.91) and Λi as Λi+1 (x(k)) = x T (k)Qx(k) + μT (x(k))Rμi (x(k)) + γ Λi (x(k + 1)). i (2.92) If V0 (x(k)) = Λ0 (x(k)) = 0, then Vi (x(k)) ≤ Λi (x(k)), ∀i. Proof It can easily be derived noticing that Vi+1 is the result of minimizing the right hand side of (2.91) with respect to the control input u(k), while Λi+1 is a result of arbitrary control input. Lemma 2.16 Let the value function sequence {Vi } be defined as in (2.91). If the system is controllable, then there is an upper bound Y such that 0 ≤ Vi (x(k)) ≤ Y , ∀i.
  • 33. 2.3 Infinite-Horizon Optimal State Feedback Control Based on GDHP 59 Proof Let {ηi (x)} be a sequence of admissible control laws, and let V0 (·) = Z0 (·) = 0, where Vi is updated as in (2.91) and Zi is updated by Zi+1 (x(k)) = x T (k)Qx(k) + ηi (x(k))Rηi (x(k)) + γ Zi (x(k + 1)). T (2.93) It is clear that Zi (x(k + 1)) = x T (k + 1)Qx(k + 1) + ηi−1 (x(k + 1))Rηi−1 (x(k + 1)) T + γ Zi−1 (x(k + 2)). (2.94) Noticing that l(x(k), ηi (x(k))) = x T (k)Qx(k) + ηi (x(k))Rηi (x(k)), we can further T obtain Zi+1 (x(k)) = l(x(k), ηi (x(k))) + γ l(x(k + 1), ηi−1 (x(k + 1))) + γ 2 Zi−1 (x(k + 2)) = l(x(k), ηi (x(k))) + γ l(x(k + 1), ηi−1 (x(k + 1))) + γ 2 l(x(k + 2), ηi−2 (x(k + 2))) + γ 3 Zi−2 (x(k + 3)) . . . = l(x(k), ηi (x(k))) + γ l(x(k + 1), ηi−1 (x(k + 1))) + γ 2 l(x(k + 2), ηi−2 (x(k + 2))) + · · · + γ i l(x(k + i), η0 (x(k + i))) + γ i+1 Z0 (x(k + i + 1)), (2.95) where Z0 (x(k + i + 1)) = 0. Then, (2.95) can be written as i Zi+1 (x(k)) = γ j l(x(k + j ), ηi−j (x(k + j ))) j =0 i = γ j x T (k + j )Qx(k + j ) + ηi−j (x(k + j ))Rηi−j (x(k + j )) T j =0 i ≤ lim γ j x T (k + j )Qx(k + j ) i→∞ j =0 + ηi−j (x(k + j ))Rηi−j (x(k + j )) . T (2.96)
  • 34. 60 2 Optimal State Feedback Control for Discrete-Time Systems Since {ηi (x)} is an admissible control law sequence, we have x(k) → 0 as k → ∞, and there exists an upper bound Y such that i Zi+1 (x(k)) ≤ lim γ j l(x(k + j ), ηi−j (x(k + j ))) ≤ Y, ∀i. (2.97) i→∞ j =0 By using Lemma 2.15, we obtain Vi+1 (x(k)) ≤ Zi+1 (x(k)) ≤ Y, ∀i. (2.98) Based on Lemmas 2.15 and 2.16, we now present our main theorems. Theorem 2.17 Define the value function sequence {Vi } as in (2.91) with V0 (·) = 0, and the control law sequence {vi } as in (2.90). Then, {Vi } is a monotonically nondecreasing sequence satisfying Vi+1 ≥ Vi , ∀i. Proof Define a new sequence Φi+1 (x(k)) = x T (k)Qx(k) + vi+1 (x(k))Rvi+1 (x(k)) + γ Φi (x(k + 1)) T (2.99) with Φ0 (·) = V0 (·) = 0. Let the control law sequence {vi } and the value function sequence {Vi } be updated as in (2.90) and (2.91), respectively. In the following part, we prove that Φi (x(k)) ≤ Vi+1 (x(k)) by mathematical induction. First, we prove that it holds for i = 0. Considering V1 (x(k)) − Φ0 (x(k)) = x T (k)Qx(k) + v0 (x(k))Rv0 (x(k)) ≥ 0 T then, for i = 0, we get V1 (x(k)) ≥ Φ0 (x(k)). (2.100) Second, we assume that it holds for i − 1, i.e., Vi (x(k)) ≥ Φi−1 (x(k)), ∀x(k). Then, for i, noticing that Vi+1 (x(k)) = x T (k)Qx(k) + viT (x(k))Rvi (x(k)) + γ Vi (x(k + 1)) and Φi (x(k)) = x T (k)Qx(k) + viT (x(k))Rvi (x(k)) + γ Φi−1 (x(k + 1)), we get Vi+1 (x(k)) − Φi (x(k)) = γ (Vi (x(k + 1)) − Φi−1 (x(k + 1))) ≥ 0
  • 35. 2.3 Infinite-Horizon Optimal State Feedback Control Based on GDHP 61 i.e., Vi+1 (x(k)) ≥ Φi (x(k)). (2.101) Thus, we complete the proof through mathematical induction. Furthermore, from Lemma 2.15 we know that Vi (x(k)) ≤ Φi (x(k)), therefore, we have Vi+1 (x(k)) ≥ Φi (x(k)) ≥ Vi (x(k)). (2.102) We have reached the conclusion that the value function sequence {Vi } is a mono- tonically nondecreasing sequence with an upper bound, and therefore, its limit ex- ists. Now, we can derive the following theorem. Theorem 2.18 For any state vector x(k), define lim Vi (x(k)) = V∞ (x(k)) i→∞ as the limit of the value function sequence {Vi }. Then, the following equation holds: V∞ (x(k)) = min x T (k)Qx(k) + uT (k)Ru(k) + γ V∞ (x(k + 1)) . u(k) Proof For any u(k) and i, according to (2.91), we can derive Vi (x(k)) ≤ x T (k)Qx(k) + uT (k)Ru(k) + γ Vi−1 (x(k + 1)). Combining with Vi (x(k)) ≤ V∞ (x(k)), ∀i (2.103) which is obtained from Theorem 2.17, we have Vi (x(k)) ≤ x T (k)Qx(k) + uT (k)Ru(k) + γ V∞ (x(k + 1)), ∀i. Let i → ∞, we can acquire V∞ (x(k)) ≤ x T (k)Qx(k) + uT (k)Ru(k) + γ V∞ (x(k + 1)). Note that in the above equation, u(k) is chosen arbitrarily; thus, we obtain V∞ (x(k)) ≤ min x T (k)Qx(k) + uT (k)Ru(k) + γ V∞ (x(k + 1)) . (2.104) u(k) On the other hand, since the value function sequence satisfies Vi (x(k)) = min x T (k)Qx(k) + uT (k)Ru(k) + γ Vi−1 (x(k + 1)) u(k)
  • 36. 62 2 Optimal State Feedback Control for Discrete-Time Systems for any i, considering (2.103), we have V∞ (x(k)) ≥ min x T (k)Qx(k) + uT (k)Ru(k) + γ Vi−1 (x(k + 1)) , ∀i. u(k) Let i → ∞; we get V∞ (x(k)) ≥ min x T (k)Qx(k) + uT (k)Ru(k) + γ V∞ (x(k + 1)) . (2.105) u(k) Based on (2.104) and (2.105), we can acquire the conclusion that V∞ (x(k)) = minu(k) {x T (k)Qx(k) + uT (k)Ru(k) + γ V∞ (x(k + 1))}. Next, we will prove that the value function sequence {Vi } converges to the opti- mal value function J ∗ (x(k)) as i → ∞. Theorem 2.19 (cf. [10]) Define the value function sequence {Vi } as in (2.91) with V0 (·) = 0. If the system state x(k) is controllable, then J ∗ is the limit of the value function sequence {Vi }, i.e., lim Vi (x(k)) = J ∗ (x(k)). i→∞ (l) Proof Let {ηi } be the lth admissible control law sequence. We construct the asso- (l) ciated sequence {Pi (x)} as follows: (l) (l)T (l) (l) Pi+1 (x(k)) = x T (k)Qx(k) + ηi (x(k))Rηi (x(k)) + γ Pi (x(k + 1)) (2.106) (l) with P0 (·) = 0. Similar to the derivation of (2.95), we get i (l) (l) Pi+1 (x(k)) = γ j l x(k + j ), ηi−j (x(k + j )) . (2.107) j =0 Using Lemmas 2.15 and 2.16, we have (l) Vi+1 (x(k)) ≤ Pi+1 (x(k)) ≤ Yl , ∀l, i (2.108) (l) where Yl is the upper bound associated with the sequence {Pi+1 (x(k))}. Denote (l) lim Pi (x(k)) = P∞ (x(k)); (l) i→∞ then, we obtain V∞ (x(k)) ≤ P∞ (x(k)) ≤ Yl , ∀l. (l) (2.109)
  • 37. 2.3 Infinite-Horizon Optimal State Feedback Control Based on GDHP 63 Let the corresponding control sequence associated with (2.107) be (l) k+i ˆ uk = (l) u(k),(l) u(k + 1), . . . ,(l) uk+i ˆ ˆ ˆ (l) (l) (l) = ηi (x(k)), ηi−1 (x(k + 1)), . . . , η0 (x(k + i)) ; then we have i (l) (l) J x(k),(l) uk+i = ˆk γ j l x(k + j ), ηi−j (x(k + j )) = Pi+1 (x(k)). (2.110) j =0 (l) Letting i → ∞, and denoting the admissible control sequence related to P ∞ (x(k)) with length ∞ as (l) u∞ , we get ˆk ∞ J x(k),(l) u∞ = ˆk γ j l x(k + j ),(l) u(k + j ) = P∞ (x(k)). ˆ (l) (2.111) j =0 Then, according to the definition of J ∗ (x(k)) in (2.71), for any ε > 0, there exists a (M) sequence of admissible control laws {ηi } such that the associated cost function ∞ J x(k),(M) u∞ = ˆk γ j l x(k + j ),(M) u(k + j ) = P∞ (x(k)) ˆ (M) (2.112) j =0 satisfies J (x(k),(M) u∞ ) ≤ J ∗ (x(k)) + ε. Combining with (2.109), we have ˆk V∞ (x(k)) ≤ P∞ (x(k)) ≤ J ∗ (x(k)) + ε. (M) (2.113) Since ε is chosen arbitrarily, we get V∞ (x(k)) ≤ J ∗ (x(k)). (2.114) (l) On the other hand, because Vi+1 (x(k)) ≤ Pi+1 (x(k)) ≤ Yl , ∀l, i, we can get V∞ (x(k)) ≤ infl {Yl }. According to the definition of admissible control law se- quence, the control law sequence associated with the cost function V∞ (x(k)) must be an admissible control law sequence. We can see that there exists a sequence of (N ) (N ) admissible control laws {ηi } such that V∞ (x(k)) = P∞ (x(k)). Combining with (2.111), we get V∞ (x(k)) = J (x(k), (N ) u∞ ). Sine J ∗ (x(k)) is the infimum of all ˆk admissible control sequences starting at k with length ∞, we obtain V∞ (x(k)) ≥ J ∗ (x(k)). (2.115) Based on (2.114) and (2.115), we can conclude that J ∗ is the limit of the value function sequence {Vi }, i.e., V∞ (x(k)) = J ∗ (x(k)). From Theorems 2.17 and 2.18, we can derive that the limit of the value function sequence {Vi } satisfies the DTHJB equation, i.e., V∞ (x(k)) = minu(k) {x T (k)Qx(k)
  • 38. 64 2 Optimal State Feedback Control for Discrete-Time Systems + uT (k)Ru(k) + γ V∞ (x(k + 1))}. Besides, from Theorem 2.19, we can get the result that V∞ (x(k)) = J ∗ (x(k)). Therefore, we can find that the cost function se- quence {Vi (x(k))} converges to the optimal value function J ∗ (x(k)) of the DTHJB equation, i.e., Vi → J ∗ as i → ∞. Then, according to (2.74) and (2.90), we can con- clude the convergence of the corresponding control law sequence. Now, we present the following corollary. Corollary 2.20 Define the value function sequence {Vi } as in (2.91) with V0 (·) = 0, and the control law sequence {vi } as in (2.90). If the system state x(k) is control- lable, then the sequence {vi } converges to the optimal control law u∗ as i → ∞, i.e., lim vi (x(k)) = u∗ (x(k)). i→∞ Remark 2.21 Like (2.95), when we further expand (2.91), we obtain a control law sequence (vi , vi−1 , . . . , v0 ) and the resultant control sequence (vi (x(0)), vi−1 (x(1)), . . . , v0 (x(i))). With the iteration number increasing to ∞, the derived control law sequence has the length of ∞. Then, using the corresponding control sequence, we obtain a state trajectory. However, it is not derived from a single control law. For infinite-horizon optimal control problem, what we should get is a unique optimal control law under which we can obtain the optimal state trajectory. Therefore, we only use the optimal control law u∗ obtained in Corollary 2.20 to produce a control sequence when we apply the algorithm to practical systems. NN Implementation of the Iterative ADP Algorithm Using GDHP Technique When the controlled system is linear and the cost function is quadratic, we can obtain a linear control law. In the nonlinear case, however, this is not necessarily true. Therefore, we need to use function approximation structure, such as NN, to approximate both vi (x(k)) and Vi (x(k)). Now, we implement the iterative GDHP algorithm in (2.90) and (2.91). In the iterative GDHP algorithm, there are three networks, which are model network, critic network and action network. All the networks are chosen as three-layer feedforward NNs. The input of the critic network and action network is x(k), while the input ˆ of the model network is x(k) and vi (x(k)). The diagram of the whole structure is shown in Fig. 2.14, where T ∂ x(k + 1) ∂ x(k + 1) ∂ vi (x(k)) ˆ ˆ ˆ DER = + . ∂x(k) ˆ ∂ vi (x(k)) ∂x(k) The training of the model network is completed after the system identification process and its weights are kept unchanged. Then, according to Theorem 2.13, when ˆ given x(k) and vi (x(k)), we can compute x(k + 1) by (2.77), i.e., ˆ ∗T x(k + 1) = ωm (k)σ νm [x T (k) viT (x(k))]T . ˆ T ˆ
  • 39. 2.3 Infinite-Horizon Optimal State Feedback Control Based on GDHP 65 Fig. 2.14 The structure diagram of the iterative GDHP algorithm As a result, we avoid the requirement of knowing f (x(k)) and g(x(k)) during the implementation of the iterative GDHP algorithm. Next, the learned NN system model will be used in the process of training critic network and action network. The critic network is used to approximate both Vi (x(k)) and its derivative ∂Vi (x(k))/∂x(k), which is named the costate function and denoted λi (x(k)). The output of the critic network is denoted ˆ Vi (x(k)) 1T ωci = σ νci x(k) = ωci σ νci x(k) , T T T (2.116) ˆ λi (x(k)) 2T ωci where ωci = ωci ωci , 1 2 i.e., ˆ Vi (x(k)) = ωci σ νci x(k) 1T T (2.117) and ˆ λi (x(k)) = ωci σ νci x(k) . 2T T (2.118) The target function can be written as ˆ ˆ Vi+1 (x(k)) = x T (k)Qx(k) + viT (x(k))Rvi (x(k)) + γ Vi (x(k + 1)) (2.119)
  • 40. 66 2 Optimal State Feedback Control for Discrete-Time Systems and ∂ x T (k)Qx(k) + viT (x(k))Rvi (x(k)) ˆ ˆ ∂ Vi (x(k + 1)) λi+1 (x(k)) = +γ ∂x(k) ∂x(k) T ∂vi (x(k)) = 2Qx(k) + 2 Rvi (x(k)) ∂x(k) T ∂ x(k + 1) ∂ x(k + 1) ∂ vi (x(k)) ˆ ˆ ˆ +γ + ˆ ˆ λi (x(k + 1)). (2.120) ∂x(k) ˆ ∂ vi (x(k)) ∂x(k) Then, we define the error function for training the critic network as 1 ˆ ecik = Vi (x(k)) − Vi+1 (x(k)) (2.121) and 2 ˆ ecik = λi (x(k)) − λi+1 (x(k)). (2.122) The objective function to be minimized in the critic network training is Ecik = (1 − β)Ecik + βEcik , 1 2 (2.123) where 1 1T 1 Ecik = ecik ecik 1 (2.124) 2 and 1 2T 2 Ecik = ecik ecik . 2 (2.125) 2 The weight updating rule for training the critic network is also gradient-based adap- tation given by 1 ∂Ecik 2 ∂Ecik ωci (j + 1) = ωci (j ) − αc (1 − β) +β (2.126) ∂ωci (j ) ∂ωci (j ) 1 ∂Ecik 2 ∂Ecik νci (j + 1) = νci (j ) − αc (1 − β) +β (2.127) ∂νci (j ) ∂νci (j ) where αc > 0 is the learning rate of the critic network, j is the inner-loop iteration step for updating the weight parameters, and 0 ≤ β ≤ 1 is a parameter that adjusts how HDP and DHP are combined in GDHP. For β = 0, the training of the critic network reduces to a pure HDP, while β = 1 does the same for DHP. In the action network, the state x(k) is used as input to obtain the optimal control. The output can be formulated as ˆ vi (x(k)) = ωai σ νai x(k) . T T (2.128)