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Raghav Bisht


2 | P a g e
(Project Semester January- May, 2014)
Submitted by
Under the Guidance of


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We hereby declare that the project work entitled (Intrusion Detection System) is an authentic
record of our own work carried out as requirements of Capstone Project for the award of
degree of B.Tech in Information & Technology from Bharath University, Agharam Road Se-
laiyur, Chennai, under the guidance of Dr. A. Kumaravel, during January to May, 2014.
Student : Raghav Bisht Registration Number: 00000000
(Signature of Student 1)


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This is to certify that the declaration statement made by this group of students is correct to the
best of my knowledge and belief. The Capstone Project Proposal based on the technology
(Intrusion Detection System) learnt is fit for the submission and partial fulfillment of the
conditions for the award of B.Tech in Information & Technology from ( _______ University.)
Signature of Faculty Mentor


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1. Introduction 7 - 8
2. Profile Of The Problem 9 - 10
3. Existing System
 Introduction
 Existing Software
 DFD For Present System
11 - 14
4. Problem Analysis
 Product definition
 Feasibility Analysis
 Project Plan
15 - 18
5. Software Requirement Analysis
 Specific Requirements 19 - 21
6. Design
 Detail Design
 Flowcharts
 Pseudo Code
22 - 60
7. Testing
 Functional Testing
 Structural Testing
 Penetration Testing
61 - 74
8. Implementation
 Implementation Of The Project


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 Post-Implementation and Software
9. Project Legacy
 Current Status Of The Project
 Remaining Areas Of Concern
 Technical and Managerial Lessons Learnt
10. User Manual 77 - 81
11. Snapshots 82 - 89
12. Bibliography 90


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1.1 Intrusion Detection Systems
Intrusion Detection Systems help information systems prepare for, and deal with attacks.
They accomplish this by collecting information from a variety of systems and network
sources, and then analyzing the information for possible security problems.An intrusion
detection system (IDS) examines system or network activity to find possible intrusions or
attacks. Intrusion detection systems are either network-based or host-based.Network based
intrusion detection systems are most common, and examine passing network traffic for signs
of intrusion. Host-based systems look at user and process activity on the local machine for
signs of intrusion. Since each type has specific strengths and weaknesses.
There are three main components to the Intrusion Detection System
1. Network Node Intrusion Detection System (NNIDS)performs the analysis of the traffic
that is passed from the network to a specific host. The difference between NIDS and
NNIDS is that the traffic is monitored on thesingle host only and not for the entire subnet.
Example of the NNIDS would be, installing it on a VPN device, to examine the traffic once
it was decrypted. This way you can see if someone is trying to break into your VPN device.
 Host Intrusion Detection System (HIDS) – takes a snap shot of your existing system files
and matches it to the previous snap shot. If the critical system files were modified or
deleted, the alert is sent to the administrator to investigate.
Example of the HIDS can be seen on the mission critical machines that are not expected to
change their configuration.
1.2 What Intrusion Detection System CAN And CAN NOT Provide
The IDS however is not an answer to all your Security related problems. You have to know
what you CAN, and CAN NOT expect of your IDS. In the following subsections I will try to
show a few examples of what an Intrusion Detection Systems are capable of, but each
network environment varies and each system needs to be tailored to meet your enterprise
environment needs.
The IDS CAN provide the following:
 CAN add a greater degree of integrity to the rest of you infrastructure


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 CAN trace user activity from point of entry to point of impact
 CAN recognize and report alterations to data
 CAN automate a task of monitoring the Internet searching for the latest attacks
 CAN detect when your system is under attack
 CAN detect errors in your system configuration
 CAN guide system administrator in the vital step of establishing a policy for your
computing assets
 CAN make the security management of your system possible by non-expert staff
The IDS CAN NOT provide:
 CAN NOT compensate for a weak identification and authentication mechanisms
 CAN NOT conduct investigations of attacks without human intervention
 CAN NOT compensate for weaknesses in network protocols
 CAN NOT compensate for problems in the quality or integrity of information the system
 CAN NOT analyze all the traffic on a busy network
 CAN NOT always deal with problems involving packet-level attacks
 CAN NOT deal with some of the modern network hardware and features.


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2. Profile Of The Problem
Information Systems and Networks are subject to electronic attacks. Attempts to breach
information security are rising every day, along with the availability of the Vulnerability
Assessment tools that widely available on the Internet, for free, as well as for a commercial
use. Tools such as Subs even,BackOrifce, Nmap, L0ftCrack, can all be used to scan, identify,
probe, and penetrate your systems. Firewalls are put in place to prevent unauthorized access
to the Enterprise Networks.
Let‟s, however, ask ourselves: Are the firewalls enough?
An example.
Imagine that you have just purchased a state of the art Home Theatre System. Everyone who
knows anything about electronics, have an idea of how much it may cost. After installing it,
you decided that you might need to install new locks on all the doors in your house, because
the old ones do not use the up to date secure mechanisms. You call the locksmith, and in
about 2 month (if you are lucky) you have a new locks on your doors, and you are the only
one who have the keys (well, maybe you mother have another pair). With that in mind you
pack your things, and with whatever money you got left from you recent purchases, you go
on vacation.
As you came back a week later, you find that the Entertainment room looks different. After
careful examination, you realize that your Home Theater System, that you were dwelling
over for the last year, is missing. What worse is that your wife told you that the window in
the kitchen is broken, and there is boot stains on the carpet, all over the house. That led you to
believe that someone broke into your house, stole, and vandalized a lot of your prized
possessions. After you wipe the tears from your eyes, you suddenly begin to vaguely
remember the brochure that you got, about a burglar alarm installation in your neighborhood.
You threw it away just a week before. The installation and monitoring would have cost you
19.95 a month with this promotional offer. Neglecting to install the system, is a secret that
you would have to leave with for the rest of your life could you have prevented it from
happening, were you to install an alarm? May be not completely, but the damage would be
much less.
The real life example above is the exact same analogy of what might happen to your network.
What‟s worth is that the thief may be on your network for a long time, and you might not
even know it. Firewalls are doing a good job guarding your front doors, but they do not have


10 | P a g e
a possibility to alert you in case there is a backdoor or a hole in the infrastructure. Script
kiddies are constantly scanning the Internet for known bugs in the system, including constant
scans by subnets. More experienced crackers may be hired by your competitors, to target
your network specifically, in order to gain competitive advantage. The list of threats can go


11 | P a g e
3. Existing Software
In this section we will discuss some of the current generation intrusion detection system.
3.1 Introduction
Network IDS
The network IDS usually has two logical components: the sensor and the management station.
The sensor sits on a network segment, monitoring it for suspicious traffic. The management
station receives alarms from the sensor(s) and displays them to an operator.
The sensors are usually dedicated systems that exist only to monitor the network. They have a
network interface in promiscuous mode, which means they receive all network traffic not just
that destined for their IP address and they capture passing network traffic for analysis. If they
detect something that looks unusual, they pass it back to the analysis station.
Host IDS
The host-based IDS looks for signs of intrusion on the local host system. These frequently
use the host system‟s audit and logging mechanism as a source of information for analysis.
They look for unusual activity that is confined to the local host such as logins, improper file
access, unapproved privilege escalation, or alterations on system privileges. This IDS
architecture generally uses rule-based engines for analyzing activity; an example of such a
rule might be, “super user privilege can only be attained through the su command.” Therefore
successive login attempts to the root account might be considered an attack.
3.2 Existing software
3.2.1 SNORT
Snort's open source network-based intrusion detection system (NIDS) has the ability to
perform real-time traffic analysis and packet logging on Internet Protocol (IP) networks.
Snort performs protocol analysis, content searching, and content matching. These basic
services have many purposes including application-aware triggered quality of service, to de-
prioritize bulk traffic when latency-sensitive applications are in use.
The program can also be used to detect probes or attacks, including, but not limited to,
operating system fingerprinting attempts, common gateway interface, buffer overflows,


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server message block probes, and stealth port scans. Snort can be configured in three main
modes: sniffer, packet logger, and network intrusion detection. In sniffer mode, the program
will read network packets and display them on the console. In packet logger mode, the
program will log packets to the disk. In intrusion detection mode, the program will monitor
network traffic and analyze it against a rule set defined by the user. The program will then
perform a specific action based on what has been identified. Performance
We obtained a profiling result of Snort (ver on Intel 2.0 GHz processor on
DebianLinux 2.6.18 using a GNU gprof [11] profiler (ver 2.16). Snort was configured with
five preprocessing components (Stream4, frag2, HTTP Inspect, Telnet decode and sfportscan)
and6565 rules. The network traces used to obtain the profiling result was obtained from
MITLincoln Lab's 1998 DARPA Intrusion Detection Evaluation project file (tcpdump file
format)[12]. Table 1 shows the percentage of the total execution time used by each
component(Profiling results depend on Snort configuration and test data.
Tiger is a security tool that can be use both as a security audit and intrusion detection system.
It supports multiple UNIX platforms and it is free and provided under a GPL license. Unlike
other tools, Tiger needs only of POSIX tools and is written entirely in shell language.
Tiger has some interesting features that merit its resurrection, including a modular design that
is easy to expand, and its double edge, it can be used as an audit tool and a host intrusion
detection system tool. Free Software intrusion detection is currently going many ways, from
network IDS (with Snort), to the kernel (LIDS, or SNARE for Linux and Systrace for
OpenBSD, for example), not mentioning file integrity checkers (many of these: aide, integrit
samhain, tripwire...) and logcheckers (even more of these, check the Log Analysis pages).
But few of them focus on the host-side of intrusion detection fully. Tiger complements this
tools and also provides a framework in which all of them can work together. Tiger it is not a
logchecker, nor it focused in integrity analysis. It does "the other stuff", it checks the system
configuration and status. Read the manpage for a full description of checks implemented in


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3.3 DFD for present system
 Firewall
 Honeypot
 Ddos Defend


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3.4 What’s new in the system
As we know IDS system are intrusion detection system and it can only detect the attack at
real time so, as compare to 3rd party IDS software like SNORT & TIGER some new features
are added to our IDS like :-
 Trojans Scanner : It check the active connection and find the possible Trojans plus
report the administrator about it.
 Shell Finder : The program find the shell and back-connect backdoors in apache server
and report it to the administrator.
 PSAD : well known as "Port Scan Attack Detector". The concept of the PSAD is from
well known book called "The Art Of War" By Sun Tzu where he states "If you know the
enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles". Similar
port scanning is the first step of the hacking to know your enemy so, PSAD detect and
alert the administrator.
 Fake Access Point : The fake access point is a honeypot which attract attacker and
administrator can easily knows about attacker and its capabilities.
 ADS Blocker : The program block ads and spam for user.


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4. Problem Analysis
In this phase all the problems associated with the IDS development process will be discussed
and new uncovered problem will be discovered.
4.1 Product Definition
There are various factors and benchmarks which are to be kept in mind whilst we design and
develop a IDS . This phase of the IDS project development process decides the actual
outcome of the IDS . The environment and the IDS objects in the system must support the
storyline and should be rendered in such way that they are a treat to the eyes of the
hackers.At the same time we‟ll have to make sure that the IDS is light weight so as to run at
an optimal pace with minimum system requirements. Hence it is important to know the
problems in hand and also to grade them in the best possible so that it would help us in
deciding up on the factors that is to be given a higher priority while designing and developing
the IDS.
4.2Feasibility Analysis
It is an analysis of our idea related to the system and give a validity and make our idea
important. It takes an effort and necessity of thinking ability about the system feasibility of a
problem occurred. Feasibility is the study of a significant or strong influence, what occurs at
the time of system development. The influence can be either positive or negative. The system
is considered feasible when positivity entitles negativity. Feasibility study can be performed
in various ways related to various fields, we are describing four important way of performing
feasibility study which are described following:-
4.2.1 Technical Feasibility
Technical feasibility of a system defines the compatibility, comfort, ability to achieve using
current existing technology. It takes into attention weather the required technology is
available or not and it also check for available resources like equipment‟s and software tools
for development of the system.
We can say that our developed system is technically feasible because we are not getting any
difficulty related to resource of development and maintenance of this project. Whatever
software tools related to the development of system are commonly available and easy to get
from internet and any other way like shop, friends etc.


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4.2.2 Economical Feasibility
This system is highly economic feasible because it is not taking any extra tools other than our
required tools for development which are easily available and free to download and use for
development of projects. We need not to spend more money for the development of the
system. It is making an environment for the development with an effective manner. If we do
as it than we can see the maximum usability of the related resources of system. After
development of this system, we need not to be attentive for this system. Therefore we can say
that, this system is economically feasible.
4.2.3 Schedule Feasibility
It is defined as the state of being probable and completed within scheduled time. Our Project
can be fail when it takes too long to be completed before it is used. It means estimating the
project with respect of time that how long this system will take to develop. Schedule
feasibility is a measurement of is timetable for project is reasonable. We discuss with our
team and decide is the project deadline reasonable? Our project is initiated with specific
deadline. We have determined whether the deadlines are mandatory or desirable.
4.2.4 Operational Feasibility
It is related to the measurement of performance of system for which purpose it is developed.
It relates to all the functions and features related to the system and look for speed of
execution of requests came from users and effectiveness of response in well manner. It
provides an advantage of the opportunities introduced at time of scope definition and its
satisfaction of requirement identified. It also provide satisfaction for phase of system
It ensures desired operational outputs which is the part of design and development. It includes
design parameters like reliability, maintainability, supportability, usability of system for users.
There all parameters are required for consideration of stages of design.
A design and development of system requires appropriate and timely application software for
development and provide efforts to meet the mentioned parameters which are defined
previously. A system performs its planned purpose most effectively when its technical and


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operational characteristics are identifies into the design. So, we can say that operational
feasibility is a critical aspect of systems engineering that needs to be an integral part of the
early design phases.
4.3 Project Plan
Fig 4.3.1 : Project plan


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Jan to Feb :
Fig 4.3.2 : Gantt Chart From Jan-Feb
March to April :
Fig 4.3.2 : Gantt Chart From March-April


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5. Software Requirement Analysis
5.1. Specific Requirements
 System Requirements
 Linux Operating System.
• Any penetration testing operating system like :
o Backtrack OS
o Kali OS
o NodeZero OS
o BlackBox Linux
o BlackBuntu Linux
o Samurai Web Testing Framework
o Knoppix STD
o Pentoo Linux
o Weakerth4n Linux
o Matriux Krypton
o Bugtraq
• Linux Distribution Like :
o Fedora
o Redhat
o Ubuntu
o OpenSuse
o Slowloris
o Bodhi
o Xubuntu
o Tails
o Puppy Linux
o Linux Mint
o Google Chrome
• Must Install Following Software's :
o Support Perl Programming
o Wireshark


20 | P a g e
o Apache Server
o Tcp-Dump
o Tshark
 System Architecture :
• System Hardware Architecture :
o Linux compatible laptop or PC With OS architecture x86 Or x64.
o CPU : Core 2 Duo
o RAM : At least 4Gb
o HDD : 320Gb
o Virtual Memory: Max Size: 12,215 MB
o Network Card : Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller.
• System Software Architecture :
• Install Perl In UNIX Systems By Default Perl Package is installed test using " perl -v "
• Install PerlX-Assert-0.900_01
• Install TCP Dump Program
• Install Wireshark Program
• Install Tshark Programm
• Install Apache Server
• Install airmon-ng Program
• Install airodump-ng Program
• Install airplay-ng Program
• Install airbase-ng Program
• Configure DHCP Server
• Install BrupSute Program
• Install Driftnet Program
• Install hamster & Ferret Program


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Tools Description
1. Perl Programming Language
2. Wireshark Packet Sniffing Tool
3. Tshark Command Line Packet Sniffing Tool
4. TCP DUMP TCP Traffic Intercepting Tool
5. Apache Server HTTPD Server to host Websites
6. Airmon-ng To Put wireless network card at monitor mode.
7. Airodump-ng To Dump All Wireless connection detail
8. Airplay-ng To do ARP Poisoning Attack on Base Stations
9. Airbase-ng To Create a New Base Station
10. DHCP Server To configure Networking such as IP-Address
11. BrupSute To Intercept Session Of Users
12. Driftnet To Sniff Images form captured packets
13. Hamster & Ferret To Sniff Documents from captured packets


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6. Detail Design
DFD For IDS Overview


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DFD For NIDS A.K.A Network-Based Intrusion Detection System
Honeypot / Firewall
Ports / Sockets
Attacker Attacks
ARP Poisoning
Input validation
Router / SwitchAlerts !!
IP Address


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DFD For HIDS A.K.A Host-Based Intrusion Detection System
File Modifications
File Modifications
SIV ( system integrity verifiers )
 Modification Time/date
 permission modification
 unexplained changes in the file's
 modification to system software and
 gaps in the system accounting
 unusually slow system performance
 system crashes or reboots
 short or incomplete logs
 missing logs or logs with incorrect
permissions or ownership
 unfamiliar processes
 unusual graphic displays or texts


25 | P a g e
Module 1 : Firewall
& Its Attack
 Port Filtering
 Mac Filtering
 Ip Filtering
 Spam's & Website
Logs Creation


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Module 2 : Honeypot
Logs Creation
& Its Attack
 Fake Access Point
 Port Scan Attack


27 | P a g e
Module 3 : Dos-D-Dos Attack
Logs Creation
& Its Attack
Dos/D-Dos Attack
 HTTP Flood Detector
 SYN Flood Detector
 Ping Of Death Detector
 UDP Flood Detector


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Module 3 : Logs
Logs Creation
& Its Attack
 Permission
 Size Modification
 Logins Attempts
 system boot
 Clean logs


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3. Flow Charts :
Flow Chart Firewall:
Main Menu
Honeypot, Ddos protection ,logs,
logout(1,2,3,4,5) respectively.
Option : 1
1. Block Ip
2. Block Mac
3. Packet Filtering
4. website block
5. Go Back
Run Successfully


30 | P a g e
Flow Chart Honeypot:
Main Menu
Honeypot, Ddos protection ,logs,
logout(1,2,3,4,5) respectively.
Option : 2
1. Run Honeypot
2. Port scan detect.
3. Fake access point
4. Go Back
Run Successfully


31 | P a g e
Flow Chart Dos/Ddos:
Main Menu
Honeypot, Ddos protection ,logs,
logout(1,2,3,4,5) respectively.
Option : 3
1. Anti ARP
2. Anti Http flood
3. Anti UDP flood
4. Tcp/Ip flood
5. Go back
Run Successfully


32 | P a g e
Flow Chart Logs:
Main Menu
Honeypot, Ddos protection ,logs,
logout(1,2,3,4,5) respectively.
Option : 1
Log Management
1. Logins
2. Modifications
4. Password attempts
4. Go Back
Run Successfully


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Anti ARP spoofing detection
Flow Chart :
No Spoofing Spoofing
Every 5 Sec


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Tcp / Ip Flood detection
Flow Chart:
Check Network Status
greater then
Flooding No Flood
Repeat After
Every 3 Sec


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UDP Flood detection
Flow Chart:
Check Network Status
greater then
Flooding No Flood
After Every
3 Sec


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SYN Flood detection
Flow Chart:
Check Network Status
greater then
Flooding No Flood
Repeat After
Every 3 Sec


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Ping of Death A.K.A ICMP Flood detection
Flow Chart:
Sniff ICMP Packets &
Check there size
greater then
No Flood
Repeat After
Every 3 Sec


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Established Connection Attack
Flow Chart:
Check Network
greater then
DDos In Process
No DDos
Every 3 Sec


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0-63055 Ports Flood detection
Flow Chart:
Start Sniffing
greater then
Flooding No Flood
After Every
3 Sec


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DDos Attack Blocker
Flow Chart:
Check Network Status
greater then
Ddos in progress No Flood
Repeat After
Every 3 Sec


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Website & Spams Blocker
Flow Chart:
Website & Spam's Unblocking
Flow Chart:
sudo sh -c 'echo "
'$site'" >> /etc/hosts
gedit /etc/hosts
Remove Site Name


42 | P a g e
Malicious PHP Scripts Finder
Flow Chart:
Enter Server IP Address
Check HTTP
Request for
defined php
Malicious script
No Malicious Script found
HTTP Response YES NO Response
Remove PHP script
Fetch Absolute Path for PHP


43 | P a g e
IP Address, Mac Address & Port Blocking
Flow Chart:
Enter IP, port, or MAC
iptables -A
INPUT -s <ip,
port, mac> -j


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Trojans Scanner
Flow Chart:
Enter Server IP Address
Check For
On Specific
Define Ports
Trojans found Trojans Not found
Port Is Open Port is closed


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Fake Access Point
Flow Chart:
Do IP Forwarding
List Ethernet Devices and choose interface.
Start Networking
Enter Access Point name
Put interface on monitor mode
Start airbase-ng
Start DHCP Server
Start Packet Monitoring
If External
If External
Use Default


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Port Scanning Attack Detector
Flow Chart:
T-shark Start Sniffing
Sniff Specific
TCP Flags
Found Not Found
Every 5 sec
Scan In Progress Scan Not In Progress
Fetch Ip Address Of


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Checking Last Permission, Size, Files modification
Flow Chart:
Enter File Path or File
File Not Modified
Check File Status
Status Changed Status Not
File Have Been Modified


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Login Attempts
Flow Chart:
Option: 1-
Fail-log Check
Main Menu Choose Options <1-8>
 Check Failed Login Attempt For User
 Check All Users Failed Login Attempt
 To Lock User Account After Failed Login
 To Lock Root Account After Failed Login
 Set Maximum Number of Login Failures For User
 Set Maximum Number of Login Failures For Root
 Reset The Counters Of Login Failures"
 To Reset Counter For User


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System Boot logs
Flow Chart:
Option: 1-
Check SYS
Last Command
Main Menu Choose Options <1-6>
 Last Login Time
 Last Boot Time
 Last Reboot Time
 Last Shutdown Time
 Full Reboot Report
 Full Shutdown Report


50 | P a g e
6.4. Pseudo codes:
 Module 1 : Dos DDos
 udp.sh
 while check,
if UDP Packets greater then 1000
print "UDP flood in Progress"
Print "UDP flood not in Progress"
 TCP/IP.sh
 while check,
if tcp/ip connection is greater than 1000
print "flood in progress"
print "flood not in progress"
 SYN.sh
 while check,
if SYN Packets greater then 1000
print "SYN flood in Progress"
Print "SYN flood not in Progress"
 HTTP.sh
 while check,
if HTTP Connections are greater than 1000
print "HTTP flood in Progress"
Print "HTTP flood not in Progress"
 EstablishConnection.sh
 while check,
if over all connection are greater than 2000
print "Establish Connection attack in Progress"


51 | P a g e
Print " Establish Connection attack in Progress"
 PingOfDeathAttack.sh
 start sniffer tshark on interface till count=200&
save logs,
while check,
if logs contain ICMP Packets size greater than=65500 "or" packets count > 1000
print "ping of death attack in Progress"
Print " ping of death attack in Progress"
 CheckFlood.sh
 Enter network interface,
Enter Port you want to check,
start TCPDUMP,
while check,
if TCPDUMP packets count > 1000
print "flooding in Progress"
Print " flooding not in Progress"
 Check.sh
 Init_pro=$(ps -a | grep tcpdump --count) && while check,
Curr_pro=$(ps -a | grep tcpdump --count)
if Init_pro equal to Curr_pro
print "Flooding in progress" else
print "Flooding not in progress"
 start xterm and run CheckFlood.sh & sane time run Check.sh
 ArpPoisoningDetection.sh
 fetch Original MAC Address : $original_mac
fetch Default Gateway IP Address : $ip
while check,


52 | P a g e
fetch Current MAC Address : $current_mac
fetch Default Gateway IP Address : $ip
if $original_mac == $current_mac
print" ARP Poisoning NOT In Progress"
print" ARP Poisoning In Progress"
print"Suspect MAC: $current_mac"
print"Suspect IP: $current_ip"
 Module 2 : Firewall
 Port_Filtering.sh
 choose option : 1-4
if option 1:
print "You Have Chosen Manually Blocking Of Incoming Port : "
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --destination-port $Po -j DROP
print "Wrong option"
if option 2:
print "You Have chosen Manually Blocking Outgoing Port: "
iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport $out -j DROP
print "Wrong option"
if option 3:
print "You Have chosen Manually Allowing / Open TCP Incoming Port: "
iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport $qw -j ACCEPT
print "Wrong option"
if option 4:
print "You Have chosen Manually Allowing / Open UDP Port: "
iptables -I INPUT -p udp --dport $we -j ACCEPT
print "Wrong option"


53 | P a g e
 Ip_Address_Blocking.sh
 choose option : 1-2
if option 1:
print "You Have Chosen Manually Blocking Of IP: "
use ufw deny from $ip command
print "Wrong option"
if option 2:
print "You Have chosen Manually Allowing Of IP :"
sudo ufw allow from $al
 Mac_Address_block.sh
 choose option : 1-4
if option 1:
print "You Manually Blocking MAC Address: "
iptables -A INPUT -m mac --mac-source $mac -j DROP
else print "Wrong option"
if option 2:
print "Manually Allowing MAC Address: "
iptables -I INPUT -m mac --mac-source $al -j ACCEPT
else print "Wrong option"
if option 3:
print "You Manually Allowing SSH Access to Specific MAC Address: "
iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -m mac --mac-source $qw -j ACCEPT
else print "Wrong option"
if option 4:
print "Manually Denying SSH Access to Specific MAC Address: "
iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -m mac --mac-source $we -j REJECT
else print "Wrong option"


54 | P a g e
 Spam_ip_block.sh
 download file wget http://www.spamhaus.org/drop/drop.lasso
fetch IP address cat $FILE | egrep -v '^;' | awk '{ print $1}'
for ip,
block ,
iptables -A droplist -s $ipblock -j LOG --log-prefix "DROP List Block"
iptables -A droplist -s $ipblock -j DROP
 website_block.sh
 choose option : 1-2
if option 1:
print "Manually Blocking Website: "
open file /etc/hosts & print "echo " '$site'"
else print "Wrong option"
if option 2:
print "Manually Unblocking Website:"
open file /etc/host & remove '$site'
 Evil_shell_finder.sh
 enter server ip address
create a function=@path for all possible paths & shell
check HTTP get Request
given php shells path
print"full path of shell"
print"shell not found"


55 | P a g e
 Trojan_Scanner.sh
 Enter victim server name
create function =@ports for all special ports
create function =@Trojans which contain all Trojans name
for 0 to 171
check socket :
$socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerPort => "$po", PeerAddr => $victim, Proto =>
"tcp", Timeout => $timeout)
if n=0
print "Trojan Found"
print "Not found "
 Module 3 : Honeypot
 PortScanAttackDetector.sh
 Enter Your Network Interface
Start capturing TCP Flags and capture logs : tshark -i $fa -f "ip proto 6 or ip proto 17" -R
"tcp.flags == 16 or tcp.flags == 1 or tcp.flags == 2 or tcp.flags == 18 or tcp.flags == 41 or
tcp.flags == 16 or tcp.flags == 0 or ip.len == 28 or icmp.type == 8" >>
 Main.sh
 Choose Interface : cat /tmp/ethlist
Run program : xterm -hold -e sh /root/Desktop/ids/Honeypot/Port_Scan_attack_Detect.sh
| xterm -hold -e sh /root/Desktop/ids/Honeypot/check.sh
 Check.sh
 if current file size is not equal to initial file size
print "Scanning in progress"
print "Scanning not in progress"


56 | P a g e
 fake_access_point.sh
 Select a wireless interface to use for the AP : selectWirelessInterface ()
use iwconfig
print result cat /tmp/ethlist
Start Networking
if USER input Y or y : then,
service networking start
elif USER input N or n : then,
call function selectWirelessInterface()
print "Check for external connection"
if USER input Y or y : then,
ifconfig $wlan up
Start monitor : monitor()
print "Starting monitor device putting your device in monitor mode... "
airmon-ng start $wlan
Start fake access point : createAP ()
print"Use default ESSID [Free Public WiFi][Y/N]?"
if USER enter N then
print"What will the AP name be?"
print"Start Access Point [Y/N]?"
print"AP name will be $nameap"
if User Enter Y : airbase-ng -P -e $nameap $monintme
else : airbase-ng -e $nameap $monintme
active external interface : ExternalAccess ()
print "Please wait network routing is on run......"
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o $wlan -s -j MASQUERADE
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
start: startRodents ()


57 | P a g e
/pentest/sniffers/hamster/hamster &
/pentest/sniffers/hamster/ferret -i at0 &
capture image : captureImages ()
driftnet -i at0 -a -d /tmp/driftimages
start brupsuite : startBurp ()
Call all functions one by one :
 Kill_fake_access_point.sh
 stop networking :stopNetworking ()
service networking stop
stop fake access point : killAP ()
print"Killing Fake Access Point"
basepid=`ps -ef | grep -i [a]irbase | awk '{ print $2 }'`
kill -9 $basepid
Kill all external access : killExternalAccess ()
print "Stopping DHCP server..."
ifconfig at0 down
Kill Routing : noRouteAPClients ()
print "Killing routing..."


58 | P a g e
iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -o wlan0 -s -j MASQUERADE
echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
Call all functions :
 Module 4 : Logs Management
 Last_Modification_of_file.sh
 Enter file full path
if 1 then check /dev/null
print "command not found"
end if
check time of last access : stat -c %x $FILE
time of last modification : stat -c %y $FILE
time of last change : stat -c %z $FILE
 Modified_size.sh
 Enter file full path
if 1 then check /dev/null
print "command not found"
end if
Inode Numbe Of File : stat -c %i $FILE
Input/Output Block Size : stat -c %o $FILE
Total Size in Bytes : stat -c %s $FILE
Fundamental block size (for block counts) : stat -c %S $FILE
Number of blocks allocated : stat -c %c $FILE


59 | P a g e
 Modified_permission.sh
 Enter file full path
if 1 then check /dev/null
print "command not found"
end if
Permission of file : ls -l $FILE
SELinux security context string : stat -c %C $FILE
Number of hard links : stat -c %h $FILE
 System_Boot_Logs.sh
 choose option 1-7
if option is 1 :
print"Last Login is :" last login
elif option is 2 :
print "Last Boot Time is :" who -b
elif option is 3 :
print "Last Reboot Time is : " last reboot | head -1
elif option is 4 :
print "Last Shutdown Time is : " last -x | grep shutdown | head -1
elif option is 5 :
print "Full Reboot Report is : " last reboot
elif option is 6 :
print "Full Shutdown Report is : " last -x | grep shutdown
elif option is 7 :
print "wrong code"
end if
 System_Boot_Logs.sh
 choose option 1-8
if option is 1 :
print" Failed Login Attempt For User :" faillog -u $root
elif option is 2 :


60 | P a g e
print "All Users Failed Login Attempt :" faillog -a
elif option is 3 :
print "Lock User Account After Failed Login :" faillog -l $sec -u $usr
elif option is 4 :
print "Lock Root Account After Failed Login :" faillog -l $ro
elif option is 5 :
print "Maximum Number of Login Failures For User Accounts :" faillog -M $d -u $u
elif option is 6 :
print "Maximum Number of Login Failures For Root Accounts :" faillog -M $f
elif option is 7 :
print"Reset The Counters Of Login Failures :" faillog -r
elif option 8 :
print"To Reset Counter For User :" faillog -r -u $v
elif option is 9 :
print "wrong code"
end if


61 | P a g e
7.1 Functional Testing
In Functional testing we need check the each components are functioning as expected or not,
so it is also called as Component Testing
Functional testing is to testing the functionality of the software application under test.
Basically, it is to check the basic functionality mentioned in the functional specification
document. Also check whether software application is meeting the user expectations. We can
also say that checking the behavior of the software application against test specification.
This type of testing is mandatory and irrespective of what type of application this should be
What all need to be check in Functional Testing:
2. Is software is functioning as it should do?
3. Is software is not functioning as it should not do?
4. Is software is not doing as it not intended to do?‟
7.2. Structural Testing
The structural testing is the testing of the structure of the system or component.Structural
testing is often referred to as „white box‟ or „glass box‟ or „clear-box testing‟ because in
structural testing we are interested in what is happening „inside the system/application‟.In
structural testing the testers are required to have the knowledge of the internal
implementations of the code. Here the testers require knowledge of how the software is
implemented, how it works.
During structural testing the tester is concentrating on how the software does it. For example,
a structural technique wants to know how loops in the software are working. Different test
cases may be derived to exercise the loop once, twice, and many times. This may be done
regardless of the functionality of the software.Structural testing can be used at all levels of
testing. Developers use structural testing in component testing and component integration
testing, especially where there is good tool support for code coverage. Structural testing is
also used in system and acceptance testing, but the structures are different. For example, the


62 | P a g e
coverage of menu options or major business transactions could be the structural element in
system or acceptance testing.
Here is some of the tests we performed
Test1: Ping of death attack
Expected Result: Ping of Death Attack Should Start
Actual Result: Ping of Death Attack Started
Fig 7.1


63 | P a g e
Test 2: Check Flooding or Dos Attack
Expected Result: Flooding or Dos Attack Scanning Should Start
Actual Result: Flooding or Dos Attack Scanning Started
Fig 7.2
Test 3: Check DDos or Dos Attack
Expected Result: DDos or Dos Attack Checking Should Start
Actual Result: DDos or Dos Attack Scanning Started
Fig 7.3


64 | P a g e
Test 4: Check Establish Connection Attack
Expected Result: Establish Connection Attack Scanning Should Start
Actual Result: Establish Connection Scanning Started
Fig 7.4
Test 5:Block I.P Address
Expected Result: Interface for Blocking I.P Address Should Open
Actual Result: Interface for Blocking I.P Address is Opened
Fig 7.5


65 | P a g e
Test 6: Block Mac Address
Expected Result: Interface for Blocking Mac Address Should Open
Actual Result: Interface for Blocking Mac Address is Opened
Fig 7.6
Test 7:Blacklisting Ports
Expected Result: Interface for Blocking/AllowingPorts Should Open
Actual Result: Interface for Blocking/Allowing Ports is Opened
Fig 7.7


66 | P a g e
7.3 Penetration Testing
1. Test for Resource Exhaustion
• IDS are prone to resource exhaustion attacks
• Every IDS system has memory, CPU, or bandwidth limitations
• The IDS performance might degrade or fail if these resources are exhausted
• Test by sending large amounts of traffic to the IDS system
Fig 7.3.1
2. Test the IDS by Sending ARP Flood
• Flood the network by sending ARP packets.
• See the IDS response and how it reacts to this attack.


67 | P a g e
fig 7.3.2
3.Test the IDS by MAC Spoofing
• Traffic can be disrupted on a network if two Ethernet adapters have exactly the same
hardware (or MAC – Media Access Control) addresses
• Test the IDS by sending spoofed MAC addresses
4.Test the IDS by IP Spoofing
• Spoof the IP address to flood the IDS
• See for the responses received
Ip And mac Spoofing Protection :
Packet filtering: Packet filters inspect packets as they are transmitted across a network.
Packet filters are useful in IP address spoofing attack prevention because they are capable of
filtering out and blocking packets with conflicting source address information (packets from
outside the network that show source addresses from inside the network and vice-versa).


68 | P a g e
Avoid trust relationships: Organizations should develop protocols that rely on trust
relationships as little as possible. It is significantly easier for attackers to run spoofing attacks
when trust relationships are in place because trust relationships only use IP addresses for
Use spoofing detection software: There are many programs available that help organizations
detect spoofing attacks, particularly ARP spoofing. These programs work by inspecting and
certifying data before it is transmitted and blocking data that appears to be spoofed.
Use cryptographic network protocols: Transport Layer Security (TLS), Secure Shell (SSH),
HTTP Secure (HTTPS), and other secure communications protocols bolster spoofing attack
prevention efforts by encrypting data before it is sent and authenticating data as it is received.
5. Ping of Death Test
IP specifications prohibit the creation of packets greater than 65535 bytes in length. However,
packet fragmentation permits an attacker to transmit packets exceeding this length. The "Ping
of Death" attack involves transmitting a fragmented ICMP echo packet greater than 65535
bytes in length to a vulnerable system. When the victim system networking stack reassembly
code reassembles the packet, the allocated buffer may not be able to accommodate the packet.
This can cause the system to crash, restart, or behave in unpredictable ways.
If a Ping Of Death is issued against a system that is immune to such attacks, the reply to the
ping will also be a Ping Of Death. The first of the two events points to the attacker.
This attack is not limited to ICMP and can be exploited with any protocol that uses IP.
fig 7.3.5


69 | P a g e
6. Test for Odd Sized Packets
• It is highly suspicious if a fragmented packet has a length that is not an even multiple of 8,
since packets are fragmented in multiples of 8.
7. Test by Sending a Packet to Port 0-65500
• Test for checking network traffic on all ports.
8. Test by Sending a Packet to Port 0
• For both TCP and UDP, port 0 traffic is considered unusual, since it is officially a
reserved port and shouldn‟t be used for any network communications. Any port 0 traffic
is probably not legitimate, since the packets are probably generated synthetically.
fig 7.3.8
9. Test TCP Flags.
 (none)
• A packet with no flags is neither Session Initiation (SYN), Midstream (ACK), nor
Termination (FIN/RST). It is not part of any valid TCP transaction.
• The flag combination indicates both Session Initiation (SYN) and Session Termination
• The flag combination indicates both Session Initiation (SYN) and Session Termination
• This flag combination indicates Session Initiation (SYN), Midstream (ACK), and Session
Termination (FIN).


70 | P a g e
• This flag combination indicates Session Initiation (SYN), Midstream (ACK), and Session
Termination (RST).
 All Flags
• Often called the Xmas Tree flag combination, this combines the problem of Initiation,
Midstream, and Termination flags with the PSH and URG flags.
10. Test the IDS by Sending SYN Floods
• Many TCP implementations are vulnerable to a resource-exhaustion attack known as SYN
flooding, in which excessive requests are made to create sessions, thus causing memory
utilization to occur
• If these SYN packets are spoofed from addresses that do not exist, no response packet
containing SYN/ACK will be received, and the pending connection queue will expand
11. Test the IDS by Sending HTTP Floods
• Many TCP implementations are vulnerable to a resource-exhaustion attack known as
HTTP flooding, in which excessive requests are made to get server responses.
12. Test the IDS by Sending UDP Floods
• Many TCP implementations are vulnerable to a resource-exhaustion attack known as UDP
flooding, in which excessive flow of packets towards victim.
13. Test the IDS by Checking TCP/Ip Connections
• Many TCP implementations are vulnerable to a resource-exhaustion attack known as
TCP/IP flooding. In this huge amount of data is send to server on different protocols.
14. Test the IDS by Checking Establish Connection
• In establish connection attack we check all IP address connected to our serve is making
server resource 100% consume. Eg. Ra Flooding attack for IPv6 IPs.
15. Test for Backscatter
 The term backscatter refers to the response SYN/ACK packets that a SYN-flooded host
will send in response to receiving the SYN packets


71 | P a g e
 If the source address of the original SYN packet is spoofed, the SYN/ACKs will be sent
to that spoofed address, which may use all the network bandwidth for the spoofed host or
 Backscatter can easily be detected as a flood of SYN/ACK packets without an initial SYN
being sent
16. Test the IDS With ICMP Packets
• ICMP packet spoofing can be used to create denial-of-service situations by falsely
propagating error indications throughout the network
17. Test Using TCP Replay
• How does TCPReplay help test NIDS systems?
• Performance degrades as network traffic increases
• Attacks are hidden by heavily loaded traffic
18. Locate the firewall
 Craft an SYN packet using Hping or any other packet crafter send it to the firewall
 If you get ICMP unreachable type 13 message (which is admin prohibited packet) with a
source IP address of access control device, usually this is a packet filter firewall
 Tool
• hping2 www.xsecurity.com –c2 –S –p23 –n
• ICMP Unreachable type 13 from
19. Port Scan the Firewall
 Most firewall implementations have default ports in use for remote management purposes
 Example: user authentication, management, VPN connections etc
 Tool:
• #nmap –n –vv –P0 –p256, 1080 <www.xsecurity.com>
20. Create Custom Packets and Look for Firewall Responses
 Creating custom packets that are sent towards the firewall can elicit unique responses
from the firewall
 This can also be used to determine the type of firewall
 Example:
hping –c 2 –S –p 23 –n


72 | P a g e
HPING (eth0 ): S set, 40 data bytes
60 bytes from : flags=RA seg=0 ttl=59 id=0 win=0 time=0.4 ms
21. Test Access Control Enumeration
 Use Nmap to enumerate the firewall access control list
 Nmap shows three states of ports
1. Open – port is listening
2. Filtered – port is blocked by an access control device (Router/Firewall)
3. Unfiltered – traffic is passing from access control devices (Firewall/Router) but the port is
not open
 Example:
#nmap –sA
Interesting ports on
(The 65530 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: filtered)
110/tcp UNfiltered pop-3
13701/tcp UNfiltered VeritasNetbackup
13711/tcp UNfiltered VeritasNetbackup
13721/tcp UNfiltered VeritasNetbackup
13782/tcp UNfiltered VeritasNetbackup
Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 12205.371 seconds
22. Test to Identify Firewall Architecture
 Hping2 is a tool for custom packet crafting
 Use hping2 to identify:
• Open
• Blocked
• Dropped
• Rejected packets


73 | P a g e
23. Test Firewall Using Fire-walking Tool
 Firewalk can be used to discover open ports behind a firewall and it can be used for
access control list discovery
 Helps determine open ports on a firewall (packet filter)
 Firewalk determines if a given port is allowed through a F/W
 Traceroute to any machine behind the firewall or the router before the firewall
 Once the hop count of the router is known, we can change our TTL value for our IP
packet to be 1 more than the hop count of the router & perform a port scan on the firewall
 Thus if “TTL exceeded error” comes back then port on the firewall is open
24.Test Covert Channels
 Install a backdoor on a victim machine inside the network
 Reverse connect to a machine outside the firewall
 Tools: WWW Reverse Shell
25. Overview Report
 56 Tests With Comparison to "Other Top 10 IDS "
1 Test for Resource Exhaustion Y Y
2 IDS by Sending ARP Flood Y Y
3 Test the IDS by MAC Spoofing Y Y
4 IP Spoofing Y Y
5 Test by Sending a Packet to the Broadcast Address Y N
6 Inconsistent Packets Y N
7 Test IP Packet Fragmentation Y N
8 Duplicate Fragments Y N
9 Test for Overlapping Fragments N N
10 Ping of Death Y Y
11 Test for Odd Sized Packets Y Y
12 TTL Evasion Y N
13 Test by Sending a Packet to Port 0 Y Y
14 UDP Checksum N N
15 Test for TCP Retransmissions N N
16 TCP Flag Manipulation Y N
17 Test TCP Flags Y Y
18 Test the IDS by Sending SYN Floods Y Y
19 Sequence Number Prediction N N
20 Test for Backscatter Y Y


74 | P a g e
21 Test the IDS With ICMP Packets Y Y
22 IDS Using Covert Channels N N
23 Test Using TCPReplay N N
24 Test Using TCPOpera N N
25 Test Using Method Matching N N
26 Test the IDS Using URL Encoding N N
27 Test the IDS Using Double Slashes N N
28 Test the IDS for Reverse Traversal N N
29 Test for Self Reference Directories N N
30 Test for Premature Request Ending N N
31 Test for IDS Parameter Hiding N N
32 Test for HTTP-Misformatting N N
33 Test for Long URLs N N
34 Test for Dos/Win Directory Syntax N N
35 Test for Null Method Processing N N
36 Test for Case Sensitivity N N
37 Test Session Splicing N N
38 Test heavy loads on server Y Y
39 Check for DoS vulnerable systems Y Y
40 Run SYN attack on server Y Y
41 Run Ping of Death Y Y
42 Run e-mail bomber on e-mail servers N N
43 Flood the website forms and guestbook with bogus
44 Place huge orders on e-commerce gateways and
cancel before reaching the credit card screen
45 Locate the firewall Y Y
46 Traceroute to identify the network range Y N
47 Port scan the router Y Y
48 Grab the banner Y N
49 Create custom packets and look for firewall
50 Test Access Control Enumeration Y Y
51 Test to identify firewall architecture Y N
52 Test firewall using firewalking tool Y N
53 Test for Port Redirection N N
54 Test Covert channels N Y
55 Test HTTP Tunneling N N
56 Test Firewall specific vulnerabilities N N


75 | P a g e
8. Implementation
8.1 Implementation of the project
Planning :
8.2 Post-Implementation and Software Maintenance
 From January 2014 to April 2014 - 5 versions of software is launched.
 Updates like Scanners & Honeypot are introduce in the software.
 Update like IPS Intrusion preventing system is introduce in the system.


76 | P a g e
9. Project Legacy
9.1 Current Status of the project
SO. NO Project Status
1. Planning Complete
2. Information Gathering Complete
3. Design Complete
4. Source Code Complete
5. Testing Complete
6. Working Complete
9.1 Remaining Areas of concern
 Firewall specific vulnerabilities
 HTTP Tunneling
 Covert channels
 Port Redirection
 Grab the banner
 Traceroute to identify the network range
 Sequence Number Prediction
 TCP Retransmissions
 UDP Checksum
 Overlapping Fragments
9.1 Technical and Managerial lessons learnt
 Create plans
 Justify Project
 Investigate options
 Plan Security
 Plan Access
 Training


77 | P a g e
10. User Manual
10.1 Introduction
Ever wonder someone spoofing around or accessing your data illegally or hacking your
website? If answer to any of the above questions is a yes then you have come to the right
Intrusion Detection Systems help information systems prepare for, and deal with attacks.
They accomplish this by collecting information from a variety of systems and network
sources, and then analyzing the information for possible security problems. An intrusion
detection system (IDS) examines system or network activity to find possible intrusions or
attacks. Intrusion detection systems are either network-based or host-based.
Network based intrusion detection systems are most common, and examine passing network
traffic for signs of intrusion.
Host-based systems look at user and process activity on the local machine for signs of
intrusion. Since each type has specific strengths and weaknesses.
10.2 Minimum requirements
Before installing the IDS make sure to check this section of the guide to check whether your
PC is equipped with the required hardware to run the IDS efficiently.
Hardware Minimum Specification Recommend Specification
PROCESSOR Intel core2duo or higher Intel i3


78 | P a g e
10.3 The IDS Menu
1. Main menu
The main menu will have the following options
1.1 Use Firewall
By selecting use firewall option i.e. selecting first option will enable the firewall option.
1.2. Use Honeypot
By selecting use honeypot option i.e. selecting second option will enable the firewall option
1.3. Use Dos/Ddos Detection
By selecting use Dos/Ddos option i.e. selecting third option will enable the firewall option.
1.4. Check logs
By selecting use Check logs option i.e. selecting first option will enable the firewall option.
1.5. Log out
By selecting log out option i.e. selecting the fifth option you will exit the IDS.


79 | P a g e
1.1. Use Firewall option
After selecting the use fire wall options you will have the following options shown in the
1. By selecting 1. Blocking IP address option will be enable.
This option enable the user to block the desired IP.
2. Bye selecting 2. Blocking mac address will be enable.
This option enable the user to block the desired mac address.
3. By selecting 3. Blocking port will be enable.
The option enable the user to block the desired ports.
4. By selecting 4. Block website option will be enable.
5. The option enable the user to block the desired website.
6. By selecting 5. Block Ads & Spamming IP Address will be enable
7. By selecting 6. Malware Or Evil Shell Finder will be enable
8. By selecting 7. Trojan scanner will be enable It will scan for any Trojan.
1.2. Use Honeypot option
After selecting the use honeypot options you will have the following options shown in the
1. By selecting 1.Create fake accessing point will be enable..
This option enable the IDS to create fake access point.
2. Bye selecting 2.Stop fake accessing point will be enable
This option disable the fake access point created earlier.
3. By selecting 3. Port Scanning Attack Detector will be enable.


80 | P a g e
The option enable the user to block the desired ports.
4. By selecting 4. Back to main menu.
This option will redirect user to the main menu.
1.3 Use Dos/Ddos
After selecting the Use Dos/Ddos Detection options you will have the following options
shown in the figure.
1. By selecting 1. Check For ARP Poisoning option will be enable
This option enable the user to block the desired IP.
2. By selecting 2. Check for HTTP Ddos will be enable.
This option enable the user to block the desired mac address.
3. By selecting 3. Check for UDP Ddos will be enable.
The option enable the user to block the desired ports.
4. By selecting 4. Check for TCP / IP Ddos will be enable.
5. By selecting 5.Check for SYN Ddos will be enable.
6. By selecting 6. Check for Establish Connection Attack will be enable.
7. By selecting 7. Block Dos-Ddos Automatic will be enable.
8. By selecting 8. Check Flooding or Dos Attack on Specific Port will be enable.
9. By selecting 9. Check Ping of Death Attack will be enable.
10. By selecting 10. Back to main menu.
This option will redirect user to the main menu.


81 | P a g e
1.4 UseLogs
After selecting Check logs options you will have the following options shown in the figure.
1. By selecting 1. Check Modification Time/date For Files option will be enable
2. By selecting 2. Check Permission Modification will be enable.
3. By selecting 3. Check Unexplained Changes in the File's Size will be enable.
4. By selecting 4. Modification to System boot logs will be enable.
5. By selecting 5Clean System logs will be enable.
6. By selecting 6. Check & Give Threshold Password to Accounts will be enable.
7. By selecting 7. Back to main menu.
This option will redirect user to the main menu.


82 | P a g e
Here are some of the snapshots of the Intrusion Detection System
Fig 11.1
Fig 11.2


83 | P a g e
Fig 11.3
Fig 11.4


84 | P a g e
Fig 11.5
Fig 11.6


85 | P a g e
Fig 11.7
Fig 11.8


86 | P a g e
Honey Pot
Fig 11.9


87 | P a g e
Fig 11.10
Fig 11.11


88 | P a g e
Fig 11.12
Fig 11.13


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Fig 11.14
Fig 11.15


90 | P a g e

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Intrusion Detection System Project Report

  • 2. 2 | P a g e CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT (Project Semester January- May, 2014) INTRUSION DETECTION SYSTEM Submitted by RAGHAV BISHT PROJECT GROUP NUMBER: Under the Guidance of
  • 3. 3 | P a g e Declaration We hereby declare that the project work entitled (Intrusion Detection System) is an authentic record of our own work carried out as requirements of Capstone Project for the award of degree of B.Tech in Information & Technology from Bharath University, Agharam Road Se- laiyur, Chennai, under the guidance of Dr. A. Kumaravel, during January to May, 2014. Student : Raghav Bisht Registration Number: 00000000 (Signature of Student 1)
  • 4. 4 | P a g e Certificate This is to certify that the declaration statement made by this group of students is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. The Capstone Project Proposal based on the technology (Intrusion Detection System) learnt is fit for the submission and partial fulfillment of the conditions for the award of B.Tech in Information & Technology from ( _______ University.) Name: U.ID: Designation: Signature of Faculty Mentor
  • 5. 5 | P a g e Contents S.NO TITLE PAGE NO. 1. Introduction 7 - 8 2. Profile Of The Problem 9 - 10 3. Existing System  Introduction  Existing Software  DFD For Present System 11 - 14 4. Problem Analysis  Product definition  Feasibility Analysis  Project Plan 15 - 18 5. Software Requirement Analysis  Specific Requirements 19 - 21 6. Design  Detail Design  Flowcharts  Pseudo Code 22 - 60 7. Testing  Functional Testing  Structural Testing  Penetration Testing 61 - 74 8. Implementation  Implementation Of The Project
  • 6. 6 | P a g e  Post-Implementation and Software Maintenance 75 9. Project Legacy  Current Status Of The Project  Remaining Areas Of Concern  Technical and Managerial Lessons Learnt 76 10. User Manual 77 - 81 11. Snapshots 82 - 89 12. Bibliography 90
  • 7. 7 | P a g e Introduction 1.1 Intrusion Detection Systems Intrusion Detection Systems help information systems prepare for, and deal with attacks. They accomplish this by collecting information from a variety of systems and network sources, and then analyzing the information for possible security problems.An intrusion detection system (IDS) examines system or network activity to find possible intrusions or attacks. Intrusion detection systems are either network-based or host-based.Network based intrusion detection systems are most common, and examine passing network traffic for signs of intrusion. Host-based systems look at user and process activity on the local machine for signs of intrusion. Since each type has specific strengths and weaknesses. There are three main components to the Intrusion Detection System 1. Network Node Intrusion Detection System (NNIDS)performs the analysis of the traffic that is passed from the network to a specific host. The difference between NIDS and NNIDS is that the traffic is monitored on thesingle host only and not for the entire subnet. Example of the NNIDS would be, installing it on a VPN device, to examine the traffic once it was decrypted. This way you can see if someone is trying to break into your VPN device.  Host Intrusion Detection System (HIDS) – takes a snap shot of your existing system files and matches it to the previous snap shot. If the critical system files were modified or deleted, the alert is sent to the administrator to investigate. Example of the HIDS can be seen on the mission critical machines that are not expected to change their configuration. 1.2 What Intrusion Detection System CAN And CAN NOT Provide The IDS however is not an answer to all your Security related problems. You have to know what you CAN, and CAN NOT expect of your IDS. In the following subsections I will try to show a few examples of what an Intrusion Detection Systems are capable of, but each network environment varies and each system needs to be tailored to meet your enterprise environment needs. The IDS CAN provide the following:  CAN add a greater degree of integrity to the rest of you infrastructure
  • 8. 8 | P a g e  CAN trace user activity from point of entry to point of impact  CAN recognize and report alterations to data  CAN automate a task of monitoring the Internet searching for the latest attacks  CAN detect when your system is under attack  CAN detect errors in your system configuration  CAN guide system administrator in the vital step of establishing a policy for your computing assets  CAN make the security management of your system possible by non-expert staff The IDS CAN NOT provide:  CAN NOT compensate for a weak identification and authentication mechanisms  CAN NOT conduct investigations of attacks without human intervention  CAN NOT compensate for weaknesses in network protocols  CAN NOT compensate for problems in the quality or integrity of information the system provides.  CAN NOT analyze all the traffic on a busy network  CAN NOT always deal with problems involving packet-level attacks  CAN NOT deal with some of the modern network hardware and features.
  • 9. 9 | P a g e 2. Profile Of The Problem Information Systems and Networks are subject to electronic attacks. Attempts to breach information security are rising every day, along with the availability of the Vulnerability Assessment tools that widely available on the Internet, for free, as well as for a commercial use. Tools such as Subs even,BackOrifce, Nmap, L0ftCrack, can all be used to scan, identify, probe, and penetrate your systems. Firewalls are put in place to prevent unauthorized access to the Enterprise Networks. Let‟s, however, ask ourselves: Are the firewalls enough? An example. Imagine that you have just purchased a state of the art Home Theatre System. Everyone who knows anything about electronics, have an idea of how much it may cost. After installing it, you decided that you might need to install new locks on all the doors in your house, because the old ones do not use the up to date secure mechanisms. You call the locksmith, and in about 2 month (if you are lucky) you have a new locks on your doors, and you are the only one who have the keys (well, maybe you mother have another pair). With that in mind you pack your things, and with whatever money you got left from you recent purchases, you go on vacation. As you came back a week later, you find that the Entertainment room looks different. After careful examination, you realize that your Home Theater System, that you were dwelling over for the last year, is missing. What worse is that your wife told you that the window in the kitchen is broken, and there is boot stains on the carpet, all over the house. That led you to believe that someone broke into your house, stole, and vandalized a lot of your prized possessions. After you wipe the tears from your eyes, you suddenly begin to vaguely remember the brochure that you got, about a burglar alarm installation in your neighborhood. You threw it away just a week before. The installation and monitoring would have cost you 19.95 a month with this promotional offer. Neglecting to install the system, is a secret that you would have to leave with for the rest of your life could you have prevented it from happening, were you to install an alarm? May be not completely, but the damage would be much less. The real life example above is the exact same analogy of what might happen to your network. What‟s worth is that the thief may be on your network for a long time, and you might not even know it. Firewalls are doing a good job guarding your front doors, but they do not have
  • 10. 10 | P a g e a possibility to alert you in case there is a backdoor or a hole in the infrastructure. Script kiddies are constantly scanning the Internet for known bugs in the system, including constant scans by subnets. More experienced crackers may be hired by your competitors, to target your network specifically, in order to gain competitive advantage. The list of threats can go on.
  • 11. 11 | P a g e 3. Existing Software In this section we will discuss some of the current generation intrusion detection system. 3.1 Introduction Network IDS The network IDS usually has two logical components: the sensor and the management station. The sensor sits on a network segment, monitoring it for suspicious traffic. The management station receives alarms from the sensor(s) and displays them to an operator. The sensors are usually dedicated systems that exist only to monitor the network. They have a network interface in promiscuous mode, which means they receive all network traffic not just that destined for their IP address and they capture passing network traffic for analysis. If they detect something that looks unusual, they pass it back to the analysis station. Host IDS The host-based IDS looks for signs of intrusion on the local host system. These frequently use the host system‟s audit and logging mechanism as a source of information for analysis. They look for unusual activity that is confined to the local host such as logins, improper file access, unapproved privilege escalation, or alterations on system privileges. This IDS architecture generally uses rule-based engines for analyzing activity; an example of such a rule might be, “super user privilege can only be attained through the su command.” Therefore successive login attempts to the root account might be considered an attack. 3.2 Existing software 3.2.1 SNORT Snort's open source network-based intrusion detection system (NIDS) has the ability to perform real-time traffic analysis and packet logging on Internet Protocol (IP) networks. Snort performs protocol analysis, content searching, and content matching. These basic services have many purposes including application-aware triggered quality of service, to de- prioritize bulk traffic when latency-sensitive applications are in use. The program can also be used to detect probes or attacks, including, but not limited to, operating system fingerprinting attempts, common gateway interface, buffer overflows,
  • 12. 12 | P a g e server message block probes, and stealth port scans. Snort can be configured in three main modes: sniffer, packet logger, and network intrusion detection. In sniffer mode, the program will read network packets and display them on the console. In packet logger mode, the program will log packets to the disk. In intrusion detection mode, the program will monitor network traffic and analyze it against a rule set defined by the user. The program will then perform a specific action based on what has been identified. Performance We obtained a profiling result of Snort (ver on Intel 2.0 GHz processor on DebianLinux 2.6.18 using a GNU gprof [11] profiler (ver 2.16). Snort was configured with five preprocessing components (Stream4, frag2, HTTP Inspect, Telnet decode and sfportscan) and6565 rules. The network traces used to obtain the profiling result was obtained from MITLincoln Lab's 1998 DARPA Intrusion Detection Evaluation project file (tcpdump file format)[12]. Table 1 shows the percentage of the total execution time used by each component(Profiling results depend on Snort configuration and test data. 3.2.2Tiger Tiger is a security tool that can be use both as a security audit and intrusion detection system. It supports multiple UNIX platforms and it is free and provided under a GPL license. Unlike other tools, Tiger needs only of POSIX tools and is written entirely in shell language. Tiger has some interesting features that merit its resurrection, including a modular design that is easy to expand, and its double edge, it can be used as an audit tool and a host intrusion detection system tool. Free Software intrusion detection is currently going many ways, from network IDS (with Snort), to the kernel (LIDS, or SNARE for Linux and Systrace for OpenBSD, for example), not mentioning file integrity checkers (many of these: aide, integrit samhain, tripwire...) and logcheckers (even more of these, check the Log Analysis pages). But few of them focus on the host-side of intrusion detection fully. Tiger complements this tools and also provides a framework in which all of them can work together. Tiger it is not a logchecker, nor it focused in integrity analysis. It does "the other stuff", it checks the system configuration and status. Read the manpage for a full description of checks implemented in Tiger.
  • 13. 13 | P a g e 3.3 DFD for present system IDS  Firewall  Honeypot  Ddos Defend Clients Server Attacks Alerts LOGS
  • 14. 14 | P a g e 3.4 What’s new in the system As we know IDS system are intrusion detection system and it can only detect the attack at real time so, as compare to 3rd party IDS software like SNORT & TIGER some new features are added to our IDS like :-  Trojans Scanner : It check the active connection and find the possible Trojans plus report the administrator about it.  Shell Finder : The program find the shell and back-connect backdoors in apache server and report it to the administrator.  PSAD : well known as "Port Scan Attack Detector". The concept of the PSAD is from well known book called "The Art Of War" By Sun Tzu where he states "If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles". Similar port scanning is the first step of the hacking to know your enemy so, PSAD detect and alert the administrator.  Fake Access Point : The fake access point is a honeypot which attract attacker and administrator can easily knows about attacker and its capabilities.  ADS Blocker : The program block ads and spam for user.
  • 15. 15 | P a g e 4. Problem Analysis In this phase all the problems associated with the IDS development process will be discussed and new uncovered problem will be discovered. 4.1 Product Definition There are various factors and benchmarks which are to be kept in mind whilst we design and develop a IDS . This phase of the IDS project development process decides the actual outcome of the IDS . The environment and the IDS objects in the system must support the storyline and should be rendered in such way that they are a treat to the eyes of the hackers.At the same time we‟ll have to make sure that the IDS is light weight so as to run at an optimal pace with minimum system requirements. Hence it is important to know the problems in hand and also to grade them in the best possible so that it would help us in deciding up on the factors that is to be given a higher priority while designing and developing the IDS. 4.2Feasibility Analysis It is an analysis of our idea related to the system and give a validity and make our idea important. It takes an effort and necessity of thinking ability about the system feasibility of a problem occurred. Feasibility is the study of a significant or strong influence, what occurs at the time of system development. The influence can be either positive or negative. The system is considered feasible when positivity entitles negativity. Feasibility study can be performed in various ways related to various fields, we are describing four important way of performing feasibility study which are described following:- 4.2.1 Technical Feasibility Technical feasibility of a system defines the compatibility, comfort, ability to achieve using current existing technology. It takes into attention weather the required technology is available or not and it also check for available resources like equipment‟s and software tools for development of the system. We can say that our developed system is technically feasible because we are not getting any difficulty related to resource of development and maintenance of this project. Whatever software tools related to the development of system are commonly available and easy to get from internet and any other way like shop, friends etc.
  • 16. 16 | P a g e 4.2.2 Economical Feasibility This system is highly economic feasible because it is not taking any extra tools other than our required tools for development which are easily available and free to download and use for development of projects. We need not to spend more money for the development of the system. It is making an environment for the development with an effective manner. If we do as it than we can see the maximum usability of the related resources of system. After development of this system, we need not to be attentive for this system. Therefore we can say that, this system is economically feasible. 4.2.3 Schedule Feasibility It is defined as the state of being probable and completed within scheduled time. Our Project can be fail when it takes too long to be completed before it is used. It means estimating the project with respect of time that how long this system will take to develop. Schedule feasibility is a measurement of is timetable for project is reasonable. We discuss with our team and decide is the project deadline reasonable? Our project is initiated with specific deadline. We have determined whether the deadlines are mandatory or desirable. 4.2.4 Operational Feasibility It is related to the measurement of performance of system for which purpose it is developed. It relates to all the functions and features related to the system and look for speed of execution of requests came from users and effectiveness of response in well manner. It provides an advantage of the opportunities introduced at time of scope definition and its satisfaction of requirement identified. It also provide satisfaction for phase of system development. It ensures desired operational outputs which is the part of design and development. It includes design parameters like reliability, maintainability, supportability, usability of system for users. There all parameters are required for consideration of stages of design. A design and development of system requires appropriate and timely application software for development and provide efforts to meet the mentioned parameters which are defined previously. A system performs its planned purpose most effectively when its technical and
  • 17. 17 | P a g e operational characteristics are identifies into the design. So, we can say that operational feasibility is a critical aspect of systems engineering that needs to be an integral part of the early design phases. 4.3 Project Plan Fig 4.3.1 : Project plan
  • 18. 18 | P a g e Jan to Feb : Fig 4.3.2 : Gantt Chart From Jan-Feb March to April : Fig 4.3.2 : Gantt Chart From March-April
  • 19. 19 | P a g e 5. Software Requirement Analysis 5.1. Specific Requirements  System Requirements  Linux Operating System. • Any penetration testing operating system like : o Backtrack OS o Kali OS o NodeZero OS o BlackBox Linux o BlackBuntu Linux o Samurai Web Testing Framework o Knoppix STD o Pentoo Linux o Weakerth4n Linux o Matriux Krypton o DEFT o CAINE o Bugtraq • Linux Distribution Like : o Fedora o Redhat o Ubuntu o OpenSuse o Slowloris o Bodhi o Xubuntu o Tails o Puppy Linux o Linux Mint o Google Chrome • Must Install Following Software's : o Support Perl Programming o Wireshark
  • 20. 20 | P a g e o Apache Server o Tcp-Dump o Tshark  System Architecture : • System Hardware Architecture : o Linux compatible laptop or PC With OS architecture x86 Or x64. o CPU : Core 2 Duo o RAM : At least 4Gb o HDD : 320Gb o Virtual Memory: Max Size: 12,215 MB o Network Card : Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller. • System Software Architecture : • Install Perl In UNIX Systems By Default Perl Package is installed test using " perl -v " Command. • Install PerlX-Assert-0.900_01 • Install TCP Dump Program • Install Wireshark Program • Install Tshark Programm • Install Apache Server • Install airmon-ng Program • Install airodump-ng Program • Install airplay-ng Program • Install airbase-ng Program • Configure DHCP Server • Install BrupSute Program • Install Driftnet Program • Install hamster & Ferret Program
  • 21. 21 | P a g e Tools Description SO.NO. TOOL USE 1. Perl Programming Language 2. Wireshark Packet Sniffing Tool 3. Tshark Command Line Packet Sniffing Tool 4. TCP DUMP TCP Traffic Intercepting Tool 5. Apache Server HTTPD Server to host Websites 6. Airmon-ng To Put wireless network card at monitor mode. 7. Airodump-ng To Dump All Wireless connection detail 8. Airplay-ng To do ARP Poisoning Attack on Base Stations 9. Airbase-ng To Create a New Base Station 10. DHCP Server To configure Networking such as IP-Address Ranges 11. BrupSute To Intercept Session Of Users 12. Driftnet To Sniff Images form captured packets 13. Hamster & Ferret To Sniff Documents from captured packets
  • 22. 22 | P a g e 6. Detail Design DFD For IDS Overview IDS Clients Server Attacks Alerts LOGS
  • 23. 23 | P a g e DFD For NIDS A.K.A Network-Based Intrusion Detection System IDS Honeypot / Firewall Server Ports / Sockets Website Attacker Attacks ARP Poisoning Flooding Scanning Input validation Router / SwitchAlerts !! Logs Internet IP Address Traffic
  • 24. 24 | P a g e DFD For HIDS A.K.A Host-Based Intrusion Detection System Client Logins File Modifications Server Logins File Modifications Tampering IDS SIV ( system integrity verifiers )  Modification Time/date  permission modification  unexplained changes in the file's size ALERT Logs  modification to system software and conf.  gaps in the system accounting  unusually slow system performance  system crashes or reboots  short or incomplete logs  missing logs or logs with incorrect permissions or ownership  unfamiliar processes  unusual graphic displays or texts
  • 25. 25 | P a g e Module 1 : Firewall xfsdfsd ATTACKER & Its Attack Firewall  Port Filtering  Mac Filtering  Ip Filtering  Spam's & Website Blocking USER SEND REQUEST & USER GET REQUEST ALERTS TO USER & Logs Creation
  • 26. 26 | P a g e Module 2 : Honeypot ALERTS TO USER & Logs Creation ATTACKER & Its Attack USER SEND REQUEST & USER GET REQUEST HONEYPOT  Fake Access Point  Port Scan Attack Detector
  • 27. 27 | P a g e Module 3 : Dos-D-Dos Attack ALERTS TO USER & Logs Creation ATTACKER & Its Attack USER SEND REQUEST & USER GET REQUEST Dos/D-Dos Attack Protection  HTTP Flood Detector  SYN Flood Detector  Ping Of Death Detector  UDP Flood Detector
  • 28. 28 | P a g e Module 3 : Logs ALERTS TO USER & Logs Creation ATTACKER & Its Attack USER SEND REQUEST & USER GET REQUEST Logs  Permission Modification  Size Modification  Logins Attempts  system boot  Clean logs
  • 29. 29 | P a g e 3. Flow Charts : Flow Chart Firewall: START Main Menu Honeypot, Ddos protection ,logs, logout(1,2,3,4,5) respectively. Option : 1 Firewall 1. Block Ip 2. Block Mac 3. Packet Filtering 4. website block 5. Go Back GO TO YES NO Run Successfully End
  • 30. 30 | P a g e Flow Chart Honeypot: START Main Menu Honeypot, Ddos protection ,logs, logout(1,2,3,4,5) respectively. Option : 2 Honeypot 1. Run Honeypot 2. Port scan detect. 3. Fake access point honeypot 4. Go Back GO TO YES NO Run Successfully End
  • 31. 31 | P a g e Flow Chart Dos/Ddos: START Main Menu Honeypot, Ddos protection ,logs, logout(1,2,3,4,5) respectively. Option : 3 Dos/Ddos 1. Anti ARP 2. Anti Http flood 3. Anti UDP flood 4. Tcp/Ip flood 5. Go back GO TO YES NO Run Successfully End
  • 32. 32 | P a g e Flow Chart Logs: START Main Menu Honeypot, Ddos protection ,logs, logout(1,2,3,4,5) respectively. Option : 1 Log Management 1. Logins 2. Modifications 3.Accounting 4. Password attempts 4. Go Back GO TO YES NO Run Successfully End
  • 33. 33 | P a g e Anti ARP spoofing detection Flow Chart : START READ: IP , READ: MAC IP=IP MAC=MAC No Spoofing Spoofing YES NO Repeat After Every 5 Sec
  • 34. 34 | P a g e Tcp / Ip Flood detection Flow Chart: START Check Network Status Connection greater then 1000 Flooding No Flood YES NO Repeat After Every 3 Sec
  • 35. 35 | P a g e UDP Flood detection Flow Chart: START Check Network Status Connection greater then 1000 Flooding No Flood YES NO Repeat After Every 3 Sec
  • 36. 36 | P a g e SYN Flood detection Flow Chart: START Check Network Status Connection greater then 1000 Flooding No Flood YES NO Repeat After Every 3 Sec
  • 37. 37 | P a g e Ping of Death A.K.A ICMP Flood detection Flow Chart: START Sniff ICMP Packets & Check there size Connection greater then 1000 Flooding No Flood YES NO Repeat After Every 3 Sec
  • 38. 38 | P a g e Established Connection Attack Flow Chart: START Check Network Connections Connection greater then 1000 DDos In Process No DDos YES NO Repeat After Every 3 Sec
  • 39. 39 | P a g e 0-63055 Ports Flood detection Flow Chart: START Start Sniffing Connection greater then 1000 Flooding No Flood YES NO Repeat After Every 3 Sec
  • 40. 40 | P a g e DDos Attack Blocker Flow Chart: START Check Network Status Connection greater then 1000 Ddos in progress No Flood YES NO Repeat After Every 3 Sec Add Ip To IPTABLES IP BLOCKING LIST Fetch IP ADDRESS
  • 41. 41 | P a g e Website & Spams Blocker Flow Chart: Website & Spam's Unblocking Flow Chart: START sudo sh -c 'echo " '$site'" >> /etc/hosts END START gedit /etc/hosts Remove Site Name END COMMAND INTERPRETER
  • 42. 42 | P a g e Malicious PHP Scripts Finder Flow Chart: START Enter Server IP Address Check HTTP Request for defined php scripts Malicious script found No Malicious Script found HTTP Response YES NO Response Remove PHP script Fetch Absolute Path for PHP script END
  • 43. 43 | P a g e IP Address, Mac Address & Port Blocking Flow Chart: START Enter IP, port, or MAC Address iptables -A INPUT -s <ip, port, mac> -j DROP COMMAND INTERPRETER END
  • 44. 44 | P a g e Trojans Scanner Flow Chart: START Enter Server IP Address Check For Established Network Connection On Specific Define Ports Trojans found Trojans Not found Port Is Open Port is closed END
  • 45. 45 | P a g e Fake Access Point Flow Chart: START Do IP Forwarding END List Ethernet Devices and choose interface. Start Networking Enter Access Point name Put interface on monitor mode Start airbase-ng Start DHCP Server Start Packet Monitoring Software’s If External Available If External notAvailable Use Default Interface
  • 46. 46 | P a g e Port Scanning Attack Detector Flow Chart: START T-shark Start Sniffing Sniff Specific TCP Flags END Found Not Found Repeat Every 5 sec Scan In Progress Scan Not In Progress Fetch Ip Address Of Attacker Display
  • 47. 47 | P a g e Checking Last Permission, Size, Files modification Flow Chart: START Enter File Path or File name END File Not Modified Check File Status Status Changed Status Not Changed File Have Been Modified
  • 48. 48 | P a g e Login Attempts Flow Chart: Option: 1- 8 Fail-log Check GO TO YES NO COMMAND INTERPRETER End START Main Menu Choose Options <1-8>  Check Failed Login Attempt For User  Check All Users Failed Login Attempt  To Lock User Account After Failed Login  To Lock Root Account After Failed Login  Set Maximum Number of Login Failures For User  Set Maximum Number of Login Failures For Root  Reset The Counters Of Login Failures"  To Reset Counter For User
  • 49. 49 | P a g e System Boot logs Flow Chart: Option: 1- 6 Check SYS LOG & Last Command GO TO YES NO COMMAND INTERPRETER End START Main Menu Choose Options <1-6>  Last Login Time  Last Boot Time  Last Reboot Time  Last Shutdown Time  Full Reboot Report  Full Shutdown Report
  • 50. 50 | P a g e 6.4. Pseudo codes:  Module 1 : Dos DDos  udp.sh  while check, if UDP Packets greater then 1000 print "UDP flood in Progress" else Print "UDP flood not in Progress"  TCP/IP.sh  while check, if tcp/ip connection is greater than 1000 print "flood in progress" else print "flood not in progress"  SYN.sh  while check, if SYN Packets greater then 1000 print "SYN flood in Progress" else Print "SYN flood not in Progress"  HTTP.sh  while check, if HTTP Connections are greater than 1000 print "HTTP flood in Progress" else Print "HTTP flood not in Progress"  EstablishConnection.sh  while check, if over all connection are greater than 2000 print "Establish Connection attack in Progress"
  • 51. 51 | P a g e else Print " Establish Connection attack in Progress"  PingOfDeathAttack.sh  start sniffer tshark on interface till count=200& save logs, while check, if logs contain ICMP Packets size greater than=65500 "or" packets count > 1000 print "ping of death attack in Progress" else Print " ping of death attack in Progress"  CheckFlood.sh  Enter network interface, Enter Port you want to check, start TCPDUMP, while check, if TCPDUMP packets count > 1000 print "flooding in Progress" else Print " flooding not in Progress"  Check.sh  Init_pro=$(ps -a | grep tcpdump --count) && while check, Curr_pro=$(ps -a | grep tcpdump --count) if Init_pro equal to Curr_pro print "Flooding in progress" else print "Flooding not in progress"  start xterm and run CheckFlood.sh & sane time run Check.sh  ArpPoisoningDetection.sh  fetch Original MAC Address : $original_mac fetch Default Gateway IP Address : $ip while check,
  • 52. 52 | P a g e fetch Current MAC Address : $current_mac fetch Default Gateway IP Address : $ip if $original_mac == $current_mac then, print" ARP Poisoning NOT In Progress" else print" ARP Poisoning In Progress" print"Suspect MAC: $current_mac" print"Suspect IP: $current_ip"  Module 2 : Firewall  Port_Filtering.sh  choose option : 1-4 if option 1: print "You Have Chosen Manually Blocking Of Incoming Port : " iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --destination-port $Po -j DROP else print "Wrong option" if option 2: print "You Have chosen Manually Blocking Outgoing Port: " iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport $out -j DROP else print "Wrong option" if option 3: print "You Have chosen Manually Allowing / Open TCP Incoming Port: " iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport $qw -j ACCEPT else print "Wrong option" if option 4: print "You Have chosen Manually Allowing / Open UDP Port: " iptables -I INPUT -p udp --dport $we -j ACCEPT else print "Wrong option" end
  • 53. 53 | P a g e  Ip_Address_Blocking.sh  choose option : 1-2 if option 1: print "You Have Chosen Manually Blocking Of IP: " use ufw deny from $ip command else print "Wrong option" if option 2: print "You Have chosen Manually Allowing Of IP :" sudo ufw allow from $al else end  Mac_Address_block.sh  choose option : 1-4 if option 1: print "You Manually Blocking MAC Address: " iptables -A INPUT -m mac --mac-source $mac -j DROP else print "Wrong option" if option 2: print "Manually Allowing MAC Address: " iptables -I INPUT -m mac --mac-source $al -j ACCEPT else print "Wrong option" if option 3: print "You Manually Allowing SSH Access to Specific MAC Address: " iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -m mac --mac-source $qw -j ACCEPT else print "Wrong option" if option 4: print "Manually Denying SSH Access to Specific MAC Address: " iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -m mac --mac-source $we -j REJECT else print "Wrong option" end
  • 54. 54 | P a g e  Spam_ip_block.sh  download file wget http://www.spamhaus.org/drop/drop.lasso fetch IP address cat $FILE | egrep -v '^;' | awk '{ print $1}' for ip, block , iptables -A droplist -s $ipblock -j LOG --log-prefix "DROP List Block" iptables -A droplist -s $ipblock -j DROP  website_block.sh  choose option : 1-2 if option 1: print "Manually Blocking Website: " open file /etc/hosts & print "echo " '$site'" else print "Wrong option" if option 2: print "Manually Unblocking Website:" open file /etc/host & remove '$site' else end  Evil_shell_finder.sh  enter server ip address create a function=@path for all possible paths & shell then, check HTTP get Request for, given php shells path if HTTP::Response=success print"full path of shell" else print"shell not found" end
  • 55. 55 | P a g e  Trojan_Scanner.sh  Enter victim server name create function =@ports for all special ports create function =@Trojans which contain all Trojans name for 0 to 171 check socket : $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerPort => "$po", PeerAddr => $victim, Proto => "tcp", Timeout => $timeout) if n=0 print "Trojan Found" else print "Not found " end  Module 3 : Honeypot  PortScanAttackDetector.sh  Enter Your Network Interface Start capturing TCP Flags and capture logs : tshark -i $fa -f "ip proto 6 or ip proto 17" -R "tcp.flags == 16 or tcp.flags == 1 or tcp.flags == 2 or tcp.flags == 18 or tcp.flags == 41 or tcp.flags == 16 or tcp.flags == 0 or ip.len == 28 or icmp.type == 8" >> /root/Desktop/ids/Honeypot/HoneypotLog/Port_Attack_Scan  Main.sh  Choose Interface : cat /tmp/ethlist Run program : xterm -hold -e sh /root/Desktop/ids/Honeypot/Port_Scan_attack_Detect.sh | xterm -hold -e sh /root/Desktop/ids/Honeypot/check.sh  Check.sh  if current file size is not equal to initial file size print "Scanning in progress" else print "Scanning not in progress" end
  • 56. 56 | P a g e  fake_access_point.sh  Select a wireless interface to use for the AP : selectWirelessInterface () use iwconfig print result cat /tmp/ethlist Start Networking networking() if USER input Y or y : then, service networking start elif USER input N or n : then, call function selectWirelessInterface() print "Check for external connection" if USER input Y or y : then, ifconfig $wlan up Start monitor : monitor() print "Starting monitor device putting your device in monitor mode... " airmon-ng start $wlan Start fake access point : createAP () print"Use default ESSID [Free Public WiFi][Y/N]?" if USER enter N then print"What will the AP name be?" print"Start Access Point [Y/N]?" print"AP name will be $nameap" if User Enter Y : airbase-ng -P -e $nameap $monintme else : airbase-ng -e $nameap $monintme active external interface : ExternalAccess () print "Please wait network routing is on run......" iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o $wlan -s -j MASQUERADE echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward start: startRodents ()
  • 57. 57 | P a g e /pentest/sniffers/hamster/hamster & /pentest/sniffers/hamster/ferret -i at0 & capture image : captureImages () driftnet -i at0 -a -d /tmp/driftimages start brupsuite : startBurp () /root/burpme.sh Call all functions one by one : network monitor createAP ExternalAccess dhcp routing captureImages startRodents startBurp  Kill_fake_access_point.sh  stop networking :stopNetworking () service networking stop stop fake access point : killAP () print"Killing Fake Access Point" basepid=`ps -ef | grep -i [a]irbase | awk '{ print $2 }'` kill -9 $basepid Kill all external access : killExternalAccess () print "Stopping DHCP server..." ifconfig at0 down Kill Routing : noRouteAPClients () print "Killing routing..."
  • 58. 58 | P a g e iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -o wlan0 -s -j MASQUERADE echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward Call all functions : noRouteAPClients stopDHCP killExternalAccess killAP stopMonitor stopNetworking  Module 4 : Logs Management  Last_Modification_of_file.sh  Enter file full path if 1 then check /dev/null else print "command not found" end if check time of last access : stat -c %x $FILE time of last modification : stat -c %y $FILE time of last change : stat -c %z $FILE end  Modified_size.sh  Enter file full path if 1 then check /dev/null else print "command not found" end if Inode Numbe Of File : stat -c %i $FILE Input/Output Block Size : stat -c %o $FILE Total Size in Bytes : stat -c %s $FILE Fundamental block size (for block counts) : stat -c %S $FILE Number of blocks allocated : stat -c %c $FILE end
  • 59. 59 | P a g e  Modified_permission.sh  Enter file full path if 1 then check /dev/null else print "command not found" end if Permission of file : ls -l $FILE SELinux security context string : stat -c %C $FILE Number of hard links : stat -c %h $FILE end  System_Boot_Logs.sh  choose option 1-7 if option is 1 : print"Last Login is :" last login elif option is 2 : print "Last Boot Time is :" who -b elif option is 3 : print "Last Reboot Time is : " last reboot | head -1 elif option is 4 : print "Last Shutdown Time is : " last -x | grep shutdown | head -1 elif option is 5 : print "Full Reboot Report is : " last reboot elif option is 6 : print "Full Shutdown Report is : " last -x | grep shutdown elif option is 7 : print "wrong code" exit end if  System_Boot_Logs.sh  choose option 1-8 if option is 1 : print" Failed Login Attempt For User :" faillog -u $root elif option is 2 :
  • 60. 60 | P a g e print "All Users Failed Login Attempt :" faillog -a elif option is 3 : print "Lock User Account After Failed Login :" faillog -l $sec -u $usr elif option is 4 : print "Lock Root Account After Failed Login :" faillog -l $ro elif option is 5 : print "Maximum Number of Login Failures For User Accounts :" faillog -M $d -u $u elif option is 6 : print "Maximum Number of Login Failures For Root Accounts :" faillog -M $f elif option is 7 : print"Reset The Counters Of Login Failures :" faillog -r elif option 8 : print"To Reset Counter For User :" faillog -r -u $v elif option is 9 : print "wrong code" exit end if
  • 61. 61 | P a g e 7. TESTING 7.1 Functional Testing In Functional testing we need check the each components are functioning as expected or not, so it is also called as Component Testing Functional testing is to testing the functionality of the software application under test. Basically, it is to check the basic functionality mentioned in the functional specification document. Also check whether software application is meeting the user expectations. We can also say that checking the behavior of the software application against test specification. This type of testing is mandatory and irrespective of what type of application this should be exercised. What all need to be check in Functional Testing: 2. Is software is functioning as it should do? 3. Is software is not functioning as it should not do? 4. Is software is not doing as it not intended to do?‟ 7.2. Structural Testing The structural testing is the testing of the structure of the system or component.Structural testing is often referred to as „white box‟ or „glass box‟ or „clear-box testing‟ because in structural testing we are interested in what is happening „inside the system/application‟.In structural testing the testers are required to have the knowledge of the internal implementations of the code. Here the testers require knowledge of how the software is implemented, how it works. During structural testing the tester is concentrating on how the software does it. For example, a structural technique wants to know how loops in the software are working. Different test cases may be derived to exercise the loop once, twice, and many times. This may be done regardless of the functionality of the software.Structural testing can be used at all levels of testing. Developers use structural testing in component testing and component integration testing, especially where there is good tool support for code coverage. Structural testing is also used in system and acceptance testing, but the structures are different. For example, the
  • 62. 62 | P a g e coverage of menu options or major business transactions could be the structural element in system or acceptance testing. Here is some of the tests we performed Test1: Ping of death attack Expected Result: Ping of Death Attack Should Start Actual Result: Ping of Death Attack Started Fig 7.1
  • 63. 63 | P a g e Test 2: Check Flooding or Dos Attack Expected Result: Flooding or Dos Attack Scanning Should Start Actual Result: Flooding or Dos Attack Scanning Started Fig 7.2 Test 3: Check DDos or Dos Attack Expected Result: DDos or Dos Attack Checking Should Start Actual Result: DDos or Dos Attack Scanning Started Fig 7.3
  • 64. 64 | P a g e Test 4: Check Establish Connection Attack Expected Result: Establish Connection Attack Scanning Should Start Actual Result: Establish Connection Scanning Started Fig 7.4 Test 5:Block I.P Address Expected Result: Interface for Blocking I.P Address Should Open Actual Result: Interface for Blocking I.P Address is Opened Fig 7.5
  • 65. 65 | P a g e Test 6: Block Mac Address Expected Result: Interface for Blocking Mac Address Should Open Actual Result: Interface for Blocking Mac Address is Opened Fig 7.6 Test 7:Blacklisting Ports Expected Result: Interface for Blocking/AllowingPorts Should Open Actual Result: Interface for Blocking/Allowing Ports is Opened Fig 7.7
  • 66. 66 | P a g e 7.3 Penetration Testing 1. Test for Resource Exhaustion • IDS are prone to resource exhaustion attacks • Every IDS system has memory, CPU, or bandwidth limitations • The IDS performance might degrade or fail if these resources are exhausted • Test by sending large amounts of traffic to the IDS system Fig 7.3.1 2. Test the IDS by Sending ARP Flood • Flood the network by sending ARP packets. • See the IDS response and how it reacts to this attack.
  • 67. 67 | P a g e fig 7.3.2 3.Test the IDS by MAC Spoofing • Traffic can be disrupted on a network if two Ethernet adapters have exactly the same hardware (or MAC – Media Access Control) addresses • Test the IDS by sending spoofed MAC addresses 4.Test the IDS by IP Spoofing • Spoof the IP address to flood the IDS • See for the responses received Ip And mac Spoofing Protection : Packet filtering: Packet filters inspect packets as they are transmitted across a network. Packet filters are useful in IP address spoofing attack prevention because they are capable of filtering out and blocking packets with conflicting source address information (packets from outside the network that show source addresses from inside the network and vice-versa).
  • 68. 68 | P a g e Avoid trust relationships: Organizations should develop protocols that rely on trust relationships as little as possible. It is significantly easier for attackers to run spoofing attacks when trust relationships are in place because trust relationships only use IP addresses for authentication. Use spoofing detection software: There are many programs available that help organizations detect spoofing attacks, particularly ARP spoofing. These programs work by inspecting and certifying data before it is transmitted and blocking data that appears to be spoofed. Use cryptographic network protocols: Transport Layer Security (TLS), Secure Shell (SSH), HTTP Secure (HTTPS), and other secure communications protocols bolster spoofing attack prevention efforts by encrypting data before it is sent and authenticating data as it is received. 5. Ping of Death Test IP specifications prohibit the creation of packets greater than 65535 bytes in length. However, packet fragmentation permits an attacker to transmit packets exceeding this length. The "Ping of Death" attack involves transmitting a fragmented ICMP echo packet greater than 65535 bytes in length to a vulnerable system. When the victim system networking stack reassembly code reassembles the packet, the allocated buffer may not be able to accommodate the packet. This can cause the system to crash, restart, or behave in unpredictable ways. If a Ping Of Death is issued against a system that is immune to such attacks, the reply to the ping will also be a Ping Of Death. The first of the two events points to the attacker. This attack is not limited to ICMP and can be exploited with any protocol that uses IP. fig 7.3.5
  • 69. 69 | P a g e 6. Test for Odd Sized Packets • It is highly suspicious if a fragmented packet has a length that is not an even multiple of 8, since packets are fragmented in multiples of 8. 7. Test by Sending a Packet to Port 0-65500 • Test for checking network traffic on all ports. 8. Test by Sending a Packet to Port 0 • For both TCP and UDP, port 0 traffic is considered unusual, since it is officially a reserved port and shouldn‟t be used for any network communications. Any port 0 traffic is probably not legitimate, since the packets are probably generated synthetically. fig 7.3.8 9. Test TCP Flags.  (none) • A packet with no flags is neither Session Initiation (SYN), Midstream (ACK), nor Termination (FIN/RST). It is not part of any valid TCP transaction.  SYN/FIN • The flag combination indicates both Session Initiation (SYN) and Session Termination (FIN).  SYN/RST • The flag combination indicates both Session Initiation (SYN) and Session Termination (RST).  SYN/FIN/ACK • This flag combination indicates Session Initiation (SYN), Midstream (ACK), and Session Termination (FIN).
  • 70. 70 | P a g e  SYN/RST/ACK • This flag combination indicates Session Initiation (SYN), Midstream (ACK), and Session Termination (RST).  All Flags • Often called the Xmas Tree flag combination, this combines the problem of Initiation, Midstream, and Termination flags with the PSH and URG flags. 10. Test the IDS by Sending SYN Floods • Many TCP implementations are vulnerable to a resource-exhaustion attack known as SYN flooding, in which excessive requests are made to create sessions, thus causing memory utilization to occur • If these SYN packets are spoofed from addresses that do not exist, no response packet containing SYN/ACK will be received, and the pending connection queue will expand 11. Test the IDS by Sending HTTP Floods • Many TCP implementations are vulnerable to a resource-exhaustion attack known as HTTP flooding, in which excessive requests are made to get server responses. 12. Test the IDS by Sending UDP Floods • Many TCP implementations are vulnerable to a resource-exhaustion attack known as UDP flooding, in which excessive flow of packets towards victim. 13. Test the IDS by Checking TCP/Ip Connections • Many TCP implementations are vulnerable to a resource-exhaustion attack known as TCP/IP flooding. In this huge amount of data is send to server on different protocols. 14. Test the IDS by Checking Establish Connection • In establish connection attack we check all IP address connected to our serve is making server resource 100% consume. Eg. Ra Flooding attack for IPv6 IPs. 15. Test for Backscatter  The term backscatter refers to the response SYN/ACK packets that a SYN-flooded host will send in response to receiving the SYN packets
  • 71. 71 | P a g e  If the source address of the original SYN packet is spoofed, the SYN/ACKs will be sent to that spoofed address, which may use all the network bandwidth for the spoofed host or network  Backscatter can easily be detected as a flood of SYN/ACK packets without an initial SYN being sent 16. Test the IDS With ICMP Packets • ICMP packet spoofing can be used to create denial-of-service situations by falsely propagating error indications throughout the network 17. Test Using TCP Replay • How does TCPReplay help test NIDS systems? • Performance degrades as network traffic increases • Attacks are hidden by heavily loaded traffic 18. Locate the firewall  Craft an SYN packet using Hping or any other packet crafter send it to the firewall  If you get ICMP unreachable type 13 message (which is admin prohibited packet) with a source IP address of access control device, usually this is a packet filter firewall  Tool • hping2 www.xsecurity.com –c2 –S –p23 –n • ICMP Unreachable type 13 from 19. Port Scan the Firewall  Most firewall implementations have default ports in use for remote management purposes  Example: user authentication, management, VPN connections etc  Tool: • #nmap –n –vv –P0 –p256, 1080 <www.xsecurity.com> 20. Create Custom Packets and Look for Firewall Responses  Creating custom packets that are sent towards the firewall can elicit unique responses from the firewall  This can also be used to determine the type of firewall  Example: hping –c 2 –S –p 23 –n
  • 72. 72 | P a g e HPING (eth0 ): S set, 40 data bytes 60 bytes from : flags=RA seg=0 ttl=59 id=0 win=0 time=0.4 ms 21. Test Access Control Enumeration  Use Nmap to enumerate the firewall access control list  Nmap shows three states of ports 1. Open – port is listening 2. Filtered – port is blocked by an access control device (Router/Firewall) 3. Unfiltered – traffic is passing from access control devices (Firewall/Router) but the port is not open  Example: #nmap –sA Interesting ports on (The 65530 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: filtered) PORT STATE SERVICE 110/tcp UNfiltered pop-3 13701/tcp UNfiltered VeritasNetbackup 13711/tcp UNfiltered VeritasNetbackup 13721/tcp UNfiltered VeritasNetbackup 13782/tcp UNfiltered VeritasNetbackup Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 12205.371 seconds 22. Test to Identify Firewall Architecture  Hping2 is a tool for custom packet crafting  Use hping2 to identify: • Open • Blocked • Dropped • Rejected packets
  • 73. 73 | P a g e 23. Test Firewall Using Fire-walking Tool  Firewalk can be used to discover open ports behind a firewall and it can be used for access control list discovery  Helps determine open ports on a firewall (packet filter)  Firewalk determines if a given port is allowed through a F/W  Traceroute to any machine behind the firewall or the router before the firewall  Once the hop count of the router is known, we can change our TTL value for our IP packet to be 1 more than the hop count of the router & perform a port scan on the firewall  Thus if “TTL exceeded error” comes back then port on the firewall is open 24.Test Covert Channels  Install a backdoor on a victim machine inside the network  Reverse connect to a machine outside the firewall  Tools: WWW Reverse Shell 25. Overview Report  56 Tests With Comparison to "Other Top 10 IDS " SO.NO. TESTS OTHER IDS 1 Test for Resource Exhaustion Y Y 2 IDS by Sending ARP Flood Y Y 3 Test the IDS by MAC Spoofing Y Y 4 IP Spoofing Y Y 5 Test by Sending a Packet to the Broadcast Address Y N 6 Inconsistent Packets Y N 7 Test IP Packet Fragmentation Y N 8 Duplicate Fragments Y N 9 Test for Overlapping Fragments N N 10 Ping of Death Y Y 11 Test for Odd Sized Packets Y Y 12 TTL Evasion Y N 13 Test by Sending a Packet to Port 0 Y Y 14 UDP Checksum N N 15 Test for TCP Retransmissions N N 16 TCP Flag Manipulation Y N 17 Test TCP Flags Y Y 18 Test the IDS by Sending SYN Floods Y Y 19 Sequence Number Prediction N N 20 Test for Backscatter Y Y
  • 74. 74 | P a g e 21 Test the IDS With ICMP Packets Y Y 22 IDS Using Covert Channels N N 23 Test Using TCPReplay N N 24 Test Using TCPOpera N N 25 Test Using Method Matching N N 26 Test the IDS Using URL Encoding N N 27 Test the IDS Using Double Slashes N N 28 Test the IDS for Reverse Traversal N N 29 Test for Self Reference Directories N N 30 Test for Premature Request Ending N N 31 Test for IDS Parameter Hiding N N 32 Test for HTTP-Misformatting N N 33 Test for Long URLs N N 34 Test for Dos/Win Directory Syntax N N 35 Test for Null Method Processing N N 36 Test for Case Sensitivity N N 37 Test Session Splicing N N 38 Test heavy loads on server Y Y 39 Check for DoS vulnerable systems Y Y 40 Run SYN attack on server Y Y 41 Run Ping of Death Y Y 42 Run e-mail bomber on e-mail servers N N 43 Flood the website forms and guestbook with bogus entries N N 44 Place huge orders on e-commerce gateways and cancel before reaching the credit card screen N N 45 Locate the firewall Y Y 46 Traceroute to identify the network range Y N 47 Port scan the router Y Y 48 Grab the banner Y N 49 Create custom packets and look for firewall responses Y Y 50 Test Access Control Enumeration Y Y 51 Test to identify firewall architecture Y N 52 Test firewall using firewalking tool Y N 53 Test for Port Redirection N N 54 Test Covert channels N Y 55 Test HTTP Tunneling N N 56 Test Firewall specific vulnerabilities N N
  • 75. 75 | P a g e 8. Implementation 8.1 Implementation of the project Planning : 8.2 Post-Implementation and Software Maintenance  From January 2014 to April 2014 - 5 versions of software is launched.  Updates like Scanners & Honeypot are introduce in the software.  Update like IPS Intrusion preventing system is introduce in the system.
  • 76. 76 | P a g e 9. Project Legacy 9.1 Current Status of the project SO. NO Project Status 1. Planning Complete 2. Information Gathering Complete 3. Design Complete 4. Source Code Complete 5. Testing Complete 6. Working Complete 9.1 Remaining Areas of concern  Firewall specific vulnerabilities  HTTP Tunneling  Covert channels  Port Redirection  Grab the banner  Traceroute to identify the network range  Sequence Number Prediction  TCP Retransmissions  UDP Checksum  Overlapping Fragments 9.1 Technical and Managerial lessons learnt  Create plans  Justify Project  Investigate options  Plan Security  Plan Access  Training
  • 77. 77 | P a g e 10. User Manual 10.1 Introduction Ever wonder someone spoofing around or accessing your data illegally or hacking your website? If answer to any of the above questions is a yes then you have come to the right place. Intrusion Detection Systems help information systems prepare for, and deal with attacks. They accomplish this by collecting information from a variety of systems and network sources, and then analyzing the information for possible security problems. An intrusion detection system (IDS) examines system or network activity to find possible intrusions or attacks. Intrusion detection systems are either network-based or host-based. Network based intrusion detection systems are most common, and examine passing network traffic for signs of intrusion. Host-based systems look at user and process activity on the local machine for signs of intrusion. Since each type has specific strengths and weaknesses. 10.2 Minimum requirements Before installing the IDS make sure to check this section of the guide to check whether your PC is equipped with the required hardware to run the IDS efficiently. Hardware Minimum Specification Recommend Specification PROCESSOR Intel core2duo or higher Intel i3 MEMORY 512 MB DDR3 1 GB DDR3 DISK SPACE 50 MB 100 MB
  • 78. 78 | P a g e 10.3 The IDS Menu 1. Main menu The main menu will have the following options 1.1 Use Firewall By selecting use firewall option i.e. selecting first option will enable the firewall option. 1.2. Use Honeypot By selecting use honeypot option i.e. selecting second option will enable the firewall option 1.3. Use Dos/Ddos Detection By selecting use Dos/Ddos option i.e. selecting third option will enable the firewall option. 1.4. Check logs By selecting use Check logs option i.e. selecting first option will enable the firewall option. 1.5. Log out By selecting log out option i.e. selecting the fifth option you will exit the IDS.
  • 79. 79 | P a g e 1.1. Use Firewall option After selecting the use fire wall options you will have the following options shown in the figure 1. By selecting 1. Blocking IP address option will be enable. This option enable the user to block the desired IP. 2. Bye selecting 2. Blocking mac address will be enable. This option enable the user to block the desired mac address. 3. By selecting 3. Blocking port will be enable. The option enable the user to block the desired ports. 4. By selecting 4. Block website option will be enable. 5. The option enable the user to block the desired website. 6. By selecting 5. Block Ads & Spamming IP Address will be enable 7. By selecting 6. Malware Or Evil Shell Finder will be enable 8. By selecting 7. Trojan scanner will be enable It will scan for any Trojan. 1.2. Use Honeypot option After selecting the use honeypot options you will have the following options shown in the figure 1. By selecting 1.Create fake accessing point will be enable.. This option enable the IDS to create fake access point. 2. Bye selecting 2.Stop fake accessing point will be enable This option disable the fake access point created earlier. 3. By selecting 3. Port Scanning Attack Detector will be enable.
  • 80. 80 | P a g e The option enable the user to block the desired ports. 4. By selecting 4. Back to main menu. This option will redirect user to the main menu. 1.3 Use Dos/Ddos After selecting the Use Dos/Ddos Detection options you will have the following options shown in the figure. 1. By selecting 1. Check For ARP Poisoning option will be enable This option enable the user to block the desired IP. 2. By selecting 2. Check for HTTP Ddos will be enable. This option enable the user to block the desired mac address. 3. By selecting 3. Check for UDP Ddos will be enable. The option enable the user to block the desired ports. 4. By selecting 4. Check for TCP / IP Ddos will be enable. 5. By selecting 5.Check for SYN Ddos will be enable. 6. By selecting 6. Check for Establish Connection Attack will be enable. 7. By selecting 7. Block Dos-Ddos Automatic will be enable. 8. By selecting 8. Check Flooding or Dos Attack on Specific Port will be enable. 9. By selecting 9. Check Ping of Death Attack will be enable. 10. By selecting 10. Back to main menu. This option will redirect user to the main menu.
  • 81. 81 | P a g e 1.4 UseLogs After selecting Check logs options you will have the following options shown in the figure. 1. By selecting 1. Check Modification Time/date For Files option will be enable 2. By selecting 2. Check Permission Modification will be enable. 3. By selecting 3. Check Unexplained Changes in the File's Size will be enable. 4. By selecting 4. Modification to System boot logs will be enable. 5. By selecting 5Clean System logs will be enable. 6. By selecting 6. Check & Give Threshold Password to Accounts will be enable. 7. By selecting 7. Back to main menu. This option will redirect user to the main menu.
  • 82. 82 | P a g e Snapshots Here are some of the snapshots of the Intrusion Detection System Firewall Fig 11.1 Fig 11.2
  • 83. 83 | P a g e Fig 11.3 Fig 11.4
  • 84. 84 | P a g e Fig 11.5 Fig 11.6
  • 85. 85 | P a g e Fig 11.7 Fig 11.8
  • 86. 86 | P a g e Honey Pot Fig11.9 Fig 11.9
  • 87. 87 | P a g e Fig 11.10 Fig 11.11
  • 88. 88 | P a g e Fig 11.12 Fig 11.13
  • 89. 89 | P a g e Fig 11.14 Fig 11.15
  • 90. 90 | P a g e 12. REFERENCES http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White-box_testing http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Functional_testing