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Electrical Engineering 
Textbook Series 
Richard C. Dorf, Series Editor 
University of California, Davis 
Forthcoming and Published Titles 
Applied Vector Analysis 
Matiur Rahman and Isaac Mulolani 
Continuous Signals and Systems with MATLAB 
Taan EIAli and Mohammad A. Karim 
Discrete Signals and Systems with MATLAB 
Taan EIAIi 
Edward J. Rothwell and Michael J. Cloud 
Optimal Control Systems 
Desineni Subbaram Naidu
Desineni Subbaram Naidu 
Idaho State Universitv. 
Pocatello. Idaho. USA 
Boca Raton London New York Washington, D.C.
Cover photo: Terminal phase (using fuel-optimal control) of the lunar landing of the Apollo 11 mission. 
Courtesy of NASA. TJ 
N1. b'~ 
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data 
Naidu, D. s. (Desineni S.), 1940- 
Optimal control systems I by Desineni Subbaram N aidu. 
p. cm.- (Electrical engineering textbook series) 
Includes bibliographical references and index. 
ISBN 0-8493-0892-5 (alk. paper) 
1. Automatic control. 2. Control theory. 3. Mathematical optimization. I. Title II. 
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International Standard Book Number 0-8493-0892-5 
Library of Congress Card Number 2002067415 
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"Because the shape of the whole universe is most per­fect 
and, in fact, designed by the wisest Creator, nothing 
in all of the world will occur in which no maximum or 
minimum rule is somehow shining forth. " 
Leohard Euler, 1144
My deceased parents who shaped my life 
Desineni Rama Naidu 
Desineni Subbamma 
My teacher who shaped my education 
Buggapati A udi Chetty
Many systems, physical, chemical, and economical, can be modeled 
by mathematical relations, such as deterministic and/or stochastic dif­ferential 
and/or difference equations. These systems then change with 
time or any other independent variable according to the dynamical re­lations. 
It is possible to steer these systems from one state to another 
state by the application of some type of external inputs or controls. 
If this can be done at all, there may be different ways of doing the 
same task. If there are different ways of doing the same task, then 
there may be one way of doing it in the "best" way. This best way can 
be minimum time to go from one state to another state, or maximum 
thrust developed by a rocket engine. The input given to the system 
corresponding to this best situation is called "optimal" control. The 
measure of "best" way or performance is called "performance index" 
or "cost function." Thus, we have an "optimal control system," when a 
system is controlled in an optimum way satisfying a given performance 
index. The theory of optimal control systems has enjoyed a flourishing 
period for nearly two decades after the dawn of the so-called "modern" 
control theory around the 1960s. The interest in theoretical and prac­tical 
aspects of the subject has sustained due to its applications to such 
diverse fields as electrical power, aerospace, chemical plants, economics, 
medicine, biology, and ecology. 
Aim and Scope 
In this book we are concerned with essentially the control of physical 
systems which are "dynamic" and hence described by ordinary differ­ential 
or difference equations in contrast to "static" systems, which are 
characterized by algebraic equations. Further, our focus is on "deter­ministic" 
systems only. 
The development of optimal control theory in the sixties revolved 
around the "maximum principle" proposed by the Soviet mathemati­cian 
L. S. Pontryagin and his colleagues whose work was published in 
English in 1962. Further contributions are due to R. E. Kalman of the 
United States. Since then, many excellent books on optimal control 
theory of varying levels of sophistication have been published. 
This book is written keeping the "student in mind" and intended 
to provide the student a simplified treatment of the subject, with an
appropriate dose of mathematics. Another feature of this book is to 
assemble all the topics which can be covered in a one-semester class. 
A special feature of this book is the presentation of the procedures in 
the form of a summary table designed in terms of statement of the prob­lem 
and a step-by-step solution of the problem. Further, MATLAB© 
and SIMULINK© 1 , including Control System and Symbolic Math 
Toolboxes, have been incorporated into the book. The book is ideally 
suited for a one-semester, second level, graduate course in control sys­tems 
and optimization. 
Background and Audience 
This is a second level graduate text book and as such the background 
material required for using this book is a first course on control sys­tems, 
state space analysis, or linear systems theory. It is suggested that 
the student review the material in Appendices A and B given at the 
end of the book. This book is aimed at graduate students in Electrical, 
Mechanical, Chemical, and Aerospace Engineering and Applied Math­ematics. 
It can also be used by professional scientists and engineers 
working in a variety of industries and research organizations. 
This book has grown out of my lecture notes prepared over many years 
of teaching at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur, and 
Idaho State University (ISU), Pocatello, Idaho. As such, I am indebted 
to many of my teachers and students. In recent years at ISU, there are 
many people whom I would like to thank for their encouragement and 
cooperation. First of all, I would like to thank the late Dean Hary 
Charyulu for his encouragement to graduate work and research which 
kept me "live" in the area optimal control. Also, I would like to mention 
a special person, Kevin Moore, whose encouragement and cooperation 
made my stay at ISU a very pleasant and scholarly productive one for 
many years during 1990-98. During the last few years, Dean Kunze 
and Associate Dean Stuffie have been of great help in providing the 
right atmosphere for teaching and research work. 
IMATLAB and SIMULINK are registered trademarks of The Mathworks, Inc., Natick, MA, 
Next, my students over the years were my best critics in providing 
many helpful suggestions. Among the many, special mention must be 
made about Martin Murillo, Yoshiko Imura, and Keith Fisher who 
made several suggestions to my manuscript. In particular, Craig Rieger 
( of Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory 
(INEEL)) deserves special mention for having infinite patience in writ­ing 
and testing programs in MATLAB© to obtain analytical solutions 
to matrix Riccati differential and difference equations. 
The camera-ready copy of this book was prepared by the author 
using H'IEX of the PCTEX322 Version 4.0. The figures were drawn 
using CoreiDRAW3 and exported into H'IEX document. 
Several people at the publishing company CRC Press deserve men­tion. 
Among them, special mention must be made about Nora Konopka, 
Acquisition Editor, Electrical Engineering for her interest, understand­ing 
and patience with me to see this book to completion. Also, thanks 
are due to Michael Buso, Michelle Reyes, Helena Redshaw, and Judith 
Simon Kamin. I would like to make a special mention of Sean Davey 
who helped me in many issues regarding H'IEX. Any corrections and 
suggestions are welcome via email to naiduds@isu. edu 
Finally, it is my pleasant duty to thank my wife, Sita and my daugh­ters, 
Radhika and Kiranmai who have been a great source of encour­agement 
and cooperation throughout my academic life. 
Desineni Subbaram Naidu 
Pocatello, Idaho 
June 2002 
2:rg..'lEX is a registered trademark of Personal 'lEX, Inc., Mill Valley, CA. 
3CorelDRAW is a registered trademark of Corel Corporation or Corel Corporation Limited.
The permissions given by 
1. Prentice Hall for D. E. Kirk, Optimal Control Theory: An Intro­duction, 
Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1970, 
2. John Wiley for F. L. Lewis, Optimal Control, John Wiley & Sons, 
Inc., New York, NY, 1986, 
3. McGraw-Hill for M. Athans and P. L. Falb, Optimal Control: 
An Introduction to the Theory and Its Applications, McGraw-Hill 
Book Company, New York, NY, 1966, and 
4. Springer-Verlag for H. H. Goldstine, A History of the Calculus of 
Variations, Springer-Verlag, New York, NY, 1980, 
are hereby acknowledged.
Desineni "Subbaram" Naidu received his B.E. degree in Electrical Engineer­ing 
from Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, India, and M.Tech. and Ph.D. 
degrees in Control Systems Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technol­ogy 
(lIT), Kharagpur, India. He held various positions with the Department of 
Electrical Engineering at lIT. Dr. Naidu was a recipient of a Senior National 
Research Council (NRC) Associateship of the National Academy of Sciences, 
Washington, DC, tenable at NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, 
Virginia, during 1985-87 and at the U. S. Air Force Research Laboratory 
(AFRL) at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (WPAFB), Ohio, during 1998- 
99. During 1987-90, he was an adjunct faculty member in the Department of 
Electrical and Computer Engineering at Old Dominion University, Norfolk, 
Virginia. Since August 1990, Dr. Naidu has been a professor at Idaho State 
University. At present he is Director of the Measurement and Control Engi­neering 
Research Center; Coordinator, Electrical Engineering program; and 
Associate Dean of Graduate Studies in the College of Engineering, Idaho State 
University, Pocatello, Idaho. 
Dr. Naidu has over 150 publications including a research monograph, Sin­gular 
Perturbation Analysis of Discrete Control Systems, Lecture Notes in 
Mathematics, 1985; a book, Singular Perturbation Methodology in Control 
Systems, lEE Control Engineering Series, 1988; and a research monograph 
entitled, Aeroassisted Orbital Transfer: Guidance and Control Strategies, Lec­ture 
Notes in Control and Information Sciences, 1994. 
Dr. Naidu is (or has been) a member of the Editorial Boards of the IEEE 
Transaction on Automatic Control, (1993-99), the International Journal of 
Robust and Nonlinear Control, (1996-present), the International Journal of 
Control-Theory and Advanced Technology (C-TAT), (1992-1996), and a mem­ber 
of the Editorial Advisory Board of Mechatronics: The Science of Intelli­gent 
Machines, an International Journal, (1992-present). 
Professor Naidu is an elected Fellow of The Institute of Electrical and Elec­tronics 
Engineers (IEEE), a Fellow of World Innovation Foundation (WIF), an 
Associate Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 
(AIAA) and a member of several other organizations such as SIAM, ASEE, 
etc. Dr. Naidu was a recipient of the Idaho State University Outstanding Re­searcher 
Award for 1993-94 and 1994-95 and the Distinguished Researcher 
Award for 1994-95. Professor Naidu's biography is listed (multiple years) in 
Who's Who among America's Teachers, the Silver Anniversary 25th Edition 
of Who's Who in the West, Who's Who in Technology, and The International 
Directory of Distinguished Leadership.
Optimal control systems
1 Introduction 1 
1.1 Classical and Modern Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 
1.2 Optimization................................. 4 
1.3 Optimal Control .............................. 6 
1.3.1 Plant ................................. 6 
1.3.2 Performance Index ........................ 6 
1.3.3 Constraints ............................. 9 
1.3.4 Formal Statement of Optimal Control System .... 9 
1.4 Historical Tour .............................. 11 
1.4.1 Calculus of Variations .................... 11 
1.4.2 Optimal Control Theory .................. 13 
1.5 About This Book ............................. 15 
1.6 Chapter Overview ............................ 16 
1.7 Problems ................................... 17 
2 Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control 19 
2.1 Basic Concepts .............................. 19 
2.1.1 Function and Functional .................. 19 
2.1.2 Increment ............................. 20 
2.1.3 Differential and Variation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 
2.2 Optimum of a Function and a Functional ............ 25 
2.3 The Basic Variational Problem ................... 27 
2.3.1 Fixed-End Time and Fixed-End State System ... 27 
2.3.2 Discussion on Euler-Lagrange Equation ........ 33 
2.3.3 Different Cases for Euler-Lagrange Equation .... 35 
2.4 The Second Variation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 
2.5 Extrema of Functions with Conditions .............. 41 
2.5.1 Direct Method .......................... 43 
2.5.2 Lagrange Multiplier Method ................ 45 
2.6 Extrema of Functionals with Conditions ............ 48 
2.7 Variational Approach to Optimal Control Systems . . . . . 57 
2.7.1 Terminal Cost Problem ................... 57 
2.7.2 Different Types of Systems ................. 65 
2.7.3 Sufficient Condition ...................... 67 
2.7.4 Summary of Pontryagin Procedure ........... 68 
2.8 Summary of Variational Approach ................. 84 
2.8.1 Stage I: Optimization of a Functional . . . . . . . . . 85 
2.8.2 Stage II: Optimization of a Functional with 
Condition ............................. 86 
2.8.3 Stage III: Optimal Control System with 
Lagrangian Formalism .................... 87 
2.8.4 Stage IV: Optimal Control System with 
Hamiltonian Formalism: Pontryagin Principle ... 88 
2.8.5 Salient Features ......................... 91 
2.9 Problems ................................... 96 
3 Linear Quadratic Optimal Control Systems I 101 
3.1 Problem Formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 101 
3.2 Finite-Time Linear Quadratic Regulator ........... 104 
3.2.1 Symmetric Property of the Riccati Coefficient 
Matrix .............................. 109 
3.2.2 Optimal Control ....................... 110 
3.2.3 Optimal Performance Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 110 
3.2.4 Finite-Time Linear Quadratic Regulator: 
Time-Varying Case: Summary ............. 112 
3.2.5 Salient Features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 114 
3.2.6 LQR System for General Performance Index ... 118 
3.3 Analytical Solution to the Matrix 
Differential Riccati Equation .................... 119 
3.3.1 MATLAB© Implementation of Analytical 
Solution to Matrix DRE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 122 
3.4 Infinite-Time LQR System I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 125 
3.4.1 Infinite-Time Linear Quadratic Regulator: 
Time-Varying Case: Summary ............. 128 
3.5 Infinite-Time LQR System II ................... 129 
3.5.1 Meaningful Interpretation of Riccati Coefficient . 132 
3.5.2 Analytical Solution of the Algebraic 
Riccati Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 133 
3.5.3 Infinite-Interval Regulator System: 
Time-Invariant Case: Summary ............. 134 
3.5.4 Stability Issues of Time-Invariant Regulator. . .. 139
3.5.5 Equivalence of Open-Loop and Closed-Loop 
Optimal Controls ....................... 141 
3.6 Notes and Discussion ......................... 144 
3.7 Problems .................................. 147 
4 Linear Quadratic Optimal Control Systems II 151 
4.1 Linear Quadratic Tracking System: Finite-Time Case 152 
4.1.1 Linear Quadratic Tracking System: Summary 157 
4.1.2 Salient Features of Tracking System . . . . . . . .. 158 
4.2 LQT System: Infinite-Time Case ................. 166 
4.3 Fixed-End-Point Regulator System ............... 169 
4.4 LQR with a Specified Degree of Stability . . . . . . . . . .. 175 
4.4.1 Regulator System with Prescribed Degree of 
Stability: Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 177 
4.5 Frequency-Domain Interpretation ................ 179 
4.5.1 Gain Margin and Phase Margin ............ 181 
4.6 Problems.................................. 188 
5 Discrete-Time Optimal Control Systems 191 
5.1 Variational Calculus for Discrete-Time 
Systems .................................. 191 
5.1.1 Extremization of a Functional .............. 192 
5.1.2 Functional with Terminal Cost ............. 197 
5.2 Discrete-Time Optimal Control Systems ........... 199 
5.2.1 Fixed-Final State and Open-Loop Optimal 
Control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 203 
5.2.2 Free-Final State and Open-Loop Optimal Control 207 
5.3 Discrete-Time Linear State Regulator 
System ................................... 207 
5.3.1 Closed-Loop Optimal Control: Matrix Difference 
Riccati Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209 
5.3.2 Optimal Cost Function .................. 213 
5.4 Steady-State Regulator System .................. 219 
5.4.1 Analytical Solution to the Riccati Equation .... 225 
5.5 Discrete-Time Linear Quadratic Tracking System . . . .. 232 
5.6 Frequency-Domain Interpretation ................ 239 
5.7 Problems .................................. 245
6 Pontryagin Minimum Principle 249 
6.1 Constrained System .......................... 249 
6.2 Pontryagin Minimum Principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 252 
6.2.1 Summary of Pontryagin Principle . . . . . . . . . . . 256 
6.2.2 Additional Necessary Conditions ............ 259 
6.3 Dynamic Programming. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261 
6.3.1 Principle of Optimality .................. 261 
6.3.2 Optimal Control Using Dynamic Programming . 266 
6.3.3 Optimal Control of Discrete-Time Systems .... 272 
6.3.4 Optimal Control of Continuous-Time Systems .. 275 
6.4 The Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equation ............ 277 
6.5 LQR System Using H-J-B Equation ............. " 283 
6.6 Notes and Discussion ......................... 288 
7 Constrained Optimal Control Systems 293 
7.1 Constrained Optimal Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 293 
7.1.1 Time-Optimal Control of LTI System ........ 295 
7.1.2 Problem Formulation and Statement . . . . . . . .. 295 
7.1.3 Solution of the TOC System ............... 296 
7.1.4 Structure of Time-Optimal Control System .... 303 
7.2 TOC of a Double Integral System ................ 305 
7.2.1 Problem Formulation and Statement. . . . . . . .. 306 
7.2.2 Problem Solution ....................... 307 
7.2.3 Engineering Implementation of Control Law ... 314 
7.2.4 SIMULINK© Implementation of Control Law .. 315 
7.3 Fuel-Optimal Control Systems ................... 315 
7.3.1 Fuel-Optimal Control of a Double Integral System 316 
7.3.2 Problem Formulation and Statement ......... 319 
7.3.3 Problem Solution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 319 
7.4 Minimum-Fuel System: LTI System ............... 328 
7.4.1 Problem Statement ..................... 328 
7.4.2 Problem Solution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 329 
7.4.3 SIMULINK© Implementation of Control Law. . 333 
7.5 Energy-Optimal Control Systems ................ 335 
7.5.1 Problem Formulation and Statement ......... 335 
7.5.2 Problem Solution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 339 
7.6 Optimal Control Systems with State 
Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 351 
7.6.1 Penalty Function Method. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 352 
7.6.2 Slack Variable Method ................... 358
7.7 Problems .................................. 361 
Appeddix A: Vectors and Matrices 365 
A.1 Vectors ................................... 365 
A.2 Matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 367 
A.3 Quadratic Forms and Definiteness ................ 376 
Appendix B: State Space Analysis 379 
B.1 State Space Form for Continuous-Time Systems ...... 379 
B.2 Linear Matrix Equations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 381 
B.3 State Space Form for Discrete-Time Systems . . . . . . .. 381 
B.4 Controllability and Observability ................. 383 
B.5 Stabilizability, Reachability and Detectability ........ 383 
Appendix C: MATLAB Files 385 
C.1 MATLAB© for Matrix Differential Riccati Equation .. 385 
C.l.1 MATLAB File lqrnss.m .................. 386 
C.l.2 MATLAB File lqrnssf.m .................. 393 
C.2 MATLAB© for Continuous-Time Tracking System ... 394 
C.2.1 MATLAB File for Example 4.1(example4_l.m) . 394 
C.2.2 MATLAB File for Example 4.1(example4_1p.m). 397 
C.2.3 MATLAB File for Example 4.1(example4_1g.m). 397 
C.2.4 MAT LAB File for Example 4.1(example4_1x.m). 397 
C.2.5 MATLAB File for Example 4.2(example4_l.m) . 398 
C.2.6 MATLAB File for Example 4.2( example4_2p.m). 400 
C.2.7 MATLAB File for Example 4.2(example4_2g.m). 400 
C.2.8 MATLAB File for Example 4.2( example4_2x.m). 401 
C.3 MATLAB© for Matrix Difference Riccati Equation ... 401 
C.3.1 MAT LAB File lqrdnss.m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 401 
C.4 MATLAB© for Discrete-Time Tracking System ...... 409 
References . ..................................... 415 
Index . ......................................... 425
Optimal control systems
List of Figures 
1.1 Classical Control Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 
1.2 Modern Control Configuration .................... 3 
1.3 Components of a Modern Control System ............ 4 
1.4 Overview of Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 
1.5 Optimal Control Problem ....................... 10 
2.1 Increment ~f, Differential df, and Derivative j of a 
Function f ( t) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 
2.2 Increment ~J and the First Variation 8J of the Func-tional 
J .................................... 24 
2.3 ( a) Minimum and (b) Maximum of a Function f ( t) . . . . . 26 
2.4 Fixed-End Time and Fixed-End State System ........ 29 
2.5 A Nonzero g(t) and an Arbitrary 8x(t) ............. 32 
2.6 Arc Length ................................. 37 
2.7 Free-Final Time and Free-Final State System ......... 59 
2.8 Final-Point Condition with a Moving Boundary B(t) .... 63 
2.9 Different Types of Systems: (a) Fixed-Final Time and 
Fixed-Final State System, (b) Free-Final Time and Fixed­Final 
State System, (c) Fixed-Final Time and Free-Final 
State System, (d) Free-Final Time and Free-Final State 
System .................................... 66 
2.10 Optimal Controller for Example 2.12 ............... 72 
2.11 Optimal Control and States for Example 2.12 ......... 74 
2.12 Optimal Control and States for Example 2.13 ......... 77 
2.13 Optimal Control and States for Example 2.14 ......... 81 
2.14 Optimal Control and States for Example 2.15 ......... 84 
2.15 Open-Loop Optimal Control ..................... 94 
2.16 Closed-Loop Optimal Control .................... 95 
3.1 State and Costate System ...................... 107 
3.2 Closed-Loop Optimal Control Implementation ....... 117 
3.3 Riccati Coefficients for Example 3.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 125 
3.4 Closed-Loop Optimal Control System for Example 3.1 126 
3.5 Optimal States for Example 3.1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 127 
3.6 Optimal Control for Example 3.1 ................ 127 
3.7 Interpretation of the Constant Matrix P ........... 133 
3.8 Implementation of the Closed-Loop Optimal Control: 
Infinite Final Time. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 135 
3.9 Closed-Loop Optimal Control System . . . . . . . . . . . .. 138 
3.10 Optimal States for Example 3.2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 140 
3.11 Optimal Control for Example 3.2 ................ 141 
3.12 (a) Open-Loop Optimal Controller (OLOC) and 
(b) Closed-Loop Optimal Controller (CLOC) ........ 145 
4.1 Implementation of the Optimal Tracking System ..... 157 
4.2 Riccati Coefficients for Example 4.1 ............... 163 
4.3 Coefficients 91(t) and 92(t) for Example 4.1 ......... 164 
4.4 Optimal States for Example 4.1 .................. 164 
4.5 Optimal Control for Example 4.1 ................ 165 
4.6 Riccati Coefficients for Example 4.2 ............... 167 
4.7 Coefficients 91(t) and 92(t) for Example 4.2 ......... 168 
4.8 Optimal Control and States for Example 4.2 ........ 168 
4.9 Optimal Control and States for Example 4.2 ........ 169 
4.10 Optimal Closed-Loop Control in Frequency Domain ... 180 
4.11 Closed-Loop Optimal Control System with Unity 
Feedback. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 184 
4.12 Nyquist Plot of Go(jw) ........................ 185 
4.13 Intersection of Unit Circles Centered at Origin 
and -1 + jO ............................... 186 
5.1 State and Costate System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 205 
5.2 Closed-Loop Optimal Controller for Linear Discrete-Time 
Regulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 215 
5.3 Riccati Coefficients for Example 5.3 ............... 219 
5.4 Optimal Control and States for Example 5.3 ........ 220 
5.5 Optimal Control and States for Example 5.3 ........ 221 
5.6 Closed-Loop Optimal Control for Discrete-Time 
Steady-State Regulator System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 223 
5.7 Implementation of Optimal Control for Example 5.4 . .. 226 
5.8 Implementation of Optimal Control for Example 5.4 ... 227 
5.9 Riccati Coefficients for Example 5.5. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 231
5.10 Optimal States for Example 5.5 ................ " 232 
5.11 Optimal Control for Example 5.5 ................ 233 
5.12 Implementation of Discrete-Time Optimal Tracker .... 239 
5.13 Riccati Coefficients for Example 5.6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 240 
5.14 Coefficients 91(t) and 92(t) for Example 5.6 ......... 241 
5.15 Optimal States for Example 5.6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 241 
5.16 Optimal Control for Example 5.6 ................ 242 
5.17 Closed-Loop Discrete-Time Optimal Control System. . . 243 
6.1 (a) An Optimal Control Function Constrained by a 
Boundary (b) A Control Variation for Which -8u(t) 
Is Not Admissible ........................... 254 
6.2 Illustration of Constrained (Admissible) Controls ..... 260 
6.3 Optimal Path from A to B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 261 
6.4 A Multistage Decision Process .................. 262 
6.5 A Multistage Decision Process: Backward Solution .... 263 
6.6 A Multistage Decision Process: Forward Solution ..... 265 
6.7 Dynamic Programming Framework of Optimal State 
Feedback Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 271 
6.8 Optimal Path from A to B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290 
7.1 Signum Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 299 
7.2 Time-Optimal Control ........................ 299 
7.3 Normal Time-Optimal Control System ............. 300 
7.4 Singular Time-Optimal Control System ............ 301 
7.5 Open-Loop Structure for Time-Optimal Control System 304 
7.6 Closed-Loop Structure for Time-Optimal Control System 306 
7.7 Possible Costates and the Corresponding Controls .... 309 
7.8 Phase Plane Trajectories for u = + 1 (dashed lines) and 
u = -1 (dotted lines) ......................... 310 
7.9 Switch Curve for Double Integral Time-Optimal Control 
System ................................... 312 
7.10 Various Trajectories Generated by Four Possible Control 
Sequences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 313 
7.11 Closed-Loop Implementation of Time-Optimal Control 
Law ..................................... 315 
7.12 SIMULINK@ Implementation of Time-Optimal 
Control Law ............................... 316 
7.13 Phase-Plane Trajectory for 1'+: Initial State (2,-2) and 
Final State (0,0) ............................ 317
7.14 Phase-Plane Trajectory for 7-: Initial State (-2,2) and 
Final State (0,0) ............................ 317 
7.15 Phase-Plane Trajectory for R+: Initial State (-1,-1) and 
Final State (0,0) ............................ 318 
7.16 Phase-Plane Trajectory for R_: Initial State (1,1) and 
Final State (0,0) ............................ 318 
7.17 Relations Between A2(t) and lu*(t)1 + u*(t)A2(t) ...... 322 
7.18 Dead-Zone Function. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 323 
7.19 Fuel-Optimal Control ......................... 323 
7.20 Switching Curve for a Double Integral Fuel-Optimal 
Control System ............................. 324 
7.21 Phase-Plane Trajectories for u(t) = 0 .............. 325 
7.22 Fuel-Optimal Control Sequences ................. 326 
7.23 E-Fuel-Optimal Control. ....................... 327 
7.24 Optimal Control as Dead-Zone Function ........... 330 
7.25 Normal Fuel-Optimal Control System ............. 331 
7.26 Singular Fuel-Optimal Control System ............. 332 
7.27 Open-Loop Implementation of Fuel-Optimal Control 
System ................................... 333 
7.28 Closed-Loop Implementation of Fuel-Optimal Control 
System ................................... 334 
7.29 SIMULINK@ Implementation of Fuel-Optimal Control 
Law ..................................... 334 
7.30 Phase-Plane Trajectory for "Y+: Initial State (2,-2) and 
Final State (0,0) ............................ 336 
7.31 Phase-Plane Trajectory for "Y-: Initial State (-2,2) and 
Final State (0,0) ............................ 336 
7.32 Phase-Plane Trajectory for R1 : Initial State (1,1) and 
Final State (0,0) ............................ 337 
7.33 Phase-Plane Trajectory for R3: Initial State (-1,-1) and 
Final State (0,0) ............................ 337 
7.34 Phase-Plane Trajectory for R2 : Initial State (-1.5,1) and 
Final State (0,0) ............................ 338 
7.35 Phase-Plane Trajectory for R4: Initial State (1.5,-1) and 
Final State (0,0) ............................ 338 
7.36 Saturation Function .......................... 343 
7.37 Energy-Optimal Control ....................... 344 
7.38 Open-Loop Implementation of Energy-Optimal Control 
System ................................... 345
7.39 Closed-Loop Implementation of Energy-Optimal 
Control System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 346 
7.40 Relation between Optimal Control u*(t) vs (a) q*(t) and 
(b) 0.5A*(t) ................................ 348 
7.41 Possible Solutions of Optimal Costate A*(t) ......... 349 
7.42 Implementation of Energy-Optimal Control Law ...... 351 
7.43 Relation between Optimal Control u*(t) and Optimal 
Costate A2 ( t) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 358
Optimal control systems
List of Tables 
2.1 Procedure Summary of Pontryagin Principle for Bolza 
Problem ................................... 69 
3.1 Procedure Summary of Finite-Time Linear Quadratic 
Regulator System: Time-Varying Case. . . . . . . . . . . .. 113 
3.2 Procedure Summary of Infinite-Time Linear Quadratic 
Regulator System: Time-Varying Case. . . . . . . . . . . .. 129 
3.3 Procedure Summary of Infinite-Interval Linear Quadratic 
Regulator System: Time-Invariant Case . . . . . . . . . . .. 136 
4.1 Procedure Summary of Linear Quadratic Tracking System159 
4.2 Procedure Summary of Regulator System with Prescribed 
Degree of Stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 178 
5.1 Procedure Summary of Discrete-Time Optimal Control 
System: Fixed-End Points Condition .............. 204 
5.2 Procedure Summary for Discrete-Time Optimal Control 
System: Free-Final Point Condition ............... 208 
5.3 Procedure Summary of Discrete-Time, Linear Quadratic 
Regulator System ............................ 214 
5.4 Procedure Summary of Discrete-Time, Linear Quadratic 
Regulator System: Steady-State Condition . . . . . . . . .. 222 
5.5 Procedure Summary of Discrete-Time Linear Quadratic 
Tracking System ............................ 238 
6.1 Summary of Pontryagin Minimum Principle ......... 257 
6.2 Computation of Cost during the Last Stage k = 2 ..... 269 
6.3 Computation of Cost during the Stage k = 1,0 ....... 270 
6.4 Procedure Summary of Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) 
Approach ................................. 280 
7.1 Procedure Summary of Optimal Control Systems with 
State Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 355
Chapter 1 
In this first chapter, we introduce the ideas behind optimization and 
optimal control and provide a brief history of calculus of variations and 
optimal control. Also, a brief summary of chapter contents is presented. 
1.1 Classical and Modern Control 
The classical (conventional) control theory concerned with single input 
and single output (8180) is mainly based on Laplace transforms the­ory 
and its use in system representation in block diagram form. From 
Figure 1.1, we see that 
R(s) + 
- E(s) 
Control BPI 
1 + G(s)H(s) 
c ompensator ant 
.. Gc(s) Input ... G (s) 
U(s) p 
H(s) ... 
Figure 1.1 Classical Control Configuration 
2 Chapter 1: Introduction 
where s is Laplace variable and we used 
Note that 
1. the input u(t) to the plant is determined by the error e(t) and 
the compensator, and 
2. all the variables are not readily available for feedback. In most 
cases only one output variable is available for feedback. 
The modern control theory concerned with multiple inputs and multi­ple 
outputs (MIMO) is based on state variable representation in terms 
of a set of first order differential (or difference) equations. Here, the 
system (plant) is characterized by state variables, say, in linear, time­invariant 
form as 
x(t) = Ax(t) + Bu(t) 
y(t) = Cx(t) + Du(t) 
where, dot denotes differentiation with respect to (w.r.t.) t, x(t), u(t), 
and y( t) are n, r, and m dimensional state, control, and output vectors 
respectively, and A is nxn state, B is nxr input, Cis mxn output, and D 
is mxr transfer matrices. Similarly, a nonlinear system is characterized 
x(t) = f(x(t), u(t), t) 
y(t) = g(x(t), u(t), t). 
The modern theory dictates that all the state variables should be fed 
back after suitable weighting. We see from Figure 1.2 that in modern 
control configuration, 
1. the input u( t) is determined by the controller (consisting of er­ror 
detector and compensator) driven by system states x(t) and 
reference signal r ( t ) , 
2. all or most of the state variables are available for control, and 
3. it depends on well-established matrix theory, which is amenable 
for large scale computer simulation.
1.1 Classical and Modern Control 3 
Control Output 
Input .. p .. 
u(t) y(t) 
R eference 
.. C '" 
Figure 1.2 Modern Control Configuration 
The fact that the state variable representation uniquely specifies the 
transfer function while there are a number of state variable representa­tions 
for a given transfer function, reveals the fact that state variable 
representation is a more complete description of a system. 
Figure 1.3 shows components of a modern control system. It shows 
three components of modern control and their important contributors. 
The first stage of any control system theory is to obtain or formulate 
the dynamics or modeling in terms of dynamical equations such as dif­ferential 
or difference equations. The system dynamics is largely based 
on the Lagrangian function. Next, the system is analyzed for its perfor­mance 
to find out mainly stability of the system and the contributions 
of Lyapunov to stability theory are well known. Finally, if the system 
performance is not according to our specifications, we resort to design 
[25, 109]. In optimal control theory, the design is usually with respect 
to a performance index. We notice that although the concepts such as 
Lagrange function [85] and V function of Lyapunov [94] are old, the 
techniques using those concepts are modern. Again, as the phrase mod­ern 
usually refers to time and what is modern today becomes ancient 
after a few years, a more appropriate thing is to label them as optimal 
control, nonlinear control, adaptive control, robust control and so on.
4 Chapter 1: Introduction 
I Modem Control System I 
~r ~ r 
System Dynamics System Analysis System Synthesis 
(Modeling) (Perfonnance) (Design) 
r r ~ 
State Function of V Function of H Function of 
Lagrange Lyapunov Pontraygin 
(1788) (1892) (1956) 
Figure 1.3 Components of a Modern Control System 
1.2 Optimization 
Optimization is a very desirable feature in day-to-day life. We like to 
work and use our time in an optimum manner, use resources optimally 
and so on. The subject of optimization is quite general in the sense 
that it can be viewed in different ways depending on the approach (al­gebraic 
or geometric), the interest (single or multiple), the nature of the 
signals (deterministic or stochastic), and the stage (single or multiple) 
used in optimization. This is shown in Figure 1.4. As we notice that 
the calculus of variations is one small area of the big picture of the op­timization 
field, and it forms the basis for our study of optimal control 
systems. Further, optimization can be classified as static optimization 
and dynamic optimization. 
1. Static Optimization is concerned with controlling a plant under 
steady state conditions, i.e., the system variables are not chang­ing 
with respect to time. The plant is then described by algebraic 
equations. Techniques used are ordinary calculus, Lagrange mul­tipliers, 
linear and nonlinear programming. 
2. Dynamic Optimization concerns with the optimal control of 
plants under dynamic conditions, i.e., the system variables are 
changing with respect to time and thus the time is involved in 
system description. Then the plant is described by differential
1.2 Optimization 
Calculus and 
Lagrange Multipliers 
Algebraic Approach 
Multiple Interest 
Game Theory 
Multiple Stage 
Dynamic Programming 
Linear and Nonlinear 
Figure 1.4 Overview of Optimization 
6 Chapter 1: Introduction 
(or difference) equations. Techniques used are search techniques, 
dynamic programming, variational calculus (or calculus of varia­tions) 
and Pontryagin principle. 
1.3 Optimal Control 
The main objective of optimal control is to determine control signals 
that will cause a process (plant) to satisfy some physical constraints 
and at the same time extremize (maximize or minimize) a chosen per­formance 
criterion (performance index or cost function). Referring to 
Figure 1.2, we are interested in finding the optimal control u*(t) (* in­dicates 
optimal condition) that will drive the plant P from initial state 
to final state with some constraints on controls and states and at the 
same time extremizing the given performance index J. 
The formulation of optimal control problem requires 
1. a mathematical description (or model) of the process to be con­trolled 
(generally in state variable form), 
2. a specification of the performance index, and 
3. a statement of boundary conditions and the physical constraints 
on the states and/or controls. 
1.3.1 Plant 
For the purpose of optimization, we describe a physical plant by a set of 
linear or nonlinear differential or difference equations. For example, a 
linear time-invariant system is described by the state and output rela­tions 
(1.1.3) and (1.1.4) and a nonlinear system by (1.1.5) and (1.1.6). 
1.3.2 Performance Index 
Classical control design techniques have been successfully applied to lin­ear, 
time-invariant, single-input, single output (8180) systems. Typical 
performance criteria are system time response to step or ramp input 
characterized by rise time, settling time, peak overshoot, and steady 
state accuracy; and the frequency response of the system characterized 
by gain and phase margins, and bandwidth. 
In modern control theory, the optimal control problem is to find a 
control which causes the dynamical system to reach a target or fol-
1.3 Optimal Control 7 
low a state variable (or trajectory) and at the same time extremize a 
performance index which may take several forms as described below. 
1. Performance Index for Time-Optimal Control System: 
We try to transfer a system from an arbitrary initial state x(to) to 
a specified final state x( t f) in minimum time. The corresponding 
performance index (PI) is 
J = dt = t f - to = t*. 
(1.3.1 ) 
2. Performance Index for Fuel-Optimal Control System: Con­sider 
a spacecraft problem. Let u(t) be the thrust of a rocket 
engine and assume that the magnitude I u( t) I of the thrust is pro­portional 
to the rate of fuel consumption. In order to minimize 
the total expenditure of fuel, we may formulate the performance 
index as 
J = lu(t)ldt. 
For several controls, we may write it as 
where R is a weighting factor. 
3. Performance Index for Minimum-Energy Control Sys­tem: 
Consider Ui (t) as the current in the ith loop of an electric 
network. Then 2:i!1 u;(t)ri (where, ri is the resistance of the ith 
loop) is the total power or the total rate of energy expenditure of 
the network. Then, for minimization of the total expended energy, 
we have a performance criterion as 
or in general, 
J = u'(t)Ru(t)dt 
8 Chapter 1: Introduction 
where, R is a positive definite matrix and prime (') denotes trans­pose 
here and throughout this book (see Appendix A for more 
details on definite matrices). 
Similarly, we can think of minimization of the integral of the 
squared error of a tracking system. We then have, 
J = x/(t)Qx(t)dt 
where, Xd(t) is the desired value, xa(t) is the actual value, and 
x(t) = xa(t) - Xd(t), is the error. Here, Q is a weighting matrix, 
which can be positive semi-definite. 
4. Performance Index for Terminal Control System: In a ter­minal 
target problem, we are interested in minimizing the error 
between the desired target position Xd (t f) and the actual target 
position Xa (t f) at the end of the maneuver or at the final time t f. 
The terminal (final) error is x ( t f) = Xa ( t f) - Xd ( t f ). Taking care 
of positive and negative values of error and weighting factors, we 
structure the cost function as 
which is also called the terminal cost function. Here, F is a positive 
semi-definite matrix. 
5. Performance Index for General Optimal Control System: 
Combining the above formulations, we have a performance index 
in general form as 
J = x/(tf)Fx(tf) + [X/(t)QX(t) + u/(t)Ru(t)]dt 
J = S(x(tf),tf) + V(x(t),u(t),t)dt 
where, R is a positive definite matrix, and Q and F are positive 
semidefinite matrices, respectively. Note that the matrices Q and 
R may be time varying. The particular form of performance index 
(1.3.8) is called quadratic (in terms of the states and controls) 
1.3 Optimal Control 9 
The problems arising in optimal control are classified based on the 
structure of the performance index J [67]. If the PI (1.3.9) contains 
the terminal cost function S(x(t), u(t), t) only, it is called the Mayer 
problem, if the PI (1.3.9) has only the integral cost term, it is called 
the Lagrange problem, and the problem is of the Bolza type if the PI 
contains both the terminal cost term and the integral cost term as in 
(1.3.9). There are many other forms of cost functions depending on our 
performance specifications. However, the above mentioned performance 
indices (with quadratic forms) lead to some very elegant results in 
optimal control systems. 
1.3.3 Constraints 
The control u( t) and state x( t) vectors are either unconstrained or 
constrained depending upon the physical situation. The unconstrained 
problem is less involved and gives rise to some elegant results. From the 
physical considerations, often we have the controls and states, such as 
currents and voltages in an electrical circuit, speed of a motor, thrust 
of a rocket, constrained as 
where, +, and - indicate the maximum and minimum values the vari­ables 
can attain. 
1.3.4 Formal Statement of Optimal Control System 
Let us now state formally the optimal control problem even risking rep­etition 
of some of the previous equations. The optimal control problem 
is to find the optimal control u*(t) (* indicates extremal or optimal 
value) which causes the linear time-invariant plant (system) 
x(t) = Ax(t) + Bu(t) (1.3.11) 
to give the trajectory x* (t) that optimizes or extremizes (minimizes or 
maximizes) a performance index 
J = x'(tf)Fx(tf) + J.tJ 
[x'(t)Qx(t) + u'(t)Ru(t)]dt (1.3.12) 
or which causes the nonlinear system 
x(t) = f(x(t), u(t), t) (1.3.13)
10 Chapter 1: Introduction 
to give the state x*(t) that optimizes the general performance index 
J = S(x(tj), tf) + V(x(t), u(t), t)dt 
with some constraints on the control variables u( t) and/or the state 
variables x(t) given by (1.3.10). The final time tf may be fixed, or free, 
and the final (target) state may be fully or partially fixed or free. The 
entire problem statement is also shown pictorially in Figure 1.5. Thus, 
Optimal Control System I 
+ .. • 
Plant I Cost Function II Constraints 
, , 
J J ~ 
.. ~ J* ... ~ 
u*(t) u(t) 
u*(t) u(t) 
(a) Minimum (b) Maximum 
Figure 1.5 Optimal Control Problem 
we are basically interested in finding the control u*(t) which when 
applied to the plant described by (1.3.11) or (1.3.13), gives an optimal 
performance index J* described by (1.3.12) or (1.3.14). 
The optimal control systems are studied in three stages. 
1. In the first stage, we just consider the performance index of the 
form (1.3.14) and use the well-known theory of calculus of varia­tions 
to obtain optimal functions. 
2. In the second stage, we bring in the plant (1.3.11) and try to 
address the problem of finding optimal control u*(t) which will
1.4 Historical Tour 11 
drive the plant and at the same time optimize the performance 
index (1.3.12). Next, the above topics are presented in discrete­time 
3. Finally, the topic of constraints on the controls and states (1.3.10) 
is considered along with the plant and performance index to ob­tain 
optimal control. 
1.4 Historical Tour 
We basically consider two stages of the tour: first the development of 
calculus of variations, and secondly, optimal control theory [134, 58, 
99, 28]1. 
1.4.1 Calculus oj Variations 
According to a legend [88], Tyrian princess Dido used a rope made 
of cowhide in the form of a circular arc to maximize the area to be 
occupied to found Carthage. Although the story of the founding of 
Carthage is fictitious, it probably inspired a new mathematical dis­cipline, 
the calculus of variations and its extensions such as optimal 
control theory. 
The calculus of variations is that branch of mathematics that deals 
with finding a function which is an extremum (maximum or minimum) 
of a functional. A functional is loosely defined as a function of a func­tion. 
The theory of finding maxima and minima of functions is quite 
old and can be traced back to the isoperimetric problems considered 
by Greek mathematicians such as Zenodorus (495-435 B.C.) and by 
Poppus (c. 300 A.D.). But we will start with the works of Bernoulli. In 
1699 Johannes Bernoulli (1667-1748) posed the brachistochrone prob­lem: 
the problem of finding the path of quickest descent between two 
points not in the same horizontal or vertical line. This problem which 
was first posed by Galileo (1564-1642) in 1638, was solved by John, 
his brother Jacob (1654- 1705), by Gottfried Leibniz (1646-1716), and 
anonymously by Isaac Newton (1642-1727). Leonard Euler (1707-1783) 
joined John Bernoulli and made some remarkable contributions, which 
influenced Joseph-Louis Lagrange (1736-1813), who finally gave an el- 
IThe permission given by Springer-Verlag for H. H. Goldstine, A History of the Calculus 
of Variations, Springer-Verlag, New York, NY, 1980, is hereby acknowledged.
12 Chapter 1: Introduction 
egant way of solving these types of problems by using the method 
of (first) variations. This led Euler to coin the phrase calculus of vari­ations. 
Later this necessary condition for extrema of a functional 
was called the Euler - the Lagrange equation. Lagrange went on to 
treat variable end - point problems introducing the multiplier method, 
which later became one of the most powerful tools-Lagrange (or Euler­Lagrange) 
multiplier method-in optimization. 
The sufficient conditions for finding the extrema of functionals in cal­culus 
of variations was given by Andrien Marie Legendre (1752-1833) 
in 1786 by considering additionally the second variation. Carl Gustav 
Jacob Jacobi (1804-1851) in 1836 came up with a more rigorous anal­ysis 
of the sufficient conditions. This sufficient condition was later on 
termed as the Legendre-Jacobi condition. At about the same time Sir 
William Rowan Hamilton (1788-1856) did some remarkable work on 
mechanics, by showing that the motion of a particle in space, acted 
upon by various external forces, could be represented by a single func­tion 
which satisfies two first-order partial differential equations. In 1838 
Jacobi had some objections to this work and showed the need for only 
one partial differential equation. This equation, called Hamilton-Jacobi 
equation, later had profound influence on the calculus of variations and 
dynamic programming, optimal control, and as well as on mechanics. 
The distinction between strong and weak extrema was addressed by 
Karl Weierstrass (1815-1897) who came up with the idea of the field 
of extremals and gave the Weierstrass condition, and sufficient condi­tions 
for weak and strong extrema. Rudolph Clebsch (1833-1872) and 
Adolph Mayer proceeded with establishing conditions for the more gen­eral 
class of problems. Clebsch formulated a problem in the calculus of 
variations by adjoining the constraint conditions in the form of differ­ential 
equations and provided a condition based on second variation. 
In 1868 Mayer reconsidered Clebsch's work and gave some elegant re­sults 
for the general problem in the calculus of variations. Later Mayer 
described in detail the problems: the problem of Lagrange in 1878, and 
the problem of Mayer in 1895. 
In 1898, Adolf Kneser gave a new approach to the calculus of varia­tions 
by using the result of Karl Gauss (1777-1855) on geodesics. For 
variable end-point problems, he established the transversality condi­tion 
which includes orthogonality as a special case. He along with 
Oskar Bolza (1857-1942) gave sufficiency proofs for these problems. 
In 1900, David Hilbert (1862-1943) showed the second variation as a
1.4 Historical Tour 13 
quadratic functional with eigenvalues and eigenfunctions. Between 1908 
and 1910, Gilbert Bliss (1876-1951) [23] and Max Mason looked in 
depth at the results of Kneser. In 1913, Bolza formulated the problem 
of Bolza as a generalization of the problems of Lagrange and Mayer. 
Bliss showed that these three problems are equivalent. Other notable 
contributions to calculus of variations were made by E. J. McShane 
(1904-1989) [98], M. R. Hestenes [65], H. H. Goldstine and others. 
There have been a large number of books on the subject of calculus 
of variations: Bliss (1946) [23], Cicala (1957) [37], Akhiezer (1962) [1], 
Elsgolts (1962) [47], Gelfand and Fomin (1963) [55], Dreyfus (1966) 
[45], Forray (1968) [50], Balakrishnan (1969) [8], Young (1969) [146], 
Elsgolts (1970) [46], Bolza (1973) [26], Smith (1974) [126], Weinstock 
(1974) [143], Krasnov et al. (1975) [81], Leitmann (1981) [88], Ew­ing 
(1985) [48], Kamien and Schwartz (1991) [78], Gregory and Lin 
(1992) [61], Sagan (1992) [118], Pinch (1993) [108], Wan (1994) [141], 
Giaquinta and Hildebrandt (1995) [56, 57], Troutman (1996) [136], and 
Milyutin and Osmolovskii (1998) [103]. 
1.4.2 Optimal Control Theory 
The linear quadratic control problem has its origins in the celebrated 
work of N. Wiener on mean-square filtering for weapon fire control dur­ing 
World War II (1940-45) [144, 145]. Wiener solved the problem of 
designing filters that minimize a mean-square-error criterion (perfor­mance 
measure) of the form 
where, e( t) is the error, and E {x} represents the expected value of the 
random variable x. For a deterministic case, the above error criterion 
is generalized as an integral quadratic term as 
J = 1000 
e'(t)Qe(t)dt (1.4.2) 
where, Q is some positive definite matrix. R. Bellman in 1957 [12] 
introduced the technique of dynamic programming to solve discrete­time 
optimal control problems. But, the most important contribution 
to optimal control systems was made in 1956 [25] by L. S. Pontryagin 
(formerly of the United Soviet Socialistic Republic (USSR)) and his as­sociates, 
in development of his celebrated maximum principle described
14 Chapter 1: Introduction 
in detail in their book [109]. Also, see a very interesting article on the 
"discovery of the Maximum Principle" by R. V. Gamkrelidze [52], one 
of the authors of the original book [109]. At this time in the United 
States, R. E. Kalman in 1960 [70] provided linear quadratic regulator 
(LQR) and linear quadratic Gaussian (LQG) theory to design optimal 
feedback controls. He went on to present optimal filtering and estima­tion 
theory leading to his famous discrete Kalman filter [71] and the 
continuous Kalman filter with Bucy [76]. Kalman had a profound ef­fect 
on optimal control theory and the Kalman filter is one of the most 
widely used technique in applications of control theory to real world 
problems in a variety of fields. 
At this point we have to mention the matrix Riccati equation that 
appears in all the Kalman filtering techniques and many other fields. 
C. J. Riccati [114, 22] published his result in 1724 on the solution for 
some types of nonlinear differential equations, without ever knowing 
that the Riccati equation would become so famous after more than two 
Thus, optimal control, having its roots in calculus of variations de­veloped 
during 16th and 17th centuries was really born over 300 years 
ago [132]. For additional details about the historical perspectives on 
calculus of variations and optimal control, the reader is referred to some 
excellent publications [58, 99, 28, 21, 132]. 
In the so-called linear quadratic control, the term "linear" refers to 
the plant being linear and the term "quadratic" refers to the perfor­mance 
index that involves the square or quadratic of an error, and/or 
control. Originally, this problem was called the mean-square control 
problem and the term "linear quadratic" did not appear in the litera­ture 
until the late 1950s. 
Basically the classical control theory using frequency domain deals 
with single input and single output (SIS0) systems, whereas modern 
control theory works with time domain for SISO and multi-input and 
multi-output (MIMO) systems. Although modern control and hence 
optimal control appeared to be very attractive, it lacked a very impor­tant 
feature of robustness. That is, controllers designed based on LQR 
theory failed to be robust to measurement noise, external disturbances 
and unmodeled dynamics. On the other hand, frequency domain tech­niques 
using the ideas of gain margin and phase margin offer robustness 
in a natural way. Thus, some researchers [115, 95], especially in the 
United Kingdom, continued to work on developing frequency domain
1.5 About This Book 15 
approaches to MIMO systems. 
One important and relevant field that has been developed around 
the 1980s is the Hoo-optimal control theory. In this framework, the 
work developed in the 1960s and 1970s is labeled as H2-optimal control 
theory. The seeds for Hoo-optimal control theory were laid by G. Zames 
[148], who formulated the optimal Hoo-sensitivity design problem for 
SISO systems and solved using optimal N evanilina-Pick interpolation 
theory. An important publication in this field came from a group of four 
active researchers, Doyle, Glover, Khargonekar, and Francis[44], who 
won the 1991 W. R. G. Baker Award as the best IEEE Transactions 
paper. There are many other works in the field of Hoo control ([51, 96, 
43, 128, 7, 60, 131, 150, 39, 34]). 
1.5 About This Book 
This book, on the subject of optimal control systems, is based on the 
author's lecture notes used for teaching a graduate level course on this 
subject. In particular, this author was most influenced by Athans and 
Falb [6], Schultz and Melsa [121], Sage [119], Kirk [79], Sage and White 
[120], Anderson and Moore [3] and Lewis and Syrmos [91], and one 
finds the footprints of these works in the present book. 
There were a good number of books on optimal control published 
during the era of the "glory of modern control," (Leitmann (1964) [87], 
Tou (1964) [135], Athans and Falb (1966) [6], Dreyfus (1966) [45], Lee 
and Markus (1967) [86], Petrov (1968) [106], Sage (1968) [119], Citron 
(1969) [38], Luenberger (1969) [93], Pierre (1969) [107], Pun (1969) 
[110], Young (1969) [146], Kirk (1970) [79], Boltyanskii [24], Kwaker­naak 
and Sivan (1972) [84], Warga (1972) [142], Berkovitz (1974) [17], 
Bryson and Ho (1975) [30]), Sage and White (1977) [120], Leitmann 
(1981) [88]), Ryan (1982) [116]). There has been renewed interest with 
the second wave of books published during the last few years (Lewis 
(1986) [89], Stengal (1986) [127], Christensen et al. (1987) [36] Ander­son 
and Moore (1990) [3], Hocking (1991) [66], Teo et al. (1991) [133], 
Gregory and Lin (1992) [61], Lewis (1992) [90], Pinch (1993) [108], Do­rato 
et al. (1995) [42], Lewis and Syrmos (1995) [91]), Saberi et al. 
(1995) [117], Sima (1996) [124], Siouris [125], Troutman (1996) [136] 
Bardi and Dolcetta (1997) [9], Vincent and Grantham (1997) [139], 
Milyutin and Osmolovskii (1998) [103], Bryson (1999) [29], Burl [32], 
Kolosov (1999) [80], Pytlak (1999) [111], Vinter (2000) [140], Zelikin
16 Chapter 1: Introduction 
(2000) [149], Betts (2001) [20], and Locatelli (2001) [92]. 
The optimal control theory continues to have a wide variety of appli­cations 
starting from the traditional electrical power [36] to economics 
and management [16, 122, 78, 123]. 
1.6 Chapter Overview 
This book is composed of seven chapters. Chapter 2 presents opti­mal 
control via calculus of variations. In this chapter, we start with 
some basic definitions and a simple variational problem of extremizing 
a functional. We then bring in the plant as a conditional optimization 
problem and discuss various types of problems based on the bound­ary 
conditions. We briefly mention both Lagrangian and Hamiltonian 
formalisms for optimization. Next, Chapter 3 addresses basically the 
linear quadratic regulator (LQR) system. Here we discuss the closed­loop 
optimal control system introducing matrix Riccati differential and 
algebraic equations. We look at the analytical solution to the Riccati 
equations and development of MATLAB© routine for the analytical 
solution. Tracking and other problems of linear quadratic optimal con­trol 
are discussed in Chapter 4. We also discuss the gain and phase 
margins of the LQR system. 
So far the optimal control of continuous-time systems is described. 
Next, the optimal control of discrete-time systems is presented in Chap­ter 
5. Here, we start with the basic calculus of variations and then touch 
upon all the topics discussed above with respect to the continuous-time 
systems. The Pontryagin Principle and associated topics of dynamic 
programming and Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman results are briefly covered 
in Chapter 6. The optimal control of systems with control and state 
constraints is described in Chapter 7. Here, we cover topics of control 
constraints leading to time-optimal, fuel-optimal and energy-optimal 
control systems and briefly discuss the state constraints problem. 
Finally, the Appendices A and B provide summary of results on ma­trices, 
vectors, matrix algebra and state space, and Appendix C lists 
some of the MATLAB© files used in the book.
1.7 Problems 17 
1. 7 Problems 
Problem 1.1 A D.C. motor speed control system is described by a 
second order state equation, 
:h (t) = 25x2(t) 
X2(t) = -400Xl(t) - 200X2(t) + 400u(t) , 
where, Xl(t) = the speed of the motor, and X2(t) = the current in 
the armature circuit and the control input u( t) = the voltage input 
to an amplifier supplying the motor. Formulate a performance index 
and optimal control problem to keep the speed constant at a particular 
Problem 1.2 [83] In a liquid-level control system for a storage tank, 
the valves connecting a reservoir and the tank are controlled by gear 
train driven by a D. C. motor and an electronic amplifier. The dynamics 
is described by a third order system 
Xl(t) = -2Xl(t) 
X2(t) = X3(t) 
X3(t) = -10X3(t) + 9000u(t) 
where, Xl(t) = is the height in the tank, X2(t) = is the angular posi­tion 
of the electric motor driving the valves controlling the liquid from 
reservoir to tank, X3(t) = the angular velocity of the motor, and u(t) = 
is the input to electronic amplifier connected to the input of the motor. 
Formulate optimal control problem to keep the liquid level constant at 
a reference value and the system to act only if there is a change in the 
liquid level. 
Problem 1.3 [35] In an inverted pendulum system, it is required to 
maintain the upright position of the pendulum on a cart. The linearized 
state equations are 
Xl(t) = X2(t) 
X2(t) = -X3(t) + O.2u(t) 
X3(t) = X4(t) 
X4(t) = 10x3(t) - O.2u(t)
18 Chapter 1: Introduction 
where, Xl (t) = is horizontal linear displacement of the cart, X2(t) = is 
linear velocity of the cart, X3(t) = is angular position of the pendulum 
from vertical line, X4(t) = is angular velocity, and u(t) = is the horizon­tal 
force applied to the cart. Formulate a performance index to keep 
the pendulum in the vertical position with as little energy as possible. 
Problem 1.4 [101J A mechanical system consisting of two masses and 
two springs, one spring connecting the two masses and the other spring 
connecting one of the masses to a fixed point. An input is applied to 
the mass not connected to the fixed point. The displacements (XI(t) 
and X2 (t)) and the corresponding velocities (X3 (t) and X4 (t)) of the two 
masses provide a fourth-order system described by 
XI(t) = X3(t) 
X2(t) = X4(t) 
X3(t) = -4XI(t) + 2X2(t) 
X4(t) = XI(t) - X2(t) + u(t) 
Formulate a performance index to minimize the errors in displacements 
and velocities and to minimize the control effort. 
Problem 1.5 A simplified model of an automobile suspension system 
is described by 
mx(t) + kx(t) = bu(t) 
where, x(t) is the position, u(t) is the input to the suspension system 
(in the form of an upward force), m is the mass of the suspension 
system, and k is the spring constant. Formulate the optimal control 
problem for minimum control energy and passenger comfort. Assume 
suitable values for all the constants. 
Problem 1.6 [112J Consider a continuous stirred tank chemical reac­tor 
described by 
XI(t) = -O.lXI(t) - 0.12x2(t) 
X2(t) = -0.3XI(t) - 0.012x2(t) - 0.07u(t) 
where, the normalized deviation state variables of the linearized model 
are Xl (t) = reaction variable, X2 (t) = temperature and the control 
variable u(t) = effective cooling rate coefficient. Formulate a suitable 
performance measure to minimize the deviation errors and to minimize 
the control effort.
Chapter 2 
Calculus of Variations 
and Optimal Control 
Calculus of variations (Co V) or variational calculus deals with finding 
the optimum (maximum or minimum) value of a functional. Varia­tional 
calculus that originated around 1696 became an independent 
mathematical discipline after the fundamental discoveries of L. Euler 
(1709-1783), whom we can claim with good reason as the founder of 
calculus of variations. 
In this chapter, we start with some basic definitions and a simple 
variational problem of extremizing a functional. We then incorporate 
the plant as a conditional optimization problem and discuss various 
types of problems based on the boundary conditions. We briefly men­tion 
both the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalisms for optimization. 
It is suggested that the student reviews the material in Appendices A 
and B given at the end of the book. This chapter is motivated by 
[47, 79, 46, 143, 81, 48]1. 
2.1 Basic Concepts 
2.1.1 Function and Functional 
We discuss some fundamental concepts associated with functionals along 
side with those of functions. 
(a) Function: A variable x is a function of a variable quantity t, (writ- 
IThe permission given by Prentice Hall for D. E. Kirk, Optimal Control Theory: An Intro­duction, 
Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1970, is hereby acknowledged. 
20 Chapter 2: Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control 
ten as x(t) = !(t)), if to every value of t over a certain range of t there 
corresponds a value x; i.e., we have a correspondence: to a number t 
there corresponds a number x. Note that here t need not be always 
time but any independent variable. 
Example 2.1 
x(t) = 2t2 + 1. (2.1.1 ) 
For t = 1, x = 3, t = 2, x = 9 and so on. Other functions are 
x(t) = 2t; X(tb t2) = tt + t§. 
N ext we consider the definition of a functional based on that of a 
(b) Functional: A variable quantity J is a functional dependent on a 
function ! (x), written as J = J (f (x) ), if to each function f (x), there 
corresponds a value J, i.e., we have a correspondence: to the function 
f (x) there corresponds a number J. Functional depends on several 
Example 2.2 
Let x(t) = 2t2 + 1. Then 
{I (I 2 5 
J(x(t)) = io x(t)dt = io (2t2 + l)dt = 3 + 1 = 3 (2.1.2) 
is the area under the curve x(t). If v(t) is the velocity of a vehicle, 
l ti 
J ( v ( t )) = v ( t ) dt 
is the path traversed by the vehicle. Thus, here x(t) and v(t) are 
functions of t, and J is a functional of x(t) or v(t). 
Loosely speaking, a functional can be thought of as a "function of a 
2.1.2 Increment 
We consider here increment of a function and a functional.
2.1 Basic Concepts 21 
(a) Increment of a Function: In order to consider optimal values 
of a function, we need the definition of an increment [47, 46, 79]. 
DEFINITION 2.1 The increment of the function I, denoted by ~/, is 
defined as 
~/~/(t + ~t) - I(t). (2.1.4) 
It is easy to see from the definition that ~I depends on both the 
independent variable t and the increment of the independent variable 
~t, and hence strictly speaking, we need to write the increment of a 
function as ~/(t, ~t). 
Example 2.3 
find the increment of the function I ( t) . 
Solution: The increment ~I becomes 
~I ~ I(t + ~t) - I(t) 
= (tl + ~iI + t2 + ~t2? - (tl + t2)2 
= (tl + ~tl)2 + (t2 + ~t2)2 + 2(iI + ~h)(t2 + ~t2) - 
(tI + t§ + 2tlt2) 
= 2(tl + t2)~tl + 2(tl + t2)~t2 + (~tl)2 + (~t2)2 
+2~tl~t2. (2.1.6) 
(b) Increment of a Functional: Now we are ready to define the 
increment of a functional. 
DEFINITION 2.2 The increment of the functional J, denoted by ~J, is 
defined as 
I ~J~J(x(t) + 8x(t)) - J(x(t))·1 (2.1. 7) 
Here 8x(t) is called the variation of the function x(t). Since the in­crement 
of a functional is dependent upon the function x(t) and its
22 Chapter 2: Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control 
variation 8x(t), strictly speaking, we need to write the increment as 
Example 2.4 
Find the increment of the functional 
Solution: The increment of J is given by 
ilJ ~ J(x(t) + 8x(t)) - J(x(t)), 
= it! [2(x(t) + 8x(t))2 + 1] dt _it! [2x2(t) + 1] dt, 
it! to to 
= [4x(t)8x(t) + 2(8x(t) )2] dt. (2.1.9) 
2.1.3 Differential and Variation 
Here, we consider the differential of a function and the variation of a 
(a) Differential of a Function: Let us define at a point t* the 
increment of the function J as 
ilf~J(t* + ilt) - J(t*). (2.1.10) 
By expanding J (t* + ilt) in a Taylor series about t*, we get 
Af = f(t') + (:), At + :, (~n, (At)2 + ... - f(t*). (2.1.11) 
Neglecting the higher order terms in ilt, 
Af = (:) * At = j(t*)At = df. (2.1.12) 
Here, df is called the differential of J at the point t*. j(t*) is the 
derivative or slope of J at t*. In other words, the differential dJ is 
the first order approximation to increment ilt. Figure 2.1 shows the 
relation between increment, differential and derivative.
2.1 Basic Concepts 23 
f(t* +~t) ....... '. . .. ... . ......... ' 
[(to) ~:~~~ ~ [ ... :. : ::t ~ .. .1~. 
. ~t 
:~ . 
o t* t*+~t t 
Figure 2.1 Increment fl.j, Differential dj, and Derivative j of a 
Function j ( t) 
Example 2.5 
Let j(t) = t2 + 2t. Find the increment and the derivative of the 
function j ( t). 
Solution: By definition, the increment fl.j is 
fl.j £ j(t + fl.t) - j(t), 
= (t + fl.t)2 + 2(t + fl.t) - (t2 + 2t), 
= 2tfl.t + 2fl.t + ... + higher order terms, 
= 2(t + l)fl.t, 
= j(t)fl.t. 
Here, j(t) = 2(t + 1). 
(b) Variation of a Functional: Consider the increment of a func­tional 
fl.J£J(x(t) + 8x(t)) - J(x(t)). (2.1.14)
24 Cbapter 2: Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control 
Expanding J(x(t) + 8x(t)) in a Taylor series, we get 
{)J 1 {)2 J 
jj.J = J(x(t)) + -{) 8x(t) + -, {) 2 (8x(t))2 + ... - J(x(t)) 
x 2. x 
{)J 1 {)2J 2 
= {)x 8x(t) + 2! {)x2 (8x(t)) + ... 
= 8 J + 82 J + ... , (2.1.15) 
8J = {)x 8x(t) and (2.1.16) 
are called the first variation (or simply the variation) and the second 
variation of the functional J, respectively. The variation 8 J of a func­tional 
J is the linear (or first order approximate) part (in 8x(t)) of the 
increment jj.J. Figure 2.2 shows the relation between increment and 
the first variation of a functional. 
J(x*(t)+Ox(t» . . . . . . . . . .. ... . ......... , 
. J(x*(t» ... .:. : J ~~ .. .1~. 
:.. ~ 
: ox(t): 
o x*(t) x*(t)+ Ox(t) x(t) 
Figure 2.2 Increment jj.J and the First Variation 8J of the 
Functional J
2.2 Optimum of a Function and a Functional 25 
Example 2.6 
Given the functional 
J(x(t)) = [2x2(t) + 3x(t) + 4]dt, 
evaluate the variation of the functional. 
Solution: First, we form the increment and then extract the vari­ation 
as the first order approximation. Thus 
~J ~ J(x(t) + 8x(t)) - J(x(t)), 
= [2(x(t) + 8x(t))2 + 3(x(t) + 8x(t)) + 4) 
-(2x2(t) + 3x(t) + 4)] dt, 
= [4x(t)8x(t) + 2(8x(t))2 + 38x(t)] dt. 
Considering only the first order terms, we get the (first) variation 
8J(x(t),8x(t)) = (4x(t) + 3)8x(t)dt. 
2.2 Optimum of a Function and a Functional 
We give some definitions for optimum or extremum (maximum or min­imum) 
of a function and a functional [47, 46, 79]. The variation plays 
the same role in determining optimal value of a functional as the dif­ferential 
does in finding extremal or optimal value of a function. 
DEFINITION 2.3 Optimum of a Function: A function f (t) is said 
to have a relative optimum at the point t* if there is a positive parameter E 
such that for all points t in a domain V that satisfy It - t* I < E, the increment 
of f(t) has the same sign (positive or negative). 
In other words, if 
~f = f(t) - f(t*) 2:: 0, (2.2.1)
26 Chapter 2: Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control 
f(t f(t) v 
t* t 
o t* t 
0 t* t 
o~-------.- ----.t 
... ~ 
;.~~., ~ f(t*)<0 
Figure 2.3 (a) Minimum and (b) Maximum of a Function f (t) 
then, f(t*) is a relative local minimum. On the other hand, if 
b.f = f(t) - f(t*) ~ 0, (2.2.2) 
then, f (t*) is a relative local maximum. If the previous relations are 
valid for arbitrarily large E, then, f(t*) is said to have a global absolute 
optimum. Figure 2.3 illustrates the (a) minimum and (b) maximum of 
a function. 
It is well known that the necessary condition for optimum of a func­tion 
is that the (first) differential vanishes, i.e., df = O. The sufficient 
2.3 The Basic Variational Problem 
1. for minimum is that the second differential is positive, 
i.e., d2 f > 0, and 
2. for maximum is that the second differential is negative, 
i.e., d2 f < 0. 
If d2 f = 0, it corresponds to a stationary (or inflection) point. 
DEFINITION 2.4 Optimum of a Functional: A functional J is 
said to have a relative optimum at x* if there is a positive E such that for all 
functions x in a domain n which satisfy Ix - x* I < E, the increment of J has 
the same sign. 
In other words, if 
!1J = J(x) - J(x*) ~ 0, (2.2.3) 
then J(x*) is a relative minimum. On the other hand, if 
!1J = J(x) - J(x*) ~ 0, (2.2.4) 
then, J(x*) is a relative maximum. If the above relations are satisfied 
for arbitrarily large E, then, J(x*) is a global absolute optimum. 
Analogous to finding extremum or optimal values for functions, in 
variational problems concerning functionals, the result is that the vari­ation 
must be zero on, an optimal curve. Let us now state the result in 
the form of a theorem, known as fundamental theorem of the calculus 
of variations, the proof of which can be found in any book on calculus 
of variations [47, 46, 79]. 
For x*(t) to be a candidate for an optimum, the (first) variation of J must 
be zero on x*(t), i.e., 6J(x*(t), 6x(t)) = ° for all admissible values of 6x(t). 
This is a necessary condition. As a sufficient condition for minimum, the 
second variation 62J > 0, and for maximum 62J < 0. 
2.3 The Basic Variational Problem 
2.3.1 Fixed-End Time and Fixed-End State System 
We address a fixed-end time and fixed-end state problem, where both 
the initial time and state and the final time and state are fixed or given
28 Chapter 2: Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control 
a priori. Let x(t) be a scalar function with continuous first derivatives 
and the vector case can be similarly dealt with. The problem is to find 
the optimal function x* (t) for which the functional 
J(x(t)) = V(x(t), x(t), t)dt 
has a relative optimum. It is assumed that the integrand V has con­tinuous 
first and second partial derivatives w.r.t. all its arguments; to 
and t f are fixed (or given a priori) and the end points are fixed, i.e., 
x(t = to) = Xo; x(t = tf) = xf' (2.3.2) 
We already know from Theorem 2.1 that the necessary condition for 
an optimum is that the variation of a functional vanishes. Hence, in 
our attempt to find the optimum of x(t), we first define the increment 
for J, obtain its variation and finally apply the fundamental theorem 
of the calculus of variations (Theorem 2.1). 
Thus, the various steps involved in finding the optimal solution to 
the fixed-end time and fixed-end state system are first listed and then 
discussed in detail. 
• Step 1: Assumption of an Optimum 
• Step 2: Variations and Increment 
• Step 3: First Variation 
• Step 4: Fundamental Theorem 
• Step 5: Fundamental Lemma 
• Step 6: Euler-Lagrange Equation 
• Step 1: Assumption of an Optimum: Let us assume that x*(t) is 
the optimum attained for the function x(t). Take some admissible 
function xa(t) = x*(t) + 8x(t) close to x*(t), where 8x(t) is the 
variation of x*(t) as shown in Figure 2.4. The function xa(t) 
should also satisfy the boundary conditions (2.3.2) and hence it 
is necessary that 
2.3 The Basic Variational Problem 29 
xo ..... . 
Figure 2.4 Fixed-End Time and Fixed-End State System 
• Step 2: Variations and Increment: Let us first define the incre­ment 
6.J(x*(t), 8x(t)) ~ J(x*(t) + 8x(t), x*(t) + 8x(t), t) 
-J(x*(t), x*(t), t) 
= V (x*(t) + 8x(t), x*(t) + 8x(t), t) dt 
- V(x*(t), x*(t), t)dt. 
which by combining the integrals can be written as 
6.J(x*(t), 8x(t)) = [V (x*(t) + 8x(t), x*(t) + 8x(t), t) 
- V(x* (t), x*(t), t)] dt. (2.3.5) 
x(t) = d:~t) and 8x(t) = :t {8x(t)} (2.3.6) 
Expanding V in the increment (2.3.5) in a Taylor series about 
the point x*(t) and x*(t), the increment 6.J becomes (note the
30 Chapter 2: Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control 
cancelation of V(x*(t), x*(t), t)) 
= l' [8V(X*(~~X*(t), t) 6x(t) + 8V(X*(~~ x*(t), t) 6x(t) 
~J = ~J(x*(t), 8x(t)) 
~ {82V( ... ) (8 ())2 82 + V( ... ) (8· ( ))2 2! 8x2 x t + 8x2 X t + 
+ 2~:~~·) 6x (t)6x (t) } + .. -] dt. (2.3.7) 
Here, the partial derivatives are w.r.t. x(t) and x(t) at the opti­mal 
condition (*) and * is omitted for simplicity . 
• Step 3: First Variation: Now, we obtain the variation by retain­ing 
the terms that are linear in 8x(t) and 8x(t) as 
8J(x*(t),8x(t)) = it! [8V(X*(t), x*(t), t) 8x(t) 
to 8x 
8V(x*(t), x*(t), t)8· ( )] d + 8x x t t. (2.3.8) 
To express the relation for the first variation (2.3.8) entirely in 
terms containing 8x(t) (since 8x(t) is dependent on 8x(t)), we 
integrate by parts the term involving 8x(t) as (omitting the ar­guments 
in V for simplicity) 
1:' (~~) * 6x(t)dt = 1:' (~~) * ! (6x(t))dt 
= 1:' (~~) * d(6x(t)), 
= [( ~~) * 6X(t{: _it! 8x(t)~ (8~) dt. 
to dt 8x * 
In the above, we used the well-known integration formula J udv = 
uv - J vdu where u = 8V/8X and v = 8x(t)). Using (2.3.9), the
2.3 The Basic Variational Problem 31 
relation (2.3.8) for first variation becomes 
8J(x*(t),6x(t)) = {' (~:) * 6x(t)dt + [( ~~) * 6X(t)[ 
_ rtf !i (a~) 8x(t)dt, 
lto dt ax * 
= rtf [(av) _!i (a~) ]8x(t)dt lto ax * dt ax * 
+ [( ~~) * 6x(t)] I:: . (2.3.10) 
Using the relation (2.3.3) for boundary variations in (2.3.10), we 
8J(x*(t),6x(t)) = 1:' [( ~:) * - :t (~~) .l6X(t)dt. (2.3.11) 
• Step 4: Fundamental Theorem: We now apply the fundamental 
theorem of the calculus of variations (Theorem 2.1), i.e., the vari­ation 
of J must vanish for an optimum. That is, for the optimum 
x*(t) to exist, 8J(x*(t),8x(t)) = O. Thus the relation (2.3.11) 
rtf [(av) _!i (a~) ]8X(t)dt = O. lto ax * dt ax * 
Note that the function 8x(t) must be zero at to and tf, but for 
this, it is completely arbitrary . 
• Step 5: Fundamental Lemma: To simplify the condition ob­tained 
in the equation (2.3.12), let us take advantage of the fol­lowing 
lemma called the fundamental lemma of the calculus of 
variations [47, 46, 79]. 
LEMMA 2.1 
If for every function g(t) which is continuous, 
g(t)8x(t)dt = 0 
32 Chapter 2: Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control 
where the function 8x(t) is continuous in the interval [to, tf]' then the 
function 9 ( t) must be zero everywhere throughout the interval [to, t f] . 
(see Figure 2.5.) 
Proof: We prove this by contradiction. Let us assume that g(t) is 
nonzero (positive or negative) during a short interval [ta, tb]. Next, let 
us select 8x(t), which is arbitrary, to be positive (or negative) through­out 
the interval where 9 ( t) has a nonzero value. By this selection 
of 8x(t), the value of the integral in (2.3.13) will be nonzero. This 
contradicts our assumption that g( t) is non-zero during the interval. 
Thus g( t) must be identically zero everywhere during the entire inter­val 
[to, tf] in (2.3.13). Hence the lemma. 
Figure 2.5 A Nonzero g(t) and an Arbitrary 8x(t) 
• Step 6: Euler-Lagrange Equation: Applying the previous lemma 
to (2.3.12), a necessary condition for x*(t) to be an optimal of 
the functional J given by (2.3.1) is 
av(x*(t),x*(t),t)) _ ~ (av(x*(t),.x*(t),t)) = 0 (2.3.14) 
ax * dt ax *
2.3 The Basic Variational Problem 33 
or in simplified notation omitting the arguments in V, 
(aV) _!i (aV) = 0 ax * dt ax * 
for all t E [to, tf]. This equation is called Euler equation, first 
published in 1741 [126]. 
A historical note is worthy of mention. 
Euler obtained the equation (2.3.14) in 1741 using an elab­orate 
and cumbersome procedure. Lagrange studied Euler's 
results and wrote a letter to Euler in 1755 in which he ob­tained 
the previous equation by a more elegant method of 
"variations" as described above. Euler recognized the sim-plicity 
and generality of the method of Lagrange and intro­duced 
the name calculus of variations. The all important 
fundamental equation (2.3.14) is now generally known as 
Euler-Lagrange (E.-L') equation after these two great math­ematicians 
of the 18th century. Lagrange worked further 
on optimization and came up with the well-known Lagrange 
multiplier rule or method. 
2.3.2 Discussion on Euler-Lagrange Equation 
We provide some comments on the Euler-Lagrange equation [47,46]. 
1. The Euler-Lagrange equation (2.3.14) can be written in many 
different forms. Thus (2.3.14) becomes 
V - - (V·) = 0 x dt x (2.3.16) 
Vx = ~: = Vx(x*(t), ±*(t), t); Vi; = ~~ = Vi;(X*(t), x*(t), t). 
Since V is a function of three arguments x*(t), x*(t), and t, and
34 Chapter 2: Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control 
that x*(t) and x*(t) are in turn functions of t, we get 
Combining (2.3.16) and (2.3.18), we get an alternate form for 
the EL equation as 
2. The presence of -it and/or x*(t) in the EL equation (2.3.14) means 
that it is a differential equation. 
3. In the EL equation (2.3.14), the term aV(x*(~i:x*(t),t) is in general 
a function of x*(t), x*(t), and t. Thus when this function is 
differentiated w.r.t. t, x*(t) may be present. This means that the 
differential equation (2.3.14) is in general of second order. This is 
also evident from the alternate form (2.3.19) for the EL equation. 
4. There may also be terms involving products or powers of x* (t), 
x*(t), and x*(t), in which case, the differential equation becomes 
5. The explicit presence of t in the arguments indicates that the 
coefficients may be time-varying. 
6. The conditions at initial point t = to and final point t = t f leads 
to a boundary value problem. 
7. Thus, the Euler-Lagrange equation (2.3.14) is, in general, a non­linear, 
time-varying, two-point boundary value, second order, or­dinary 
differential equation. Thus, we often have a nonlinear 
two-point boundary value problem (TPBVP). The solution of the 
nonlinear TPBVP is quite a formidable task and often done us­ing 
numerical techniques. This is the price we pay for demanding 
optimal performance!
2.3 The Basic Variational Problem 35 
8. Compliance with the Euler-Lagrange equation is only a necessary 
condition for the optimum. Optimal may sometimes not yield 
either a maximum or a minimum; just as inflection points where 
the derivative vanishes in differential calculus. However, if the 
Euler-Lagrange equation is not satisfied for any function, this 
indicates that the optimum does not exist for that functional. 
2.3.3 Different Cases for Euler-Lagrange Equation 
We now discuss various cases of the EL equation. 
Case 1: V is dependent of x(t), and t. That is, V = V(x(t), t). Then 
Vx = O. The Euler-Lagrange equation (2.3.16) becomes 
This leads us to 
dt (Vx) = o. 
' = oV(x*(t), t) = C 
where, C is a constant of integration. 
Case 2: V is dependent of x(t) only. That is, V = V(x(t)). Then 
Vx = O. The Euler-Lagrange equation (2.3.16) becomes 
dt (Vx) = 0 ~ Vx = C. (2.3.22) 
In general, the solution of either (2.3.21) or (2.3.22) becomes 
This is simply an equation of a straight line. 
Case 3: V is dependent of x(t) and x(t). That is, V = V(x(t), x(t)). 
Then vtx = O. Using the other form of the Euler-Lagrange equation 
(2.3.19), we get 
Vx - Vxxx*(t) - Vxxx*(t) = O. (2.3.24) 
Multiplying the previous equation by x*(t), we have 
x*(t) [Vx - Vxxx*(t) - Vxxx*(t)] = o. (2.3.25) 
This can be rewritten as ! (V - x*(t)Vx) = 0 ~ V - x*(t)Vx = C. (2.3.26)
36 Chapter 2: Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control 
The previous equation can be solved using any of the techniques such 
as, separation of variables. 
Case 4: V is dependent of x(t), and t, i.e., V = V(x(t), t). Then, 
Vi; = 0 and the Euler-Lagrange equation (2.3.16) becomes 
8V(x*(t), t) = 0 ax . (2.3.27) 
The solution of this equation does not contain any arbitrary constants 
and therefore generally speaking does not satisfy the boundary con­ditions 
x(to) and x(tf). Hence, in general, no solution exists for this 
variational problem. Only in rare cases, when the function x(t) satisfies 
the given boundary conditions x(to) and x(tf), it becomes an optimal 
Let us now illustrate the application of the EL equation with a very 
simple classic example of finding the shortest distance between two 
points. Often, we omit the * (which indicates an optimal or extremal 
value) during the working of a problem and attach the same to the final 
Example 2.7 
Find the minimum length between any two points. 
Solution: It is well known that the solution to this problem is a 
straight line. However, we like to illustrate the application of Euler­Lagrange 
equation for this simple case. Consider the arc between 
two points A and B as shown in Figure 2.6. Let ds be the small arc 
length, and dx and dt are the small rectangular coordinate values. 
Note that t is the independent variable representing distance and 
not time. Then, 
ds = VI + x2(t)dt, where x(t) = ~~. (2.3.29) 
N ow the total arc length S between two points x (t = to) and x (t = 
t f) is the performance index J to be minimized. Thus, 
S = J = J ds = rtf VI + x2 (t)dt = rtf V(x(t))dt (2.3.30) Jto Jto
2.3 The Basic Variational Problem 37 
xo ... 'A:: 
Figure 2.6 Arc Length 
where, V(x(t)) = Jl + x2 (t). Note that V is a function of x(t) 
only. Applying the Euler-Lagrange equation (2.3.22) to the perfor­mance 
index (2.3.30), we get 
x*(t) _ C VI + X*2(t) - . 
Solving this equation, we get the optimal solution as 
x*(t) = C1t + C2 . 
This is evidently an equation for a straight line and the constants 
C1 and C2 are evaluated from the given boundary conditions. For 
example, if x(O) = 1 and x(2) = 5, C1 = 2 and C2 = 1 the straight 
line is x*(t) = 2t + 1. 
Although the previous example is a simple one, 
1. it illustrates the formulation of a performance index from a given 
simple specification or a statement, and 
2. the solution is well known a priori so that we can easily verify 
the application of the Euler-Lagrange equation. 
In the previous example, we notice that the integrand V in the func­tional 
(2.3.30), is a function of x(t) only. Next, we take an example, 
where, V is a function of x(t), x(t) and t.
38 Chapter 2: Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control 
Example 2.8 
Find the optimum of 
J = l [:i;2(t) - 2tX(t)] dt 
that satisfy the boundary (initial and final) conditions 
x(O) = 1 and x(2) = 5. 
Solution: In the EL equation (2.3.19), we first identify that V = 
x2 (t) - 2tx(t). Then applying the EL equation (2.3.15) to the 
performance index (2.3.33) we get 
av _ ~ (av) = 0 ----+ -2t - ~ (2x(t)) = 0 ax dt ax dt 
----+ x(t) = t. 
Solving the previous simple differential equation, we have 
x*(t) ="6 + CIt + C2 
where, C1 and C2 are constants of integration. Using the given 
boundary conditions (2.3.19) in (2.3.36), we have 
x(O) = 1 ----+ C2 = 1, x(2) = 5 ----+ C1 = 3' (2.3.37) 
With these values for the constants, we finally have the optimal 
function as 
t 3 4 
x*(t) = "6 + "3t + 1. (2.3.38) 
Another classical example in the calculus of variations is the brachis­tochrone 
(from brachisto, the shortest, and chrones, time) problem and 
this problem is dealt with in almost all books on calculus of variations 
Further, note that we have considered here only the so-called fixed­end 
point problem where both (initial and final) ends are fixed or given 
in advance. Other types of problems such as free-end point problems 
are not presented here but can be found in most of the books on the 
calculus of variations [79, 46, 81, 48]. However, these free-end point 
problems are better considered later in this chapter when we discuss 
the optimal control problem consisting of a performance index and a 
physical plant.
2.4 The Second Variation 39 
2.4 The Second Variation 
In the study of extrema of functionals, we have so far considered only 
the necessary condition for a functional to have a relative or weak ex­tremum, 
i.e., the condition that the first variation vanish leading to 
the classic Euler-Lagrange equation. To establish the nature of opti­mum 
(maximum or minimum), it is required to examine the second 
variation. In the relation (2.3.7) for the increment consider the terms 
corresponding to the second variation [120], 
J = f :! [( ~~) . (8x(t))2 + (~:~) • (8X(t))2 
+ 2 (::;x) * 8X(t)8X(t)] dt. (2.4.1) 
Consider the last term in the previous equation and rewrite it in terms 
of 8x(t) only using integration by parts (f udv = uv - f vdu where, 
u = :;¥X8x(t) and v = 8x(t)). Then using 8x(to) = 8x(tf) = 0 for 
fixed-end conditions, we get 
82 J = ~ rtf [{ (82V) _!i ( 8 
2V.) } (8x(t))2 
2 ltD 8x2 dt 8x8x 
* * 
+ (~:~). (8X(t))2] dt. (2.4.2) 
According to Theorem 2.1, the fundamental theorem of the calculus of 
variations, the sufficient condition for a minimum is 82 J > O. This, for 
arbitrary values of 8x(t) and 8x(t), means that 
(82V) d (82V) 
8x2 * - dt 8x8x * > 0, 
(82V) 8x2 * > O. (2.4.4) 
For maximum, the signs of the previous conditions are reversed. Al­ternatively, 
we can rewrite the second variation (2.4.1) in matrix form 
2 1 tf . 8x2 8x8± 8x(t) 
82V 82V] 
8 J = 210 [8x(t) 8x(t)] ::rx ~:'; * [8X(t) ] dt 
1 rtf . [8X(t)] = "2 ltD [8x(t) 8x(t)]II 8x(t) dt (2.4.5)
40 Chapter 2: Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control 
If the matrix II in the previous equation is positive (negative) definite, 
we establish a minimum (maximum). In many cases since 8x(t) is 
arbitrary, the coefficient of (8x(t))2, i.e., 82V /8x2 determines the sign 
of 82 J. That is, the sign of second variation agrees with the sign of 
82V / 8x2. Thus, for minimization requirement 
For maximization, the sign of the previous equation reverses. In the 
literature, this condition is called Legendre condition [126]. 
In 1786, Legendre obtained this result of deciding whether a 
given optimum is maximum or minimum by examining the 
second variation. The second variation technique was fur­ther 
generalized by Jacobi in 1836 and hence this condition 
is usually called Legendre-Jacobi condition. 
Example 2.9 
Verify that the straight line represents the minimum distance be­tween 
two points. 
Solution: This is an obvious solution, however, we illustrate the 
second variation. Earlier in Example 2.7, we have formulated a 
functional for the distance between two points as 
and found that the optimum is a straight line x*(t) = Clt + C2. To 
satisfy the sufficiency condition (2.4.7), we find 
x*(t) 1 
. (2.4.9) 
Since x*(t) is a constant (+ve or -ve) , the previous equation satisfies 
the condition (2.4.7). Hence, the distance between two points as 
given by x*(t) (straight line) is minimum.
2.5 Extrema of Functions with Conditions 41 
Next, we begin the second stage of optimal control. We consider op­timization 
(or extremization) of a functional with a plant, which is 
considered as a constraint or a condition along with the functional. In 
other words, we address the extremization of a functional with some 
condition, which is in the form of a plant equation. The plant takes 
the form of state equation leading us to optimal control of dynamic 
systems. This section is motivated by [6, 79, 120, 108]. 
2.5 Extrema of Functions with Conditions 
We begin with an example of finding the extrema of a function under 
a condition (or constraint). We solve this example with two methods, 
first by direct method and then by Lagrange multiplier method. Let us 
note that we consider this simple example only to illustrate some basic 
concepts associated with conditional extremization [120]. 
Example 2.10 
A manufacturer wants to maximize the volume of the material 
stored in a circular tank subject to the condition that the mate­rial 
used for the tank is limited (constant). Thus, for a constant 
thickness of the material, the manufacturer wants to minimize the 
volume of the material used and hence part of the cost for the tank. 
Solution: If a fixed metal thickness is assumed, this condition im­plies 
that the cross-sectional area of the tank material is constant. 
Let d and h be the diameter and the height of the circular tank. 
Then the volume contained by the tank is 
V(d, h) = wd2h/4 (2.5.1) 
and the cross-sectional surface area (upper, lower and side) of the 
tank is 
A(d, h) = 2wd2/4 + wdh = Ao. (2.5.2) 
Our intent is to maximize V(d, h) keeping A(d, h) = Ao, where Ao 
is a given constant. We discuss two methods: first one is called the 
Direct Method using simple calculus and the second one is called 
Lagrange Multiplier Method using the Lagrange multiplier method. 
1 Direct Method: In solving for the optimum value directly, we 
eliminate one of the variables, say h, from the volume relation 
(2.5.1) using the area relation (2.5.2). By doing so, the condition is 
embedded in the original function to be extremized. From (2.5.2), 
= Ao - wd2/2 
7rd . (2.5.3)
42 Chapter 2: Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control 
Using the relation (2.5.3) for height in the relation (2.5.1) for vol­ume 
Now, to find the extrema of this simple calculus problem, we dif­ferentiate 
(2.5.4) w.r.t. d and set it to zero to get 
~o _ ~7rd2 = O. (2.5.5) 
Solving, we get the optimal value of d as 
d* = J2Ao . 
By demanding that as per the Definition 2.3 for optimum of a 
function, the second derivative of V w.r.t. d in (2.5.4) be neg­ative 
for maximum, we can easily see that the positive value of 
the square root function corresponds to the maximum value of the 
function. Substituting the optimal value of the diameter (2.5.6) in 
the original cross-sectional area given by (2.5.2), and solving for 
the optimum h *, we get 
h* = J2AO 
Thus, we see from (2.5.6) and (2.5.7) that the volume stored by a 
tank is maximized if the height of the tank is made equal to its 
2 Lagrange Multiplier Method: Now we solve the above prob­lem 
by applying Lagrange multiplier method. We form a new func­tion 
to be extremized by adjoining a given condition to the original 
function. The new adjoined function is extremized in the normal 
way by taking the partial derivatives w.r. t. all its variables, making 
them equal to zero, and solving for these variables which are ex­tremals. 
Let the original volume relation (2.5.1) to be extremized 
be rewritten as 
f(d, h) = 7rd2h/4 
and the condition (2.5.2) to be satisfied as 
g(d, h) = 27rd2/4 + 7rdh - Ao = O. 
Then a new adjoint function £, (called Lagrangian) is formed as 
£'(d, h, -) = f(d, h) + -g(d, h) 
= 7rd2h/4 + -(27rd2/4 + 7rdh - Ao) (2.5.10)
2.5 Extrema of Functions with Conditions 43 
where, A, a parameter yet to be determined, is called the Lagrange 
multiplier. Now, since the Lagrangian C is a function of three 
optimal variables d, h, and A, we take the partial derivatives of 
£(d, h, A) w.r.t. each of the variables d, h and A and set them to 
zero. Thus, 
ad = 7rdh/2 + A(7rd + 7rh) = 0 
ah = 7rd2/4 + A(7rd) = 0 
ac 2 
aA = 27rd /4 + 7rdh - Ao = o. 
(2.5.11 ) 
Now, solving the previous three relations (2.5.11) to (2.5.13) for 
the three variables d*, h *, and A *, we get 
d* = J2AO; h* = J2AO 
; ,X* = -J Ao . 37r 37r 247r 
Once again, to maximize the volume of a cylindrical tank, we need 
to have the height (h *) equal to the diameter (d*) of the tank. Note 
that we need to take the negative value of the square root function 
for A in (2.5.14) in order to satisfy the physical requirement that 
the diameter d obtained from (2.5.12) as 
d = -4A (2.5.15) 
is a positive value. 
Now, we generalize the previous two methods. 
2.5.1 Direct Method 
N ow we generalize the preceding method of elimination using differen­tial 
calculus. Consider the extrema of a function f(XI, X2) with two 
interdependent variables Xl and X2, subject to the condition 
As a necessary condition for extrema, we have 
af af 
df = -a dXI + -a dX2 = o. Xl X2 
However, since dXI and dX2 are not arbitrary, but related by the con­dition 
ag ag 
dg = -a dXI + -a dX2 = 0, 
Xl X2 
44 Chapter 2: Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control 
it is not possible to conclude as in the case of extremization of functions 
without conditions that 
and (2.5.19) 
in the necessary condition (2.5.17). This is easily seen, since if the 
set of extrema conditions (2.5.19) is solved for optimal values xi and 
x2' there is no guarantee that these optimal values, would, in general 
satisfy the given condition (2.5.16). 
In order to find optimal values that satisfy both the condition (2.5.16) 
and that of the extrema conditions (2.5.17), we arbitrarily choose one 
of the variables, say Xl, as the independent variable. Then X2 becomes 
a dependent variable as per the condition (2.5.16). Now, assuming that 
8g/8x2 i- 0, (2.5.18) becomes 
8g/ 8XI} dX2 = - { 
8g/8x2 dXI (2.5.20) 
and using (2.5.20) in the necessary condition (2.5.17), we have 
As we have chosen dXI to be the independent, we now can consider it 
to be arbitrary, and conclude that in order to satisfy (2.5.21), we have 
the coefficient of dXI to be zero. That is 
(%:J (%:J -(%:J (%:J = o. (2.5.22) 
Now, the relation (2.5.22) and the condition (2.5.16) are solved simul­taneously 
for the optimal solutions xi and x2' Equation (2.5.22) can 
be rewritten as 
=0. (2.5.23) 
This is also, as we know, the Jacobian of f and 9 w.r.t. Xl and X2. 
This method of elimination of the dependent variables is quite tedious 
for higher order problems.
Optimal control systems
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  • 2. Electrical Engineering Textbook Series Richard C. Dorf, Series Editor University of California, Davis Forthcoming and Published Titles Applied Vector Analysis Matiur Rahman and Isaac Mulolani Continuous Signals and Systems with MATLAB Taan EIAli and Mohammad A. Karim Discrete Signals and Systems with MATLAB Taan EIAIi Electromagnetics Edward J. Rothwell and Michael J. Cloud Optimal Control Systems Desineni Subbaram Naidu
  • 3. OPTIMAL CONTROL SYSTEMS Desineni Subbaram Naidu Idaho State Universitv. Pocatello. Idaho. USA o CRC PRESS Boca Raton London New York Washington, D.C.
  • 4. Cover photo: Terminal phase (using fuel-optimal control) of the lunar landing of the Apollo 11 mission. Courtesy of NASA. TJ "l13 N1. b'~ <'l ~ot Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Naidu, D. s. (Desineni S.), 1940- Optimal control systems I by Desineni Subbaram N aidu. p. cm.- (Electrical engineering textbook series) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-8493-0892-5 (alk. paper) 1. Automatic control. 2. Control theory. 3. Mathematical optimization. I. Title II. Series. 2002067415 This book contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources. Reprinted material is quoted with permission, and sources are indicated. A wide variety of references are listed. Reasonable efforts have been made to publish reliable data and information, but the author and the publisher cannot assume responsibility for the validity of all materials or for the consequences of their use. Neither this book nor any part may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, microfilming, and recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the publisher. The consent of CRC Press LLC does not extend to copying for general distribution, for promotion, for creating new works, or for resale. Specific permission must be obtained in writing from CRC Press LLC for such copying. Direct all inquiries to CRC Press LLC, 2000 N.W. Corporate Blvd., Boca Raton, Florida 33431. Trademark Notice: Product or corporate names may be trademarks or registered trademarks, and are used only for identification and explanation, without intent to infringe. Visit the CRC Press Web site at www.crcpress.com © 2003 by CRC Press LLC No claim to original u.S. Government works International Standard Book Number 0-8493-0892-5 Library of Congress Card Number 2002067415 Printed in the United States of America 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Printed on acid-free paper
  • 5. v "Because the shape of the whole universe is most per­fect and, in fact, designed by the wisest Creator, nothing in all of the world will occur in which no maximum or minimum rule is somehow shining forth. " Leohard Euler, 1144
  • 6. vi Dedication My deceased parents who shaped my life Desineni Rama Naidu Desineni Subbamma and My teacher who shaped my education Buggapati A udi Chetty
  • 7. vii Preface Many systems, physical, chemical, and economical, can be modeled by mathematical relations, such as deterministic and/or stochastic dif­ferential and/or difference equations. These systems then change with time or any other independent variable according to the dynamical re­lations. It is possible to steer these systems from one state to another state by the application of some type of external inputs or controls. If this can be done at all, there may be different ways of doing the same task. If there are different ways of doing the same task, then there may be one way of doing it in the "best" way. This best way can be minimum time to go from one state to another state, or maximum thrust developed by a rocket engine. The input given to the system corresponding to this best situation is called "optimal" control. The measure of "best" way or performance is called "performance index" or "cost function." Thus, we have an "optimal control system," when a system is controlled in an optimum way satisfying a given performance index. The theory of optimal control systems has enjoyed a flourishing period for nearly two decades after the dawn of the so-called "modern" control theory around the 1960s. The interest in theoretical and prac­tical aspects of the subject has sustained due to its applications to such diverse fields as electrical power, aerospace, chemical plants, economics, medicine, biology, and ecology. Aim and Scope In this book we are concerned with essentially the control of physical systems which are "dynamic" and hence described by ordinary differ­ential or difference equations in contrast to "static" systems, which are characterized by algebraic equations. Further, our focus is on "deter­ministic" systems only. The development of optimal control theory in the sixties revolved around the "maximum principle" proposed by the Soviet mathemati­cian L. S. Pontryagin and his colleagues whose work was published in English in 1962. Further contributions are due to R. E. Kalman of the United States. Since then, many excellent books on optimal control theory of varying levels of sophistication have been published. This book is written keeping the "student in mind" and intended to provide the student a simplified treatment of the subject, with an
  • 8. viii appropriate dose of mathematics. Another feature of this book is to assemble all the topics which can be covered in a one-semester class. A special feature of this book is the presentation of the procedures in the form of a summary table designed in terms of statement of the prob­lem and a step-by-step solution of the problem. Further, MATLAB© and SIMULINK© 1 , including Control System and Symbolic Math Toolboxes, have been incorporated into the book. The book is ideally suited for a one-semester, second level, graduate course in control sys­tems and optimization. Background and Audience This is a second level graduate text book and as such the background material required for using this book is a first course on control sys­tems, state space analysis, or linear systems theory. It is suggested that the student review the material in Appendices A and B given at the end of the book. This book is aimed at graduate students in Electrical, Mechanical, Chemical, and Aerospace Engineering and Applied Math­ematics. It can also be used by professional scientists and engineers working in a variety of industries and research organizations. Acknowledgments This book has grown out of my lecture notes prepared over many years of teaching at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur, and Idaho State University (ISU), Pocatello, Idaho. As such, I am indebted to many of my teachers and students. In recent years at ISU, there are many people whom I would like to thank for their encouragement and cooperation. First of all, I would like to thank the late Dean Hary Charyulu for his encouragement to graduate work and research which kept me "live" in the area optimal control. Also, I would like to mention a special person, Kevin Moore, whose encouragement and cooperation made my stay at ISU a very pleasant and scholarly productive one for many years during 1990-98. During the last few years, Dean Kunze and Associate Dean Stuffie have been of great help in providing the right atmosphere for teaching and research work. IMATLAB and SIMULINK are registered trademarks of The Mathworks, Inc., Natick, MA, USA.
  • 9. ix Next, my students over the years were my best critics in providing many helpful suggestions. Among the many, special mention must be made about Martin Murillo, Yoshiko Imura, and Keith Fisher who made several suggestions to my manuscript. In particular, Craig Rieger ( of Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL)) deserves special mention for having infinite patience in writ­ing and testing programs in MATLAB© to obtain analytical solutions to matrix Riccati differential and difference equations. The camera-ready copy of this book was prepared by the author using H'IEX of the PCTEX322 Version 4.0. The figures were drawn using CoreiDRAW3 and exported into H'IEX document. Several people at the publishing company CRC Press deserve men­tion. Among them, special mention must be made about Nora Konopka, Acquisition Editor, Electrical Engineering for her interest, understand­ing and patience with me to see this book to completion. Also, thanks are due to Michael Buso, Michelle Reyes, Helena Redshaw, and Judith Simon Kamin. I would like to make a special mention of Sean Davey who helped me in many issues regarding H'IEX. Any corrections and suggestions are welcome via email to naiduds@isu. edu Finally, it is my pleasant duty to thank my wife, Sita and my daugh­ters, Radhika and Kiranmai who have been a great source of encour­agement and cooperation throughout my academic life. Desineni Subbaram Naidu Pocatello, Idaho June 2002 2:rg..'lEX is a registered trademark of Personal 'lEX, Inc., Mill Valley, CA. 3CorelDRAW is a registered trademark of Corel Corporation or Corel Corporation Limited.
  • 10. x ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The permissions given by 1. Prentice Hall for D. E. Kirk, Optimal Control Theory: An Intro­duction, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1970, 2. John Wiley for F. L. Lewis, Optimal Control, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, NY, 1986, 3. McGraw-Hill for M. Athans and P. L. Falb, Optimal Control: An Introduction to the Theory and Its Applications, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, NY, 1966, and 4. Springer-Verlag for H. H. Goldstine, A History of the Calculus of Variations, Springer-Verlag, New York, NY, 1980, are hereby acknowledged.
  • 11. xi AUTHOR'S BIOGRAPHY Desineni "Subbaram" Naidu received his B.E. degree in Electrical Engineer­ing from Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, India, and M.Tech. and Ph.D. degrees in Control Systems Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technol­ogy (lIT), Kharagpur, India. He held various positions with the Department of Electrical Engineering at lIT. Dr. Naidu was a recipient of a Senior National Research Council (NRC) Associateship of the National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC, tenable at NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia, during 1985-87 and at the U. S. Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (WPAFB), Ohio, during 1998- 99. During 1987-90, he was an adjunct faculty member in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia. Since August 1990, Dr. Naidu has been a professor at Idaho State University. At present he is Director of the Measurement and Control Engi­neering Research Center; Coordinator, Electrical Engineering program; and Associate Dean of Graduate Studies in the College of Engineering, Idaho State University, Pocatello, Idaho. Dr. Naidu has over 150 publications including a research monograph, Sin­gular Perturbation Analysis of Discrete Control Systems, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1985; a book, Singular Perturbation Methodology in Control Systems, lEE Control Engineering Series, 1988; and a research monograph entitled, Aeroassisted Orbital Transfer: Guidance and Control Strategies, Lec­ture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, 1994. Dr. Naidu is (or has been) a member of the Editorial Boards of the IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control, (1993-99), the International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, (1996-present), the International Journal of Control-Theory and Advanced Technology (C-TAT), (1992-1996), and a mem­ber of the Editorial Advisory Board of Mechatronics: The Science of Intelli­gent Machines, an International Journal, (1992-present). Professor Naidu is an elected Fellow of The Institute of Electrical and Elec­tronics Engineers (IEEE), a Fellow of World Innovation Foundation (WIF), an Associate Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) and a member of several other organizations such as SIAM, ASEE, etc. Dr. Naidu was a recipient of the Idaho State University Outstanding Re­searcher Award for 1993-94 and 1994-95 and the Distinguished Researcher Award for 1994-95. Professor Naidu's biography is listed (multiple years) in Who's Who among America's Teachers, the Silver Anniversary 25th Edition of Who's Who in the West, Who's Who in Technology, and The International Directory of Distinguished Leadership.
  • 13. Contents 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Classical and Modern Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.2 Optimization................................. 4 1.3 Optimal Control .............................. 6 1.3.1 Plant ................................. 6 1.3.2 Performance Index ........................ 6 1.3.3 Constraints ............................. 9 1.3.4 Formal Statement of Optimal Control System .... 9 1.4 Historical Tour .............................. 11 1.4.1 Calculus of Variations .................... 11 1.4.2 Optimal Control Theory .................. 13 1.5 About This Book ............................. 15 1.6 Chapter Overview ............................ 16 1.7 Problems ................................... 17 2 Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control 19 2.1 Basic Concepts .............................. 19 2.1.1 Function and Functional .................. 19 2.1.2 Increment ............................. 20 2.1.3 Differential and Variation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 2.2 Optimum of a Function and a Functional ............ 25 2.3 The Basic Variational Problem ................... 27 2.3.1 Fixed-End Time and Fixed-End State System ... 27 2.3.2 Discussion on Euler-Lagrange Equation ........ 33 2.3.3 Different Cases for Euler-Lagrange Equation .... 35 2.4 The Second Variation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 2.5 Extrema of Functions with Conditions .............. 41 2.5.1 Direct Method .......................... 43 2.5.2 Lagrange Multiplier Method ................ 45 2.6 Extrema of Functionals with Conditions ............ 48 2.7 Variational Approach to Optimal Control Systems . . . . . 57 xiii
  • 14. XIV 2.7.1 Terminal Cost Problem ................... 57 2.7.2 Different Types of Systems ................. 65 2.7.3 Sufficient Condition ...................... 67 2.7.4 Summary of Pontryagin Procedure ........... 68 2.8 Summary of Variational Approach ................. 84 2.8.1 Stage I: Optimization of a Functional . . . . . . . . . 85 2.8.2 Stage II: Optimization of a Functional with Condition ............................. 86 2.8.3 Stage III: Optimal Control System with Lagrangian Formalism .................... 87 2.8.4 Stage IV: Optimal Control System with Hamiltonian Formalism: Pontryagin Principle ... 88 2.8.5 Salient Features ......................... 91 2.9 Problems ................................... 96 3 Linear Quadratic Optimal Control Systems I 101 3.1 Problem Formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 101 3.2 Finite-Time Linear Quadratic Regulator ........... 104 3.2.1 Symmetric Property of the Riccati Coefficient Matrix .............................. 109 3.2.2 Optimal Control ....................... 110 3.2.3 Optimal Performance Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 110 3.2.4 Finite-Time Linear Quadratic Regulator: Time-Varying Case: Summary ............. 112 3.2.5 Salient Features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 114 3.2.6 LQR System for General Performance Index ... 118 3.3 Analytical Solution to the Matrix Differential Riccati Equation .................... 119 3.3.1 MATLAB© Implementation of Analytical Solution to Matrix DRE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 122 3.4 Infinite-Time LQR System I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 125 3.4.1 Infinite-Time Linear Quadratic Regulator: Time-Varying Case: Summary ............. 128 3.5 Infinite-Time LQR System II ................... 129 3.5.1 Meaningful Interpretation of Riccati Coefficient . 132 3.5.2 Analytical Solution of the Algebraic Riccati Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 133 3.5.3 Infinite-Interval Regulator System: Time-Invariant Case: Summary ............. 134 3.5.4 Stability Issues of Time-Invariant Regulator. . .. 139
  • 15. xv 3.5.5 Equivalence of Open-Loop and Closed-Loop Optimal Controls ....................... 141 3.6 Notes and Discussion ......................... 144 3.7 Problems .................................. 147 4 Linear Quadratic Optimal Control Systems II 151 4.1 Linear Quadratic Tracking System: Finite-Time Case 152 4.1.1 Linear Quadratic Tracking System: Summary 157 4.1.2 Salient Features of Tracking System . . . . . . . .. 158 4.2 LQT System: Infinite-Time Case ................. 166 4.3 Fixed-End-Point Regulator System ............... 169 4.4 LQR with a Specified Degree of Stability . . . . . . . . . .. 175 4.4.1 Regulator System with Prescribed Degree of Stability: Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 177 4.5 Frequency-Domain Interpretation ................ 179 4.5.1 Gain Margin and Phase Margin ............ 181 4.6 Problems.................................. 188 5 Discrete-Time Optimal Control Systems 191 5.1 Variational Calculus for Discrete-Time Systems .................................. 191 5.1.1 Extremization of a Functional .............. 192 5.1.2 Functional with Terminal Cost ............. 197 5.2 Discrete-Time Optimal Control Systems ........... 199 5.2.1 Fixed-Final State and Open-Loop Optimal Control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 203 5.2.2 Free-Final State and Open-Loop Optimal Control 207 5.3 Discrete-Time Linear State Regulator System ................................... 207 5.3.1 Closed-Loop Optimal Control: Matrix Difference Riccati Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209 5.3.2 Optimal Cost Function .................. 213 5.4 Steady-State Regulator System .................. 219 5.4.1 Analytical Solution to the Riccati Equation .... 225 5.5 Discrete-Time Linear Quadratic Tracking System . . . .. 232 5.6 Frequency-Domain Interpretation ................ 239 5.7 Problems .................................. 245
  • 16. XVI 6 Pontryagin Minimum Principle 249 6.1 Constrained System .......................... 249 6.2 Pontryagin Minimum Principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 252 6.2.1 Summary of Pontryagin Principle . . . . . . . . . . . 256 6.2.2 Additional Necessary Conditions ............ 259 6.3 Dynamic Programming. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261 6.3.1 Principle of Optimality .................. 261 6.3.2 Optimal Control Using Dynamic Programming . 266 6.3.3 Optimal Control of Discrete-Time Systems .... 272 6.3.4 Optimal Control of Continuous-Time Systems .. 275 6.4 The Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equation ............ 277 6.5 LQR System Using H-J-B Equation ............. " 283 6.6 Notes and Discussion ......................... 288 7 Constrained Optimal Control Systems 293 7.1 Constrained Optimal Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 293 7.1.1 Time-Optimal Control of LTI System ........ 295 7.1.2 Problem Formulation and Statement . . . . . . . .. 295 7.1.3 Solution of the TOC System ............... 296 7.1.4 Structure of Time-Optimal Control System .... 303 7.2 TOC of a Double Integral System ................ 305 7.2.1 Problem Formulation and Statement. . . . . . . .. 306 7.2.2 Problem Solution ....................... 307 7.2.3 Engineering Implementation of Control Law ... 314 7.2.4 SIMULINK© Implementation of Control Law .. 315 7.3 Fuel-Optimal Control Systems ................... 315 7.3.1 Fuel-Optimal Control of a Double Integral System 316 7.3.2 Problem Formulation and Statement ......... 319 7.3.3 Problem Solution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 319 7.4 Minimum-Fuel System: LTI System ............... 328 7.4.1 Problem Statement ..................... 328 7.4.2 Problem Solution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 329 7.4.3 SIMULINK© Implementation of Control Law. . 333 7.5 Energy-Optimal Control Systems ................ 335 7.5.1 Problem Formulation and Statement ......... 335 7.5.2 Problem Solution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 339 7.6 Optimal Control Systems with State Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 351 7.6.1 Penalty Function Method. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 352 7.6.2 Slack Variable Method ................... 358
  • 17. xvii 7.7 Problems .................................. 361 Appeddix A: Vectors and Matrices 365 A.1 Vectors ................................... 365 A.2 Matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 367 A.3 Quadratic Forms and Definiteness ................ 376 Appendix B: State Space Analysis 379 B.1 State Space Form for Continuous-Time Systems ...... 379 B.2 Linear Matrix Equations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 381 B.3 State Space Form for Discrete-Time Systems . . . . . . .. 381 B.4 Controllability and Observability ................. 383 B.5 Stabilizability, Reachability and Detectability ........ 383 Appendix C: MATLAB Files 385 C.1 MATLAB© for Matrix Differential Riccati Equation .. 385 C.l.1 MATLAB File lqrnss.m .................. 386 C.l.2 MATLAB File lqrnssf.m .................. 393 C.2 MATLAB© for Continuous-Time Tracking System ... 394 C.2.1 MATLAB File for Example 4.1(example4_l.m) . 394 C.2.2 MATLAB File for Example 4.1(example4_1p.m). 397 C.2.3 MATLAB File for Example 4.1(example4_1g.m). 397 C.2.4 MAT LAB File for Example 4.1(example4_1x.m). 397 C.2.5 MATLAB File for Example 4.2(example4_l.m) . 398 C.2.6 MATLAB File for Example 4.2( example4_2p.m). 400 C.2.7 MATLAB File for Example 4.2(example4_2g.m). 400 C.2.8 MATLAB File for Example 4.2( example4_2x.m). 401 C.3 MATLAB© for Matrix Difference Riccati Equation ... 401 C.3.1 MAT LAB File lqrdnss.m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 401 C.4 MATLAB© for Discrete-Time Tracking System ...... 409 References . ..................................... 415 Index . ......................................... 425
  • 19. List of Figures 1.1 Classical Control Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.2 Modern Control Configuration .................... 3 1.3 Components of a Modern Control System ............ 4 1.4 Overview of Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1.5 Optimal Control Problem ....................... 10 2.1 Increment ~f, Differential df, and Derivative j of a Function f ( t) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 2.2 Increment ~J and the First Variation 8J of the Func-tional J .................................... 24 2.3 ( a) Minimum and (b) Maximum of a Function f ( t) . . . . . 26 2.4 Fixed-End Time and Fixed-End State System ........ 29 2.5 A Nonzero g(t) and an Arbitrary 8x(t) ............. 32 2.6 Arc Length ................................. 37 2.7 Free-Final Time and Free-Final State System ......... 59 2.8 Final-Point Condition with a Moving Boundary B(t) .... 63 2.9 Different Types of Systems: (a) Fixed-Final Time and Fixed-Final State System, (b) Free-Final Time and Fixed­Final State System, (c) Fixed-Final Time and Free-Final State System, (d) Free-Final Time and Free-Final State System .................................... 66 2.10 Optimal Controller for Example 2.12 ............... 72 2.11 Optimal Control and States for Example 2.12 ......... 74 2.12 Optimal Control and States for Example 2.13 ......... 77 2.13 Optimal Control and States for Example 2.14 ......... 81 2.14 Optimal Control and States for Example 2.15 ......... 84 2.15 Open-Loop Optimal Control ..................... 94 2.16 Closed-Loop Optimal Control .................... 95 3.1 State and Costate System ...................... 107 3.2 Closed-Loop Optimal Control Implementation ....... 117 X'lX
  • 20. xx 3.3 Riccati Coefficients for Example 3.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 125 3.4 Closed-Loop Optimal Control System for Example 3.1 126 3.5 Optimal States for Example 3.1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 127 3.6 Optimal Control for Example 3.1 ................ 127 3.7 Interpretation of the Constant Matrix P ........... 133 3.8 Implementation of the Closed-Loop Optimal Control: Infinite Final Time. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 135 3.9 Closed-Loop Optimal Control System . . . . . . . . . . . .. 138 3.10 Optimal States for Example 3.2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 140 3.11 Optimal Control for Example 3.2 ................ 141 3.12 (a) Open-Loop Optimal Controller (OLOC) and (b) Closed-Loop Optimal Controller (CLOC) ........ 145 4.1 Implementation of the Optimal Tracking System ..... 157 4.2 Riccati Coefficients for Example 4.1 ............... 163 4.3 Coefficients 91(t) and 92(t) for Example 4.1 ......... 164 4.4 Optimal States for Example 4.1 .................. 164 4.5 Optimal Control for Example 4.1 ................ 165 4.6 Riccati Coefficients for Example 4.2 ............... 167 4.7 Coefficients 91(t) and 92(t) for Example 4.2 ......... 168 4.8 Optimal Control and States for Example 4.2 ........ 168 4.9 Optimal Control and States for Example 4.2 ........ 169 4.10 Optimal Closed-Loop Control in Frequency Domain ... 180 4.11 Closed-Loop Optimal Control System with Unity Feedback. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 184 4.12 Nyquist Plot of Go(jw) ........................ 185 4.13 Intersection of Unit Circles Centered at Origin and -1 + jO ............................... 186 5.1 State and Costate System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 205 5.2 Closed-Loop Optimal Controller for Linear Discrete-Time Regulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 215 5.3 Riccati Coefficients for Example 5.3 ............... 219 5.4 Optimal Control and States for Example 5.3 ........ 220 5.5 Optimal Control and States for Example 5.3 ........ 221 5.6 Closed-Loop Optimal Control for Discrete-Time Steady-State Regulator System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 223 5.7 Implementation of Optimal Control for Example 5.4 . .. 226 5.8 Implementation of Optimal Control for Example 5.4 ... 227 5.9 Riccati Coefficients for Example 5.5. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 231
  • 21. XXI 5.10 Optimal States for Example 5.5 ................ " 232 5.11 Optimal Control for Example 5.5 ................ 233 5.12 Implementation of Discrete-Time Optimal Tracker .... 239 5.13 Riccati Coefficients for Example 5.6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 240 5.14 Coefficients 91(t) and 92(t) for Example 5.6 ......... 241 5.15 Optimal States for Example 5.6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 241 5.16 Optimal Control for Example 5.6 ................ 242 5.17 Closed-Loop Discrete-Time Optimal Control System. . . 243 6.1 (a) An Optimal Control Function Constrained by a Boundary (b) A Control Variation for Which -8u(t) Is Not Admissible ........................... 254 6.2 Illustration of Constrained (Admissible) Controls ..... 260 6.3 Optimal Path from A to B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 261 6.4 A Multistage Decision Process .................. 262 6.5 A Multistage Decision Process: Backward Solution .... 263 6.6 A Multistage Decision Process: Forward Solution ..... 265 6.7 Dynamic Programming Framework of Optimal State Feedback Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 271 6.8 Optimal Path from A to B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290 7.1 Signum Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 299 7.2 Time-Optimal Control ........................ 299 7.3 Normal Time-Optimal Control System ............. 300 7.4 Singular Time-Optimal Control System ............ 301 7.5 Open-Loop Structure for Time-Optimal Control System 304 7.6 Closed-Loop Structure for Time-Optimal Control System 306 7.7 Possible Costates and the Corresponding Controls .... 309 7.8 Phase Plane Trajectories for u = + 1 (dashed lines) and u = -1 (dotted lines) ......................... 310 7.9 Switch Curve for Double Integral Time-Optimal Control System ................................... 312 7.10 Various Trajectories Generated by Four Possible Control Sequences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 313 7.11 Closed-Loop Implementation of Time-Optimal Control Law ..................................... 315 7.12 SIMULINK@ Implementation of Time-Optimal Control Law ............................... 316 7.13 Phase-Plane Trajectory for 1'+: Initial State (2,-2) and Final State (0,0) ............................ 317
  • 22. xxii 7.14 Phase-Plane Trajectory for 7-: Initial State (-2,2) and Final State (0,0) ............................ 317 7.15 Phase-Plane Trajectory for R+: Initial State (-1,-1) and Final State (0,0) ............................ 318 7.16 Phase-Plane Trajectory for R_: Initial State (1,1) and Final State (0,0) ............................ 318 7.17 Relations Between A2(t) and lu*(t)1 + u*(t)A2(t) ...... 322 7.18 Dead-Zone Function. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 323 7.19 Fuel-Optimal Control ......................... 323 7.20 Switching Curve for a Double Integral Fuel-Optimal Control System ............................. 324 7.21 Phase-Plane Trajectories for u(t) = 0 .............. 325 7.22 Fuel-Optimal Control Sequences ................. 326 7.23 E-Fuel-Optimal Control. ....................... 327 7.24 Optimal Control as Dead-Zone Function ........... 330 7.25 Normal Fuel-Optimal Control System ............. 331 7.26 Singular Fuel-Optimal Control System ............. 332 7.27 Open-Loop Implementation of Fuel-Optimal Control System ................................... 333 7.28 Closed-Loop Implementation of Fuel-Optimal Control System ................................... 334 7.29 SIMULINK@ Implementation of Fuel-Optimal Control Law ..................................... 334 7.30 Phase-Plane Trajectory for "Y+: Initial State (2,-2) and Final State (0,0) ............................ 336 7.31 Phase-Plane Trajectory for "Y-: Initial State (-2,2) and Final State (0,0) ............................ 336 7.32 Phase-Plane Trajectory for R1 : Initial State (1,1) and Final State (0,0) ............................ 337 7.33 Phase-Plane Trajectory for R3: Initial State (-1,-1) and Final State (0,0) ............................ 337 7.34 Phase-Plane Trajectory for R2 : Initial State (-1.5,1) and Final State (0,0) ............................ 338 7.35 Phase-Plane Trajectory for R4: Initial State (1.5,-1) and Final State (0,0) ............................ 338 7.36 Saturation Function .......................... 343 7.37 Energy-Optimal Control ....................... 344 7.38 Open-Loop Implementation of Energy-Optimal Control System ................................... 345
  • 23. XXlll 7.39 Closed-Loop Implementation of Energy-Optimal Control System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 346 7.40 Relation between Optimal Control u*(t) vs (a) q*(t) and (b) 0.5A*(t) ................................ 348 7.41 Possible Solutions of Optimal Costate A*(t) ......... 349 7.42 Implementation of Energy-Optimal Control Law ...... 351 7.43 Relation between Optimal Control u*(t) and Optimal Costate A2 ( t) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 358
  • 25. List of Tables 2.1 Procedure Summary of Pontryagin Principle for Bolza Problem ................................... 69 3.1 Procedure Summary of Finite-Time Linear Quadratic Regulator System: Time-Varying Case. . . . . . . . . . . .. 113 3.2 Procedure Summary of Infinite-Time Linear Quadratic Regulator System: Time-Varying Case. . . . . . . . . . . .. 129 3.3 Procedure Summary of Infinite-Interval Linear Quadratic Regulator System: Time-Invariant Case . . . . . . . . . . .. 136 4.1 Procedure Summary of Linear Quadratic Tracking System159 4.2 Procedure Summary of Regulator System with Prescribed Degree of Stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 178 5.1 Procedure Summary of Discrete-Time Optimal Control System: Fixed-End Points Condition .............. 204 5.2 Procedure Summary for Discrete-Time Optimal Control System: Free-Final Point Condition ............... 208 5.3 Procedure Summary of Discrete-Time, Linear Quadratic Regulator System ............................ 214 5.4 Procedure Summary of Discrete-Time, Linear Quadratic Regulator System: Steady-State Condition . . . . . . . . .. 222 5.5 Procedure Summary of Discrete-Time Linear Quadratic Tracking System ............................ 238 6.1 Summary of Pontryagin Minimum Principle ......... 257 6.2 Computation of Cost during the Last Stage k = 2 ..... 269 6.3 Computation of Cost during the Stage k = 1,0 ....... 270 6.4 Procedure Summary of Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) Approach ................................. 280 xxv
  • 26. XXVI 7.1 Procedure Summary of Optimal Control Systems with State Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 355
  • 27. Chapter 1 Introduction In this first chapter, we introduce the ideas behind optimization and optimal control and provide a brief history of calculus of variations and optimal control. Also, a brief summary of chapter contents is presented. 1.1 Classical and Modern Control The classical (conventional) control theory concerned with single input and single output (8180) is mainly based on Laplace transforms the­ory and its use in system representation in block diagram form. From Figure 1.1, we see that Reference Input R(s) + Error Signal - E(s) Y(s) R(s) G(s) Control BPI 1 + G(s)H(s) c ompensator ant .. Gc(s) Input ... G (s) U(s) p Feedback H(s) ... (1.1.1) Output yes) Figure 1.1 Classical Control Configuration 1
  • 28. 2 Chapter 1: Introduction where s is Laplace variable and we used (1.1.2) Note that 1. the input u(t) to the plant is determined by the error e(t) and the compensator, and 2. all the variables are not readily available for feedback. In most cases only one output variable is available for feedback. The modern control theory concerned with multiple inputs and multi­ple outputs (MIMO) is based on state variable representation in terms of a set of first order differential (or difference) equations. Here, the system (plant) is characterized by state variables, say, in linear, time­invariant form as x(t) = Ax(t) + Bu(t) y(t) = Cx(t) + Du(t) (1.1.3) (1.1.4) where, dot denotes differentiation with respect to (w.r.t.) t, x(t), u(t), and y( t) are n, r, and m dimensional state, control, and output vectors respectively, and A is nxn state, B is nxr input, Cis mxn output, and D is mxr transfer matrices. Similarly, a nonlinear system is characterized by x(t) = f(x(t), u(t), t) y(t) = g(x(t), u(t), t). (1.1.5) (1.1.6) The modern theory dictates that all the state variables should be fed back after suitable weighting. We see from Figure 1.2 that in modern control configuration, 1. the input u( t) is determined by the controller (consisting of er­ror detector and compensator) driven by system states x(t) and reference signal r ( t ) , 2. all or most of the state variables are available for control, and 3. it depends on well-established matrix theory, which is amenable for large scale computer simulation.
  • 29. 1.1 Classical and Modern Control 3 Plant Control Output Input .. p .. u(t) y(t) State R eference x(t) Input .. C '" r(t) Controller Figure 1.2 Modern Control Configuration The fact that the state variable representation uniquely specifies the transfer function while there are a number of state variable representa­tions for a given transfer function, reveals the fact that state variable representation is a more complete description of a system. Figure 1.3 shows components of a modern control system. It shows three components of modern control and their important contributors. The first stage of any control system theory is to obtain or formulate the dynamics or modeling in terms of dynamical equations such as dif­ferential or difference equations. The system dynamics is largely based on the Lagrangian function. Next, the system is analyzed for its perfor­mance to find out mainly stability of the system and the contributions of Lyapunov to stability theory are well known. Finally, if the system performance is not according to our specifications, we resort to design [25, 109]. In optimal control theory, the design is usually with respect to a performance index. We notice that although the concepts such as Lagrange function [85] and V function of Lyapunov [94] are old, the techniques using those concepts are modern. Again, as the phrase mod­ern usually refers to time and what is modern today becomes ancient after a few years, a more appropriate thing is to label them as optimal control, nonlinear control, adaptive control, robust control and so on.
  • 30. 4 Chapter 1: Introduction I Modem Control System I ~ ~r ~ r System Dynamics System Analysis System Synthesis (Modeling) (Perfonnance) (Design) r r ~ State Function of V Function of H Function of Lagrange Lyapunov Pontraygin (1788) (1892) (1956) Figure 1.3 Components of a Modern Control System 1.2 Optimization Optimization is a very desirable feature in day-to-day life. We like to work and use our time in an optimum manner, use resources optimally and so on. The subject of optimization is quite general in the sense that it can be viewed in different ways depending on the approach (al­gebraic or geometric), the interest (single or multiple), the nature of the signals (deterministic or stochastic), and the stage (single or multiple) used in optimization. This is shown in Figure 1.4. As we notice that the calculus of variations is one small area of the big picture of the op­timization field, and it forms the basis for our study of optimal control systems. Further, optimization can be classified as static optimization and dynamic optimization. 1. Static Optimization is concerned with controlling a plant under steady state conditions, i.e., the system variables are not chang­ing with respect to time. The plant is then described by algebraic equations. Techniques used are ordinary calculus, Lagrange mul­tipliers, linear and nonlinear programming. 2. Dynamic Optimization concerns with the optimal control of plants under dynamic conditions, i.e., the system variables are changing with respect to time and thus the time is involved in system description. Then the plant is described by differential
  • 31. 1.2 Optimization Calculus and Lagrange Multipliers OPTIMIZATION Algebraic Approach Multiple Interest Game Theory Stochastic Multiple Stage Dynamic Programming Linear and Nonlinear Programming Functional Analysis Figure 1.4 Overview of Optimization 5
  • 32. 6 Chapter 1: Introduction (or difference) equations. Techniques used are search techniques, dynamic programming, variational calculus (or calculus of varia­tions) and Pontryagin principle. 1.3 Optimal Control The main objective of optimal control is to determine control signals that will cause a process (plant) to satisfy some physical constraints and at the same time extremize (maximize or minimize) a chosen per­formance criterion (performance index or cost function). Referring to Figure 1.2, we are interested in finding the optimal control u*(t) (* in­dicates optimal condition) that will drive the plant P from initial state to final state with some constraints on controls and states and at the same time extremizing the given performance index J. The formulation of optimal control problem requires 1. a mathematical description (or model) of the process to be con­trolled (generally in state variable form), 2. a specification of the performance index, and 3. a statement of boundary conditions and the physical constraints on the states and/or controls. 1.3.1 Plant For the purpose of optimization, we describe a physical plant by a set of linear or nonlinear differential or difference equations. For example, a linear time-invariant system is described by the state and output rela­tions (1.1.3) and (1.1.4) and a nonlinear system by (1.1.5) and (1.1.6). 1.3.2 Performance Index Classical control design techniques have been successfully applied to lin­ear, time-invariant, single-input, single output (8180) systems. Typical performance criteria are system time response to step or ramp input characterized by rise time, settling time, peak overshoot, and steady state accuracy; and the frequency response of the system characterized by gain and phase margins, and bandwidth. In modern control theory, the optimal control problem is to find a control which causes the dynamical system to reach a target or fol-
  • 33. 1.3 Optimal Control 7 low a state variable (or trajectory) and at the same time extremize a performance index which may take several forms as described below. 1. Performance Index for Time-Optimal Control System: We try to transfer a system from an arbitrary initial state x(to) to a specified final state x( t f) in minimum time. The corresponding performance index (PI) is it! J = dt = t f - to = t*. to (1.3.1 ) 2. Performance Index for Fuel-Optimal Control System: Con­sider a spacecraft problem. Let u(t) be the thrust of a rocket engine and assume that the magnitude I u( t) I of the thrust is pro­portional to the rate of fuel consumption. In order to minimize the total expenditure of fuel, we may formulate the performance index as it! J = lu(t)ldt. to (1.3.2) For several controls, we may write it as (1.3.3) where R is a weighting factor. 3. Performance Index for Minimum-Energy Control Sys­tem: Consider Ui (t) as the current in the ith loop of an electric network. Then 2:i!1 u;(t)ri (where, ri is the resistance of the ith loop) is the total power or the total rate of energy expenditure of the network. Then, for minimization of the total expended energy, we have a performance criterion as (1.3.4) or in general, it! J = u'(t)Ru(t)dt to (1.3.5)
  • 34. 8 Chapter 1: Introduction where, R is a positive definite matrix and prime (') denotes trans­pose here and throughout this book (see Appendix A for more details on definite matrices). Similarly, we can think of minimization of the integral of the squared error of a tracking system. We then have, it! J = x/(t)Qx(t)dt to (1.3.6) where, Xd(t) is the desired value, xa(t) is the actual value, and x(t) = xa(t) - Xd(t), is the error. Here, Q is a weighting matrix, which can be positive semi-definite. 4. Performance Index for Terminal Control System: In a ter­minal target problem, we are interested in minimizing the error between the desired target position Xd (t f) and the actual target position Xa (t f) at the end of the maneuver or at the final time t f. The terminal (final) error is x ( t f) = Xa ( t f) - Xd ( t f ). Taking care of positive and negative values of error and weighting factors, we structure the cost function as (1.3.7) which is also called the terminal cost function. Here, F is a positive semi-definite matrix. 5. Performance Index for General Optimal Control System: Combining the above formulations, we have a performance index in general form as it! J = x/(tf)Fx(tf) + [X/(t)QX(t) + u/(t)Ru(t)]dt to (1.3.8) or, it! J = S(x(tf),tf) + V(x(t),u(t),t)dt to (1.3.9) where, R is a positive definite matrix, and Q and F are positive semidefinite matrices, respectively. Note that the matrices Q and R may be time varying. The particular form of performance index (1.3.8) is called quadratic (in terms of the states and controls) form.
  • 35. 1.3 Optimal Control 9 The problems arising in optimal control are classified based on the structure of the performance index J [67]. If the PI (1.3.9) contains the terminal cost function S(x(t), u(t), t) only, it is called the Mayer problem, if the PI (1.3.9) has only the integral cost term, it is called the Lagrange problem, and the problem is of the Bolza type if the PI contains both the terminal cost term and the integral cost term as in (1.3.9). There are many other forms of cost functions depending on our performance specifications. However, the above mentioned performance indices (with quadratic forms) lead to some very elegant results in optimal control systems. 1.3.3 Constraints The control u( t) and state x( t) vectors are either unconstrained or constrained depending upon the physical situation. The unconstrained problem is less involved and gives rise to some elegant results. From the physical considerations, often we have the controls and states, such as currents and voltages in an electrical circuit, speed of a motor, thrust of a rocket, constrained as (1.3.10) where, +, and - indicate the maximum and minimum values the vari­ables can attain. 1.3.4 Formal Statement of Optimal Control System Let us now state formally the optimal control problem even risking rep­etition of some of the previous equations. The optimal control problem is to find the optimal control u*(t) (* indicates extremal or optimal value) which causes the linear time-invariant plant (system) x(t) = Ax(t) + Bu(t) (1.3.11) to give the trajectory x* (t) that optimizes or extremizes (minimizes or maximizes) a performance index J = x'(tf)Fx(tf) + J.tJ [x'(t)Qx(t) + u'(t)Ru(t)]dt (1.3.12) to or which causes the nonlinear system x(t) = f(x(t), u(t), t) (1.3.13)
  • 36. 10 Chapter 1: Introduction to give the state x*(t) that optimizes the general performance index itf J = S(x(tj), tf) + V(x(t), u(t), t)dt to (1.3.14) with some constraints on the control variables u( t) and/or the state variables x(t) given by (1.3.10). The final time tf may be fixed, or free, and the final (target) state may be fully or partially fixed or free. The entire problem statement is also shown pictorially in Figure 1.5. Thus, Optimal Control System I + .. • Plant I Cost Function II Constraints , , J J ~ .. ~ J* ... ~ J* .. u*(t) u(t) r u*(t) u(t) (a) Minimum (b) Maximum Figure 1.5 Optimal Control Problem we are basically interested in finding the control u*(t) which when applied to the plant described by (1.3.11) or (1.3.13), gives an optimal performance index J* described by (1.3.12) or (1.3.14). The optimal control systems are studied in three stages. 1. In the first stage, we just consider the performance index of the form (1.3.14) and use the well-known theory of calculus of varia­tions to obtain optimal functions. 2. In the second stage, we bring in the plant (1.3.11) and try to address the problem of finding optimal control u*(t) which will
  • 37. 1.4 Historical Tour 11 drive the plant and at the same time optimize the performance index (1.3.12). Next, the above topics are presented in discrete­time domain. 3. Finally, the topic of constraints on the controls and states (1.3.10) is considered along with the plant and performance index to ob­tain optimal control. 1.4 Historical Tour We basically consider two stages of the tour: first the development of calculus of variations, and secondly, optimal control theory [134, 58, 99, 28]1. 1.4.1 Calculus oj Variations According to a legend [88], Tyrian princess Dido used a rope made of cowhide in the form of a circular arc to maximize the area to be occupied to found Carthage. Although the story of the founding of Carthage is fictitious, it probably inspired a new mathematical dis­cipline, the calculus of variations and its extensions such as optimal control theory. The calculus of variations is that branch of mathematics that deals with finding a function which is an extremum (maximum or minimum) of a functional. A functional is loosely defined as a function of a func­tion. The theory of finding maxima and minima of functions is quite old and can be traced back to the isoperimetric problems considered by Greek mathematicians such as Zenodorus (495-435 B.C.) and by Poppus (c. 300 A.D.). But we will start with the works of Bernoulli. In 1699 Johannes Bernoulli (1667-1748) posed the brachistochrone prob­lem: the problem of finding the path of quickest descent between two points not in the same horizontal or vertical line. This problem which was first posed by Galileo (1564-1642) in 1638, was solved by John, his brother Jacob (1654- 1705), by Gottfried Leibniz (1646-1716), and anonymously by Isaac Newton (1642-1727). Leonard Euler (1707-1783) joined John Bernoulli and made some remarkable contributions, which influenced Joseph-Louis Lagrange (1736-1813), who finally gave an el- IThe permission given by Springer-Verlag for H. H. Goldstine, A History of the Calculus of Variations, Springer-Verlag, New York, NY, 1980, is hereby acknowledged.
  • 38. 12 Chapter 1: Introduction egant way of solving these types of problems by using the method of (first) variations. This led Euler to coin the phrase calculus of vari­ations. Later this necessary condition for extrema of a functional was called the Euler - the Lagrange equation. Lagrange went on to treat variable end - point problems introducing the multiplier method, which later became one of the most powerful tools-Lagrange (or Euler­Lagrange) multiplier method-in optimization. The sufficient conditions for finding the extrema of functionals in cal­culus of variations was given by Andrien Marie Legendre (1752-1833) in 1786 by considering additionally the second variation. Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi (1804-1851) in 1836 came up with a more rigorous anal­ysis of the sufficient conditions. This sufficient condition was later on termed as the Legendre-Jacobi condition. At about the same time Sir William Rowan Hamilton (1788-1856) did some remarkable work on mechanics, by showing that the motion of a particle in space, acted upon by various external forces, could be represented by a single func­tion which satisfies two first-order partial differential equations. In 1838 Jacobi had some objections to this work and showed the need for only one partial differential equation. This equation, called Hamilton-Jacobi equation, later had profound influence on the calculus of variations and dynamic programming, optimal control, and as well as on mechanics. The distinction between strong and weak extrema was addressed by Karl Weierstrass (1815-1897) who came up with the idea of the field of extremals and gave the Weierstrass condition, and sufficient condi­tions for weak and strong extrema. Rudolph Clebsch (1833-1872) and Adolph Mayer proceeded with establishing conditions for the more gen­eral class of problems. Clebsch formulated a problem in the calculus of variations by adjoining the constraint conditions in the form of differ­ential equations and provided a condition based on second variation. In 1868 Mayer reconsidered Clebsch's work and gave some elegant re­sults for the general problem in the calculus of variations. Later Mayer described in detail the problems: the problem of Lagrange in 1878, and the problem of Mayer in 1895. In 1898, Adolf Kneser gave a new approach to the calculus of varia­tions by using the result of Karl Gauss (1777-1855) on geodesics. For variable end-point problems, he established the transversality condi­tion which includes orthogonality as a special case. He along with Oskar Bolza (1857-1942) gave sufficiency proofs for these problems. In 1900, David Hilbert (1862-1943) showed the second variation as a
  • 39. 1.4 Historical Tour 13 quadratic functional with eigenvalues and eigenfunctions. Between 1908 and 1910, Gilbert Bliss (1876-1951) [23] and Max Mason looked in depth at the results of Kneser. In 1913, Bolza formulated the problem of Bolza as a generalization of the problems of Lagrange and Mayer. Bliss showed that these three problems are equivalent. Other notable contributions to calculus of variations were made by E. J. McShane (1904-1989) [98], M. R. Hestenes [65], H. H. Goldstine and others. There have been a large number of books on the subject of calculus of variations: Bliss (1946) [23], Cicala (1957) [37], Akhiezer (1962) [1], Elsgolts (1962) [47], Gelfand and Fomin (1963) [55], Dreyfus (1966) [45], Forray (1968) [50], Balakrishnan (1969) [8], Young (1969) [146], Elsgolts (1970) [46], Bolza (1973) [26], Smith (1974) [126], Weinstock (1974) [143], Krasnov et al. (1975) [81], Leitmann (1981) [88], Ew­ing (1985) [48], Kamien and Schwartz (1991) [78], Gregory and Lin (1992) [61], Sagan (1992) [118], Pinch (1993) [108], Wan (1994) [141], Giaquinta and Hildebrandt (1995) [56, 57], Troutman (1996) [136], and Milyutin and Osmolovskii (1998) [103]. 1.4.2 Optimal Control Theory The linear quadratic control problem has its origins in the celebrated work of N. Wiener on mean-square filtering for weapon fire control dur­ing World War II (1940-45) [144, 145]. Wiener solved the problem of designing filters that minimize a mean-square-error criterion (perfor­mance measure) of the form (1.4.1) where, e( t) is the error, and E {x} represents the expected value of the random variable x. For a deterministic case, the above error criterion is generalized as an integral quadratic term as J = 1000 e'(t)Qe(t)dt (1.4.2) where, Q is some positive definite matrix. R. Bellman in 1957 [12] introduced the technique of dynamic programming to solve discrete­time optimal control problems. But, the most important contribution to optimal control systems was made in 1956 [25] by L. S. Pontryagin (formerly of the United Soviet Socialistic Republic (USSR)) and his as­sociates, in development of his celebrated maximum principle described
  • 40. 14 Chapter 1: Introduction in detail in their book [109]. Also, see a very interesting article on the "discovery of the Maximum Principle" by R. V. Gamkrelidze [52], one of the authors of the original book [109]. At this time in the United States, R. E. Kalman in 1960 [70] provided linear quadratic regulator (LQR) and linear quadratic Gaussian (LQG) theory to design optimal feedback controls. He went on to present optimal filtering and estima­tion theory leading to his famous discrete Kalman filter [71] and the continuous Kalman filter with Bucy [76]. Kalman had a profound ef­fect on optimal control theory and the Kalman filter is one of the most widely used technique in applications of control theory to real world problems in a variety of fields. At this point we have to mention the matrix Riccati equation that appears in all the Kalman filtering techniques and many other fields. C. J. Riccati [114, 22] published his result in 1724 on the solution for some types of nonlinear differential equations, without ever knowing that the Riccati equation would become so famous after more than two centuries! Thus, optimal control, having its roots in calculus of variations de­veloped during 16th and 17th centuries was really born over 300 years ago [132]. For additional details about the historical perspectives on calculus of variations and optimal control, the reader is referred to some excellent publications [58, 99, 28, 21, 132]. In the so-called linear quadratic control, the term "linear" refers to the plant being linear and the term "quadratic" refers to the perfor­mance index that involves the square or quadratic of an error, and/or control. Originally, this problem was called the mean-square control problem and the term "linear quadratic" did not appear in the litera­ture until the late 1950s. Basically the classical control theory using frequency domain deals with single input and single output (SIS0) systems, whereas modern control theory works with time domain for SISO and multi-input and multi-output (MIMO) systems. Although modern control and hence optimal control appeared to be very attractive, it lacked a very impor­tant feature of robustness. That is, controllers designed based on LQR theory failed to be robust to measurement noise, external disturbances and unmodeled dynamics. On the other hand, frequency domain tech­niques using the ideas of gain margin and phase margin offer robustness in a natural way. Thus, some researchers [115, 95], especially in the United Kingdom, continued to work on developing frequency domain
  • 41. 1.5 About This Book 15 approaches to MIMO systems. One important and relevant field that has been developed around the 1980s is the Hoo-optimal control theory. In this framework, the work developed in the 1960s and 1970s is labeled as H2-optimal control theory. The seeds for Hoo-optimal control theory were laid by G. Zames [148], who formulated the optimal Hoo-sensitivity design problem for SISO systems and solved using optimal N evanilina-Pick interpolation theory. An important publication in this field came from a group of four active researchers, Doyle, Glover, Khargonekar, and Francis[44], who won the 1991 W. R. G. Baker Award as the best IEEE Transactions paper. There are many other works in the field of Hoo control ([51, 96, 43, 128, 7, 60, 131, 150, 39, 34]). 1.5 About This Book This book, on the subject of optimal control systems, is based on the author's lecture notes used for teaching a graduate level course on this subject. In particular, this author was most influenced by Athans and Falb [6], Schultz and Melsa [121], Sage [119], Kirk [79], Sage and White [120], Anderson and Moore [3] and Lewis and Syrmos [91], and one finds the footprints of these works in the present book. There were a good number of books on optimal control published during the era of the "glory of modern control," (Leitmann (1964) [87], Tou (1964) [135], Athans and Falb (1966) [6], Dreyfus (1966) [45], Lee and Markus (1967) [86], Petrov (1968) [106], Sage (1968) [119], Citron (1969) [38], Luenberger (1969) [93], Pierre (1969) [107], Pun (1969) [110], Young (1969) [146], Kirk (1970) [79], Boltyanskii [24], Kwaker­naak and Sivan (1972) [84], Warga (1972) [142], Berkovitz (1974) [17], Bryson and Ho (1975) [30]), Sage and White (1977) [120], Leitmann (1981) [88]), Ryan (1982) [116]). There has been renewed interest with the second wave of books published during the last few years (Lewis (1986) [89], Stengal (1986) [127], Christensen et al. (1987) [36] Ander­son and Moore (1990) [3], Hocking (1991) [66], Teo et al. (1991) [133], Gregory and Lin (1992) [61], Lewis (1992) [90], Pinch (1993) [108], Do­rato et al. (1995) [42], Lewis and Syrmos (1995) [91]), Saberi et al. (1995) [117], Sima (1996) [124], Siouris [125], Troutman (1996) [136] Bardi and Dolcetta (1997) [9], Vincent and Grantham (1997) [139], Milyutin and Osmolovskii (1998) [103], Bryson (1999) [29], Burl [32], Kolosov (1999) [80], Pytlak (1999) [111], Vinter (2000) [140], Zelikin
  • 42. 16 Chapter 1: Introduction (2000) [149], Betts (2001) [20], and Locatelli (2001) [92]. The optimal control theory continues to have a wide variety of appli­cations starting from the traditional electrical power [36] to economics and management [16, 122, 78, 123]. 1.6 Chapter Overview This book is composed of seven chapters. Chapter 2 presents opti­mal control via calculus of variations. In this chapter, we start with some basic definitions and a simple variational problem of extremizing a functional. We then bring in the plant as a conditional optimization problem and discuss various types of problems based on the bound­ary conditions. We briefly mention both Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalisms for optimization. Next, Chapter 3 addresses basically the linear quadratic regulator (LQR) system. Here we discuss the closed­loop optimal control system introducing matrix Riccati differential and algebraic equations. We look at the analytical solution to the Riccati equations and development of MATLAB© routine for the analytical solution. Tracking and other problems of linear quadratic optimal con­trol are discussed in Chapter 4. We also discuss the gain and phase margins of the LQR system. So far the optimal control of continuous-time systems is described. Next, the optimal control of discrete-time systems is presented in Chap­ter 5. Here, we start with the basic calculus of variations and then touch upon all the topics discussed above with respect to the continuous-time systems. The Pontryagin Principle and associated topics of dynamic programming and Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman results are briefly covered in Chapter 6. The optimal control of systems with control and state constraints is described in Chapter 7. Here, we cover topics of control constraints leading to time-optimal, fuel-optimal and energy-optimal control systems and briefly discuss the state constraints problem. Finally, the Appendices A and B provide summary of results on ma­trices, vectors, matrix algebra and state space, and Appendix C lists some of the MATLAB© files used in the book.
  • 43. 1.7 Problems 17 1. 7 Problems Problem 1.1 A D.C. motor speed control system is described by a second order state equation, :h (t) = 25x2(t) X2(t) = -400Xl(t) - 200X2(t) + 400u(t) , where, Xl(t) = the speed of the motor, and X2(t) = the current in the armature circuit and the control input u( t) = the voltage input to an amplifier supplying the motor. Formulate a performance index and optimal control problem to keep the speed constant at a particular value. Problem 1.2 [83] In a liquid-level control system for a storage tank, the valves connecting a reservoir and the tank are controlled by gear train driven by a D. C. motor and an electronic amplifier. The dynamics is described by a third order system Xl(t) = -2Xl(t) X2(t) = X3(t) X3(t) = -10X3(t) + 9000u(t) where, Xl(t) = is the height in the tank, X2(t) = is the angular posi­tion of the electric motor driving the valves controlling the liquid from reservoir to tank, X3(t) = the angular velocity of the motor, and u(t) = is the input to electronic amplifier connected to the input of the motor. Formulate optimal control problem to keep the liquid level constant at a reference value and the system to act only if there is a change in the liquid level. Problem 1.3 [35] In an inverted pendulum system, it is required to maintain the upright position of the pendulum on a cart. The linearized state equations are Xl(t) = X2(t) X2(t) = -X3(t) + O.2u(t) X3(t) = X4(t) X4(t) = 10x3(t) - O.2u(t)
  • 44. 18 Chapter 1: Introduction where, Xl (t) = is horizontal linear displacement of the cart, X2(t) = is linear velocity of the cart, X3(t) = is angular position of the pendulum from vertical line, X4(t) = is angular velocity, and u(t) = is the horizon­tal force applied to the cart. Formulate a performance index to keep the pendulum in the vertical position with as little energy as possible. Problem 1.4 [101J A mechanical system consisting of two masses and two springs, one spring connecting the two masses and the other spring connecting one of the masses to a fixed point. An input is applied to the mass not connected to the fixed point. The displacements (XI(t) and X2 (t)) and the corresponding velocities (X3 (t) and X4 (t)) of the two masses provide a fourth-order system described by XI(t) = X3(t) X2(t) = X4(t) X3(t) = -4XI(t) + 2X2(t) X4(t) = XI(t) - X2(t) + u(t) Formulate a performance index to minimize the errors in displacements and velocities and to minimize the control effort. Problem 1.5 A simplified model of an automobile suspension system is described by mx(t) + kx(t) = bu(t) where, x(t) is the position, u(t) is the input to the suspension system (in the form of an upward force), m is the mass of the suspension system, and k is the spring constant. Formulate the optimal control problem for minimum control energy and passenger comfort. Assume suitable values for all the constants. Problem 1.6 [112J Consider a continuous stirred tank chemical reac­tor described by XI(t) = -O.lXI(t) - 0.12x2(t) X2(t) = -0.3XI(t) - 0.012x2(t) - 0.07u(t) where, the normalized deviation state variables of the linearized model are Xl (t) = reaction variable, X2 (t) = temperature and the control variable u(t) = effective cooling rate coefficient. Formulate a suitable performance measure to minimize the deviation errors and to minimize the control effort.
  • 45. Chapter 2 Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control Calculus of variations (Co V) or variational calculus deals with finding the optimum (maximum or minimum) value of a functional. Varia­tional calculus that originated around 1696 became an independent mathematical discipline after the fundamental discoveries of L. Euler (1709-1783), whom we can claim with good reason as the founder of calculus of variations. In this chapter, we start with some basic definitions and a simple variational problem of extremizing a functional. We then incorporate the plant as a conditional optimization problem and discuss various types of problems based on the boundary conditions. We briefly men­tion both the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalisms for optimization. It is suggested that the student reviews the material in Appendices A and B given at the end of the book. This chapter is motivated by [47, 79, 46, 143, 81, 48]1. 2.1 Basic Concepts 2.1.1 Function and Functional We discuss some fundamental concepts associated with functionals along side with those of functions. (a) Function: A variable x is a function of a variable quantity t, (writ- IThe permission given by Prentice Hall for D. E. Kirk, Optimal Control Theory: An Intro­duction, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1970, is hereby acknowledged. 19
  • 46. 20 Chapter 2: Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control ten as x(t) = !(t)), if to every value of t over a certain range of t there corresponds a value x; i.e., we have a correspondence: to a number t there corresponds a number x. Note that here t need not be always time but any independent variable. Example 2.1 Consider x(t) = 2t2 + 1. (2.1.1 ) For t = 1, x = 3, t = 2, x = 9 and so on. Other functions are x(t) = 2t; X(tb t2) = tt + t§. N ext we consider the definition of a functional based on that of a function. (b) Functional: A variable quantity J is a functional dependent on a function ! (x), written as J = J (f (x) ), if to each function f (x), there corresponds a value J, i.e., we have a correspondence: to the function f (x) there corresponds a number J. Functional depends on several functions. Example 2.2 Let x(t) = 2t2 + 1. Then {I (I 2 5 J(x(t)) = io x(t)dt = io (2t2 + l)dt = 3 + 1 = 3 (2.1.2) is the area under the curve x(t). If v(t) is the velocity of a vehicle, then l ti J ( v ( t )) = v ( t ) dt to (2.1.3) is the path traversed by the vehicle. Thus, here x(t) and v(t) are functions of t, and J is a functional of x(t) or v(t). Loosely speaking, a functional can be thought of as a "function of a function." 2.1.2 Increment We consider here increment of a function and a functional.
  • 47. 2.1 Basic Concepts 21 (a) Increment of a Function: In order to consider optimal values of a function, we need the definition of an increment [47, 46, 79]. DEFINITION 2.1 The increment of the function I, denoted by ~/, is defined as ~/~/(t + ~t) - I(t). (2.1.4) It is easy to see from the definition that ~I depends on both the independent variable t and the increment of the independent variable ~t, and hence strictly speaking, we need to write the increment of a function as ~/(t, ~t). Example 2.3 If find the increment of the function I ( t) . Solution: The increment ~I becomes ~I ~ I(t + ~t) - I(t) = (tl + ~iI + t2 + ~t2? - (tl + t2)2 = (tl + ~tl)2 + (t2 + ~t2)2 + 2(iI + ~h)(t2 + ~t2) - (tI + t§ + 2tlt2) = 2(tl + t2)~tl + 2(tl + t2)~t2 + (~tl)2 + (~t2)2 (2.1.5) +2~tl~t2. (2.1.6) (b) Increment of a Functional: Now we are ready to define the increment of a functional. DEFINITION 2.2 The increment of the functional J, denoted by ~J, is defined as I ~J~J(x(t) + 8x(t)) - J(x(t))·1 (2.1. 7) Here 8x(t) is called the variation of the function x(t). Since the in­crement of a functional is dependent upon the function x(t) and its
  • 48. 22 Chapter 2: Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control variation 8x(t), strictly speaking, we need to write the increment as ilJ(x(t),8x(t)). Example 2.4 Find the increment of the functional (2.1.8) Solution: The increment of J is given by ilJ ~ J(x(t) + 8x(t)) - J(x(t)), = it! [2(x(t) + 8x(t))2 + 1] dt _it! [2x2(t) + 1] dt, it! to to = [4x(t)8x(t) + 2(8x(t) )2] dt. (2.1.9) to 2.1.3 Differential and Variation Here, we consider the differential of a function and the variation of a functional. (a) Differential of a Function: Let us define at a point t* the increment of the function J as ilf~J(t* + ilt) - J(t*). (2.1.10) By expanding J (t* + ilt) in a Taylor series about t*, we get Af = f(t') + (:), At + :, (~n, (At)2 + ... - f(t*). (2.1.11) Neglecting the higher order terms in ilt, Af = (:) * At = j(t*)At = df. (2.1.12) Here, df is called the differential of J at the point t*. j(t*) is the derivative or slope of J at t*. In other words, the differential dJ is the first order approximation to increment ilt. Figure 2.1 shows the relation between increment, differential and derivative.
  • 49. 2.1 Basic Concepts 23 f(t) f(t* +~t) ....... '. . .. ... . ......... ' [(to) ~:~~~ ~ [ ... :. : ::t ~ .. .1~. . ~t :~ . o t* t*+~t t Figure 2.1 Increment fl.j, Differential dj, and Derivative j of a Function j ( t) Example 2.5 Let j(t) = t2 + 2t. Find the increment and the derivative of the function j ( t). Solution: By definition, the increment fl.j is fl.j £ j(t + fl.t) - j(t), = (t + fl.t)2 + 2(t + fl.t) - (t2 + 2t), = 2tfl.t + 2fl.t + ... + higher order terms, = 2(t + l)fl.t, = j(t)fl.t. Here, j(t) = 2(t + 1). (2.1.13) (b) Variation of a Functional: Consider the increment of a func­tional fl.J£J(x(t) + 8x(t)) - J(x(t)). (2.1.14)
  • 50. 24 Cbapter 2: Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control Expanding J(x(t) + 8x(t)) in a Taylor series, we get {)J 1 {)2 J jj.J = J(x(t)) + -{) 8x(t) + -, {) 2 (8x(t))2 + ... - J(x(t)) x 2. x {)J 1 {)2J 2 = {)x 8x(t) + 2! {)x2 (8x(t)) + ... = 8 J + 82 J + ... , (2.1.15) where, {)J 8J = {)x 8x(t) and (2.1.16) are called the first variation (or simply the variation) and the second variation of the functional J, respectively. The variation 8 J of a func­tional J is the linear (or first order approximate) part (in 8x(t)) of the increment jj.J. Figure 2.2 shows the relation between increment and the first variation of a functional. J(x(t» J(x*(t)+Ox(t» . . . . . . . . . .. ... . ......... , . J(x*(t» ... .:. : J ~~ .. .1~. :.. ~ : ox(t): o x*(t) x*(t)+ Ox(t) x(t) Figure 2.2 Increment jj.J and the First Variation 8J of the Functional J
  • 51. 2.2 Optimum of a Function and a Functional 25 Example 2.6 Given the functional it! J(x(t)) = [2x2(t) + 3x(t) + 4]dt, to (2.1.17) evaluate the variation of the functional. Solution: First, we form the increment and then extract the vari­ation as the first order approximation. Thus ~J ~ J(x(t) + 8x(t)) - J(x(t)), it! = [2(x(t) + 8x(t))2 + 3(x(t) + 8x(t)) + 4) to -(2x2(t) + 3x(t) + 4)] dt, it! = [4x(t)8x(t) + 2(8x(t))2 + 38x(t)] dt. to (2.1.18) Considering only the first order terms, we get the (first) variation as it! 8J(x(t),8x(t)) = (4x(t) + 3)8x(t)dt. to (2.1.19) 2.2 Optimum of a Function and a Functional We give some definitions for optimum or extremum (maximum or min­imum) of a function and a functional [47, 46, 79]. The variation plays the same role in determining optimal value of a functional as the dif­ferential does in finding extremal or optimal value of a function. DEFINITION 2.3 Optimum of a Function: A function f (t) is said to have a relative optimum at the point t* if there is a positive parameter E such that for all points t in a domain V that satisfy It - t* I < E, the increment of f(t) has the same sign (positive or negative). In other words, if ~f = f(t) - f(t*) 2:: 0, (2.2.1)
  • 52. 26 Chapter 2: Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control f(t f(t) v 0 t* t f(t) 0 t o t* t (a) m 0 t* t f(t) 0 t t* o~-------.- ----.t ... ~ ;.~~., ~ f(t*)<0 (b) Figure 2.3 (a) Minimum and (b) Maximum of a Function f (t) then, f(t*) is a relative local minimum. On the other hand, if b.f = f(t) - f(t*) ~ 0, (2.2.2) then, f (t*) is a relative local maximum. If the previous relations are valid for arbitrarily large E, then, f(t*) is said to have a global absolute optimum. Figure 2.3 illustrates the (a) minimum and (b) maximum of a function. It is well known that the necessary condition for optimum of a func­tion is that the (first) differential vanishes, i.e., df = O. The sufficient condition
  • 53. 2.3 The Basic Variational Problem 1. for minimum is that the second differential is positive, i.e., d2 f > 0, and 2. for maximum is that the second differential is negative, i.e., d2 f < 0. If d2 f = 0, it corresponds to a stationary (or inflection) point. 27 DEFINITION 2.4 Optimum of a Functional: A functional J is said to have a relative optimum at x* if there is a positive E such that for all functions x in a domain n which satisfy Ix - x* I < E, the increment of J has the same sign. In other words, if !1J = J(x) - J(x*) ~ 0, (2.2.3) then J(x*) is a relative minimum. On the other hand, if !1J = J(x) - J(x*) ~ 0, (2.2.4) then, J(x*) is a relative maximum. If the above relations are satisfied for arbitrarily large E, then, J(x*) is a global absolute optimum. Analogous to finding extremum or optimal values for functions, in variational problems concerning functionals, the result is that the vari­ation must be zero on, an optimal curve. Let us now state the result in the form of a theorem, known as fundamental theorem of the calculus of variations, the proof of which can be found in any book on calculus of variations [47, 46, 79]. THEOREM 2.1 For x*(t) to be a candidate for an optimum, the (first) variation of J must be zero on x*(t), i.e., 6J(x*(t), 6x(t)) = ° for all admissible values of 6x(t). This is a necessary condition. As a sufficient condition for minimum, the second variation 62J > 0, and for maximum 62J < 0. 2.3 The Basic Variational Problem 2.3.1 Fixed-End Time and Fixed-End State System We address a fixed-end time and fixed-end state problem, where both the initial time and state and the final time and state are fixed or given
  • 54. 28 Chapter 2: Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control a priori. Let x(t) be a scalar function with continuous first derivatives and the vector case can be similarly dealt with. The problem is to find the optimal function x* (t) for which the functional it! J(x(t)) = V(x(t), x(t), t)dt to (2.3.1) has a relative optimum. It is assumed that the integrand V has con­tinuous first and second partial derivatives w.r.t. all its arguments; to and t f are fixed (or given a priori) and the end points are fixed, i.e., x(t = to) = Xo; x(t = tf) = xf' (2.3.2) We already know from Theorem 2.1 that the necessary condition for an optimum is that the variation of a functional vanishes. Hence, in our attempt to find the optimum of x(t), we first define the increment for J, obtain its variation and finally apply the fundamental theorem of the calculus of variations (Theorem 2.1). Thus, the various steps involved in finding the optimal solution to the fixed-end time and fixed-end state system are first listed and then discussed in detail. • Step 1: Assumption of an Optimum • Step 2: Variations and Increment • Step 3: First Variation • Step 4: Fundamental Theorem • Step 5: Fundamental Lemma • Step 6: Euler-Lagrange Equation • Step 1: Assumption of an Optimum: Let us assume that x*(t) is the optimum attained for the function x(t). Take some admissible function xa(t) = x*(t) + 8x(t) close to x*(t), where 8x(t) is the variation of x*(t) as shown in Figure 2.4. The function xa(t) should also satisfy the boundary conditions (2.3.2) and hence it is necessary that (2.3.3)
  • 55. 2.3 The Basic Variational Problem 29 x(t) xo ..... . o Figure 2.4 Fixed-End Time and Fixed-End State System • Step 2: Variations and Increment: Let us first define the incre­ment as 6.J(x*(t), 8x(t)) ~ J(x*(t) + 8x(t), x*(t) + 8x(t), t) -J(x*(t), x*(t), t) It! = V (x*(t) + 8x(t), x*(t) + 8x(t), t) dt to It! - V(x*(t), x*(t), t)dt. to (2.3.4) which by combining the integrals can be written as It! 6.J(x*(t), 8x(t)) = [V (x*(t) + 8x(t), x*(t) + 8x(t), t) to - V(x* (t), x*(t), t)] dt. (2.3.5) where, x(t) = d:~t) and 8x(t) = :t {8x(t)} (2.3.6) Expanding V in the increment (2.3.5) in a Taylor series about the point x*(t) and x*(t), the increment 6.J becomes (note the
  • 56. 30 Chapter 2: Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control cancelation of V(x*(t), x*(t), t)) = l' [8V(X*(~~X*(t), t) 6x(t) + 8V(X*(~~ x*(t), t) 6x(t) ~J = ~J(x*(t), 8x(t)) ~ {82V( ... ) (8 ())2 82 + V( ... ) (8· ( ))2 2! 8x2 x t + 8x2 X t + + 2~:~~·) 6x (t)6x (t) } + .. -] dt. (2.3.7) Here, the partial derivatives are w.r.t. x(t) and x(t) at the opti­mal condition (*) and * is omitted for simplicity . • Step 3: First Variation: Now, we obtain the variation by retain­ing the terms that are linear in 8x(t) and 8x(t) as 8J(x*(t),8x(t)) = it! [8V(X*(t), x*(t), t) 8x(t) to 8x 8V(x*(t), x*(t), t)8· ( )] d + 8x x t t. (2.3.8) To express the relation for the first variation (2.3.8) entirely in terms containing 8x(t) (since 8x(t) is dependent on 8x(t)), we integrate by parts the term involving 8x(t) as (omitting the ar­guments in V for simplicity) 1:' (~~) * 6x(t)dt = 1:' (~~) * ! (6x(t))dt = 1:' (~~) * d(6x(t)), = [( ~~) * 6X(t{: _it! 8x(t)~ (8~) dt. to dt 8x * (2.3.9) In the above, we used the well-known integration formula J udv = uv - J vdu where u = 8V/8X and v = 8x(t)). Using (2.3.9), the
  • 57. 2.3 The Basic Variational Problem 31 relation (2.3.8) for first variation becomes 8J(x*(t),6x(t)) = {' (~:) * 6x(t)dt + [( ~~) * 6X(t)[ _ rtf !i (a~) 8x(t)dt, lto dt ax * = rtf [(av) _!i (a~) ]8x(t)dt lto ax * dt ax * + [( ~~) * 6x(t)] I:: . (2.3.10) Using the relation (2.3.3) for boundary variations in (2.3.10), we get 8J(x*(t),6x(t)) = 1:' [( ~:) * - :t (~~) .l6X(t)dt. (2.3.11) • Step 4: Fundamental Theorem: We now apply the fundamental theorem of the calculus of variations (Theorem 2.1), i.e., the vari­ation of J must vanish for an optimum. That is, for the optimum x*(t) to exist, 8J(x*(t),8x(t)) = O. Thus the relation (2.3.11) becomes rtf [(av) _!i (a~) ]8X(t)dt = O. lto ax * dt ax * (2.3.12) Note that the function 8x(t) must be zero at to and tf, but for this, it is completely arbitrary . • Step 5: Fundamental Lemma: To simplify the condition ob­tained in the equation (2.3.12), let us take advantage of the fol­lowing lemma called the fundamental lemma of the calculus of variations [47, 46, 79]. LEMMA 2.1 If for every function g(t) which is continuous, ltf g(t)8x(t)dt = 0 to (2.3.13)
  • 58. 32 Chapter 2: Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control where the function 8x(t) is continuous in the interval [to, tf]' then the function 9 ( t) must be zero everywhere throughout the interval [to, t f] . (see Figure 2.5.) Proof: We prove this by contradiction. Let us assume that g(t) is nonzero (positive or negative) during a short interval [ta, tb]. Next, let us select 8x(t), which is arbitrary, to be positive (or negative) through­out the interval where 9 ( t) has a nonzero value. By this selection of 8x(t), the value of the integral in (2.3.13) will be nonzero. This contradicts our assumption that g( t) is non-zero during the interval. Thus g( t) must be identically zero everywhere during the entire inter­val [to, tf] in (2.3.13). Hence the lemma. get) t 8x(t) Figure 2.5 A Nonzero g(t) and an Arbitrary 8x(t) • Step 6: Euler-Lagrange Equation: Applying the previous lemma to (2.3.12), a necessary condition for x*(t) to be an optimal of the functional J given by (2.3.1) is ( av(x*(t),x*(t),t)) _ ~ (av(x*(t),.x*(t),t)) = 0 (2.3.14) ax * dt ax *
  • 59. 2.3 The Basic Variational Problem 33 or in simplified notation omitting the arguments in V, (aV) _!i (aV) = 0 ax * dt ax * (2.3.15) for all t E [to, tf]. This equation is called Euler equation, first published in 1741 [126]. A historical note is worthy of mention. Euler obtained the equation (2.3.14) in 1741 using an elab­orate and cumbersome procedure. Lagrange studied Euler's results and wrote a letter to Euler in 1755 in which he ob­tained the previous equation by a more elegant method of "variations" as described above. Euler recognized the sim-plicity and generality of the method of Lagrange and intro­duced the name calculus of variations. The all important fundamental equation (2.3.14) is now generally known as Euler-Lagrange (E.-L') equation after these two great math­ematicians of the 18th century. Lagrange worked further on optimization and came up with the well-known Lagrange multiplier rule or method. 2.3.2 Discussion on Euler-Lagrange Equation We provide some comments on the Euler-Lagrange equation [47,46]. 1. The Euler-Lagrange equation (2.3.14) can be written in many different forms. Thus (2.3.14) becomes d V - - (V·) = 0 x dt x (2.3.16) where, Vx = ~: = Vx(x*(t), ±*(t), t); Vi; = ~~ = Vi;(X*(t), x*(t), t). (2.3.17) Since V is a function of three arguments x*(t), x*(t), and t, and
  • 60. 34 Chapter 2: Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control that x*(t) and x*(t) are in turn functions of t, we get Combining (2.3.16) and (2.3.18), we get an alternate form for the EL equation as (2.3.19) 2. The presence of -it and/or x*(t) in the EL equation (2.3.14) means that it is a differential equation. 3. In the EL equation (2.3.14), the term aV(x*(~i:x*(t),t) is in general a function of x*(t), x*(t), and t. Thus when this function is differentiated w.r.t. t, x*(t) may be present. This means that the differential equation (2.3.14) is in general of second order. This is also evident from the alternate form (2.3.19) for the EL equation. 4. There may also be terms involving products or powers of x* (t), x*(t), and x*(t), in which case, the differential equation becomes nonlinear. 5. The explicit presence of t in the arguments indicates that the coefficients may be time-varying. 6. The conditions at initial point t = to and final point t = t f leads to a boundary value problem. 7. Thus, the Euler-Lagrange equation (2.3.14) is, in general, a non­linear, time-varying, two-point boundary value, second order, or­dinary differential equation. Thus, we often have a nonlinear two-point boundary value problem (TPBVP). The solution of the nonlinear TPBVP is quite a formidable task and often done us­ing numerical techniques. This is the price we pay for demanding optimal performance!
  • 61. 2.3 The Basic Variational Problem 35 8. Compliance with the Euler-Lagrange equation is only a necessary condition for the optimum. Optimal may sometimes not yield either a maximum or a minimum; just as inflection points where the derivative vanishes in differential calculus. However, if the Euler-Lagrange equation is not satisfied for any function, this indicates that the optimum does not exist for that functional. 2.3.3 Different Cases for Euler-Lagrange Equation We now discuss various cases of the EL equation. Case 1: V is dependent of x(t), and t. That is, V = V(x(t), t). Then Vx = O. The Euler-Lagrange equation (2.3.16) becomes This leads us to d dt (Vx) = o. ' = oV(x*(t), t) = C Vx ox where, C is a constant of integration. (2.3.20) (2.3.21) Case 2: V is dependent of x(t) only. That is, V = V(x(t)). Then Vx = O. The Euler-Lagrange equation (2.3.16) becomes d dt (Vx) = 0 ~ Vx = C. (2.3.22) In general, the solution of either (2.3.21) or (2.3.22) becomes (2.3.23) This is simply an equation of a straight line. Case 3: V is dependent of x(t) and x(t). That is, V = V(x(t), x(t)). Then vtx = O. Using the other form of the Euler-Lagrange equation (2.3.19), we get Vx - Vxxx*(t) - Vxxx*(t) = O. (2.3.24) Multiplying the previous equation by x*(t), we have x*(t) [Vx - Vxxx*(t) - Vxxx*(t)] = o. (2.3.25) This can be rewritten as ! (V - x*(t)Vx) = 0 ~ V - x*(t)Vx = C. (2.3.26)
  • 62. 36 Chapter 2: Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control The previous equation can be solved using any of the techniques such as, separation of variables. Case 4: V is dependent of x(t), and t, i.e., V = V(x(t), t). Then, Vi; = 0 and the Euler-Lagrange equation (2.3.16) becomes 8V(x*(t), t) = 0 ax . (2.3.27) The solution of this equation does not contain any arbitrary constants and therefore generally speaking does not satisfy the boundary con­ditions x(to) and x(tf). Hence, in general, no solution exists for this variational problem. Only in rare cases, when the function x(t) satisfies the given boundary conditions x(to) and x(tf), it becomes an optimal function. Let us now illustrate the application of the EL equation with a very simple classic example of finding the shortest distance between two points. Often, we omit the * (which indicates an optimal or extremal value) during the working of a problem and attach the same to the final solution. Example 2.7 Find the minimum length between any two points. Solution: It is well known that the solution to this problem is a straight line. However, we like to illustrate the application of Euler­Lagrange equation for this simple case. Consider the arc between two points A and B as shown in Figure 2.6. Let ds be the small arc length, and dx and dt are the small rectangular coordinate values. Note that t is the independent variable representing distance and not time. Then, (2.3.28) Rewriting ds = VI + x2(t)dt, where x(t) = ~~. (2.3.29) N ow the total arc length S between two points x (t = to) and x (t = t f) is the performance index J to be minimized. Thus, S = J = J ds = rtf VI + x2 (t)dt = rtf V(x(t))dt (2.3.30) Jto Jto
  • 63. 2.3 The Basic Variational Problem 37 x(t) xo ... 'A:: o Figure 2.6 Arc Length where, V(x(t)) = Jl + x2 (t). Note that V is a function of x(t) only. Applying the Euler-Lagrange equation (2.3.22) to the perfor­mance index (2.3.30), we get x*(t) _ C VI + X*2(t) - . Solving this equation, we get the optimal solution as x*(t) = C1t + C2 . (2.3.31) (2.3.32) This is evidently an equation for a straight line and the constants C1 and C2 are evaluated from the given boundary conditions. For example, if x(O) = 1 and x(2) = 5, C1 = 2 and C2 = 1 the straight line is x*(t) = 2t + 1. Although the previous example is a simple one, 1. it illustrates the formulation of a performance index from a given simple specification or a statement, and 2. the solution is well known a priori so that we can easily verify the application of the Euler-Lagrange equation. In the previous example, we notice that the integrand V in the func­tional (2.3.30), is a function of x(t) only. Next, we take an example, where, V is a function of x(t), x(t) and t.
  • 64. 38 Chapter 2: Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control Example 2.8 Find the optimum of J = l [:i;2(t) - 2tX(t)] dt that satisfy the boundary (initial and final) conditions x(O) = 1 and x(2) = 5. (2.3.33) (2.3.34) Solution: In the EL equation (2.3.19), we first identify that V = x2 (t) - 2tx(t). Then applying the EL equation (2.3.15) to the performance index (2.3.33) we get av _ ~ (av) = 0 ----+ -2t - ~ (2x(t)) = 0 ax dt ax dt ----+ x(t) = t. Solving the previous simple differential equation, we have t3 x*(t) ="6 + CIt + C2 (2.3.35) (2.3.36) where, C1 and C2 are constants of integration. Using the given boundary conditions (2.3.19) in (2.3.36), we have 4 x(O) = 1 ----+ C2 = 1, x(2) = 5 ----+ C1 = 3' (2.3.37) With these values for the constants, we finally have the optimal function as t 3 4 x*(t) = "6 + "3t + 1. (2.3.38) Another classical example in the calculus of variations is the brachis­tochrone (from brachisto, the shortest, and chrones, time) problem and this problem is dealt with in almost all books on calculus of variations [126]. Further, note that we have considered here only the so-called fixed­end point problem where both (initial and final) ends are fixed or given in advance. Other types of problems such as free-end point problems are not presented here but can be found in most of the books on the calculus of variations [79, 46, 81, 48]. However, these free-end point problems are better considered later in this chapter when we discuss the optimal control problem consisting of a performance index and a physical plant.
  • 65. 2.4 The Second Variation 39 2.4 The Second Variation In the study of extrema of functionals, we have so far considered only the necessary condition for a functional to have a relative or weak ex­tremum, i.e., the condition that the first variation vanish leading to the classic Euler-Lagrange equation. To establish the nature of opti­mum (maximum or minimum), it is required to examine the second variation. In the relation (2.3.7) for the increment consider the terms corresponding to the second variation [120], 2 J = f :! [( ~~) . (8x(t))2 + (~:~) • (8X(t))2 8 + 2 (::;x) * 8X(t)8X(t)] dt. (2.4.1) Consider the last term in the previous equation and rewrite it in terms of 8x(t) only using integration by parts (f udv = uv - f vdu where, u = :;¥X8x(t) and v = 8x(t)). Then using 8x(to) = 8x(tf) = 0 for fixed-end conditions, we get 82 J = ~ rtf [{ (82V) _!i ( 8 2V.) } (8x(t))2 2 ltD 8x2 dt 8x8x * * + (~:~). (8X(t))2] dt. (2.4.2) According to Theorem 2.1, the fundamental theorem of the calculus of variations, the sufficient condition for a minimum is 82 J > O. This, for arbitrary values of 8x(t) and 8x(t), means that (82V) d (82V) 8x2 * - dt 8x8x * > 0, (2.4.3) (82V) 8x2 * > O. (2.4.4) For maximum, the signs of the previous conditions are reversed. Al­ternatively, we can rewrite the second variation (2.4.1) in matrix form as 2 1 tf . 8x2 8x8± 8x(t) [ 82V 82V] 8 J = 210 [8x(t) 8x(t)] ::rx ~:'; * [8X(t) ] dt 1 rtf . [8X(t)] = "2 ltD [8x(t) 8x(t)]II 8x(t) dt (2.4.5)
  • 66. 40 Chapter 2: Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control where, (2.4.6) If the matrix II in the previous equation is positive (negative) definite, we establish a minimum (maximum). In many cases since 8x(t) is arbitrary, the coefficient of (8x(t))2, i.e., 82V /8x2 determines the sign of 82 J. That is, the sign of second variation agrees with the sign of 82V / 8x2. Thus, for minimization requirement (2.4.7) For maximization, the sign of the previous equation reverses. In the literature, this condition is called Legendre condition [126]. In 1786, Legendre obtained this result of deciding whether a given optimum is maximum or minimum by examining the second variation. The second variation technique was fur­ther generalized by Jacobi in 1836 and hence this condition is usually called Legendre-Jacobi condition. Example 2.9 Verify that the straight line represents the minimum distance be­tween two points. Solution: This is an obvious solution, however, we illustrate the second variation. Earlier in Example 2.7, we have formulated a functional for the distance between two points as (2.4.8) and found that the optimum is a straight line x*(t) = Clt + C2. To satisfy the sufficiency condition (2.4.7), we find x*(t) 1 3/2 . (2.4.9) [1+x*2(t)] Since x*(t) is a constant (+ve or -ve) , the previous equation satisfies the condition (2.4.7). Hence, the distance between two points as given by x*(t) (straight line) is minimum.
  • 67. 2.5 Extrema of Functions with Conditions 41 Next, we begin the second stage of optimal control. We consider op­timization (or extremization) of a functional with a plant, which is considered as a constraint or a condition along with the functional. In other words, we address the extremization of a functional with some condition, which is in the form of a plant equation. The plant takes the form of state equation leading us to optimal control of dynamic systems. This section is motivated by [6, 79, 120, 108]. 2.5 Extrema of Functions with Conditions We begin with an example of finding the extrema of a function under a condition (or constraint). We solve this example with two methods, first by direct method and then by Lagrange multiplier method. Let us note that we consider this simple example only to illustrate some basic concepts associated with conditional extremization [120]. Example 2.10 A manufacturer wants to maximize the volume of the material stored in a circular tank subject to the condition that the mate­rial used for the tank is limited (constant). Thus, for a constant thickness of the material, the manufacturer wants to minimize the volume of the material used and hence part of the cost for the tank. Solution: If a fixed metal thickness is assumed, this condition im­plies that the cross-sectional area of the tank material is constant. Let d and h be the diameter and the height of the circular tank. Then the volume contained by the tank is V(d, h) = wd2h/4 (2.5.1) and the cross-sectional surface area (upper, lower and side) of the tank is A(d, h) = 2wd2/4 + wdh = Ao. (2.5.2) Our intent is to maximize V(d, h) keeping A(d, h) = Ao, where Ao is a given constant. We discuss two methods: first one is called the Direct Method using simple calculus and the second one is called Lagrange Multiplier Method using the Lagrange multiplier method. 1 Direct Method: In solving for the optimum value directly, we eliminate one of the variables, say h, from the volume relation (2.5.1) using the area relation (2.5.2). By doing so, the condition is embedded in the original function to be extremized. From (2.5.2), h = Ao - wd2/2 7rd . (2.5.3)
  • 68. 42 Chapter 2: Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control Using the relation (2.5.3) for height in the relation (2.5.1) for vol­ume (2.5.4) Now, to find the extrema of this simple calculus problem, we dif­ferentiate (2.5.4) w.r.t. d and set it to zero to get ~o _ ~7rd2 = O. (2.5.5) Solving, we get the optimal value of d as d* = J2Ao . 37r (2.5.6) By demanding that as per the Definition 2.3 for optimum of a function, the second derivative of V w.r.t. d in (2.5.4) be neg­ative for maximum, we can easily see that the positive value of the square root function corresponds to the maximum value of the function. Substituting the optimal value of the diameter (2.5.6) in the original cross-sectional area given by (2.5.2), and solving for the optimum h *, we get h* = J2AO • 37r (2.5.7) Thus, we see from (2.5.6) and (2.5.7) that the volume stored by a tank is maximized if the height of the tank is made equal to its diameter. 2 Lagrange Multiplier Method: Now we solve the above prob­lem by applying Lagrange multiplier method. We form a new func­tion to be extremized by adjoining a given condition to the original function. The new adjoined function is extremized in the normal way by taking the partial derivatives w.r. t. all its variables, making them equal to zero, and solving for these variables which are ex­tremals. Let the original volume relation (2.5.1) to be extremized be rewritten as f(d, h) = 7rd2h/4 and the condition (2.5.2) to be satisfied as g(d, h) = 27rd2/4 + 7rdh - Ao = O. (2.5.8) (2.5.9) Then a new adjoint function £, (called Lagrangian) is formed as £'(d, h, -) = f(d, h) + -g(d, h) = 7rd2h/4 + -(27rd2/4 + 7rdh - Ao) (2.5.10)
  • 69. ---------------------------------- 2.5 Extrema of Functions with Conditions 43 where, A, a parameter yet to be determined, is called the Lagrange multiplier. Now, since the Lagrangian C is a function of three optimal variables d, h, and A, we take the partial derivatives of £(d, h, A) w.r.t. each of the variables d, h and A and set them to zero. Thus, ac ad = 7rdh/2 + A(7rd + 7rh) = 0 ac ah = 7rd2/4 + A(7rd) = 0 ac 2 aA = 27rd /4 + 7rdh - Ao = o. (2.5.11 ) (2.5.12) (2.5.13) Now, solving the previous three relations (2.5.11) to (2.5.13) for the three variables d*, h *, and A *, we get d* = J2AO; h* = J2AO ; ,X* = -J Ao . 37r 37r 247r (2.5.14) Once again, to maximize the volume of a cylindrical tank, we need to have the height (h *) equal to the diameter (d*) of the tank. Note that we need to take the negative value of the square root function for A in (2.5.14) in order to satisfy the physical requirement that the diameter d obtained from (2.5.12) as d = -4A (2.5.15) is a positive value. Now, we generalize the previous two methods. 2.5.1 Direct Method N ow we generalize the preceding method of elimination using differen­tial calculus. Consider the extrema of a function f(XI, X2) with two interdependent variables Xl and X2, subject to the condition (2.5.16) As a necessary condition for extrema, we have af af df = -a dXI + -a dX2 = o. Xl X2 (2.5.17) However, since dXI and dX2 are not arbitrary, but related by the con­dition ag ag dg = -a dXI + -a dX2 = 0, Xl X2 (2.5.18)
  • 70. 44 Chapter 2: Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control it is not possible to conclude as in the case of extremization of functions without conditions that and (2.5.19) in the necessary condition (2.5.17). This is easily seen, since if the set of extrema conditions (2.5.19) is solved for optimal values xi and x2' there is no guarantee that these optimal values, would, in general satisfy the given condition (2.5.16). In order to find optimal values that satisfy both the condition (2.5.16) and that of the extrema conditions (2.5.17), we arbitrarily choose one of the variables, say Xl, as the independent variable. Then X2 becomes a dependent variable as per the condition (2.5.16). Now, assuming that 8g/8x2 i- 0, (2.5.18) becomes 8g/ 8XI} dX2 = - { 8g/8x2 dXI (2.5.20) and using (2.5.20) in the necessary condition (2.5.17), we have (2.5.21) As we have chosen dXI to be the independent, we now can consider it to be arbitrary, and conclude that in order to satisfy (2.5.21), we have the coefficient of dXI to be zero. That is (%:J (%:J -(%:J (%:J = o. (2.5.22) Now, the relation (2.5.22) and the condition (2.5.16) are solved simul­taneously for the optimal solutions xi and x2' Equation (2.5.22) can be rewritten as =0. (2.5.23) This is also, as we know, the Jacobian of f and 9 w.r.t. Xl and X2. This method of elimination of the dependent variables is quite tedious for higher order problems.