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ISA Transactions 39 (2000) 419±431

Robust PID tuning strategy for uncertain plants based on the
                   Kharitonov theorem
                                      Ying J. Huang *, Yuan-Jay Wang
                   Institute of Electrical Engineering, Yuan Ze University, 135 Far-East RD., Chungli, 320 Taiwan

   In this paper, the Kharitonov theorem for interval plants is exploited for the purpose of synthesizing a stabilizing
controller. The aim here is to develop a controller to simultaneously stabilize the four Kharitonov-de®ned vortex
polynomials. Di€erent from the prevailing works, the controller is designed systematically and graphically through the
search of a non-conservative Kharitonov region in the controller coecient parameter plane. The region characterizes
all stabilizing PID controllers that stabilize an uncertain plant. Thus the relationship between the Kharitonov region
and the stabilizing controller parameters is manifest. Extensively, to further guarantee the system with certain robust
safety margins, a virtual gain phase margin tester compensator is added. Stability analysis is carried out. The control
system is proved to maintain robustness at least to the pre-speci®ed margins. The synthesized controller with coe-
cients selected from the obtained non-conservative Kharitonov region can stabilize the concerned uncertain plants and
ful®ll system speci®cations in terms of gain margins and phase margins. # 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights
Keywords: Kharitonov theorem; Parameter plane; PID controller; Interval plants

1. Introduction                                                      theorem [3] and box theorem [4] then suggested
                                                                     that the set of transfer functions generated by
  In the past years, many important results in the                   changing its perturbed coecients in the pre-
area of robust control for uncertain plants have                     scribed ranges corresponds to a box in the para-
been based on the Kharitonov's celebrated theorem                    meter space and is referred to ``interval plants''.
[1±6]. The theorem investigates the stability char-                  Further, the Kharitonov theorem is generalized to
acteristics of the interval systems via four vortex                  obtain a ``Kharitonov region'' [5,6] in the complex
polynomials with real coecients varying in a                        plane for the robust stability of linear uncertain
bounded range. Kharitonov extended his results                       systems. In order to guarantee the uncertain sys-
into interval polynomials with complex coecients                    tems a stronger stability characteristic, a virtual
later. Based on the Kharitonov theorem, the edge                     compensator was introduced such that the closed
                                                                     loop systems can maintain a suitable gain margin
                                                                     (Gm) and phase margin (Pm) [7]. Recently, atten-
 * Corresponding author. Tel.: +886-3-4638800 ext. 410; fax:         tion has been given to the formulation of P, PI
+886-3-4633326.                                                      and PID controllers to stabilize an interval plant
 E-mail address: eeyjh@saturn.yzu.edu.tw (Y.J. Huang).               family [8].
0019-0578/00/$ - see front matter # 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S0019-0578(00)00026-4
420                         Y.J. Huang, Y.-J. Wang / ISA Transactions 39 (2000) 419±431

  Despite the various results concerning the                  synthesizing ®xed and low order controllers, that
robust stability for uncertain plants, existing               simultaneously stabilize a given interval plant
methods in the area of parametric robust control              family in the parametric robust control area, is
are of analysis type which are passively concerned            bene®cial. To achieve this goal, a systematic and
only if a family of Kharitonov polynomials are                graphical robust controller design procedure is
Hurwitz or not. It turns out that a technique for             established based on the Kharitonov-de®ned vortex

                          Fig. 1. Feedback control system with a gain phase margin tester.

                                        Fig. 2. Stability boundary for GI …s†.
Y.J. Huang, Y.-J. Wang / ISA Transactions 39 (2000) 419±431                        421

polynomials. A speci®c Kharitonov region can be                 also ful®lls several speci®cations simultaneously.
obtained in the parameter plane using the para-                 For every one of the four vortex polynomials, it
meters of the controller as the axes. Therefore, the            suces to plot the constant gain margin and con-
stability characteristic for the uncertain system in            stant phase margin boundaries in the parameter
question, with respect to the adjustment of the                 plane. The overlapped region of speci®cation-
controller parameters, is obvious. The aforemen-                satis®ed area for each Kharitonov polynomial is
tioned region constitutes the whole admissible                  the useful parameter area for the selection of con-
stabilizing PID controllers.                                    troller parameters, where the whole uncertain
   Further, for the purpose of endowing the system,             plant can be stabilized.
a robust performance in the case of parameter                     The advantage of the developed method is that
variation, it is of interest to insert speci®ed gain            the procedure to design a robust stabilizing con-
margins and phase margins into the characteristic               troller is systematic and straightforward. A trial
equations, such that the resulted system will                   and error process is unnecessary. All exploitable
maintain at least the pre-speci®ed robust margins.              controller parameters can be obtained from the
The proposed method in this paper not only pro-                 non-conservative Kharitonov region. Controllers
vides a necessary and sucient condition for the                selected from the region guarantee the uncertain
Hurwitz stability of an interval polynomial set but             systems a pre-speci®ed safety margin. Moreover,

                            Fig. 3. Stability boundary for G1 …s† with di€erent value of KD .
422                                Y.J. Huang, Y.-J. Wang / ISA Transactions 39 (2000) 419±431

the intrinsic property of system stability corre-                   ``interval plants'' [4]. The controller C(s) is
sponding to the drift of the polynomial coecients                  designed to simultaneously stabilize the system
can be analyzed manifestly in the demonstrated                      and track the command signal. The gain phase
parameter planes.                                                   margin tester AeÀj is applied in the forward path,
                                                                    where A and  are subject to gain margin and
                                                                    phase margin speci®cations, respectively. Let
2. Mathematical description
                                                                    F…s† ˆ 1 ‡ AeÀj C…s†G…s†                          …P†
  Consider the feedback control system as shown
in Fig. 1. The general expression of the plant G…s† is              and

         a0 ‡ a1 s ‡ a2 s2 ‡ Á Á Á ‡ am sm                          Fi …s† ˆ 1 ‡ AeÀj C…s†Gi …s†Y i ˆ 1Y Á Á Á Y 4Y   …Q†
G…s† ˆ                                       Y            …I†
           b0 ‡ b1 s ‡ b2 s 2 ‡ Á Á Á bn s n
                                                                    where Gi …s† are the edge interval plants. If the
  where am Tˆ 0, bn Tˆ 0, ai P ‰aÀ Y a‡ Š, bj P ‰bÀ Y b‡ Š,
                                 i    i           j    j            controller C…s† can be designed with imposed spe-
and n5m. A set of transfer functions can be gen-                    ci®cations on gain margins and phase margins,
erated by changing the perturbed coecients in                      then it is of no doubt that the compensated system
the prescribed ranges, which correspond to boxes                    will maintain robust performance to some degree.
in the parameter plane. This is referred to as                      To show this, we present the following theorem.

                              Fig. 4. A speci®c Kharitonov region (hatched area) in the KP ÀKI plane.
Y.J. Huang, Y.-J. Wang / ISA Transactions 39 (2000) 419±431                              423

Theorem 1. Consider the control system as shown in              p1 …s† ˆ dÀ ‡ dÀ s ‡ d‡ s2 ‡ d‡ s3 ‡ dÀ s4 ‡ Á Á Á Y
                                                                          0    1      2       3       4                …S†
Fig. 1, with the de®nitions (1) and (2), the entire
family G…s† is stabilizable by a controller C…s† if and
only if each interval plant Gi …s† is stabilizable by           p2 …s† ˆ dÀ ‡ d‡ s ‡ d‡ s2 ‡ dÀ s3 ‡ dÀ s4 ‡ Á Á Á Y
                                                                          0    1      2       3       4                …T†
that same controller C…s†.
                                                                p3 …s† ˆ d‡ ‡ dÀ s ‡ dÀ s2 ‡ d‡ s3 ‡ d‡ s4 ‡ Á Á Á Y
                                                                          0    1      2       3       4                …U†
Proof. Consider the characteristic polynomial of
the closed-loop system shown in Fig. 1, i.e. the
numerator of F…s†,                                              p4 …s† ˆ d‡ ‡ d‡ s ‡ dÀ s2 ‡ dÀ s3 ‡ d‡ s4 ‡ Á Á Á Y   …V†
                                                                          0    1      2       3       4
p…s† ˆ         di s i Y                               …R†
         iˆ0                                                    which are associated with Gi …s† in (3), respectively.
                                                                   It follows that the entire family is Hurwitz stable
where di are the characteristic coecients, and                 if and only if the four vortex polynomials (4)±(7)
dÀ 4di 4d‡ . According to the Kharitonov theo-
  i        i                                                    are all Hurwitz stable. Hence one can determine
rem [1,4], every interval polynomial in the family              all possible stabilizing controllers Ci …s† for each
is Hurwitz if and only if the following four Khar-              vortex polynomial, and then take their intersection
                                                                               „       „        „
itonov polynomials are Hurwitz,                                 C…s† ˆ C1 …s† C2 …s† C3 …s† C4 …s† to obtain the

                             Fig. 5. Output responses for the PID controlled interval system.
424                               Y.J. Huang, Y.-J. Wang / ISA Transactions 39 (2000) 419±431

non-conservative robust parametric controller for                   The problem of characterizing all stabilizing PID
the uncertain plant G…s†.                                          controllers for the entire family G…s† is to deter-
                                                                    mine KP , KI and KD such that all the closed loop
  In the following section, the controller sets, which              characteristic polynomials are Hurwitz.
stabilize the uncertain plant, are demonstrated to lie                Consider the same uncertain system in [9],
within a speci®c Kharitonov region in the parameter
plane. A strict Kharitonov region, which guarantees                                    5X2…s ‡ 2†
the system a robust margin, can be obtained.                        G…s† ˆ                                 X               …IH†
                                                                             s… s3   ‡ b2 s2 ‡ b1 s ‡ b0 †

3. PID controller design for uncertain systems                      Assume that the coecients b0 Y b1 and b2 of the
                                                                    denominator lie within the following bounds, where
  For the uncertain plant (1), a PID controller                     9X54b0 411X5Y 124b1 415, and 3X54b2 44X8. The
C…s† is developed with the exploitation of a gain                   desired speci®cations for the control system are sup-
phase margin tester in the forward loop. Let the                    posed to be 5db4Gm410dbY and 30 4Pm460 . By
controller C…s† be                                                  inserting a gain phase margin tester AeÀj in the
         KD s2 ‡ KP s ‡ KI                                          forward loop, it is found that the characteristic
C…s† ˆ                     X                              …W†       polynomial is

           Fig. 6. A speci®cation-oriented parameter area for G1 …s† with pre-speci®ed robust margins in gain and phase.
Y.J. Huang, Y.-J. Wang / ISA Transactions 39 (2000) 419±431                                425

p…s† ˆ s5 ‡ b2 s4 ‡ b1 s3 ‡ b0 s2                                  p3 …s† ˆ s5 ‡ 3X5s4 ‡ 15s3 ‡ 11X5s2
       Â                                                                    Â
     ‡ 5X2KD s3 ‡ …5X2KP ‡ 10X4KD †s2                                     ‡ 5X2KD s3 ‡ …5X2KP ‡ 10X4KD †s2
                                  Ã                                                                    Ã
     ‡ …5X2KI ‡ 10X4KP †s ‡ 10X4KI ‰A…™os À j sin †ŠX                   ‡ …5X2KI ‡ 10X4KP †s ‡ 10X4KI ‰A…™os À j sin †ŠY
                                                        …II†                                                                …IR†

  From (11), in four Kharitonov polynomials result                 p4 …s† ˆ s5 ‡ 4X8s4 ‡ 15s3 ‡ 9X5s2
p1 …s† ˆ s5 ‡ 4X8s4 ‡ 12s3 ‡ 9X5s2                                        ‡ 5X2KD s3 ‡ …5X2KP ‡ 10X4KD †s2
         Â                                                                                             Ã
       ‡ 5X2KD s3 ‡ …5X2KP ‡ 10X4KD †s2                                   ‡ …5X2KI ‡ 10X4KP †s ‡ 10X4KI ‰A…™os À j sin †ŠX
                                    Ã                                                                                       …IS†
       ‡ …5X2KI ‡ 10X4KP †s ‡ 10X4KI ‰A…™os À j sin †ŠY
                                                                      The aim here is to ®nd that all possible sets of
p2 …s† ˆ s5 ‡ 3X5s4 ‡ 12s3 ‡ 11X5s2                                KP , KI , and KD , which make the characteristic
         Â                                                         polynomials (12)±(15) to be Hurwitz stable. Take
       ‡ 5X2KD s3 ‡ …5X2KP ‡ 10X4KD †s2
                                    Ã                              p1 …s† for instance, substituting s ˆ j3 and equating
       ‡ …5X2KI ‡ 10X4KP †s ‡ 10X4KI ‰A…™os À j sin †ŠY          the real part and imaginary part of (12) to zero,
                                                        …IQ†       respectively, one obtains

Fig. 7. A non-conservative Kharitonov region in the parameter plane with pre-speci®ed gain margin and phase margin speci®cations.
426                               Y.J. Huang, Y.-J. Wang / ISA Transactions 39 (2000) 419±431

        C1 D2 À C2 D1                                                D2 ˆ sm…q1 …3Y KD ††Y                        …PQ†
KP ˆ                  Y                                  …IT†
        B1 C2 À B2 C1
     D1 B2 À D2 B1
KI ˆ               Y                                     …IU†
     B1 C2 À B2 C1                                                    q1 …3Y KD † ˆ 4X834 À 5X2KD Asin33
                                                                       À …11X5 ‡ 10X4KD A™os†32
where                                                                  Â                                          Ã
                                                                      j 35 À …12 ‡ 5X2KD A™os†33 ‡ 10X4KD Asin32 Y
B1 ˆ ‚e…q2 …3††A™os ‡ sm…q2 …3††AsinY                  …IV†                                                     …PR†

C1 ˆ ‚e…q3 …3††A™os ‡ sm…q3 …3††AsinY                  …IW†        q2 …3† ˆ À5X232 ‡ j10X43Y                    …PS†

D1 ˆ ‚e…q1 …3Y KD ††Y                                    …PH†        q3 …3† ˆ 10X4 ‡ j5X23X                       …PT†
B2 ˆ sm…q2 …3††A™os À ‚e…q2 …3††AsinY                  …PI†
                                                                       Referring to (16) and (17), JÁB1 C2 À B2 C1 is
C2 ˆ sm…q3 …3††A™os À ‚e…q3 …3††AsinY                  …PP†        the Jacobian. Let KD ˆ 0X01Y A ˆ 1, and  ˆ 0, a

                          Fig. 8. Bode diagrams for the PID controlled uncertain plants G1 …s† and G2 …s†.
Y.J. Huang, Y.-J. Wang / ISA Transactions 39 (2000) 419±431                         427

stability boundary is plotted as shown in Fig. 2.                 pi …s†, i ˆ 2, 3, 4 are portrayed in Fig. 4, and Ji
The stability characteristics of the considered                   (i ˆ 1, 2, 3, 4) are the corresponding Jacobian of
polynomial are totally di€erent to the left and                   each vortex polynomial. We can, therefore, obtain
right of the boundary. Resorting to [10,11], it is                a speci®c Kharitonov region in the plotted para-
concluded that if J b 0, then to the left of the sta-             meter plane by ®nding the overlapped region, the
bility boundary facing the direction in which 3                   hatched area, as shown in Fig. 4. The overlapped
increases is the stable area. Similarly, to the right             area of the boundaries constitutes the entire fea-
of the stability boundary facing the direction in                 sible controller sets that can stabilize each parti-
which 3 increases is the stable region while J ` 0.               cular selected edge polynomial. Within it, the KP ,
Then a graphical stability region in the controller               KI , and KD of the PID controller can be arbitrarily
coecient parameter space as seen in Fig. 2 can be                selected. To show that the obtained controller
obtained. For various KD , a family of stability                  parameter area can eciently compensate the
boundaries is portrayed in Fig. 3. It is realized that            uncertain plant, a representative point P1 (KP ˆ 2,
with a larger KD , the stability region for the con-              KI ˆ 1, KD ˆ 0X01) is picked for demonstration.
sidered plant would be larger.                                    The resulting step responses are shown in Fig. 5. It
  For example, choose KD ˆ 0X01. Following the                    is obvious that the designed controller stabilizes
same procedure, the other stability boundaries for                all the four interval plants.

                       Fig. 9. Bode diagrams for the PID controlled uncertain plants G3 …s† and G4 …s†.
428                             Y.J. Huang, Y.-J. Wang / ISA Transactions 39 (2000) 419±431

Table 1                                                         end, the constant gain margin boundaries and
Gain margins and phase margins for the family of uncertain      constant phase margin boundaries are plotted in
polynomials with designed PID controller (KP ˆ 1X72,            the KP ÀKI plane. It isolates speci®ed gain margin
KI ˆ 0X05, KD ˆ 0X01)
                                                                and phase margin regions in the parameter plane
b2    b1    b0      Gain margin (db)    Phase margin (deg)      to allow ¯exible choice of the controller para-
3.5   12    9.5     5.5293              42.1600
                                                                meters. For the edge polynomial p1 …s†, the hatched
            11.5    5.1832              50.6060                 area as shown in Fig. 6 is the suitable area for
                                                                selecting the stabilizing controller coecients.
      15    9.5     9.0530              44.9010
            11.5    8.7540              54.0440                 Concurrently, system speci®cations can be
4.8   12    9.5     6.0765              30.5700                   A non-conservative Kharitonov region is
            11.5    6.0978              38.0700                 obtained, as seen in Fig. 7, by searching for the
      15    9.5     10.0000             37.9260                 intersectional region of the speci®cation-limited
            11.5    9.9410              51.7380                 areas from all edge polynomials pi …s†, i ˆ 1, 2, 3, 4.
                                                                This region constitutes all the possible stabilizing
                                                                PID controller sets for system with robust safety
                                                                margins. In other words, the KP , KI , and KD can
  Successively, we provide the uncertain system                 be readily chosen from the non-conservative
with a robust performance through specifying the                Kharitonov region. A representative point P2
gain margins and phase margins. Toward this                     (KP ˆ 1X72, KI ˆ 0X05, KD ˆ 0X01) is selected.

Fig. 10. The variation of gain margins subject to parameteric change of the control system with the selected PID controller
(KP ˆ 1X72, KI ˆ 0X05, KD ˆ 0X01).
Y.J. Huang, Y.-J. Wang / ISA Transactions 39 (2000) 419±431                             429

Bode diagrams are plotted in Figs. 8 and 9. It is                conservative Kharitonov region in the coecient
veri®ed that the designed controller can really sta-             plane.
bilize the interval system with robust margins.                    Output responses are shown in Fig. 12. For a
Gain margins and phase margins for the con-                      standard second system, the speci®cations in terms
sidered uncertain plant with designed PID con-                   of gain margin and phase margin are de®ned
troller (KP ˆ 1X72, KI ˆ 0X05, KD ˆ 0X01) are                    exactly corresponding to time domain perfor-
tabulated in Table. 1. The resulting gain margins                mance requirement. However, for the considered
and phase margins subject to the uncertain coe-                 system, to inherit the same design idea, it is of
cients b0 , b1 , and b2 with the selected controller are         much interest to de®ne interval gain margin and
illustrated in Fig. 10 and Fig. 11, respectively.                phase margin speci®cations such that the time
Obviously, the speci®cations 5db4Gm410dbY and                    domain performance can also be guaranteed to
30 4Pm460 are satis®ed. Note that for any                      some degree. From Fig. 12, it is seen that the rise
other KD , the whole exploitable PID coecients                  time is less than 2 s and the maximum overshoot is
can be obtained, similarly, by searching the non-                less than 50%. Henceforth, the linkage of the time

Fig. 11. The variation of phase margins subject to parameteric change of the control system with the selected PID controller
(KP ˆ 1X72, KI ˆ 0X05, KD ˆ 0X01).
430                             Y.J. Huang, Y.-J. Wang / ISA Transactions 39 (2000) 419±431

                 Fig. 12. Output responses for the four interval plants with KP ˆ 1X72, KI ˆ 0X05, KD ˆ 0X01.

performance and the gain and phase margin spe-                    The relationship between the varying coecients
ci®cations can also be evinced.                                   of the uncertain characteristic polynomial and its
                                                                  corresponding stable area in the plotted parameter
                                                                  plane is studied. Simulation results reveal the
4. Conclusions                                                    remarkable performance and the e€ectiveness of
                                                                  the developed method. In future work, the devel-
  The so-called interval plants are often used for                oped method will be extended to uncertain systems
dealing with uncertain dynamical systems. A                       with adjustable parameters and time delay, and
robustness stability analysis is useful to provide                systems with inherent nonlinearities.
some ®nite checking of the stability of the closed
loop system so that one can design the controller to
stabilize the whole uncertain plant. However, much
of the present success in the control of interval
systems is restricted to the analysis issue. In this              References
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1995 analysis of piezo actuators in translation constructions
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Gas chromatography in environmental analysis driscoll 2004 l
Dr. Jack Driscoll
IOSR Journals
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Non integer order controller based robust performance analysis of a conical t...
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Non integer order controller based robust performance analysis of a conical t...
Editor Jacotech

Similar to Robust PID tuning strategy for uncertain plants based on the Kharitonov theorem (20)

Tuning of PID, SVFB and LQ Controllers Using Genetic Algorithms
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Improving performance using cascade control and a Smith predictor
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Self tuning adaptive control for an industrial weigh belt feeder
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Multivariable Control System Design for Quadruple Tank Process using Quantita...
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Multivariable Control System Design for Quadruple Tank Process using Quantita...
Autotuning of a new PI-PD Smith predictor based on time domain specifications
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Ingeniería de control: Tema 2. compensación LGR
Ingeniería de control: Tema 2. compensación LGRIngeniería de control: Tema 2. compensación LGR
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Artificial Intelligent and meta-heuristic Control Based DFIG model Considered...
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Enhancement of Power System Performance by Optimal Placement of Distributed G...
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Enhancement of Power System Performance by Optimal Placement of Distributed G...
Optimal design & analysis of load frequency control for two interconnecte...
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Optimal design & analysis of load frequency control for two interconnecte...
22726998 precise-synchronization-of-phasor-measurements-in-electric-ps
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1995 analysis of piezo actuators in translation constructions
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L-5 Introduction to robust control.pdf
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L-5 Introduction to robust control.pdf
Non integer order controller based robust performance analysis of a conical t...
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Kalyan Satta Kalyan Matka Guessing Satta

Robust PID tuning strategy for uncertain plants based on the Kharitonov theorem

  • 1. ISA Transactions 39 (2000) 419±431 www.elsevier.com/locate/isatrans Robust PID tuning strategy for uncertain plants based on the Kharitonov theorem Ying J. Huang *, Yuan-Jay Wang Institute of Electrical Engineering, Yuan Ze University, 135 Far-East RD., Chungli, 320 Taiwan Abstract In this paper, the Kharitonov theorem for interval plants is exploited for the purpose of synthesizing a stabilizing controller. The aim here is to develop a controller to simultaneously stabilize the four Kharitonov-de®ned vortex polynomials. Di€erent from the prevailing works, the controller is designed systematically and graphically through the search of a non-conservative Kharitonov region in the controller coecient parameter plane. The region characterizes all stabilizing PID controllers that stabilize an uncertain plant. Thus the relationship between the Kharitonov region and the stabilizing controller parameters is manifest. Extensively, to further guarantee the system with certain robust safety margins, a virtual gain phase margin tester compensator is added. Stability analysis is carried out. The control system is proved to maintain robustness at least to the pre-speci®ed margins. The synthesized controller with coe- cients selected from the obtained non-conservative Kharitonov region can stabilize the concerned uncertain plants and ful®ll system speci®cations in terms of gain margins and phase margins. # 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Kharitonov theorem; Parameter plane; PID controller; Interval plants 1. Introduction theorem [3] and box theorem [4] then suggested that the set of transfer functions generated by In the past years, many important results in the changing its perturbed coecients in the pre- area of robust control for uncertain plants have scribed ranges corresponds to a box in the para- been based on the Kharitonov's celebrated theorem meter space and is referred to ``interval plants''. [1±6]. The theorem investigates the stability char- Further, the Kharitonov theorem is generalized to acteristics of the interval systems via four vortex obtain a ``Kharitonov region'' [5,6] in the complex polynomials with real coecients varying in a plane for the robust stability of linear uncertain bounded range. Kharitonov extended his results systems. In order to guarantee the uncertain sys- into interval polynomials with complex coecients tems a stronger stability characteristic, a virtual later. Based on the Kharitonov theorem, the edge compensator was introduced such that the closed loop systems can maintain a suitable gain margin (Gm) and phase margin (Pm) [7]. Recently, atten- * Corresponding author. Tel.: +886-3-4638800 ext. 410; fax: tion has been given to the formulation of P, PI +886-3-4633326. and PID controllers to stabilize an interval plant E-mail address: eeyjh@saturn.yzu.edu.tw (Y.J. Huang). family [8]. 0019-0578/00/$ - see front matter # 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S0019-0578(00)00026-4
  • 2. 420 Y.J. Huang, Y.-J. Wang / ISA Transactions 39 (2000) 419±431 Despite the various results concerning the synthesizing ®xed and low order controllers, that robust stability for uncertain plants, existing simultaneously stabilize a given interval plant methods in the area of parametric robust control family in the parametric robust control area, is are of analysis type which are passively concerned bene®cial. To achieve this goal, a systematic and only if a family of Kharitonov polynomials are graphical robust controller design procedure is Hurwitz or not. It turns out that a technique for established based on the Kharitonov-de®ned vortex Fig. 1. Feedback control system with a gain phase margin tester. Fig. 2. Stability boundary for GI …s†.
  • 3. Y.J. Huang, Y.-J. Wang / ISA Transactions 39 (2000) 419±431 421 polynomials. A speci®c Kharitonov region can be also ful®lls several speci®cations simultaneously. obtained in the parameter plane using the para- For every one of the four vortex polynomials, it meters of the controller as the axes. Therefore, the suces to plot the constant gain margin and con- stability characteristic for the uncertain system in stant phase margin boundaries in the parameter question, with respect to the adjustment of the plane. The overlapped region of speci®cation- controller parameters, is obvious. The aforemen- satis®ed area for each Kharitonov polynomial is tioned region constitutes the whole admissible the useful parameter area for the selection of con- stabilizing PID controllers. troller parameters, where the whole uncertain Further, for the purpose of endowing the system, plant can be stabilized. a robust performance in the case of parameter The advantage of the developed method is that variation, it is of interest to insert speci®ed gain the procedure to design a robust stabilizing con- margins and phase margins into the characteristic troller is systematic and straightforward. A trial equations, such that the resulted system will and error process is unnecessary. All exploitable maintain at least the pre-speci®ed robust margins. controller parameters can be obtained from the The proposed method in this paper not only pro- non-conservative Kharitonov region. Controllers vides a necessary and sucient condition for the selected from the region guarantee the uncertain Hurwitz stability of an interval polynomial set but systems a pre-speci®ed safety margin. Moreover, Fig. 3. Stability boundary for G1 …s† with di€erent value of KD .
  • 4. 422 Y.J. Huang, Y.-J. Wang / ISA Transactions 39 (2000) 419±431 the intrinsic property of system stability corre- ``interval plants'' [4]. The controller C(s) is sponding to the drift of the polynomial coecients designed to simultaneously stabilize the system can be analyzed manifestly in the demonstrated and track the command signal. The gain phase parameter planes. margin tester AeÀj is applied in the forward path, where A and are subject to gain margin and phase margin speci®cations, respectively. Let 2. Mathematical description F…s† ˆ 1 ‡ AeÀj C…s†G…s† …P† Consider the feedback control system as shown in Fig. 1. The general expression of the plant G…s† is and a0 ‡ a1 s ‡ a2 s2 ‡ Á Á Á ‡ am sm Fi …s† ˆ 1 ‡ AeÀj C…s†Gi …s†Y i ˆ 1Y Á Á Á Y 4Y …Q† G…s† ˆ Y …I† b0 ‡ b1 s ‡ b2 s 2 ‡ Á Á Á bn s n where Gi …s† are the edge interval plants. If the where am Tˆ 0, bn Tˆ 0, ai P ‰aÀ Y a‡ Š, bj P ‰bÀ Y b‡ Š, i i j j controller C…s† can be designed with imposed spe- and n5m. A set of transfer functions can be gen- ci®cations on gain margins and phase margins, erated by changing the perturbed coecients in then it is of no doubt that the compensated system the prescribed ranges, which correspond to boxes will maintain robust performance to some degree. in the parameter plane. This is referred to as To show this, we present the following theorem. Fig. 4. A speci®c Kharitonov region (hatched area) in the KP ÀKI plane.
  • 5. Y.J. Huang, Y.-J. Wang / ISA Transactions 39 (2000) 419±431 423 Theorem 1. Consider the control system as shown in p1 …s† ˆ dÀ ‡ dÀ s ‡ d‡ s2 ‡ d‡ s3 ‡ dÀ s4 ‡ Á Á Á Y 0 1 2 3 4 …S† Fig. 1, with the de®nitions (1) and (2), the entire family G…s† is stabilizable by a controller C…s† if and only if each interval plant Gi …s† is stabilizable by p2 …s† ˆ dÀ ‡ d‡ s ‡ d‡ s2 ‡ dÀ s3 ‡ dÀ s4 ‡ Á Á Á Y 0 1 2 3 4 …T† that same controller C…s†. p3 …s† ˆ d‡ ‡ dÀ s ‡ dÀ s2 ‡ d‡ s3 ‡ d‡ s4 ‡ Á Á Á Y 0 1 2 3 4 …U† Proof. Consider the characteristic polynomial of the closed-loop system shown in Fig. 1, i.e. the numerator of F…s†, p4 …s† ˆ d‡ ‡ d‡ s ‡ dÀ s2 ‡ dÀ s3 ‡ d‡ s4 ‡ Á Á Á Y …V† 0 1 2 3 4 ˆ n p…s† ˆ di s i Y …R† iˆ0 which are associated with Gi …s† in (3), respectively. It follows that the entire family is Hurwitz stable where di are the characteristic coecients, and if and only if the four vortex polynomials (4)±(7) dÀ 4di 4d‡ . According to the Kharitonov theo- i i are all Hurwitz stable. Hence one can determine rem [1,4], every interval polynomial in the family all possible stabilizing controllers Ci …s† for each is Hurwitz if and only if the following four Khar- vortex polynomial, and then take their intersection „ „ „ itonov polynomials are Hurwitz, C…s† ˆ C1 …s† C2 …s† C3 …s† C4 …s† to obtain the Fig. 5. Output responses for the PID controlled interval system.
  • 6. 424 Y.J. Huang, Y.-J. Wang / ISA Transactions 39 (2000) 419±431 non-conservative robust parametric controller for The problem of characterizing all stabilizing PID the uncertain plant G…s†. controllers for the entire family G…s† is to deter- mine KP , KI and KD such that all the closed loop In the following section, the controller sets, which characteristic polynomials are Hurwitz. stabilize the uncertain plant, are demonstrated to lie Consider the same uncertain system in [9], within a speci®c Kharitonov region in the parameter plane. A strict Kharitonov region, which guarantees 5X2…s ‡ 2† the system a robust margin, can be obtained. G…s† ˆ X …IH† s… s3 ‡ b2 s2 ‡ b1 s ‡ b0 † 3. PID controller design for uncertain systems Assume that the coecients b0 Y b1 and b2 of the denominator lie within the following bounds, where For the uncertain plant (1), a PID controller 9X54b0 411X5Y 124b1 415, and 3X54b2 44X8. The C…s† is developed with the exploitation of a gain desired speci®cations for the control system are sup- phase margin tester in the forward loop. Let the posed to be 5db4Gm410dbY and 30 4Pm460 . By controller C…s† be inserting a gain phase margin tester AeÀj in the KD s2 ‡ KP s ‡ KI forward loop, it is found that the characteristic C…s† ˆ X …W† polynomial is s Fig. 6. A speci®cation-oriented parameter area for G1 …s† with pre-speci®ed robust margins in gain and phase.
  • 7. Y.J. Huang, Y.-J. Wang / ISA Transactions 39 (2000) 419±431 425 p…s† ˆ s5 ‡ b2 s4 ‡ b1 s3 ‡ b0 s2 p3 …s† ˆ s5 ‡ 3X5s4 ‡ 15s3 ‡ 11X5s2   ‡ 5X2KD s3 ‡ …5X2KP ‡ 10X4KD †s2 ‡ 5X2KD s3 ‡ …5X2KP ‡ 10X4KD †s2 à à ‡ …5X2KI ‡ 10X4KP †s ‡ 10X4KI ‰A…™os À j sin †ŠX ‡ …5X2KI ‡ 10X4KP †s ‡ 10X4KI ‰A…™os À j sin †ŠY …II† …IR† From (11), in four Kharitonov polynomials result p4 …s† ˆ s5 ‡ 4X8s4 ‡ 15s3 ‡ 9X5s2  p1 …s† ˆ s5 ‡ 4X8s4 ‡ 12s3 ‡ 9X5s2 ‡ 5X2KD s3 ‡ …5X2KP ‡ 10X4KD †s2  à ‡ 5X2KD s3 ‡ …5X2KP ‡ 10X4KD †s2 ‡ …5X2KI ‡ 10X4KP †s ‡ 10X4KI ‰A…™os À j sin †ŠX à …IS† ‡ …5X2KI ‡ 10X4KP †s ‡ 10X4KI ‰A…™os À j sin †ŠY …IP† The aim here is to ®nd that all possible sets of p2 …s† ˆ s5 ‡ 3X5s4 ‡ 12s3 ‡ 11X5s2 KP , KI , and KD , which make the characteristic  polynomials (12)±(15) to be Hurwitz stable. Take ‡ 5X2KD s3 ‡ …5X2KP ‡ 10X4KD †s2 à p1 …s† for instance, substituting s ˆ j3 and equating ‡ …5X2KI ‡ 10X4KP †s ‡ 10X4KI ‰A…™os À j sin †ŠY the real part and imaginary part of (12) to zero, …IQ† respectively, one obtains Fig. 7. A non-conservative Kharitonov region in the parameter plane with pre-speci®ed gain margin and phase margin speci®cations.
  • 8. 426 Y.J. Huang, Y.-J. Wang / ISA Transactions 39 (2000) 419±431 C1 D2 À C2 D1 D2 ˆ sm…q1 …3Y KD ††Y …PQ† KP ˆ Y …IT† B1 C2 À B2 C1 and D1 B2 À D2 B1 KI ˆ Y …IU† B1 C2 À B2 C1 q1 …3Y KD † ˆ 4X834 À 5X2KD Asin33 À …11X5 ‡ 10X4KD A™os†32 where  à j 35 À …12 ‡ 5X2KD A™os†33 ‡ 10X4KD Asin32 Y B1 ˆ ‚e…q2 …3††A™os ‡ sm…q2 …3††AsinY …IV† …PR† C1 ˆ ‚e…q3 …3††A™os ‡ sm…q3 …3††AsinY …IW† q2 …3† ˆ À5X232 ‡ j10X43Y …PS† D1 ˆ ‚e…q1 …3Y KD ††Y …PH† q3 …3† ˆ 10X4 ‡ j5X23X …PT† B2 ˆ sm…q2 …3††A™os À ‚e…q2 …3††AsinY …PI† Referring to (16) and (17), JÁB1 C2 À B2 C1 is C2 ˆ sm…q3 …3††A™os À ‚e…q3 …3††AsinY …PP† the Jacobian. Let KD ˆ 0X01Y A ˆ 1, and ˆ 0, a Fig. 8. Bode diagrams for the PID controlled uncertain plants G1 …s† and G2 …s†.
  • 9. Y.J. Huang, Y.-J. Wang / ISA Transactions 39 (2000) 419±431 427 stability boundary is plotted as shown in Fig. 2. pi …s†, i ˆ 2, 3, 4 are portrayed in Fig. 4, and Ji The stability characteristics of the considered (i ˆ 1, 2, 3, 4) are the corresponding Jacobian of polynomial are totally di€erent to the left and each vortex polynomial. We can, therefore, obtain right of the boundary. Resorting to [10,11], it is a speci®c Kharitonov region in the plotted para- concluded that if J b 0, then to the left of the sta- meter plane by ®nding the overlapped region, the bility boundary facing the direction in which 3 hatched area, as shown in Fig. 4. The overlapped increases is the stable area. Similarly, to the right area of the boundaries constitutes the entire fea- of the stability boundary facing the direction in sible controller sets that can stabilize each parti- which 3 increases is the stable region while J ` 0. cular selected edge polynomial. Within it, the KP , Then a graphical stability region in the controller KI , and KD of the PID controller can be arbitrarily coecient parameter space as seen in Fig. 2 can be selected. To show that the obtained controller obtained. For various KD , a family of stability parameter area can eciently compensate the boundaries is portrayed in Fig. 3. It is realized that uncertain plant, a representative point P1 (KP ˆ 2, with a larger KD , the stability region for the con- KI ˆ 1, KD ˆ 0X01) is picked for demonstration. sidered plant would be larger. The resulting step responses are shown in Fig. 5. It For example, choose KD ˆ 0X01. Following the is obvious that the designed controller stabilizes same procedure, the other stability boundaries for all the four interval plants. Fig. 9. Bode diagrams for the PID controlled uncertain plants G3 …s† and G4 …s†.
  • 10. 428 Y.J. Huang, Y.-J. Wang / ISA Transactions 39 (2000) 419±431 Table 1 end, the constant gain margin boundaries and Gain margins and phase margins for the family of uncertain constant phase margin boundaries are plotted in polynomials with designed PID controller (KP ˆ 1X72, the KP ÀKI plane. It isolates speci®ed gain margin KI ˆ 0X05, KD ˆ 0X01) and phase margin regions in the parameter plane b2 b1 b0 Gain margin (db) Phase margin (deg) to allow ¯exible choice of the controller para- 3.5 12 9.5 5.5293 42.1600 meters. For the edge polynomial p1 …s†, the hatched 11.5 5.1832 50.6060 area as shown in Fig. 6 is the suitable area for selecting the stabilizing controller coecients. 15 9.5 9.0530 44.9010 11.5 8.7540 54.0440 Concurrently, system speci®cations can be achieved. 4.8 12 9.5 6.0765 30.5700 A non-conservative Kharitonov region is 11.5 6.0978 38.0700 obtained, as seen in Fig. 7, by searching for the 15 9.5 10.0000 37.9260 intersectional region of the speci®cation-limited 11.5 9.9410 51.7380 areas from all edge polynomials pi …s†, i ˆ 1, 2, 3, 4. This region constitutes all the possible stabilizing PID controller sets for system with robust safety margins. In other words, the KP , KI , and KD can Successively, we provide the uncertain system be readily chosen from the non-conservative with a robust performance through specifying the Kharitonov region. A representative point P2 gain margins and phase margins. Toward this (KP ˆ 1X72, KI ˆ 0X05, KD ˆ 0X01) is selected. Fig. 10. The variation of gain margins subject to parameteric change of the control system with the selected PID controller (KP ˆ 1X72, KI ˆ 0X05, KD ˆ 0X01).
  • 11. Y.J. Huang, Y.-J. Wang / ISA Transactions 39 (2000) 419±431 429 Bode diagrams are plotted in Figs. 8 and 9. It is conservative Kharitonov region in the coecient veri®ed that the designed controller can really sta- plane. bilize the interval system with robust margins. Output responses are shown in Fig. 12. For a Gain margins and phase margins for the con- standard second system, the speci®cations in terms sidered uncertain plant with designed PID con- of gain margin and phase margin are de®ned troller (KP ˆ 1X72, KI ˆ 0X05, KD ˆ 0X01) are exactly corresponding to time domain perfor- tabulated in Table. 1. The resulting gain margins mance requirement. However, for the considered and phase margins subject to the uncertain coe- system, to inherit the same design idea, it is of cients b0 , b1 , and b2 with the selected controller are much interest to de®ne interval gain margin and illustrated in Fig. 10 and Fig. 11, respectively. phase margin speci®cations such that the time Obviously, the speci®cations 5db4Gm410dbY and domain performance can also be guaranteed to 30 4Pm460 are satis®ed. Note that for any some degree. From Fig. 12, it is seen that the rise other KD , the whole exploitable PID coecients time is less than 2 s and the maximum overshoot is can be obtained, similarly, by searching the non- less than 50%. Henceforth, the linkage of the time Fig. 11. The variation of phase margins subject to parameteric change of the control system with the selected PID controller (KP ˆ 1X72, KI ˆ 0X05, KD ˆ 0X01).
  • 12. 430 Y.J. Huang, Y.-J. Wang / ISA Transactions 39 (2000) 419±431 Fig. 12. Output responses for the four interval plants with KP ˆ 1X72, KI ˆ 0X05, KD ˆ 0X01. performance and the gain and phase margin spe- The relationship between the varying coecients ci®cations can also be evinced. of the uncertain characteristic polynomial and its corresponding stable area in the plotted parameter plane is studied. Simulation results reveal the 4. Conclusions remarkable performance and the e€ectiveness of the developed method. In future work, the devel- The so-called interval plants are often used for oped method will be extended to uncertain systems dealing with uncertain dynamical systems. A with adjustable parameters and time delay, and robustness stability analysis is useful to provide systems with inherent nonlinearities. some ®nite checking of the stability of the closed loop system so that one can design the controller to stabilize the whole uncertain plant. However, much of the present success in the control of interval systems is restricted to the analysis issue. In this References paper, a parameter plane method based on the gain phase margin tester method and Kharitonov [1] V.L. Kharitonov, Asymptotic stability of an equilibrium theorem is adopted to compensate the uncertain position of a family systems of linear di€erential equa- plants. A non-conservative Kharitonov region can tions, Di€erential'nye Uraveniya 14 (1978) 2086±2088. [2] V.L. Kharitonov, On a generalization of a stability criterion, be obtained systematically and graphically such Izv, Akad. Nauk. Kazach. SSR Ser. Fiz. Mat 1 (1978) 53±57. that a PID controller with coecients selected [3] A.C. Bartlett, Root locations for an entire polytope of from the region will stabilize the entire interval polynomials: it suces to check the edges, MCSS 1 (1988) plants. The design procedure is straightforward. 61±71.
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