Accessible homes independent lives

Habinteg Housing Association is a registered social housing provider with 50 years’ experience building and promoting accessible homes and communities. We own and manage more than 3300 homes and we operate in 86 local authorities across England and Wales.

We believe that having an accessible home in an inclusive setting can transform the lives of disabled people and those around them.

About Habinteg

Tenant news

Save money on your car insurance and your broadband tariff

Having a car and home broadband are costing households more than they used to, but you can pay less for insurance premiums and broadband if you’re prepared to shop around.  ...

Peter Harris.png
The tenant voices shaping our services – Peter Harris

Read about why Joint Strategic Impact Group (JSIG) tenant member, Peter Harris, who lives in Hull and has been a Habinteg tenant for 26 years,  joined JSIG a year ago....

Read our publication

Update Newsletter

Read the summer 2024 edition of our biannual tenant newsletter, Update.

Habinteg news

Adaptations to older homes could cost households thousands: Habinteg

Habinteg's cost comparisons of  the most common home adaptations show that people in an M4(1) visitable dwelling, who need such adaptations, could be £27,000 worse off than those in an acc...

Habinteg joins Westminster march to ask for more accessible homes

Habinteg joined disability campaigners in Westminster this week to ask Prime Minister Keir Starmer to raise the accessibility standard for all new homes.  ...

Research Card

Latest Habinteg Research

Our latest research has revealed that building more wheelchair user homes for disabled people, from children to adults over 66, could save the public purse millions over a 10 year period.

  • Our campaigns


    Accessible Homes Week

    Every September, we run a week of action - Accessible Homes Week - to celebrate what an accessible home can do for a person's  independence and overall quality of life. For our ninth Accessible Homes Week,  9-13 September 2024, we will be asking the government for M4(2) Now.

    Learn more about Accessible Homes Week 2024