Use ODM to make a decision within a RPA activity

You can define rules in both RPA and BPM solutions without using ODM for simpler logic. However, those rules are maintained by the solution developers, and every time a rule is changed the RPA bot and BPM process has to change. It’s not possible for business users who have a specialism in risk, compliance, pricing, eligibility to update the rules by themselves, which can limit business agility. RPA as the ability to invoke separate decisions using ODM rules which are defined in a business-friendly representation that is less technical than defining rules in RPA.

See sample: Use ODM to make a decision within a RPA activity

There is an additional capability now in IBM ODM which can create a simple UI for a decision which RPA can consume even easier with its UI recorder capabilities.

Second sample : RPA activity can use new Decision UI

Learn more:

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