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igus® S.L.U.

Ctra. Llobatona, 6

Poligono Noi del Sucre

08840 Viladecans Barcelona

+34 93 647 39 50
+34 93 647 39 51

igubal® bearing elements application examples

igubal® bearing elements can be used without problems even in harsh environments and are maintenance-free. They are corrosion-resistant in humid environments. The operating temperature is from -30°C to +80°C. Seals are not necessary, even in extremely contaminated conditions. This is true for fine dust as well as coarse dirt.
Every year, igus® engineers develop more than 100 new plastic compounds and conduct more than 3500 tests on maintenance-free plain bearings every year, and thus over the years has established a large database of polymers' tribological properties.

Search from over 140 applications of our customers

In a wide range of industries, solutions are technically improved and costs saved by the use of igubal® bearing elements.

High sea catamaran

and the first one that is variably adjustable in its width.

Test stand for control centres

Only extensive earthbound testing can demonstrate the suitability of components for space applications.

Plastic spherical bearings for electric wheelchairs

Lubrication- and maintenance-free plastic bearings provide the required functional reliability in electric wheelchairs.

4D seats

Maintenance-free igubal® pedestal bearings are used in theatre seats; they are noiseless and operate reliably even at high loads.

Car kit

igus® bearings are used for the gear shift linkage.

Lubrication-free linear and spherical bearings for baked goods gripper

This gripper picks up freshly baked goods from a conveyer belt and packs them in baskets.


When the design was revised, the metal pivoting bearings used so far were replaced by igubal® KGLM pivoting bearings.

Electric golf trolley

Four igubal® pivoting bearings from igus® were tested for the floating axle through the drive, and found to be suitable after several months of tests.

Ergonomic seat mechanism

The use of an igubal® EFSM flange bearing has allowed the development of a maintenance-free and silent seat mechanism element.

Flexible roofing

With this system, for example, terraces can be roofed flexibly. The roof is even waterproof in the closed state.

Plain and spherical plain bearings withstand strong vibrations in grain sorters

This machine cleans and sorts all types of grain. First the grain is separated from other material by an air current.


Since temperatures of several hundred degrees Celsius occur here, the pilot must wear fire and heat-resistant clothing. The bearings used also have to withstand the high temperatures and pressures.

Bearing technology and energy chains for electric aircraft

To achieve the best flying conditions, all components must be lightweight and at the same time as durable as possible.

Bearing technology for Mars robots

This robotic vehicle is designed for a very special environment: it will one day be driving on Mars.


This pagepulltester is a high-precision measuring instrument for the bookbinding industry.

Plain and spherical bearings in the prosthetic joint

This joint is a new development to be used in prostheses. iglidur® J plain bearings and igubal® spherical bearings are installed in it.

Spherical bearing for solar aeroplane

The prototype of the „Sunseeker Duo“ solar plane is the world‘s first solar-powered two-seater.

Gritting unit

The screwconveyer of the gritting unit has to be mounted movable in order to compensate axial offset and dynamic movements in the screw.

Adjustable arm chairs

the armrests of this chair are adjustable, to accommodate the needs of the individual user.

Wave machine

Since the tank is filled with salt water, the components used may not be susceptible to corrosion.

Producción de CD y DVD

Las cabezas articuladas de plástico garantizan un funcionamiento intensivo del equipo.

Equipment manufacture

Lubrication-free tribopolymers in extreme application - Packaging unit for profiles.

Fertilizer spreader

A dynamic test reflects a service life of over 10 years.

Current consumer

igubal® spherical bearings as insulating components in current consumers of the subway.

Fully automatic tire fitting lines

No more expensive repairs

Screen facade for primary school

For wind and rain

“Portamobil” assembly aid for door leaves

Can be handled alone

Bearing technology for helicopter drone

Light and free from play

Chemist prescription printer

Precise and effective

Hand-operated water pump

Resistant to wind and rain

Small LED spotlight

Movable and attractive

Cleaning robot

Light and clean

Student project "PLC laboratory"

High positioning accuracy

Bipod for sports firearm

Maintenance-free and resilient

Inspection device

Los Cojinetes soportan de manera fiable, con reducidas fricciones y sin efecto stick-slip, las altas fuerzas radiales de centraje y minimizan a la vez, gracias a su valona, la fricción al nivel del sistema del brazo.

Plain bearing for filling valve in beverage bottling plant

El desafío: la temperatura máxima de funcionamiento es de 140°C y los materiales utilizados deben resistir a todos los detergentes utilizados en el sector de las bebidas.

Robot trepador

El objetivo era mantener el peso de un robot trepador a su más reducido nivel para que el robot sea capaz de desplazarse sobre superficies planas, tales las ventanas, mediante ventosas.

Bearing technology for ultra-light gyrocopters

El iglidur® G es la solución ideal para esta cabeza del rotor. Las hélices sustentadoras giran aproximadamente 400 veces por minuto y efectúan movimientos oscilantes de 30° máx.

Procesamiento de billetes de banco

Dispositivo de bloqueo en una máquina para el procesamiento de billetes de banco: la articulación doble permite todos los grados de libertad necesarios y soporta a la vez la fuerza de tracción.

Soporte para movimientos en 3 direcciones

En esta construcción era necesario ofrecer un sistema de Cojinetes económico, rígido y una resistencia a la contaminación.

Sistema de carga exterior en helicópteros

El sistema innovador de carga exterior para helicópteros requería para su construcción un peso reducido, una fiabilidad extrema y, a la vez, una resistencia a las intemperies así como un funcionamiento libre de mantenimiento.

Special bikes and therapeutic accessories

Plain, spherical and linear bearings made of plastic help to improve mobility and the quality of life

Soccer table

Application of a high-value spindle lift table with steep-threaded spindle, linear guide systems and igubal® spherical bearings.

PLC laboratory trainer

The aim of the concept is to demonstrate to the students how to handle a programmable logic controller (abbreviation: PLC) in an attractive way.

Máquina para formar, llenar y sellar bolsas continuas

A pesar de todas las influencias exteriores, los Cojinetes de deslizamiento de plástico libres de mantenimiento aseguran el periodo de funcionamiento necesario.

Seguidor fotovoltaico

Viento, arena y sol: los Cojinetes de deslizamiento de plástico para le técnica solar

Fitness equipment

New solutions for fitness equipment save production costs and assembly times.

Bearing technology, energy chains and cables for straightening machine

Quick, straight, precise: this is how the requirements in sheet metal machining can be summarized. Sophisticated straightening technology makes all this possible.

Bag forming, filling and sealing machine: Hygienic design of the format adjustment

On these horizontal forming, filling and sealing machines, the total freedom from maintenance over the machines' entire life cycle was particularly important for the customer.

Cow cleaner

Lubrication-free polymer bearing technology for cow cleaners

Los términos "Apiro", "AutoChain", "CFRIP", "chainflex", "chainge", "chains for cranes", "ConProtect", "cradle-chain", "CTD", "drygear", "drylin", "dryspin", "dry-tech", "dryway", "easy chain", "e-chain", "e-chain systems", "e-ketten", "e-kettensysteme", "e-loop", "energy chain", "energy chain systems", "enjoyneering", "e-skin", "e-spool", "fixflex", "flizz", "i.Cee", "ibow", "igear", "iglidur", "igubal", "igumid", "igus", "igus improves what moves", "igus:bike", "igusGO", "igutex", "iguverse", "iguversum", "kineKIT", "kopla", "manus", "motion plastics", "motion polymers", "motionary", "plastics for longer life", "print2mold", "Rawbot", "RBTX", "readycable", "readychain", "ReBeL", "ReCyycle", "reguse", "robolink", "Rohbot", "savfe", "speedigus", "superwise", "take the dryway", "tribofilament", "tribotape", "triflex", "twisterchain", "when it moves, igus improves", "xirodur", "xiros" y "yes" son marcas comerciales legalmente protegidas de igus® GmbH en la República Federal de Alemania y otros países. Esta es una lista no exhaustiva de las marcas comerciales de igus GmbH o de empresas afiliadas de igus en Alemania, la Unión Europea, EE.UU. y/u otros países o jurisdicciones.

igus® GmbH puntualiza que no vende ningún producto de las empresas Allen Bradley, B&R, Baumüller, Beckhoff, Lahr, Control Techniques, Danaher Motion, ELAU, FAGOR, FANUC, Festo, Heidenhain, Jetter, Lenze, LinMot, LTi DRiVES, Mitsubishi, NUM, Parker, Bosch Rexroth, SEW, Siemens, Stöber y cualquier otro fabricante mencionado en esta página web. Los productos que ofrece igus® S.L.U. son los de igus® GmbH.