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chainflex® guarantee

We guarantee our cables for up to 4 years with confidence, as we can make reliable predictions about the service life of our cables based on over 30 years of experience in our 3,800 m² test laboratory and 700 parallel tests.

Why chainflex guarantee? 
The new guarantee service gives you the security of knowing that your individual application has been designed exactly right and that you are always choosing the right chainflex cable that works reliably.

When does the service life guarantee apply?
The chainflex service life guarantee applies to the calculated number of double strokes according to the igus online service life calculator, but for a maximum of 4 years after the delivery date, whichever comes first. The guarantee applies to all chainflex cables that can be selected in the service life calculator.

When is there a guarantee claim?
A guarantee claim is deemed to exist if the chainflex cable supplied is demonstrably not free from material and manufacturing defects. 
In concrete terms, this means that the chainflex cable wears out before the end of the guarantee period or the guaranteed number of double strokes due to natural wear and tear during normal use.

When is there no guarantee claim?
The guarantee claim expires in the event of mechanical damage and damage caused by incorrect installation or improper use of the cable.

When does the guarantee start?
The guarantee is valid for new purchases as of 15/02/2020, starting with the delivery date of the chainflex cable.

When does the guarantee end?
The guarantee ends at the end of the 4-year period, starting from the date of delivery.
What is the scope of the guarantee, exactly?
Guarantee claims must be submitted to igus GmbH immediately after the damage described above is detected. For the given guarantee period, igus provides a free replacement (delivery ex works). This applies only to igus chainflex components that fail due to wear and tear.

Is the guarantee prolonged due to the delivery of a replacement?
Shipping of replacement parts does not extend the guarantee period.

Is there a guarantee for the e-chain used?
We also offer a guarantee of up to 36 months on the e-chain used. More information

In which countries does the chainflex guarantee apply?
The chainflex guarantee is valid around the world. The issuing authority is igus GmbH, no matter from where you request the guarantee certificate via the service life calculator.

How do I submit a guarantee claim?
In the event of a guarantee claim, please contact our sales team, who will be happy to take care of your request. 

Request a chainflex guarantee now

Predictable safety through laboratory & field experience

Safety is of the utmost essence, not only operationally, but also legally and financially. Plant and machine constructors always have to make binding statements about operational safety and reliability. Therefore, a guarantee declaration to the end customer always entails a risk.
We are aware of this, but due to our many years of experience and our expertise we can guarantee manufacturers valuable planning security. Intensive tests in the world's largest test laboratory for cables and energy chains allow us to make valid, reliable and verifiable statements about durability and service life.
Providing a guarantee to the end customer exceeds obligatory warranty claims or defect liability by far. The customer not only receives the promise from the company to obtain a defect-free product, but also the ability to function over a certain period.
Durability guarantee is what matters. This is very important for customers, as a binding statement regarding the durability, offers planning security. A mere extension of the guarantee is usually not enough for them.
The chainflex guarantee provides you with reliable data from the lab and the field!
The chainflex guarantee assumes the operating conditions are applicable for the respective cable group. These conditions consist of parameters such as temperature, movement type, torsion, media influence, and bend radius.The guarantee is valid for up to 4 years or 100 million double strokes, whichever comes first. The number of double strokes covered by the guarantee depends on the type of installation and the cable quality. This is described in the current catalogue, in the data sheets and in the service life calculator.

It's simple:

Service life calculator Call up service life calculator and enter application parameters
Service life calculator Click on calculate to work out the chainflex cable's service life
Guarantee certificate Click on the button "Request 4-year guarantee certificate" to have the certificate sent to you by e-mail
Request a chainflex guarantee certificate now

Example: "guaranteed service life" for chainflex CF9

* Higher number of double strokes? Calculate service life online
 Double strokes*5 million7,5 million10 million
 Temperature from/to [°C]Minimum bend radius [factor x d] Minimum bend radius [factor x d] Minimum bend radius [factor x d]  
 -35/-156,8 7,5 8,5 
+90/+100 6,8 7,5 8,5 

In this chart, you can find the technical parameters of the chainflex CF9 control cable. If the cable is operated in accordance with the operating conditions, a guaranteed service life of 5, 7.5 or 10 million double strokes is applicable depending on the application. The service life itself can even be significantly higher.
Suppose you use a cable with a diameter of 12mm in an energy chain with a radius of 100mm. This results in a bending factor of 8.3 (100mm/12mm). To receive a statement regarding the durability, you require the information from the technical framework conditions (temperature and number of double strokes). With an assumed temperature range of -25/+90°C) with 8xd, the effective bending factor is above the minimum limit of 7. 10 million double strokes are guaranteed! With higher or lower temperature, the necessary factor for this guarantee level would be 8.5. This means that the number of guaranteed double strokes is reduced to 7.5 million.
These statements provide reliability and planning safety for your entire plant!

chainflex UL label

Why should the product keep the promises?

UL verified: chainflex® receives the highest recognition by globally recognised testing organisation

igus is the first German company to have this promise validated for chainflex cables. In a complex certification process, the US "Underwriters Laboratories" institute confirmed the accuracy of the following text: "igus 4-year chainflex cable guarantee and service life calculator based 2 billion test cycles per year". This makes the Cologne-based company the first in Europe to have the veracity of an advertising statement confirmed by a testing institution. In future, every chainflex cable that leaves a factory anywhere in the world will be given the UL marketing label with its unique number (B129699) that refers to igus.

A total of 1,044 of the more than 1,350 cables in the portfolio and available from stock already have classic UL approval. This is a prerequisite for smooth system commissioning in the US. Exporting systems to America will therefore be a smooth process. The combination of UL approval and UL marketing label benefits export efforts twice over.

These statements create reliability and security for your entire investment process, especially now that they have been confirmed by an external body! Learn more about UL verified: 
Read free white paper


I look forward to answering your questions

Shipping and consultation

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Monday to Friday from 7 am - 8 pm.
Saturdays from 8 am- 12 pm.



The terms "Apiro", "AutoChain", "CFRIP", "chainflex", "chainge", "chains for cranes", "ConProtect", "cradle-chain", "CTD", "drygear", "drylin", "dryspin", "dry-tech", "dryway", "easy chain", "e-chain", "e-chain systems", "e-ketten", "e-kettensysteme", "e-loop", "energy chain", "energy chain systems", "enjoyneering", "e-skin", "e-spool", "fixflex", "flizz", "i.Cee", "ibow", "igear", "iglidur", "igubal", "igumid", "igus", "igus improves what moves", "igus:bike", "igusGO", "igutex", "iguverse", "iguversum", "kineKIT", "kopla", "manus", "motion plastics", "motion polymers", "motionary", "plastics for longer life", "print2mold", "Rawbot", "RBTX", "RCYL", "readycable", "readychain", "ReBeL", "ReCyycle", "reguse", "robolink", "Rohbot", "savfe", "speedigus", "superwise", "take the dryway", "tribofilament", "tribotape", "triflex", "twisterchain", "when it moves, igus improves", "xirodur", "xiros" and "yes" are legally protected trademarks of the igus® GmbH/ Cologne in the Federal Republic of Germany and where applicable in some foreign countries. This is a non-exhaustive list of trademarks (e.g. pending trademark applications or registered trademarks) of igus GmbH or affiliated companies of igus in Germany, the European Union, the USA and/or other countries or jurisdictions.

igus® GmbH points out that it does not sell any products of the companies Allen Bradley, B&R, Baumüller, Beckhoff, Lahr, Control Techniques, Danaher Motion, ELAU, FAGOR, FANUC, Festo, Heidenhain, Jetter, Lenze, LinMot, LTi DRiVES, Mitsubishi, NUM,Parker, Bosch Rexroth, SEW, Siemens, Stöber and all other drive manufacturers mention on this website. The products offered by igus® are those of igus® GmbH