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Keys to understanding the world of work

Based on research findings from the International Labour Organization (ILO), each InfoStory offers a unique perspective on a labour-related theme, told through a narrative enriched with infographics, videos, maps and case studies.

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Featured Stories

Social protection for people with disabilities: Cash benefits are not enough

Social protection for people with disabilities: Cash benefits are not enough

Social protection policies in many countries perpetuate the misconception that disability is associated with “incapacity to work”. Why is it important to change them?

What has changed for migrant workers in Qatar?

What has changed for migrant workers in Qatar?

Recent labour reforms in Qatar have already improved the living conditions for hundreds of thousands of workers, though urgent additional efforts are needed to ensure all workers can benefit.

Social justice for rural populations means prosperity for the planet

Social justice for rural populations means prosperity for the planet

Rural areas’ potential is often overlooked, but with the right policies in place, they can be attractive places to work and live, and can have a significant role in creating decent jobs.

The Rana Plaza disaster ten years on: What has changed?

The Rana Plaza disaster ten years on: What has changed?

Today, the garment industry is safer and the capacity of the Bangladeshi Government to oversee compliance is much stronger. But what challenges remain?

How employment services can support a post-pandemic jobs recovery

How employment services can support a post-pandemic jobs recovery

If you are out of work looking for a job or an employer looking to fill a job vacancy, who can help? This InfoStory shows how employment services can help people respond to economic crisis.

How to achieve gender equality in global garment supply chains

How to achieve gender equality in global garment supply chains

Global supply chains are a key entry point for women to enter the formal workforce, but serious decent work deficits remain prevalent, including discrimination, violence and harassment.

The gender gap in employment: What's holding women back?

The gender gap in employment: What's holding women back?

Around the world, finding a job is much tougher for women than it is for men. When women do find jobs, these tend to be low-quality jobs. Explore the data behind the trends.


Trade unions in transition: What will be their role in the future of work?

Trade unions in transition: What will be their role in the future of work?

Globally, trade union membership has been going down over time, and with that trade unions’ ability to organize workers. Among all the possible scenarios for trade unions, which one is most likely?

Ensuring fair recruitment: What the ILO has achieved

Ensuring fair recruitment: What the ILO has achieved

Many migrant workers – particularly low skilled workers - find themselves paying large recruitment fees to intermediaries in order to secure work overseas.

Peace and resilience through decent work

Peace and resilience through decent work

Millions of people worldwide have lost their livelihoods due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Now more than ever, we are reminded that decent work is the foundation of resilient and peaceful societies.

The power of small: Unlocking the potential of SMEs

The power of small: Unlocking the potential of SMEs

Explore this InfoStory to find out how the ILO is supporting small and medium enterprises to reach their full potential – and securing a better future of work for everyone.

Beyond the glass ceiling: Why businesses need women at the top

Beyond the glass ceiling: Why businesses need women at the top

Women are better educated and more active in the labour force than ever. Yet despite these gains, their representation in top positions in business still lags behind that of men.

Can collective bargaining create a fairer economy?

Can collective bargaining create a fairer economy?

When based on dialogue and equity, collective bargaining can help build stable, decent societies. Discover its impact on the economy, businesses and workers.

What stands between youth and decent jobs?

What stands between youth and decent jobs?

More than 200 million young people are either unemployed or have a job but live in poverty. Learn more about global employment trends for youth.

Safety and health at work: Why are youth at risk?

Safety and health at work: Why are youth at risk?

Young workers suffer from injury and illness on the job at far higher rates than adults. Unstable jobs are just one of the factors that contribute to their vulnerability.

Stay or go: Migration should be a choice

Stay or go: Migration should be a choice

With few opportunities at home, many young Nepalese seek work abroad. Find out what Nepal is doing to promote decent work at home and informed labour migration abroad.

The rising tide of non-standard employment

The rising tide of non-standard employment

For many workers around the world, non-standard employment has become standard. What does this mean for workers, employers and societies?

The win-win of disability inclusion

The win-win of disability inclusion

Employing people with disabilities makes good business sense for enterprises. Yet employment rates are low and many barriers to work still exist.

Laying the foundations of social justice

Laying the foundations of social justice

War, industrialization and revolution helped trigger the creation of the International Labour Organization. Learn about the ILO’s origins and its founding in 1919.

Deceptive recruitment and coercion

Deceptive recruitment and coercion

Poverty, illiteracy, discrimination and migration make workers more vulnerable to forced labour. Discover how someone looking for work can become trapped in forced labour.

Tackling sex discrimination through pay equity

Tackling sex discrimination through pay equity

Women and men should receive equal remuneration for the same work or work of equal value. But how can pay equity be achieved?

Child labour in agriculture

In many regions, child labour is found mainly in agricultural contexts, where fatalities and diseases are common. How does it impact children's lives? How can it be eliminated?

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