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- Spider-Men, Peter Parker and Miles Morales, return for an exciting new adventure in the critically acclaimed Marvel's Spider-Man franchise.
- Peter Parker, ormai più anziano e più esperto, continua ad affrontare la dualità della sua vita da supereroe mentre affronta una minaccia più grande di lui.
- In this sequel of Marvel's Spider-Man (2018), you can play as Miles Morales as a new and different Spider-Man while he learns some stories about his will of fighting crime and serving justice by his mentor and former hero, Peter Parker.
- A catastrophic accident results in massive devastation. Blamed for the tragedy, the Avengers disband. Five years later, with all super heroes outlawed and the world in peril, the only hope is to reassemble Earth's Mightiest Heroes.
- Lara Croft continues in her search for her long lost mother in the legendary land of Avalon.
- In a primitive tribal world where strange, monstrous, animalistic machines roam the wilderness, a brave young female warrior goes on a quest to learn the truth about her mysterious origin and the state the world is in. Centuries after the fall of civilization caused by the rise of predatory machines, a young woman named Aloy, an orphan lovingly raised by an outcast from his tribe, roams the harsh wilderness to discover what caused the catastrophic apocalypse, and seek the answers to her past.
- After altering the flow of history, Raziel and Kain are forced to work together to restore the true flow of time to Nosgoth.