I never realized that tonight must have been the premiere of this. So how does this 3rd installment, 5 years after the original fares up.
To me, it has taken a downward spiral.. The original movie was fun in a witty way. This one degenerates quickly to a love teeny story with some rather weak made for the film music. The whole movie feels like an episode taken out of some series than a stand alone movie. The cast has been exaggerated badly and they are simply trying too hard. Camera wise, it also feel like a series. There is no depth, no angles.. just straight shifting of the views. The gadgets they use are annoying. Disney never really progressed the idea at all. However, unlike the 2nd one, this is a wild shot and i hope the last of Zenon.
Because they really failed with this one. Watch a rerun of the original (which you notice they never air so you cannot compare how bad the other 2 really are!).