I saw the movie at "The Charles Theatre" and it was excellent! Mark Redfield made "Poe" come to life, and I connected with the character sharing his pain and it is so unfortunate that some artists only get appreciated after their death. The movie depicted the struggle this incredible talent went through in order to share his vision with the world - just heartbreaking, but a pleasure to be a part of. All of the acting was superb - by everyone involved! It was intense and captivating...I was lost in the story. I truly enjoyed this piece of art work and it was so original - it should be viewed by everyone, but especially as an educational piece for students really learning not only about artists, but how tough it is to be recognized as an artist, and that amazing talent can be virtually dismissed if it is ahead of its time! Edgar Allen Poe had a special gift to "see" into the future and connect with a reality that most of us do not understand...what a shame he did not know his affect on people! Lets hope that the artists of today do not have to suffer that same abandonment! In order to appreciate true original creativity, you may need to look outside the Hollywood of the moment. Sandy O'Brien