"Baytown Outlaws," is about a family of rebellious, violent, mayhem for hire brothers with twisted morals who take on a paid mission to rescue a boy from an equally twisted kingpin played by Billy Bob Thornton.
The Good. This is an action packed, pure entertainment movie. It wasn't made for its storyline, plot, or anything else of critical value, but was more of a Tarantino-esque, violence fest. Its got a lot of violence, guns, a bit of sexy appeal that only a gang of murderous biker hookers could provide, and Eva Longoria isn't in enough scenes to ruin the movie as she usually does ( see "A Dark Truth." Well, save yourself and please don't. There is a reason why Longoria has been buried in Soap Operas for so long. She is great eye candy but her acting abilities....yeah, not so much).
The Bad. A lot of the script is just plain stupid and bad. The story is lame as well. Let's face the facts though. This movie wasn't made to impress critics or win awards, it was made for action entertainment and in that regard you can ignore most of the script and storyline and just bathe in the action and violence. It was well done in that regard and for those interested in those critically acclaimed areas, don't bother watching it.
I give it a 7. I was entertained and that was the whole point of the film. The actors portraying the brothers weren't very good but they didn't have to be, and the contract killing, motorcycle gang of hookers were hot eye candy. So get out the popcorn and watch the action and violence and have fun with it. If your not into that sort of movie than you have no business watching this one.