I haven't seen such a touching gay movie since Brokeback Mountain. The movie contains so many issues, yet it could still cover them all and touch the deepest emotions in my heart. The depiction of each character is so profound that you can't help feeling the way they experienced.
Everyone is selfish when it comes to love, and so was Miguel. After he found the way how his wife and Santiago could coexist, he decided not to salvage the body and let Santiago rest in peace. He wanted Santiago to exist just for him, without the risk their relationship to be discovered. But not soon after the rumor of the painting ran wild in the village, his ideal pattern of coexistence vanished! In substitution, here comes the suspicion along with the despite from the so-called innocent village. Miguel's wife is just an ordinary woman who couldn't accept the fact that her husband was screwing other man, but the courage and tolerance she maintained is quite extraordinary. Love is the only way to get through this kind of grief. It's true for Miguel for that the loss of his lover and the courage to admit the rumor. On the other hand, it's also true for Miguel's wife who had to raise her child under this circumstance, not to mention the pressure and gossip she had to put up with.
Masculinity is always a main concept in gay movies. Therefore, Miguel had to struggle with his identification like most conservative gay did. In some way, Santiago is not just his lover, but also the desire of freedom which he had been longed for decades. When Miguel made up his mind to fulfill Santiago's last wish no matter what it costs, the determination and courage he showed really made me weep. No doubt that's the moment he found his own freedom and became a true macho!
Tragedy is when love no longer existed, so I would rather say this movie is about love and forgiveness. For those who has been struggled for their identification, this is a must see movie. Furthermore, for those who be the reason some have to struggle for anything, this is definitely a movie you can' t miss!