It was ballsy to try to do Kubrick on tv.
I think the main flaw with the show is how good it looks. It looks great, it looks like a plausible moon base, with the very wonderful Eagles.
But the problem is, it LOOKS like it should make sense, but the plots typically made less sense than the original Star Trek. By far. And Barry Morse's wonderful performance as Bergman ironically just shines a light on this.
The plots typically were more like 1950s sci-fi melodrama, but in what looked like a believable lavish moon settlement... in the mid 1970s, in the wake of the actual moon landings, meaning everybody was pretty well versed actual real space technology and knew quite well how insane this all was.
To pull this off, they do need to spend a lot of time on technobabble, sorry, they just do. The moon being blasted out of orbit without killing everybody is one thing, but how does the moon travel fast enough to engage the solar system or random asteroid, to then hang out for enough time to send eagles back and forth for this week's adventures?
At the incredible speeds the moon must endure to even get to another system, they would blast through any star system in minutes or seconds. Yet, they hang out enough to have an adventure.
Star Trek handled this way better, and frankly, even Lost in Space handled it better.
This was just the Achilles heel here.