Overall, I enjoyed the pilot episode, and would vote for it to be continued. There, that's said.
There are a few things that jar me the wrong way. Serafinowicz doesn't quite have the physical and vocal presence I'd want in the Big Blue Guy. And the suit looks a bit too rubberized. But, as pointed out in other reviews, Serafinowicz is a good actor and voice actor, and, with a commitment as a producer, too, he'll find his way with the character.
But, that aside, we have Ben Edlund back writing the Tick, and for the continuity that he'll bring to this, I'm okay with the changes that he's been making to some of the story elements (The Terror, Arthur's back story, the lack of a spoon).
And who but Edlund could give us a line like "blinded by weaponized syphilis"?
And, as a bonus, Patrick Warburton is producing.
It's fun. Is it as much fun for someone coming cold to the series, without the history that we've grown up with? That's to be seen.
Disclaimer: I've been a Tick fan since the comic first came out