This film is a small snapshot of the life of a man who wears his bitterness on his sleeve. Displaying some potential alcoholism and is as lost in his dreams as he is in life.
His main goal is own home but like many he lack the funds or income. A story that will resonate with many today struggling in their own way but our main character is an adjunct professor of economics which gives him the platform to declare his displeasure on how he feels the system treats those without means.
His other dream is to become a writer and when he stumbles upon the opportunity to own a home with clause that forces him to have a roommate of sorts, he finds himself a story worth telling.
Over all this is a lovely tale of person and growth and while there are moments that stretches the realm of reality, these are offset by the introduction of characters who are each living their own American dream. Thus offering a contrast not often explored in this type of film.