I thought that War Games was one of those really nice surprises. Its one of those films that you end up catching by chance that turns out to be a nasty, cool little movie. Its about some kids who end up in the wrong place at the wrong time and get messed with by the wrong people. It's kind of similar to pretty much every movie like that, that you have ever seen, except what I thought was cool is that the film creates this really cool atmosphere, and really shows the beauty of the nature of the wilderness that the kids have gone to. Its kinda strange that this nasty stuff is happening in such a beautiful setting. Most of the characters are pretty generic, cardboard cutouts, but the actors do a good job with them, and keep you interested in their fates. I think on the whole, War Games works best when it catches you unaware, one of those films that lets you drift into it, and suddenly it's got you, and I love finding films like this.