The documentary Britney vs. Spears is definitely in Britney's defense thus, perhaps, not equally objective. The viewer isn't at all sure what actual events may have led to such an extreme decade and a half conservatorship of Britney Spears. It is vaguely implied she was not competent mentally...though what exactly was the diagnosis and/or reasons for her situation?
What seems at root is her father was very worried about financial things over a caring and healthy relationship with his daughter. He basically made her his livlihood by indenturing her. When you can work your rear-end off in a very demanding job but you have to receive permission to go out for a hamburger I'd say it obvious something very insidiously wrong is going on here.
If I had to guess if she is released from her conservatorship she will thrive. It's questionable if she will ever have any further relationship with her father after hearing her tell a judge he should be jailed. So this is a sad story, yet it has the feel of a survivor's tale that may still be uplifting. For Britany to go through so much she seems much sturdier than the press has painted her. This is quite the interesting story which often stretches one's belief it has taken so long to potentially right.