When I saw the cast of this movie, I couldn't believe I had never heard of it before, but now that I've seen it, I know why no one talks about it. I can watch almost any movie and have a good time. But this movie was a hard watch, not only because it wasn't funny but because all the characters are unlikeable jerks. And when the credits started to roll, I asked myself, was that it? Where is the character development? Don't get me wrong. I think the cast are all great actors in other films, Kirsten Dunst (Spiderman Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind), Isla Fisher (Hot Rod), Lizzy Caplan (Cloverfield), Rebel Wilson (Pitch Perfect), & Adam Scott (Parks and Rec.) But in this movie, the main three characters are all super mean to Rebel Wilson's character, and they are all shallow, self-centered losers who have no character arc. Also, it's really weird to hear Rebel Wilson try and speak with an American accent. But it isn't as bad as how they fat-shame her the entire movie. I mean poor Rebel :( It wasn't the worst movie in the world. Isla Fisher and Rebel had a few funny moments and did the best with what they had to work with. I wanted to like this movie but there just isn't enough substance for me to get over the fact that the characters are awful people.