[on shooting 35mm]
Fences (2016) was right to shoot on film. Denzel [
Denzel Washington] wanted to stay very truthful to the play. For him, it was so much about that texture and staying true to the feelings that he had about this story. With
The Girl on the Train (2016), it was a point-of-view story because we have a girl, played by
Emily Blunt, observing people and thinking her thoughts. So there are a lot of things that we had to express just through the images. And we had to be so close to her. And there were other reasons why we felt film was right. [Emily's character] Rachel is drunk a lot of the time. We wanted to add something in the visual so it wasn't just relying on Emily Blunt going, "I'm drunk." Just a feel of being drunk without overdoing it. So we had a lot of the scenes when I said, "Let's skip some frames. Let's shoot six or eight frames per second," and then we step-printed. We duplicated those frames, and it gave a more staggering kind of feel, which adds to a feeling [of being drunk]. [Hollywood Reporter 2017]