There has been no other biblical film that touched me like this one. Dispite all the little details that have been criticized and pointed out, these should be of no consequence. The illustration of Jesus' life story in this film was rich. Not only can you feel the strong presence of Christ through Robert Powell, but you also can get a taste of the times in which he lived.
Although the film, like many biblical films, tries to clearly depict the spiritual nature of Christianity, this one goes beyond that. It gives you a glimpse into the politics, social/religious hierarch, economics, and the mindstate of the Jewish and Roman communities throughout the era. It's more than just your typical Christ film. It's gives you a broader view and a complete understanding of what it was like to live in the times of Jesus Christ.
Besides being a historical landmark and the great religous story that it is, this film also takes you through the ups and downs. The doubts, the hardships, the miracles, and the uprising. A very 3 Dimensional drama.
I am a Christian, and while I might not be as devout as some, my faith is strong and this film re-enforced that spirituality. It was very moving to hear the lessons and wise preachings of Jesus in a similar setting to the one where he once stood. To see the dramas first hand, from an unbiased point of view.
I would advise everyone to see this movie atleast once. No matter if your a Christian or not. The morals and lessons taught by Jesus Christ can be appreciated by anyone. Not just as the Son Of God, but as a Man who strongly believed in Love and goodwill towards his fellow Man. Not only as a religious icon, but as a mentor, moral activist, and humanitarian to his people. His words are universal. What he stood for is greater than any man that ever walked the face of this Earth. This film gives you that insight. It goes farther than showing you a religious gives you the reason why it's worth believing in.
I give this film 9/10. Powerful, Enlightening, and Emotionally driven. The Greatest Story Ever Told dramatized for all to enjoy time and time again.
If you liked this film, I also recommend "The Robe (1953)" and "The Ten Commandments (1956)"