Most of live action that adapted from book and anime are end up dissapointing. This one is not an exception. My expectation is low since the format is a movie, while the zoom-100 manga is a series, so there will be a lot of part will be cut, but oh holy shittt, it's even worse than i expect.
At first it is decent, the cinematography is vibrant, help to set the mood, but as time goes by, it's clear the director has no clear vision where it should go. The zombie is so slow and easy to fight , where is the thrilling part? The plot is questionable like why don't they have police or soldier to protect people in the dangerous situation. And bruh the hell is shark zombie with leg. The acting is either flat and dull or overreact, there is no in between. Among the 4 main roles, only the uncle one who can act,the rest need to go back to acting school
It supposed to be fun, but it lost every element that supposed to make it into enjoyable. It's cringey snozefest at the best. What a waste of time.