- Dr. Laura Schlessinger's words make me sick to my stomach.
- [on TV show "Nightline", 5/5/86, regarding the unsuccessful launch of an unmanned rocket shortly after the Space Shuttle Challenger explosion] To use a Southern euphemism, our space program has been snake-bit.
- I work very hard to get in touch with my feminine side.
- You know the old saying: you win some, you lose some... and then there's that little-known third category.
- A zebra does not change its spots.
- [Interview at the Cannes Film Festival, 5/20/06] I don't plan to be a candidate again for national office . . . I don't see any circumstances that would cause me to change my mind. I was in elective politics for 24 years. I've made four national races, two for President, two for Vice President. I have found there are other ways to serve, and I'm enjoying them." Interview at the Cannes Film Festival, May 20, 2006.
- I think it's wrong for the government to discriminate against people because of that person's sexual orientation. I think that gay men and women ought to have the same rights as heterosexual men and women -- to make contracts, to have hospital visiting rights, to join together in marriage, and I don't understand why it is considered by some people to be a threat to heterosexual marriage to allow it by gays and lesbians.
- Shouldn't we be promoting the kind of faithfulness and loyalty to one's partner regardless of sexual orientation? Because if you don't do that, then to that extent you're promoting promiscuity -- you're promoting all the problems that can result from promiscuity. And the loyalty and love that two people feel for one another when they fall in love ought to be celebrated and encouraged and shouldn't be prevented by any form of discrimination in the law.
- John McCain, a man who has earned our respect on many levels, is now openly endorsing the policies of the [George W. Bush-Dick Cheney] White House and promising to actually continue them, the same policies, all over again. Hey, I believe in recycling, but that's ridiculous.
- [observation, August 2017] We've never had a president who's deliberately made decisions, the result of which is to tear down America's standing in the world.
- In every area of policy that affects the climate, President Trump has surrounded himself with a rogues' gallery of climate deniers. And they appear to be intent on doing almost everything they can to destroy a sensible climate policy.
- [on his 2017 film "An Inconvenient Sequel"] Ten years after the first movie seemed like an appropriate time to check in on what's changed - and as it turned out, a lot has changed. The climate-related extreme weather events are unfortunately way more frequent and way more destructive, but solutions are available now. In a growing number of region, the electricity from solar and wind is now cheaper than electricity from burning fossil fuels.
- [2006] Within the decade, there will be no more snows of Kilimanjaro.
- [2009] The Arctic polar ice cap could disappear entirely in the summer months in as little as five years.
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