- Created his own critically acclaimed one man stage show called, "Talking To Myself" which has toured world wide. The show takes the audience on a fast paced, multi-media ride through the life of a voice actor and he performs over 200 voices live.
- Has voiced Johnny Depp twice; as Jack Sparrow in Kingdom Hearts II (2005) and as Willy Wonka in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005).
- Has hosted behind the scenes events for Disney, Cartoon Network and Lucasfilm.
- He is a Lutheran and likes reading from the Bible.
- Self published his first book, "JAT 365:365 Daily Inspirations for the Pursuit of Your Dreams", in November 2013.
- Has hosted Disney Star Wars Weekends three years in a row at Disney Hollywood Studios in Orlando, Florida.
- He prefers voicing in family friendly projects and doesn't like cursing.
- He is a huge fan of Seinfeld and got his daughter to watch it.
- His zodiac sign is Leo.
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