Edgar Vivar
- Actor
- Soundtrack
Edgar Vivar is a Mexican actor. He is best remembered as "Señor Barriga" and his son "Ñoño" from El Chavo, and as "El Botija" from El Chapulín Colorado and Chespirito.
In 1970, Chespirito needed a robust person to play "Señor Barriga" ("Mr. Potbelly" in English) as well as Ñoño in his upcoming Televisa production of El Chavo, and Vivar was hired for the job.
Vivar also appeared in Bandidas (2006) and El Orfanato (2007).
In 1970, Chespirito needed a robust person to play "Señor Barriga" ("Mr. Potbelly" in English) as well as Ñoño in his upcoming Televisa production of El Chavo, and Vivar was hired for the job.
Vivar also appeared in Bandidas (2006) and El Orfanato (2007).
TV Series
- Botija
- Ñoño
- El Botija
- Sr. Barriga
- Señor Barriga
- Detective
- Gordon Botija
- Vecino
- Asaltante
- Asmático
- Cliente
- Cobrador
- Comprador
- Dr. Nájera
- El Mil Caras
- Experto explosivos
- Hermano
- Ingeniero
- Inventor
- Ladrón
- Manager
- Mesero
- Médico
- Papá
- Peluquero
- Pretendiente
- Robachicos
- Señor Barriga y Ñoño
- Señor Barrigas
- Sheriff
- Sr. Barrigas
- Turista
- Villanueva
- vendedor de seguros