I had initially heard good stuff about this animated movie, so I decided to give it a go! The story, well sure it is loosely based on the Romeo & Juliet story, but it is more than just that. There is also a bunch of comedy in the story, along with some really interesting characters.
The CGI animation looked really cool and were nicely made. Lots of really great details in the scenes and the in each characters. It was obvious that lots of efforts had been put into this.
As for the best part of the movie, well that would simply have to be the list of voice actors/actresses. Holy moly! There is such a bunch of really good names on this list, James McAvoy, Emily Blunt, Michael Caine, Jason Statham, Patrick Stewart and a bunch others. There were also some really cool cameo appearances by Hulk Hugan and Ozzy Osbourne.
That being said, then the movie was somewhat shallow. Sure it had enough entertainment value for one watching, but I doubt it highly that I will ever be watching this movie ever again. For an animation of 2011 it didn't quite reach up to the likes such as "How to Train Your Dragon", "Megamind" or "Despicable Me". The movie is beautifully made, but it just lacks something vital.
A good enough movie for an evening of entertainment, but it is about as far as it goes.