now, any stoner can point to a bizarre or avant-garde sequence in a film, especially an animated one, and make outlandish claims that the creators were smoking some serious weed when they came up with it. Usually, I would tend to disagree with this dramatic stereotype. But the creators of Santa Claus is Coming to Town must have been toking something righteous when they designed what is by far the most psychedelic christmas special ever. Beyond the confusing 30 second musical sequences and violent pupil dilations, santa claus is coming to town is an interesting look at a young Santa Claus' rise to fame over a toy-hating mayor burgermeiser meiserburger. Excluding camp value, for which i give this piece a 10, the plotline is thoroughly entertaining and the animation unique to its time period. The color schemes of the delightfully morbid town then meiserburger inhabits supposovely inspired none other than Mr. morbid himself, Tim Burton. particularly interesting to this non-denomonational piece are the portraits of Santa Claus as a Christ-like figure and the inclusion of a warlock whom Santa befriends, which i suppose adds to and detracts from the commercialization of Christmas as an all-religions afair.