This installment from the Frank Darabont, director of Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile and soon to come Fahrenheit 451, came back in 2001. This film highlights th actor Jim Carrey in a more serious role aside from his brilliance ion the realm of comedy. This film has a great message about standing up for what we believe in against any kind of oppression or tyranny even if it comes from our own government. This is told using a flavorful twist of identities, which of course is based primarily upon the old French Medieval legend- Return of Martin Guerre, and the growing concern of communism in the late 40's and early 50's. There are also some other historical aspects that need to be addressed. This movie came at the eve of 9-11, which led to a massive hysteria over, not Commies, but of Muslims. Interesting how the writer/director Darabont takes this lost character who takes another's identity and transforms him a hero by simply adding that Carrey had amnesia. He now has a great message to give to the courts and to the "whole of mankind." At the time this movie came out, it seemed like the movie had little purpose and meaning. Watching it today, it has gained a new meaning and warning on our civilization(wasn't Darabont lucky). Unfortunately, I don't buy the argument and disagree. There are too many little details either missing or unlikely that hurt the story. Still, the originality, color, relationships, character development, angles, and plot development all draw to make this film highly enjoyable. This film receives 88.5 out of 100 points.