I actually never really watched Doug growing up in the 90's. Coming back to it as an adult, it is one of the few children's cartoons I can watch and still enjoy. I don't know why I did not like this as a kid, perhaps it was because of the unusually colored characters. Doug really reminds me of Charlie Brown, both have sisters, have dogs, are bald, and somewhat of an outcast but are lovable. Doug is so relatable, and each episode is great with Doug writing a journal and his imagination sequences awesome. Each episode is basically Doug imagining a worse case scenario and it turning out to be a lot better than he expected. The music is great and the characters are all likable, even Roger to an extent. I really like this show as Doug is an introvert and it shows an introvert's prospective on life, where a lot of other shows, the protagonist is a bit more of an extrovert.