Enjoyable and likable movie about the making of a soft core sex movie in Hong Kong. Probably gets it's Cat3 rating for one particular scene in a telephone box but there are plenty of sexy, touching, inspiring and thought provoking moments. The film maker has his own personal problems as well as the 'artistic' considerations to deal with. There is also the question of the (lovely) leading lady who wants to do the sex film without nude scenes. Played by Shu Qi in only her second film, this is a very fine performance and much of the film's sparkle emanates from the way she deals with her own coming to terms with the sex scenes. She complains that if she makes her orgasmic scenes more 'real' then people watching will think they are real. Good point and just one of the contradictions in this deceptively simple little film. Returning to that scene in the telephone box, for instance, where in order to get the scene as wanted and on the street, the guy goes at it for real tearing off dress and bra. She 'acts' terrified and the passers by roar approval and disapproval as the sexy 'rape' is enacted before all our eyes. An interesting movie that is well worth a watch.