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The Wednesday Play (1964–1970)
Not all formulae are formulaic
1 December 2006
The Wednesday play seemed to me a brave attempt to do something new and interesting with drama on television. Very like fringe theatre in some respects but with an ability to stretch locations I found it immensely stimulating as a teenager and would love to see more TV drama like it.

Things like The Sopranos or 6' under seem to me to represent a very commercialised aspect of the attempt to surprise and stimulate that The Wednesday Play did in an understated way.

I suppose one could look back to things like Armchair Theatre to such one-offs too. I know that writers of equally good talent must still exist but are they getting the chances they deserve? Otherwise, what do we do? Flog off to Edinburgh again and sleep on a floor? At my age? Well, yes of course if I have to.
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