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Not really feeling it.....
25 October 2007
I don't think I've ever seen a romantic drama so devoid of....romance.

The insipid dialogue dragged on and on and I never got the feeling that the characters felt anything more for one another than physical lust. How could ANYONE feel a mental spark with someone else based on such inane conversation? Every time Ethan Hawke opened his mouth and said something I couldn't help but think of what a douschebag his character was and marveled that any female would consider spending time with him as romantic.

Truthfully, the time the two main characters spent together reminded me more of a few bad dates I've had with little chemistry rather of than two people falling in love. The only thing that was convincing was the actors' physical expressions, and I commend them for at least managing to deliver some sense of plausibility to this tale through their physical acting skills. When they weren't talking but were looking at each other or hugging each other, then I believed their was some love there. But again, that is the PHYSICAL, so I couldn't help but feel it was just hormonal lust at work. I certainly couldn't see their relationship going beyond 2 or 3 more dates.

I think Linklater could've been a little more imaginative and romantic with the dialogue. I understand the need to not be sappy or clichéd, but c'mon, the thing with romance is that it NEEDS FANTASY and IMAGINATION, something the dialogue in this movie lacked. But the coolest part of the movie was the end when they revisited all the places they had hung out the night before, except this time the spots did not contain...them! Interesting look at how social relationships really add another dimension to physical spaces and locations.

Strangely this movie did leave me with a strange feeling of unholiness, impurity, and debasement for any previous casual sexual encounters...

Final Grade: C+
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