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Wild Texas Wind (1991 TV Movie)
I quite liked it
15 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I decided to watch this film after coming across it late one night about 13 years ago, partly because I love Dolly and partly because I was bored. Loved the music (even the two dodgy duets between Dolly and Ray) and thought it was an interesting story idea. I agree that it wasn't a great film but I don't think it was all that bad either. It only started to go downhill for me really after Justice attacks Thiola for the last time because then everything starts speeding along without much sense like SPOILERS Why Ben called an ambulance if he and T both had their cars after he found her at the gas station bathroom.

No real explanation of what they were doing when they were both taken in the police cars after Justice got shot.

Why Ben was a suspect and T wasn't (unless he confessed cos he thought she did it. Or because there would've been the same evidence against her) but honestly the only motives they had were the very reasons in my opinion they couldn't have done it. Not that that would be important in the police investigation.

And of course the sudden attack of morality and deathbed confession of the father. Whom it was obvious (to me) anyway was the murderer all along.

END SPOILERS That aside I thought the performances were good. I hated the characters of Justice and Harlan which is unusual for me as I usually feel a lot of sympathy for the 'Bad Guys' in films. And it was a good story but it needed more development.
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