I thought this was a big mistake for Vin Diesel to take this role. but as far as the movie goes ... a Navy Seal fails to protect a Scientist and he winds up being assigned to guard the children of the scientist and also find the secret formula or something like that somewhere in the house, but it turns out he is nothing more than a mere babysitter, as he has to deal with 4 kids different ages. Still he has to look around the house and try to find out where the Scientist has hidden the key information that Foreign spys are looking for. He becomes involved in the children's life more as a father figure than anything else,, helping them get ready for school and all that,, as I can well relate to my days doing that for 3 kids,, not a horribly bad movie, just not the greatest choice of actors to play that role I believe, I could have seen Robin Williams better in that kind of role to be perfectly honest.