This one happened because Letterman was young and talented and he was being mentored by johnny Carson. since Carson was much more modest and shy too those he helped had to have the talent to make it on their own. Letterman turned out as a Cum Laud graduate. Carson wanted to name David as his replacement and World Wide Pants was actually a production company associated with Carson directly.
The reason NBC did not make Letterman the new tonight show guy was an NBC exec was still angry they had to really give Carson such a generous contract. NBC had to really open the vault to give Carson all he asked for but that money is on of the reasons this got started.
Letterman did the rest and created a late night that would not create an empty space when Carson retired. He did it very well and would go on to fill the Empty Ed Sullivan Theater as well.
The reason NBC did not make Letterman the new tonight show guy was an NBC exec was still angry they had to really give Carson such a generous contract. NBC had to really open the vault to give Carson all he asked for but that money is on of the reasons this got started.
Letterman did the rest and created a late night that would not create an empty space when Carson retired. He did it very well and would go on to fill the Empty Ed Sullivan Theater as well.