"The truth is, there is another violent sting in the tail, but that doesn't concern racism and it occurs behind the closed door, that manifests the topos rampant among the key demographic, the drug addiction, yes, the Purify family has a black sleep, the firstborn of The Good Reverend Doctor Purify and his wife (Davis and Dee, both as expected, are terrific as a stern father and a doting mother, respectively), Flipper's elder brother Gator Purify (Jackson), is an out-and-out hophead who spends the whole film soliciting money from his kindred, a breakthrough turn from Jackson which notably earned him an acting award in Cannes, not for BEST ACTOR, but a special BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR (an award they don't accord annually), here Jackson is so lived-in in that jittery, jacked, importunate state as to dwarf Halle Berry's big screen debut as Gator's fellow crackhead into affected rants of profanity, and Lee also vehemently ram the hellscape of a crackhouse into every viewer's throat, if that doesn't dissuade you from shunning the substance abuse, nothing ever will."
read my full review on my blog: cinema omnivore, thanks
read my full review on my blog: cinema omnivore, thanks