I quit watching this more than once and if I never reached the end but decided to do a review anyway the not in front of horrible in my title would not have been there. This is a movie that could only be made with the storyline it has by a millennial. It's incredibly self indulgent and clearly a product of someone who has been sheltered from the realities of the world. That isn't an entirely bad thing but how the group of people searching for an answer are all in their 20's and successful as a acclaimed Operetta composer, best selling author, champion pit fighter and a well known Stand up comic only happens in the realm of fantasy, which is fine but who can relate to this. If the cast was of a reasonable age for their accomplishments it would be far more believable. The movie itself isn't bad the idea is sound and a more capable cast and crew could have made an excellent film out of the premise. Don't expect to much from the ending but to me at least it went horrible to not horrible with how it ended.