When do bad decisions turn out to be the best?
Constantly this film puts this question out there. Simply without the bad decisions the ship and crew would not survive.
This is a glorious Sci Fi epic. Beautiful in every way with deep character development.
Time is given to explore and enjoy the simplicity of the story and ultimately the dilemma that is thrust upon both characters.
My favourite leftover from the movie is the thought, what would I do?
Maybe a better question would be what would Robinson Crusoe do? This surely is an update of that classic tale
I do not want to spoil this movie for anyone so please, enjoy.
Constantly this film puts this question out there. Simply without the bad decisions the ship and crew would not survive.
This is a glorious Sci Fi epic. Beautiful in every way with deep character development.
Time is given to explore and enjoy the simplicity of the story and ultimately the dilemma that is thrust upon both characters.
My favourite leftover from the movie is the thought, what would I do?
Maybe a better question would be what would Robinson Crusoe do? This surely is an update of that classic tale
I do not want to spoil this movie for anyone so please, enjoy.