The game has gotten worse one update after another. They come out with content they claim they have bug fixes . They don't. They recently re introduced old bugs that are worse than when they were first discovered. Get 4 or 5k hours and watch everything you worked for gone in a bugged update only to shout at deaf Devs that don't seem to care .
They have a model a plan and you don't fit the model or plan so see ya sucker . My 24k plat will rot in my account because I won't be logging in again . DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME ITS TRASH . Look up Damage stack bug on you tube see for yourself . Build a frame get some weapons put on some damage stacking archanes with some galvanized mods and watch your damage decrease to nothing in 3 shots or hits with a melee . Make it worse by adding archon shards to your warframe . Anyhow it is made for new players and as you progress the GAME BREAKS . It's like eating cake and hidden in the cake is a mouthful of razor blades . At some point you will find that wrong bite and you will find the Devs don't care the players that haven't got any apparent issues treat you like your just dumb and those that know just stop playing .
This makes for lots of new suckers to find out the hard way the game steals your time and effort and in some cases money while driving off old players . On the surface looks like a nice cake but don't be fooled it's trash you should avoid .
They have a model a plan and you don't fit the model or plan so see ya sucker . My 24k plat will rot in my account because I won't be logging in again . DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME ITS TRASH . Look up Damage stack bug on you tube see for yourself . Build a frame get some weapons put on some damage stacking archanes with some galvanized mods and watch your damage decrease to nothing in 3 shots or hits with a melee . Make it worse by adding archon shards to your warframe . Anyhow it is made for new players and as you progress the GAME BREAKS . It's like eating cake and hidden in the cake is a mouthful of razor blades . At some point you will find that wrong bite and you will find the Devs don't care the players that haven't got any apparent issues treat you like your just dumb and those that know just stop playing .
This makes for lots of new suckers to find out the hard way the game steals your time and effort and in some cases money while driving off old players . On the surface looks like a nice cake but don't be fooled it's trash you should avoid .