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The Little Princess (1939) Poster

Shirley Temple: Sara Crewe



  • Sara Crewe : Daddy?

    Captain Crewe : Sara...

    Sara Crewe : Daddy! Oh, Daddy! It is you! I found you! I found you! They said you were dead, but I knew you weren't! I knew you'd come back! Oh, Daddy, hold me, hold me close. You won't ever go away again, will you? Will you, Daddy? What's the matter, Daddy? Why don't you talk to me?

    Captain Crewe : Sara...

    Sara Crewe : Don't you know me, Daddy? I'm Sara! I'm Sara!

    Captain Crewe : Sara... Where is my daughter...

    Sara Crewe : Oh, Daddy! Something's happened to you! Mr. Bertie! Mr. Bertie! Oh, Daddy, you've got to know me! Look at me! Look at me! Oh, Daddy...


    Captain Crewe : You musn't cry. You musn't cry. We must be good soldiers, you know.

    Sara Crewe : But, I have been a good soldier, Daddy! And you don't know me!

    Captain Crewe : My little Sara never cries...

    Sara Crewe : But, I'm Sara! I'm Sara!

    Captain Crewe : Sara... Sara! My little... My darling...

    Sara Crewe : Oh, Daddy! You know me! You know me!

    Captain Crewe : Sara, my darling! My baby Sara! Sara! Poor Sara, darling!

  • Sara Crewe : I thought you said you didn't have any more rooms.

    Amanda Minchin : I didn't know then what a dear little girl was coming.

    Sara Crewe : Why does that make more rooms, Daddy?

  • Amanda Minchin : Sara, I shall expect an explanation of this.

    Sara Crewe : Yes, Miss Minchin. As soon as I can think of one.

  • Becky : Do you see what I do?

    Sara Crewe : I don't know what you see, but I don't think I believe what I'm seeing.

    Becky : Well I never.

    Sara Crewe : Do you feel that?

    Becky : Yes, Miss.

    Sara Crewe : What do you see?

    Becky : I see a fire, Miss.

    Sara Crewe : And a table with food on it, and a rug and a lamp, and slippers.

    Becky : I do indeed, Miss. How did it all get here? Did you pretend it into happening?

    Sara Crewe : I don't know. I've never pretended as good as this before. Look at these.

  • Queen Victoria : What is it, child?

    Sara Crewe : My father, they said he died at Mafeking. But I don't believe it! He may be here with the new wounded men, but they won't let me look! If they don't, I may never have another chance. Can you make them let me look?

    Queen Victoria : Colonel, will you please see that this child is escorted through the wards?

    Colonel : With permission, I shall accompany her personally, Your Majesty.

    Sara Crewe : What... what's your name?

    Queen Victoria : Victoria. What's yours?

    Sara Crewe : Sara... oh Your Majesty!

    [kneels and kisses the Queen's hand] 

  • Sara Crewe : Mr. Bertie, will it be all right if I come again tomorrow?

    Bertie Minchin : I shouldn't run away too often, princess. You might get punished, you know. I'll keep a sharp look out whenever the wounded come in.

    Sara Crewe : You don't really believe he'll ever come, do you?

    Bertie Minchin : Yes, yes, of course I do. I told you missing men often turn up.

    Sara Crewe : Then I'd better come. You might not know if he's very much changed.

    Bertie Minchin : All right, dear. You come.

    Sara Crewe : Goodbye Mr. Bertie.

    Bertie Minchin : Goodbye dear.

  • Sara Crewe : Please sir, were you with the troops at Mafeking?

    Traumatized Young Soldier : Yes, of course I was. That's where I ran away, you know.

    Sara Crewe : Did you know my father, Captain Crewe?

    Traumatized Young Soldier : [cutting out a paper soldier]  Yes, yes of course. That's a fine-looking officer, isn't he? He ought to do well.

    Sara Crewe : But where did you see my father last? Where is he now?

    Traumatized Young Soldier : Where is who?

    Sara Crewe : My father!

    Traumatized Young Soldier : Of course one soldier more or less doesn't make any difference, you know. That's why I'm making thousands and thousands of troops for England. See? Good strong fellows who won't be afraid as I was. I was afraid. That's why I ran away, you know.

    Sara Crewe : Mr. Bertie, he says he knows my father, but he won't tell.

    Bertie Minchin : He's living in a dream, Sara. He doesn't know what he's saying.

  • Sara Crewe : Here she is, on the bookshelves.

    Ram Dass : Bookshelves.

    Sara Crewe : Oh... I pretend they're bookshelves filled with beautiful sets of books.

    Ram Dass : Then I'd better remove her before she ruins your set of Dickens. This is your room, Miss?

    Sara Crewe : Yes, it's so little and so high above everything that it's like a nest in a tree. I can lie on my soft sofa and look up at the sky through that little hole in the roof.

    Ram Dass : Sofa?

    Sara Crewe : Well... it looks more like a sofa when it's made up, and I imagine it has warm blankets and lovely cushions to curl up on.

    Ram Dass : But there is a fire at night, of course?

    Sara Crewe : Well... that is the hardest of all to imagine, especially at night, but it's lovely when I can.

    Becky : The cook wants you, and she's in an awful mood!

    Sara Crewe : Excuse me, Ram Dass, I've got to go to the butcher's, and I'll get my ears boxed if I don't hurry!

  • Amanda Minchin : Sara, where have you been? Answer me. You've been out, haven't you?

    Sara Crewe : Yes, Miss Minchin.

    Amanda Minchin : What do you mean by disobeying my orders?

    Sara Crewe : I had to. I had to look for my father.

    Amanda Minchin : This ridiculous search for your father! All this making believe and refusing to face facts, it's... it's indecent. I've had enough of it, you must realize once and for all that your father is dead.

    Sara Crewe : Don't you say that! He's not dead, he's not! And you can't stop me from looking for him, either.

    Amanda Minchin : How dare you speak to me in that manner, you impudent little... I'll attend to you further in the morning.

  • Amanda Minchin : Sara, how dare you -

    [sees that the things are in Sara's room, gasps] 

    Amanda Minchin : Why, what happened to this room?

    Sara Crewe : That's what we would like to know. I woke up this morning, and here everything was, even to the food and the fire.

    Amanda Minchin : [sees the special robe]  Where did you get these things?

    Sara Crewe : I don't know. It must be because I dreamed such a beautiful dream last night that it came true.

    Amanda Minchin : These articles are rare and costly.

    [turns to Sara] 

    Amanda Minchin : You stole them, didn't you?

    Sara Crewe : Oh no, Miss Minchin. We didn't take these things.

    Amanda Minchin : I'll give you one more chance to tell me the truth.

    Sara Crewe : But, I am telling you the truth. They just came.

    Becky : They didn't need, mum.

    Amanda Minchin : You go to your room. This is a matter for the police.

    Sara Crewe : Please, Miss Minchin. Don't call the police.

    Amanda Minchin : Of course, I'll call them.

    [shuts the door and locks up] 

    Sara Crewe : Oh, Miss Minchin.

  • Captain Crewe : You learning me by heart little Sara?

    Sara Crewe : No daddy, I know you by heart. You're inside my heart.

  • [last lines] 

    Sara Crewe : Your Majesty. My Dad.

  • [Sara comes in Lavinia's room to clean out the fireplace where] 

    Lavinia : I hear you're being punished.

    [turns to Jessie] 

    Lavinia : Do you think we ought to offer her a chocolate?

    Jessie : You might let her smell them.

    Lavinia : Miss Minchin surely couldn't object to that. Would you care to?

    Sara Crewe : I don't want to smell them and I don't want to eat them, thank you.

    Lavinia : You don't? Why not?

    Sara Crewe : I've had much nicer things than chocolate this morning.

    Lavinia : [giggles at this]  Listen to the princess, pretending again.

    Sara Crewe : I'm not pretending. I had the most wonderful things to eat that anyone ever had.

    Lavinia : [frowns]  Why, you little liar. You haven't even had breakfast.

    Sara Crewe : Pardon me, but I really have; and if you'll excuse me for saying so, it isn't polite to call people liars.

    Lavinia : How dare you talk back to me.

    Sara Crewe : [sarcastically]  Was I doing that? My goodness!

    [Sara dumps ashes all over Lavinia and Jessie as they scream] 

    Sara Crewe : So sorry!

    [runs off laughing] 

    Lavinia : [shouts]  You wait till I tell Miss Minchin on you!

    [sees that ashes covered, screaming and sobs] 

  • Captain Crewe : Let's pretend we're back in India, and I'm going away with the troops for a few days. We've fought this kind of battle before, haven't we? And you never cried once when I went away, remember?

    Sara Crewe : Yes, Daddy.

    Captain Crewe : Well, this is going to be our hardest battle. We'll be good soldiers, won't we?

    Sara Crewe : Yes, Daddy.

    Captain Crewe : Shall we say goodbye like we used to at home?

    Sara Crewe : Yes, Daddy.

  • Ram Dass : Missy Sahib speaks Hindustani?

    Sara Crewe : I've lived in India all my life.

    Ram Dass : Missy Sahib is going to live in England now?

    Sara Crewe : Only until my father gets through making those Boers behave.

    Ram Dass : Missy Sahib has been a soldier?

    Sara Crewe : Yes, my father's a captain. Captain Crewe.

  • Sara Crewe : It's getting harder every day to pretend my father is safe.

    Geoffrey Hamilton : I'll let you in on a little secret. I enlisted today, but while I don't want Miss Rose to know quite yet, I'll be going over there shortly.

    Sara Crewe : To Mafeking? Then perhaps you can help my father.

    Geoffrey Hamilton : We'll get him out.

  • Bertie Minchin : Don't be ridiculous, Amanda.

    Amanda Minchin : Then, how do you account for those silk coverlets, those robes and other things that are there?

    Bertie Minchin : Perhaps a little bird brought them in. Perhaps they grew legs and walked in. I don't know. All I do know is that little Sara wouldn't steal.

    Colonel : Bertie!

    Bertie Minchin : Yes?

    Colonel : Bertie, what do you think has happened? The little princess found her father!

    Bertie Minchin : She's found him!

    Amanda Minchin : Captain Crewe is alive?

    Bertie Minchin : Of course, he's alive! How could she find him, if he wasn't alive?

    Sara Crewe : Oh, Mr. Bertie! I've found my father!

    Bertie Minchin : Darling, I'm so glad!

  • [first lines] 

    Sara Crewe : Why are they sending so many soldiers, daddy, if it's only going to be a little war?

    Captain Crewe : To make those stubborn Boers take us seriously this time, my darling. When they realize Her Majesty intends to put a stop to their nonsense, they'll quiet down.

    Sara Crewe : They'd better. Anyhow, when you get there, you'll stop them. Won't you, daddy?

    Captain Crewe : I'll do my best, dear.

See also

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