In the late 1960s the show was temporarily revived, but not as a weekly anthology series of docudramas. Instead, it presented, over a period of about two years, four special programs, all adaptations of classic Broadway shows. "Brigadoon", "Carousel" and "Kiss Me Kate" all starred Robert Goulet (with different leading ladies), and "Kismet" starred José Ferrer in his only televised appearance in a Broadway musical.
From June 1950 to June 1955 this show was broadcast weekly for 30 minutes, and consisted of original dramas relating to the contemporary world. In September 1955 it was expanded to 60 minutes, and programming consisted of dramatic shows featuring current, real-life events. Between September 1955 and June 1956 this show alternated every four weeks with the following television shows: Playwrights '56 (1955), The 20th Century-Fox Hour (1955), and The United States Steel Hour (1953). In July 1956, The Kaiser Aluminum Hour (1956) replaced Playwrights '56 (1955), and the four shows continued to alternate every four weeks until October 1957, when it alternated every week with the "The United States Steel Hour". This continued until June 1963, when "Reckoning" replaced "The United States Steel Hour". The final broadcast was August 28, 1963.