Beautiful brown-eyed Lisa Davis (as Princess Ann) follows Huntz Hall (as as Horace Debussy "Sach" Jones) into the "Sweet Shop" and asks to see proprietor Bernard Gorcey (as Louie Dumbrowsky). Ms. Davis reveals she is a blue-blood from Louie's home country, the "Kingdom of Truania". We learn Louie has a brother named "Felix" who is a loyal subject (unfortunately, this Dumbrowsky does not appear). Davis' father, a heavily German-accented Sig Ruman (as King Rako), has been deposed.
Naturally, "The Bowery Boys" are enlisted to help restore King Ruman to his throne. Leo Gorcey (as Terence Aloysius "Slip" Mahoney) begins drilling Mr. Hall, David "Condon" Gorcey (as Chuck) and Benny "Bennie" Bartlett (as Butch) in military maneuvers. The "Spy Chasers" must guard half a coin from Truania, and defeat revolutionaries led by Leon Askin (as Alex Baxis) and his busty moll Veola Vonn (as Zelda). Her underwear, and a diner scene with Hall and Gorcey, are highlights.
**** Spy Chasers (7/31/55) Edward Bernds ~ Huntz Hall, Leo Gorcey, Bernard Gorcey, Veola Vonn