- Sportin' Life: Tell me, Bess. Do you like the little present I sold the Crown for you?
- Bess: I like it.
- [Bess and Crown began to kiss]
- Crown: Give me a franc, make it quick.
- Sportin' Life: All right, Crown.
- [Clara seeing that the storm is coming, Maria comes to her]
- Maria: Why have you been out standing on the street has the water so long, Clara?
- Clara: It's getting dark. I hate to think of Jake out there, when it gets dark in the daytime.
- Maria: You got no cause to worry about you, ma'am.
- Clara: I've never see the water look so black. Just sitting there and waiting and holding its breath. Waiting for the hurricane bell.
- Maria: Hurricane bell? Lord, child, there ain't going be no hurricane. I'm getting old now and I haven't heard that bell ring, but four times in my life... You go along with the baby now and quiet down.
- Clara: I'll be home soon.
- [Robbins throws the dice and sees that dice is nine]
- Robbins: Read 'em, nine spot! Nine right!
- Sportin' Life: He made it!
- [Robbins grabs the money and Crown seizes his hands]
- Crown: Touch that money and meet your god.
- [grabs his wrists]
- Robbins: Take your hands off me, you lousy hound!
- Crown: Nobody's getting away with Crown's money.
- [Crown began to fighting and strangling Robbins]
- [Detective and Coroner goes to Porgy's door, knocks on door]
- Detective: All right. Come on out both of you, beggars. Step lively.
- [Porgy opens the door]
- Detective: What's your name?
- Porgy: Porgy. You know me, sir. You seeing me on Meeting Street?
- Coroner: Oh, of course, you're the goat man. I didn't recognize you without your wagon. I'm the coronor, not the policeman. Now, this dead one Crown. You knew him by sight, didn't you. You'd know him if you saw him again?
- Porgy: It... seems like I remember him, when he uses to come around.
- Detective: Well, you're gonna look on him again right now. Come on.
- Coroner: There's nothing to be afraid of. All you got to do is view the body as a witness and tell us who it is.
- Porgy: You want me to look on Crown's face?
- Coroner: That's all.