28 of 45 found this to have none
In one scene a man and a woman are shown kissing.
A man drops coins into a woman's cleavage.
The women of the village are hidden, because they thought outsiders "would rape them."
17 of 33 found this mild
A man is shot in the shoulder with blood splatter.
Overall, extremely mild by current standards.
A few bandits are shot by the good guys.
A man is killed by a thrown knife during a contest
Some of the main characters are shot and are shown dying.
Small amount of blood in some scenes.
Villagers also use various weapons including axes and machetes to defend their village.
You do see a bandit with an axe in his back.
17 of 30 found this mild
'Damn' and 'Helll' are used a small number of times.
22 of 26 found this mild
Small amounts of drinking and smoking.
A character is seen intoxicated and behaves violently while under the influence.
12 of 29 found this mild
The final battle may be a bit intense to some.