- Mrs. Ferret: Have you been fired?
- Ferret: [brushing it off] Fired?
- [laughs]
- Ferret: Hahaha! Fired? Hahahaha
- [more nervous now]
- Mrs. Ferret: Then why is the car for sale?
- [we see the car through the house window; in the side window there is a crudely written sign saying FORSALE]
- Ferret: Oh that? That's a mistake. That's one of Rimmer's cockups. That should read Fors Ale. A new beer we're advertising.
- [as giving a slogan]
- Ferret: Fors Ale - keeps you hearty and hale.
- Mrs. Ferret: Well I've never heard of it.
- Ferret: And you may never! Very hush hush.
- Steven Hench: Mr Blocket, you had been on rather acrimonious terms with the late Prime Minister
- Blocket: We had our differences
- Steven Hench: On one occasion, indeed on several occasions, you described him as a two-faced weasel-eyed git.
- Blocket: In the rough and tumble of parliamentary debate things are said that can often be misinterpreted but there was a lot of warmth there.
- Priest: Have you been able to find time for the survey in regard to the declining attendance in England's churches?
- Michael Rimmer: Yes, we have.
- Priest: We've tried everything, you know... cutthroat bingo, hallucinogens in the wafers, neon lights for the graveyards, chapels on wheels, fifty-fifty drawings after communion...
- Michael Rimmer: Really?
- Priest: [grabbing hold of his vestments] And these clothes are a bit out-of-date for the 1960s.
- Michael Rimmer: Yes, well, we've done a great deal of research on the results of our religious polls and I believe we have discovered the true root of the problem.
- Priest: What would that be?
- Michael Rimmer: God.
- Priest: I had a nasty suspicion it was that.
- Michael Rimmer: It's just that people have a hard time believing in Him. So, get rid of the God and you'll do just fine.
- Priest: Interesting. Sort of an "Our Father who *might be* in heaven"...
- Michael Rimmer: Yes, very good.
- Michael Rimmer: [after seeing Fromage faint] What's the matter with Fromage?
- Pumer: Oh, these recent sex surveys have him worn out.
- Priest: [on a television interview] I have nothing against Buddhism, per se. It is possible for people to approach God in a great many ways... but there is no need to be silly about it!
- Old woman at party conference: [heckling] What about the Old Age Pension?
- Tom Hutchinson: Don't talk to me about "unemployment", young man! I was unemployed before you were born!
- Steven Hench: [In radio studio] How do you feel about the violent heckling which punctuated your speech?
- Tom Hutchinson: I am not saying that the Labour Party was *responsible* for this disgraceful episode. But I will say this - it did seem to be *organised*.
- [Looks at Michael Rimmer through studio glass]
- Michael Rimmer: Peter, I was just jotting down a few reasons why you might want to leave IOP and come over to us at the Fairburn Organisation.
- [hands over cheque]
- Peter Niss: Oh yes, I see, that's very well put. Yes, I particularly like the noughts.
- Steven Hench: [addressing man in studio audience] You sir! What do you think about publicising people's personal sexual habits?
- [Man hides his face in hands]
- Steven Hench: You seem to disapprove. I wonder if your wife agrees.
- [Looks at woman next to him]
- Woman in studio audience: I'm not his wife, go away please!
- Steven Hench: [to audience] Anyone else from Doncaster?
- Bishop of Cowley: I do think Doubt is a terribly important part of Belief. You mean if we were to phase out the God-side of our worship, we'd get better attendances?
- Weapons Demo film announcer: So for those who think the British Lion has lost its teeth, let them be warned that it can still give them a pretty nasty suck.
- Patricia Cartwright: I've got the Olympic Heats tomorrow.
- Michael Rimmer: I've got the Olympic Heats tonight.
- Willing: [At identity parade] I couldn't swear to it, but it might just possibly be the one in the green shirt.
- Patricia Cartwright: That's about the only time we've been together. When there's a photographer around.
- Tom Hutchinson: I'd just like to say that my talks with the President were wide-ranging, full, and exhaustive.