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No actual sex or kissing takes place in this film (despite a publicity photo on the Region 2 DVD cover showing Daniel kissing Melody on the cheek), although Daniel and Melody do almost kiss in one scene before they are interrupted.
In a scene played for laughs, Daniel's mother confiscates an unspecified dirty magazine one of the boys gave him at school, and an artistic nude he was attempting to draw from it. We are briefly shown both the topless model and the derivative artwork.
In one scene, a young girl discusses kissing with her friends and mentions that she'd previously thought "kissing would bring babies."
In a dinner party scene involving Daniel and his parents, the adults take to discussing the Roman Catholics' opposition to contraception, prompting some mildly off-color joking until the mother admonishes the father not to go into the matter any further in front of their son.
In one scene, a couple of boys unsuccessfully attempt to hoodwink a bouncer and sneak into a peep show. Some of the show's advertising pictures, featuring full frontal nudity, appear at a distance briefly in the background.
In another scene, the headmaster insists to Daniel that there are a great many things he doesn't understand about Melody, obviously referring to his lack of sex education (although this is never openly stated).
In a scene which has some unruly students struggling with the schoolmasters, some of the adults' clothes get torn, briefly exposing feminine undergarments in some cases.
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A few scenes portraying changeovers and recesses at the school show the students jostling each other and some general roughhousing.
At a school dance, a boy kicks a girl in the shin for insulting him.
One scene dealing with corporal punishment shows a student receiving "six of the best" from a schoolmaster's shoe, and heavily implies another student's punishment immediately afterward (not actually shown) was far more painful.
Several students are shown experimenting with making explosives throughout the film as a plot point. Later, one of them successfully detonates one of these explosives, destroying a vehicle.
Two students get into a scrap with each other in a classroom, slam each other against the furniture, and pummel each other with their fists while the others egg them on until a schoolmaster arrives to break up the fight. One of them gets a bloody nose.
As mentioned, the students and the schoolmasters get into a mighty struggle with each other, during which some clothes get torn. One student also hits a schoolmaster over the head with his shoe. No one appears to have taken any lasting injuries from this fight by the end, however.
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A few distinctly British epithets ("bloody" in particular) are sprinkled throughout the film.
A background billboard advertising the movie Patton (1970) includes some legible print including a quote from the General featuring some of his saltier language.
At one point, a boy tells the others "Last one on the bus is a queer!"
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Drugs, recreational: None.
A couple of the students smoke cigarettes during a recess montage.
At a dinner party, Daniel's parents and their adult friends have glasses containing either wine or brandy while he is given Coca Cola to drink. He tips over his drink and, while everyone is preoccupied with cleaning up the mess, surreptitiously downs the remainder of one of the adults' drinks.
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A rather intense athletic scene ends with a boy collapsing from the strain after winning a race.
The aforementioned corporal punishment scene in which two children are visibly frightened at the very real possibility that they may be facing more corporal punishment.
There are several painful moments depicting the cruelty of children to other children.
The general mayhem near the end of the film is mostly played for laughs.